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Why do the Tories hate Muslims and Black People?

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Two official Tory candidates, one equates Muslims with Nazis, the other recommends putting bacon on your door handle to guard against Muslim rapists. 

Meanwhile, after the Home Secresty was pushed out of office in order to cover up years of May's racist policy of fostering suspicion and bureaucratic oppression on Black Britons, and Sajid "my parents were immigrants" Javid was brought in to make up for it, the Tories backed by their Ulster nationalist pals in the DUP voted to block the release of vital documents tracking government action in relation to the Windrush scandal.


Since we're so concerned about tackling prejudice in British politics, I thought it might be handy to think briefly about the deep-set institutional racism in the party that, you know, is in government and which is actually ruining thousands of people's lives just for not being white. 

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😂 I see what you did there. 

The windrush is more about Mays incompetence than any institutional racism at the heart of the Tory party. They were an easy target and the silly bitch didn’t have the foresight to amend her “hostile environment for immigrants” which was fabulously unsuccessful anyway. Rudd has gone because she’s carrying the can for May who’s a dead woman walking anyway.

I would no doubt agree that the stereotypical Tory from a leafy village in the Cotswolds that’s never seen a black bloke in his/her life apart from when we play the Windies in a test match is politically incorrect. I have no doubt you’ve got a few tories who’re bat shit crazy ignorant cunts, it’s pretty universal across the political spectrum really. 

As a party I’d say no, they’re nor racist. They’ve looked to promote ethnicity and booted out any found guilty of prejudice as these candidates have been. It’s a world away from being given a plush job in the Labour hierarchy for whitewashing the report into anti Semitism in the Labour Party that chakribati got, but it was a nice try on your part. 

Also muslims vote for labour something stupid like 85-90% why are Tories going to court or invest in changing a blatantly partisan vote? Let’s be honest it’s why Blair sped up the importation of them. In a multi ethnic city it happens now, if you go labour as a council/ constituency you will get coucil housing priority given to ethnic tenants because it helps consolidate the sitting MP’s vote. A cursory google of constituency demographic shifts & voting trends per demographic over the last 20 years will show you that. 

4 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

Because Muslim terrorists have made it easy for people to push Islamophobia in the West (which is part of the goal tbh). They're an easy boogie man, like Jews in Germany after World War 1.

It’s not just terrorism the rape epidemic has been massively damaging for Muslim in the West. As a father with a daughter in a city with 1/4 million 8 miles away across the city I’ll be teaching her to be wary of them and to avoid them out and about socially like we all do at present. What choice do people have? The Goverment is petrified of being labelled racist  to tackle it. 

There ain’t no mixing really out of work or college. It’s different with other ethnicities they blend in more, sub continent folks will mix a bit more with Muslims but it can be funny amongst them, Sikh’s & Muslims especially. You know what it’s like people stick to their own my mate who’s half Iranian gets a free drink in the local Iranian sisha restaurant because he can mumble a few bits and they’re “brothers”.

Your insulated in the States from the reality of Britains streets it’s not just Rotherham and Rochdale or Oxford & now Telford. It’s everywhere I have many family and friends who work in CPS or other social care jobs and they say it’s rife in everywhere you have a significant Muslim population. I hear horror stories from them daily girls as young as 12-13 being abused by men in their 40’s on an industrial scale. 

Its continent wide also the utter tradegy  that is the rape of Sweden, the advance of it in the Low Countries, France & Germany. 

I see them on the nights in Brums more touristy places like Broad street learing at girls as they drive by. My sister is 19 now blond gets harassed constantly by them, she tells me at college it’s pretty segregated. The neighbours daughter is a pretty thing similar age, she gets grief from them, pulling up in cars telling them to get in and abuse if they don’t.  it’s repeated city wide so non Muslims go to different areas for nightlife now. Sad thing is after about 18 month the Muslims cotton on start going there and everybody moves on again lol it’s a cycle. Broad street is pretty much their territory now that’s why it’s gone downhill, the Arcadian area looks to be the next area to turn to shit. But by that point Broad street should be clear again. 

The famed “Balti triangle” is for wet behind the ear tourists and those few whites that still live in those areas, I know no millennials that will venture into those areas after dusk and certainly post 9/11 many don’t go st all.  It’s dead anyway it’s all about real Indian Real ale & tandoori non halal dining as its far superior stuff. 

It sounds bad and like we’re all racist but there’s prejudice within the Muslim community to, pakistanis avoid the Somalians and so on.

Muslims control the heroin & prisons in the UK now, there’s massive tension between them and the Black community. I used to score weed of a ex burger bar boy 10 years ago and he’d spit at them and call them rats, he hated them he was West Indian and it hasn’t changed, blacks are on the retreat from them now. 

They try to pass it off as gentrification up here but it’s basically flexing the horde. 😂

I’ll rattle a few with these posts but I’d love you to come down here and just walk the 3-4 Muslim areas at night, you’ll get knifed or worse and I will laugh at you. They are effectively no go zones.  These are continent wide to now, you’re in denial if you think all these problems are purely because of some western agenda to have someone to hate. 

The only difference is the middle class ones, basically the ones who’ve gone on to do well and become Doctors or Lawyers, they when they become head of the house (Sub continent culture is they pass on responsibility and financial control at a certain age in the understanding that they will be looked after, it’s why you have 15 up in a house it’s 3-4 generations together) want more than “Muslim areas” so they move to better areas on the outskirts of these areas but in tern once that happens you get white flight. Once it gets to a certain point & that area gets swallowed into the sprawl. Every single area that is nogo now was ok 20-30 years ago.

It’s also why the sub letting racket occurs that  took place in Grenfel, my step dad spent 30 years in the Benefits agency running down false claims in Brum, and at one point one guy had 13 up in his house and his 3 brothers had 3-4 houses each in different variations of their names off the coucil which they illegally sub let out. 15 houses in total 😂 they lived in a 3 bed terraced house and had 6 mercs 😂. 

Whites are abandoning city suburbs for less diverse satalite towns, blacks are abandoning inner cities for suburbs.  

Somebody will no doubt get all pissy with this but it’s the same in Leicester it’s the same in Manchester, it’s what happens I’m just the only one with the bollocks to say it because any form of criticism is automatically attributed to racism. That ship has sailed with me though so I call it as it is. 

Also I say Muslim but tbh the vast majority in Birmingham are Pakistani or Bangladeshi. I appreciate there’s different cultural traits for Muslims from other parts of the world. 

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@Fairy In Boots you're aware your Sweden agenda has been debunked by the fact rape is reported differently in Sweden? I.e. If a woman reports her husband has raped her in the UK and said he done it 5 times in a week it's still just one count of rape (how most of the world reports it), whereas in Sweden it's 5.

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35 minutes ago, Danny said:

@Fairy In Boots you're aware your Sweden agenda has been debunked by the fact rape is reported differently in Sweden? I.e. If a woman reports her husband has raped her in the UK and said he done it 5 times in a week it's still just one count of rape (how most of the world reports it), whereas in Sweden it's 5.

Yeah, it further proves my boogie man point.

Terrorism and crime are legitimate worries for any country. But so is discrimination against people just because of where they're from just because there's a fear they might be shit people - particularly when those people have been here for generations and identify as English.

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can i join in  ??     since i'm here in saudi, just an hour's ride to Mecca.   I would just like to ask how are  muslims in england  or from what country you are from ???   i'm not asking about ethnicity, but Muslims the religion, it can either be Bangladesh, Indian, Caucasian Muslim .................

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4 minutes ago, bozziovai said:

can i join in  ??     since i'm here in saudi, just an hour's ride to Mecca.   I would just like to ask how are  muslims in england  or from what country you are from ???   i'm not asking about ethnicity, but Muslims the religion, it can either be Bangladesh, Indian, Caucasian Muslim .................

Most Muslims in the UK are from Pakistan then Blangladesh.  You also have decent numbers of Indian Muslims, Somalis, Turks, Afghanis, Iraquis and Iranians.

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6 minutes ago, bozziovai said:

can i join in  ??     since i'm here in saudi, just an hour's ride to Mecca.   I would just like to ask how are  muslims in england  or from what country you are from ???   i'm not asking about ethnicity, but Muslims the religion, it can either be Bangladesh, Indian, Caucasian Muslim .................

bare bones of it is if you're a Caucasian Muslim you won't get anywhere near half of the amount shit a brown-skinned Muslim will get.

I'm not even Muslim but I've been said the following during work, on nights out etc:

'go back to Pakistan' - I'm not even from there and have no affiliation to the country
'shouldn't you be at mosque' - this was actually during an eviction of one of our tenants so emotions were high but still vastly uncalled for
'what would you do if I served you bacon?' - I'd fucking love it mate. Serve me many plates of the stuff.

Anyway, the vast majority of Muslims are harmless, innocent and just go about their lives as best as possible.

The minority are extreme & fundamentalist and ruin it for the others (the majority). The majority get persecuted and tarred with the same brush because of the actions and threat of the minority (those that want to commit terror and cause carnage over here etc.) 

What I find amusing sometimes is that Muslims sometimes get unfairly targeted yet if someone was in dire need of help i.e. someone who targets Muslims is in need of medical help and needs to go hospital - they could get treated by a Muslim and not bat an eyelid. But earlier on in the day they could have easily been asking/protesting for the country to ban all Muslims and kick them all out of the country xD 

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54 minutes ago, Stan said:

bare bones of it is if you're a Caucasian Muslim you won't get anywhere near half of the amount shit a brown-skinned Muslim will get.

I'm not even Muslim but I've been said the following during work, on nights out etc:

'go back to Pakistan' - I'm not even from there and have no affiliation to the country
'shouldn't you be at mosque' - this was actually during an eviction of one of our tenants so emotions were high but still vastly uncalled for
'what would you do if I served you bacon?' - I'd fucking love it mate. Serve me many plates of the stuff.

Anyway, the vast majority of Muslims are harmless, innocent and just go about their lives as best as possible.

The minority are extreme & fundamentalist and ruin it for the others (the majority). The majority get persecuted and tarred with the same brush because of the actions and threat of the minority (those that want to commit terror and cause carnage over here etc.) 

What I find amusing sometimes is that Muslims sometimes get unfairly targeted yet if someone was in dire need of help i.e. someone who targets Muslims is in need of medical help and needs to go hospital - they could get treated by a Muslim and not bat an eyelid. But earlier on in the day they could have easily been asking/protesting for the country to ban all Muslims and kick them all out of the country xD 

i see.    so the muslims are acting obediently in your country.       but what about those rules ???   i mean,  in islam there are a lot of inhibitions, do the muslims there go on some sort of protest that you shouldn't do this and that .....

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55 minutes ago, Stan said:

bare bones of it is if you're a Caucasian Muslim you won't get anywhere near half of the amount shit a brown-skinned Muslim will get.

I'm not even Muslim but I've been said the following during work, on nights out etc:

'go back to Pakistan' - I'm not even from there and have no affiliation to the country
'shouldn't you be at mosque' - this was actually during an eviction of one of our tenants so emotions were high but still vastly uncalled for
'what would you do if I served you bacon?' - I'd fucking love it mate. Serve me many plates of the stuff.

Anyway, the vast majority of Muslims are harmless, innocent and just go about their lives as best as possible.

The minority are extreme & fundamentalist and ruin it for the others (the majority). The majority get persecuted and tarred with the same brush because of the actions and threat of the minority (those that want to commit terror and cause carnage over here etc.) 

What I find amusing sometimes is that Muslims sometimes get unfairly targeted yet if someone was in dire need of help i.e. someone who targets Muslims is in need of medical help and needs to go hospital - they could get treated by a Muslim and not bat an eyelid. But earlier on in the day they could have easily been asking/protesting for the country to ban all Muslims and kick them all out of the country xD 

Seriously mate? Fucking cunts, and then they ask how is that not racism. Sorry to hear you had to endure that, maybe you didn't give a shit but still never enjoyable to be abused.

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7 minutes ago, True Blue said:

Seriously mate? Fucking cunts, and then they ask how is that not racism. Sorry to hear you had to endure that, maybe you didn't give a shit but still never enjoyable to be abused.

yeah one of the times I was with my ex and her sis and another mate. I think for fear of what might happen to her I didn't go up and lose it with them and just ignored it. Was close to boiling point though so if he'd have continued who knows what would have happened. Not that I'm some kind of hard man but we're both lucky I didn't knock the fucker out. 

The one that happened at work though I was stunned. So much vitriol and anger in one moment. 

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10 minutes ago, bozziovai said:

i see.    so the muslims are acting obediently in your country.       but what about those rules ???   i mean,  in islam there are a lot of inhibitions, do the muslims there go on some sort of protest that you shouldn't do this and that .....

Majority of Muslims do (act obediently). If they didn't, there'd be riots every day, protests and anarchy everywhere because you'd have those on one side, and then the bigots/racists (EDL, BNP etc) on the other just going at each other's throats regularly. Social media is a massive help to both sides because they can hide behind their keyboards and spread their hate (both sides, that is). 

There's a lot of stuff about in the inhibitions and rules etc that derive from following Islam. It's exaggerated how many people want to incorporate Sharia Law here. yeah there's gonna be some groups/sects of people that want this but it's totally blown out of proportion just the amount that do. It'll never happen but people have the fear, the paranoia. They then use that fear and paranoia to influence their mindset and action.

I may be wrong but I've never seen a full-blown protest from Muslims that certain things should be done/shouldn't be done i.e. never seen a protest that Sharia Law should be incorporated or that alcohol should be banned/pork removed from shops etc. 

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Just now, True Blue said:

Could you report the person at work?

nah it wasn't someone I worked with - it was someone we evicted. I could have reported it to Police as all our visits get recorded by a device we wear when we work. 

Just found it so bizarre at the time. She was under the influence of drugs though. When we got to the house she was being evicted from, she was calm and getting her belongings ready. She went upstairs to get some more stuff. On her way down the stairs she just flipped and went batshit crazy at us, locksmiths, bailiffs. She must have taken something when she went upstairs. I think we were all in a bit of shock at the time xD 

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8 minutes ago, Stan said:

Majority of Muslims do (act obediently). If they didn't, there'd be riots every day, protests and anarchy everywhere because you'd have those on one side, and then the bigots/racists (EDL, BNP etc) on the other just going at each other's throats regularly. Social media is a massive help to both sides because they can hide behind their keyboards and spread their hate (both sides, that is). 

There's a lot of stuff about in the inhibitions and rules etc that derive from following Islam. It's exaggerated how many people want to incorporate Sharia Law here. yeah there's gonna be some groups/sects of people that want this but it's totally blown out of proportion just the amount that do. It'll never happen but people have the fear, the paranoia. They then use that fear and paranoia to influence their mindset and action.

I may be wrong but I've never seen a full-blown protest from Muslims that certain things should be done/shouldn't be done i.e. never seen a protest that Sharia Law should be incorporated or that alcohol should be banned/pork removed from shops etc. 

good point on the social media.    the conservative muslims and the bigots battle it out there.

what about the violence and atrocities that's being committed by the muslim refugees ???


coz in my country the facked up philippines, in mindanao, religion and ethnicity has been mixed up.    Those tribes from mindanao are called MOROs but the fackers call themselves MUSLIMS.   Yes, technically they are muslim by religion but what i mean is.   I have a patient here long ago who was a fellow filipino so i asked her to which part in the philippines she comes from, you know what she answered ???   IM MUSLIM !! .. so i asked her again where ... same answer IM MUSLIM !!    That's the biggest problem my country is facing right now, the stupid MINORITY Moros wants Mindanao to be an autonomous muslim mindanao, ppffttt.....

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Also for the record, I've heard the same shite about "no go zones" about certain areas in San Diego... but instead of Muslims, the story is this time Mexicans and their drug cartel gangs make it unsafe. They kill people, kidnap girls to make them work at the brothels in TJ, etc...

And the reason I'm not going to believe these "no go zones" shite is because 1.) I heard this shit when I was a kid, before Islamophobia was ever a thing and it's really just generally just overcautious people about rough areas; 2.) that same exact fucking rhetoric they use about Muslims as they do with Mexicans in San Diego is total bollocks. They're afraid of people who are different - and in San Diego at least, they're just denying themselves going to some of the tastiest restaurants in the fucking city just because they're scared of Hispanic neighborhoods. Which again, is fucking ridiculous because Mexicans & Hispanic people live literally ALL FUCKING OVER the city.

Just like Muslim people live all over the God damn world. But they're different and some people who share their religion, nationalities, and looks are total cunts... so they're scary to some people and very easy scapegoats.

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22 minutes ago, True Blue said:

Fucking terrible, and i see lot of the English say "Paki" for fun but it is obviously used as an insult. Perhaps similar to calling a black man a "niger" i suppose?

Paki became an insult the moment it became a general insult for anybody of asian origin, you get cretinous racists like Jim Davidson making out it's just like saying 'Brit' but we all know it's become a racist insult.


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BREAKING NEWS: Because they don't. They don't care about anyone except themselves. This is the product they sell, some people sell love and harmony, other people sell low taxes and limiting immigration. It's just a means to an end and the end is getting voted in. 

It became readily apparent to me, something that I always knew but never really accepted; politicians have no fucking clue what they are doing, only that it is getting them elected and payed. There was a bill passed in Australia that limited farmers from using the mulga tree as feed for their livestock. It is an effort to preserve the mulga tree; only the mulga tree grows like a weed and sometimes it gets so thick in the bush it is literally unpassable. It occurred to me they have no idea about the mulga tree, the farmers that need it during drought (QLD and NSW is going through it worst in nearly a century), but they do know it's something that inner-city latte sipping hipsters can get behind, because they don't understand anything outside the metro-limits of Sydbourne. There are no upsides to the bill, only negatives, I have been racking my brain for weeks looking for a rationale but the only one I come back to is 'votes'. It's an emotive issue (save the planet!) that gets people's attention as it's easy to digest. For a more severe parallel it is like abortion in the USA, instead of talking about serious (not saying abortion isn't serious, but it is blown out of proportion) issues they always go back to the emotional issues.

Islam, blacks, immigration, are all emotional issues that grab people's attention. In a world that is truly experiencing a limitation of borders for the first time in history this isn't an issue limited to the UK. Just imagine if Suadi Arabia were flooded with Americans, people that dress, act, talk, and have hugely different ideals immigrated en masse. People freak out to what is different.

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1 minute ago, The Artful Dodger said:

Paki became an insult the moment it became a general insult for anybody of asian origin, you get cretinous racists like Jim Davidson making out it's just like saying 'Brit' but we all know it's become a racist insult.


Thought it was intended for people from Pakistan, not Asians in general.

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3 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

Also for the record, I've heard the same shite about "no go zones" about certain areas in San Diego... but instead of Muslims, the story is this time Mexicans and their drug cartel gangs make it unsafe. They kill people, kidnap girls to make them work at the brothels in TJ, etc...

And the reason I'm not going to believe these "no go zones" shite is because 1.) I heard this shit when I was a kid, before Islamophobia was ever a thing and it's really just generally just overcautious people about rough areas; 2.) that same exact fucking rhetoric they use about Muslims as they do with Mexicans in San Diego is total bollocks. They're afraid of people who are different - and in San Diego at least, they're just denying themselves going to some of the tastiest restaurants in the fucking city just because they're scared of Hispanic neighborhoods. Which again, is fucking ridiculous because Mexicans & Hispanic people live literally ALL FUCKING OVER the city.

Just like Muslim people live all over the God damn world. But they're different and some people who share their religion, nationalities, and looks are total cunts... so they're scary to some people and very easy scapegoats.

There are real no go zones though. I wouldn't fucking drive through Inglewood in Chicago at night time. It is really naive to think otherwise, while some neighbourhoods are blown out of proportion there are some places I just wouldn't go. I wouldn't travel to Somali, nor would I want to travel to Caracas, Veneuzeula. 

My father-in-law said that when he was in South Africa there were red lights that 'you just don't stop at'; because you get jacked and murdered. These places exist.

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4 minutes ago, True Blue said:

Thought it was intended for people from Pakistan, not Asians in general.

In the UK "Asian" usually refers to people from the Indian subcontinent, unlike Australia and the USA where it refers to East and South-East Asia.

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Just now, Spike said:

There are real no go zones though. I wouldn't fucking drive through Inglewood in Chicago at night time. It is really naive to think otherwise, while some neighbourhoods are blown out of proportion there are some places I just wouldn't go. I wouldn't travel to Somali, nor would I want to travel to Caracas, Veneuzeula. 

My father-in-law said that when he was in South Africa there were red lights that 'you just don't stop at'; because you get jacked and murdered. These places exist.

Yeah, but not driving around high crime areas at night is a normal thing to do regardless of the ethnic makeup of the neighborhood. It's not because Muslims and Mexicans are going to kidnap your daughters and rape them. It's because crime generally happens at night in high crime areas and you don't want to get shot or have your car stolen.

I'm not doubting that there are some areas that are not safe. Because that would be stupid. And yes, drug running gangs are generally what makes places unsafe. And yes, in a lot of cases drug running gangs will have certain ethnic makeups. Which is another reason it makes minorities pretty easy to stereotype.

Listen to a Tupac song and see how many different raced gangs there were in LA in the 90s (and I'm sure they're all) - Blacks, Hispanics, Armenians (Kim Kardashian's SECRET history?). So yeah, gang violence can be easy to tie back to certain races/ethnicities based on personal interactions. And it's not like the Hells Angels are a bunc

But that's more tied to crime than people's races, ethnicities, religions, or nationalities personally.

The terrorism fear is, obviously, what makes Islamophobia so bad. And their brand of religious extremism is scary - it's incompatible with the way of life for most Middle Easterners in the Middle East and scary to them. So that kind of shit is especially scary to westerners. But letting that fear of a group of very shitty people make you hate a huuuuuuuge group of people, many of whom aren't even that religious or religious at all and just want to live their fucking lives, is pretty fucked up.

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3 minutes ago, Spike said:

@Stan what is your family's ethnic group and religion? Just curious, because India is a lot of diverse than people think (it has 1.2billion for fucks sake)

haha yeah, very diverse!

Family is all Indian and all follow Hinduism. 

I'm less religious than they are - was always brought up to follow it, respect culture, respect the religion, what they grew up with and consequently taught me while growing up. Thankfully, since I was a late teen, they've always encouraged me to make my own decisions when it comes to religion. They've never forced me to be religious. I still follow some aspects of it but I'm not overly religious. Out of respect to my parents I'll abide by some rules of Hinduism when I'm back home with them or around them. The biggest thing I abide by though wherever I go is not to eat beef (I have had it before when I was younger but that was an accident/unintentional). 

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