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Guardiola's Opinions on the Premier League

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we can read it here --  https://www.football365.com/news/guardiola-the-premier-league-is-not-the-toughest-in-the-world


“I know you like to hear, ‘It is the toughest one, congratulations’. You are the most viewed,” Guardiola said, via the Mirror.

“Of course the Premier League is tough, so tough. But I would not say going to the [Santiago] Bernabeu, Camp Nou, [Athletic] Bilbao, Sevilla is easy.

“Because in the last decade all the Spanish teams arrive in the Champions League and Europa League. Winning the Europa League — like Sevilla did three times in a row.


is that a fair assumption from Guardiola ??    or he just chose the wrong word ??    coz for me, the EPL is toughest league there is.   Just look two years ago when Leicester won the league.   Here, we have at least 5 teams that has a chance to win it.  Unlike in spain where the usual suspects every year is barcelona and madrid,  in La Liga, it's a matter of who's coming 3rd.    And Bundesliga is the most boring of them all, total monopoly by Bayern Munich.


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He's full of shite when he says otherwise. He's just bitter he can't have a back three of all midfielders and win games 3 or 4-0 like he did in Spain. 

Still remember when he had Busquets, Abidal, and Mascherano in a back three and spanked Sociedad 5-0

Last time he tried something like that he got spanked by Leicester 

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ok, let's be specific.  

tough - in terms of competition coz you have Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea, City, United and let's just include Spurs.   That's basically 6 teams that has the potential to win the league.

i remember last year, when the table was tumbling up and down.   Liverpool was leading at some stage, Arsenal was 2nd and then Chelsea were 1st and City were 2nd and then Liverpool cracked and Spurs was within reach and Arsenal was assured of 4th spot and then in the end, Arsenal was 5th and Liverpool was 4th.    Every week the table moves.  Fans of each of the teams are biting their nails every game.

In Spain .. dddddddduuuuuuuuuuuhhh, boring.   Yes, i'm a fan of madrid, but i'm not that excited about La Liga, i only need to watch the games of Madrid and see what Barcelona is doing.   We only had that fluke of Atletico Madrid winning the league, and that's that, they never did continued their momentum in La Liga.


In germany - always Bayern Munich.  it's a league of who's coming second.

so yeah, EPL for me is the toughest.

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2 minutes ago, HoneyNUFC said:

I guess Ligue 1 is tougher than the Premier League because Monaco had Pep's arse hanging out last season?

Is that how it works?


No mate...  That just showed Monaco were better than Manchester City.

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7 minutes ago, SirBalon said:

No mate...  That just showed Monaco were better than Manchester City.

His argument is that La Liga is the toughest league because the teams in it have better European competition results.

There's a logic flaw there.

Especially where Tottenham Hotspur are concerned.

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Just now, HoneyNUFC said:

His argument when you follow the link is that La Liga is the toughest league because the teams in it have better European competition results.

There's a logic flaw there.

Especially where Tottenham Hotspur are concerned.

His argument isn't that one...  His argument is that every league is difficult.  THEN he goes onto say that Spanish clubs perform on the only stage available to compare sides from different leagues which is European competition.

His argument as far as I can remember since he was even a player was that it's impossible to ascertain such a conclusion of which league is best.  There are massive clubs and amongst those massive clubs we have present stats to determine who's the best at that particular moment.

People could easily construe that my arguments over the years with you lot on two different boards has been to state that La Liga is the best and yet I've never actually said that.  My argument has always been that it is actually impossible to say this.  Anyone coming out with fleeting statements to the effect of how one division in one country is stronger than the other one needs to have a hell of a lot of details to back that up.

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Cant say if its tough or not but definitely a more competitive league. In the beginning of any season if you look at each league and think who is going to win it you have 1-2 teams clearly per league that you know will win...... but in the PL you have about 5-6 teams that have a good shot at the title. 

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1 minute ago, Asura said:

but in the PL you have about 5-6 teams that have a good shot at the title.

I can agree it's more competitive... That's a whole different story!

But the bit I've quoted...

Tell me the 5 to 6 clubs that have a realistic chance of winning the title?

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8 minutes ago, SirBalon said:

I can agree it's more competitive... That's a whole different story!

But the bit I've quoted...

Tell me the 5 to 6 clubs that have a realistic chance of winning the title?

Two manchesters, chelsea, spurs and liverpool... thats 5 clubs. 

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Just now, Burning Gold said:

I really wanted you to say Arsenal and set him off :ph34r:

I almost typed arsenal too and then deleted it because I know that would derail this thread with Balon going mad and typing 500 lines and van panna joining him and saying how its toxic at the club :ph34r:

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5 minutes ago, Asura said:

I almost typed arsenal too and then deleted it because I know that would derail this thread with Balon going mad and typing 500 lines and van panna joining him and saying how its toxic at the club :ph34r:

I wouldn't go mad...  I'd laugh a lot though. xD

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1 minute ago, SirBalon said:

hahahahahaha... Not a chance in hell! It stops at the second comma. ;)

Not really, we are just comparing the odds. Im not saying liverpool or spurs will win the league but they have a better chance to win the PL than Bilbao or Sevilla winning the league or Wolfsburg or Schalke winning the bundesliga assuming these clubs are in top 5 contenders in their respective leagues.


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1 minute ago, Asura said:

Not really, we are just comparing the odds. Im not saying liverpool or spurs will win the league but they have a better chance to win the PL than Bilbao or Sevilla winning the league or Wolfsburg or Schalke winning the bundesliga assuming these clubs are in top 5 contenders in their respective leagues.


A better chance contained within no chance...  Yeah, I suppose mate.  But it's meaningless though.

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11 minutes ago, Asura said:

Not really, we are just comparing the odds. Im not saying liverpool or spurs will win the league but they have a better chance to win the PL than Bilbao or Sevilla winning the league or Wolfsburg or Schalke winning the bundesliga assuming these clubs are in top 5 contenders in their respective leagues.


that's the exactly the point.

Pep is trying to belittle the EPL since he's not as dominating as he was in Spain and Germany :D:D 

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3 minutes ago, bozziovai said:

that's the exactly the point.

Pep is trying to belittle the EPL since he's not as dominating as he was in Spain and Germany :D:D 

Spot on. He won't praise the league until the day he can win a game with only midfielders on the pitch. 

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