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Question a Member: Storts

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  1. Do you like any other team besides your beloved Spurs?
  2. What are your other favourite sports besides football?
  3. If you won a million on the lottery what would you spend it on?
  4. What other countries in the world would you like to live in?
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What countries politics do you follow other than UK?

Who are 3 public figures that have really inspired you?

What are your 3 favourite types of alcohol to consume?

What are your 3 favourite beers?

What is your guilty pleasure go to food?

You're out late and hungry, what is your first choice food?

Would you rather go skiing or surfing?

What are your 3 favourite countries outside the UK?

How many haircuts have you had since the pandemic began?

If you were able to be granted access to any restricted/classified/ not for public access location in the world to have free reign to explore, review documents, listen to what was being said in the room, etc. What location would you choose and why?

Who do you most despise?

How much money would you need to be paid for you to agree to swim across the Thames from the London eye?

What is the best restaurant meal you've ever eaten and what was the restaurant?



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On 01/10/2020 at 10:18, Danny said:

If you had a kid with a posh bird and that kid came out posh would you call him Stortford?

Ha - it’s got to be on the table hasnt it - could be just what is needed in that situation 

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On 02/10/2020 at 12:10, Toinho said:

Favourite footballer of all time?

Favourite food?

Favourite place in the world?

What are the three best things about living in England? 

1. Tricky one, but probably Harry Kane and actually by probably I mean definitely. I couldn’t love him anymore if I tried. The other option that was in the running has actually just returned to the club...so having Bale and Kane here at the same time is a dream come true

2. Good question - definitely varies although I’m just going to go with a slightly weird answer and say eggs. Just so versatile but honestly they’re just fantastic however you prepare them. Morning and evening. 

3. Honestly, London. Still hands down there best city I’ve ever been to. Outside that I’d have to say Greece. Just love the country, love the people, has so much to offer. You can find all these idyllic spots across the world but Greek beaches are up there with the very best of them.

4. This is actually a hard question and certainly my answers may have changed over the past 4 years as I’ve slowly become more disillusioned with this Country and the people in it. I’ll say though, 1. The sporting culture 2. The pub culture 3. The NHS

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On 02/10/2020 at 12:19, CaaC (John) said:
  1. Do you like any other team besides your beloved Spurs?
  2. What are your other favourite sports besides football?
  3. If you won a million on the lottery what would you spend it on?
  4. What other countries in the world would you like to live in?

1. Not really no. I go and see my local team Bishops Stortford when I get a chance to just do my bit to support the local community and actually it’s nice at the moment to just go and see some live football but otherwise I wouldn’t say so. 

2. I just love sport generally, live and breathe it. There aren’t many sports you wouldn’t catch me watching but in terms of hierarchy for what’s next after football it’s probably cricket, NFL, baseball. The latter I have a strong interest in as I’m part of the MLBUKCommunity

3. This is so boring but definitely a house. Want to get onto the property ladder and obviously this would give me the opportunity to do so. Would probably do some travelling when allowed also and just a blow a bit on having fun.

4. Good question - for a long time when i was younger I would have said the US, but that dwindled a lot when the situation became closer to reality and you notice how far behind on a train of social liberties they are and just the extent to which much of that country is pretty stuck in the past. I wouldn’t mind the cliches of New Zealand or Canada. Outside the box then Scandinavia I think would be cool 

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On 02/10/2020 at 12:37, Harry said:

What countries politics do you follow other than UK?

Good question - I definitely follow world politics as a whole so current affairs generally meaning any sort of political development. Closely through definitely the US, also Germany and France, and Australia to an extent too.

On 02/10/2020 at 12:37, Harry said:

Who are 3 public figures that have really inspired you?

Great question - Tony Blair (regardless of everything post 2004 and not to reopen old debates again) but growing up in a New Labour and the difference they were able to make to people domestically really got me interested in politics. Recently have to say Captain Tom Moore - what an absolute inspiration to have done what he did at the time and just raise morale and spirit as well as huge amounts of money at a time when we needed it. Thirdly Angela Rayner

On 02/10/2020 at 12:37, Harry said:

What are your 3 favourite types of alcohol to consume?

Beer, rum, white wine

On 02/10/2020 at 12:37, Harry said:

What are your 3 favourite beers?

Definitely not one of these craft beer people, not that I don't enjoy them, just more than happy with a regular selection. So if I'm in a pub and from your standard selection, probably either an Estrella, Birra Moretti or a Stella. Possibly a Neck Oil.

On 02/10/2020 at 12:37, Harry said:

What is your guilty pleasure go to food?


On 02/10/2020 at 12:37, Harry said:

You're out late and hungry, what is your first choice food?

Taking these two together cause think they're pretty similar for me. Definitely cheesy chips and go to would have to be pizza. Possibly both together if I'm really hungry/drunk

On 02/10/2020 at 12:37, Harry said:

Would you rather go skiing or surfing?

Skiing I think - although would rather go somewhere hot. Just don't think surfing is really for m.e

On 02/10/2020 at 12:37, Harry said:

What are your 3 favourite countries outside the UK?

West Coast USA, Greece, Croatia

On 02/10/2020 at 12:37, Harry said:

How many haircuts have you had since the pandemic began?

I've had 3 I believe. All since July 4th

On 02/10/2020 at 12:37, Harry said:

If you were able to be granted access to any restricted/classified/ not for public access location in the world to have free reign to explore, review documents, listen to what was being said in the room, etc. What location would you choose and why?

Does this have to be modern times? I think I could think of a number of historical times in history where that would be incredible.

I think recently though I'd have to say China - particularly during the start of their covid outbreak - to try and get a real sense of what was going on.

On 02/10/2020 at 12:37, Harry said:

Who do you most despise?

Sol Campbell, Boris Johnson and this iteration of the Tory Party, Trump

On 02/10/2020 at 12:37, Harry said:

How much money would you need to be paid for you to agree to swim across the Thames from the London eye?

Hahaha its funny you ask this cause it's a regular topic of conversation when sitting on the terrace at work by the Thames. The current is really strong and despite me being a good swimmer, I think it would be horrific.  So maybe £100 ha

On 02/10/2020 at 12:37, Harry said:

What is the best restaurant meal you've ever eaten and what was the restaurant?


Maybe Nopi by Ottolenghi - as love his food

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6 hours ago, Stan said:

What do you do for work? 

I work in politics - specifically in Education policy for the opposition

6 hours ago, Stan said:

What's your best memory as a kid? 

Probably some of the incredible family holidays I got taken on. Very fortunate that my parents used to take us on great trips - maybe the first time we went to Disneyland California. Such great memories from childhood

6 hours ago, Stan said:

Top 3 stadiums you've been to? 

New White Hart Lane, Bernabeu, San Siro

6 hours ago, Stan said:

Top 3 stadiums you'd love to go to? 

La Bombonera, El Monumental and Ibrox


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  • Is there a sport you watch that you think most people don't but should? Besides the ones you've mentioned above of course.
  • If you could snap your fingers and solve a world/local issue besides COVID what would it be?
  • Name one thing you can't do without in your daily life.
  • Worst stadium you've been to and why
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20 hours ago, Storts said:

Taking these two together cause think they're pretty similar for me. Definitely cheesy chips and go to would have to be pizza. Possibly both together if I'm really hungry/drunk

My thought was the first question was more of a supermarket guilty pleasure food and the latter was the drunk and fuckin hungry one.

Thanks for the responses mate.

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How do you feel about keir Starmer?

Which 3 clubs do you hate the most?

How do you spend the time on weeknights after work?

Do you think communism could ever be sustainable in the long run?

If you could steal one work of art and hang it secretly in your house what would it be?

Would you play golf with Gareth Bale?

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On 04/10/2020 at 10:01, Toinho said:

Would you rather shag a ladyboy or Stan? 

Who would you meet from TF365 for a beer? 

Does dark matter exist? 

1. Ha are they not the same thing? Probably Stan though

2. Good question and generally the vast majority of people on here. Would happily spend an afternoon in a pub having some drinks. If I had to pick 3 though I’d say you, @Bluewolf and @DeadLinesman. What an afternoon that would be.

3. Yes

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On 05/10/2020 at 10:17, Mel81x said:
  • Is there a sport you watch that you think most people don't but should? Besides the ones you've mentioned above of course
  • If you could snap your fingers and solve a world/local issue besides COVID what would it be?
  • Name one thing you can't do without in your daily life.
  • Worst stadium you've been to and why

1. I did mention it above but definitely baseball - of ones I didn’t mention I’d say ice hockey. I think football fans would actually really enjoy it as it’s so fast paced and similar in some ways - once they got over the whole ‘can’t see the puck’ thing 

2. 100% child poverty. Poverty generally but in particular the growing levels of child poverty and inequality. It’s actually so sad that In such a rich and prosperous country levels of child poverty continue to rise. 

3. my phone. My screen time is absolutely awful. I really need to cut down on it but I use it non stop 

4. The obvious Answer is the Emirates. No character, full of insufferable bellends. But outside the box probably reading, there is no redeeming feature to it. Soulless bowl on the outskirts of a town with nothing around it. 

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On 05/10/2020 at 11:14, Harry said:

How do you feel about keir Starmer?

Which 3 clubs do you hate the most?

How do you spend the time on weeknights after work?

Do you think communism could ever be sustainable in the long run?

If you could steal one work of art and hang it secretly in your house what would it be?

Would you play golf with Gareth Bale?

1. I think he’s doing fairly well. I wasn’t particularly inspired by him but after the disaster of Corbyn it is a refreshing change to have someone competent in charge. I do think he could be stronger in standing up for Labour values and beliefs and against this government but I understand the process we are going through. I’d say on the whole I’m pleased with his start as leader

2. Arsenal, Chelsea - they’re pretty close together not much separates them. And in third probably West Ham but nowhere near as strong feelings against them and a lot of my good friends support them.

3. Depends. In normal times probably out for dinner and drinks. Or watching football.  Playing golf a lot in the summer. Nowadays just relaxing - chill at home, workout when I can be bothered or go for walks. It’s definitely different. 

4. I don’t think so, no. I think we strive to become a far more socialist society but communism as a theory is flawed. I grew up in a New Labour world and definitely think they struck the right balance 

5. Not religious in the slightest but think Da Vincis the last supper would be really cool 

6. Without a doubt. Couldn’t think of anything I want to do more right now 

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On 06/10/2020 at 02:00, Cazza said:

Please feel free to delete as appropriate/comfortable with (you may need to change some to a male perspective)

What do you feel most proud of?

What do you want your tombstone to say?

What was one of your most defining moments in life?

What are you most afraid of?

What feels like love to you?

What is your strongest personal quality?

If you were president, what is the first thing you would do?

If you could witness any event of the past, present, or future, what would it be?

Favourite house hold chore.

Pay on a first date or go dutch.

Limited overs or Test match or both

How many boys have you kissed

Favourite colour.

Describe your perfect boyfriend

Have you ever gone commando.

Early riser of sleep in.

Favourite underwear

Favourite other sports.

Do you take a teddy bear to bed with you.

Have you ever wore a onesie

How many times do you shower a week.

Bad habits.

Long sleeves or short.

Do you prefer your hair up or down

Do you prefer bikinis or one peice swimsuit.

Do like skirts or trousers

Do you like prefer tights or barelegged.

Do you sing when cooking.

Do you swear when driving.

Are you accident prone.

What are your nicknames.

How many units of alcohol can you drink.

Favourite drink.

Do you like to show flesh or cover up.

What car do you drive.

Flowers or chocolates.

Ikea or traditional furniture.

How long do you take on the lavatory.

Favourite food.

Do you sleep naked or with PJ's.

Do you know what Netflix and chill means.

Night owl or early to bed.

Best tip for heavy flow

Best tip for cramps

   9_9  xD...10 years later  :coffee:


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14 hours ago, Storts said:

1. I did mention it above but definitely baseball - of ones I didn’t mention I’d say ice hockey. I think football fans would actually really enjoy it as it’s so fast paced and similar in some ways - once they got over the whole ‘can’t see the puck’ thing 

Think Ice Hockey is superb. Who do you like watching/support?

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