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Question a Member: tlr

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I'll kick this off. 

  • Whats the reason for the name TLR?
  • If you weren't supporting Blackburn who would you support and why?
  • Best stadium you've seen on TV but never been to?
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5 minutes ago, Mel81x said:

I'll kick this off. 

  • Whats the reason for the name TLR?
  • If you weren't supporting Blackburn who would you support and why?
  • Best stadium you've seen on TV but never been to?

- It's the name I go by on a couple of other forums, have done for years, initials of the song I was listening to when I made the account - I've never been creative enough to have a decent username!

- No idea. Rovers are my hometown team and growing everyone at school supported them. Rangers were my grandad's team, so maybe them, or perhaps Accrington more locally, I used to go there when I was young and Rovers were away.

- I remember watching the Champions League growing up loving how it was full of all these far off places and players I would never see any other way, so from that I would say the classic Spanish three - Bernabeu, Camp Nou and Mestalla. San Siro was the same but I've been there!

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If you could relive one moment in time in your life again, what would it be and why?

What were your first impressions of this site?

What was your first Blackburn game?

Do you follow any other sports as much as football?

Snog, Marry & Avoid out of the following 3 members - @Toinho @Cannabis @Berserker

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32 minutes ago, tlr said:

- It's the name I go by on a couple of other forums, have done for years, initials of the song I was listening to when I made the account - I've never been creative enough to have a decent username!

You mind me asking what song it was?

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  • What's your most embarrassing moment in your life where you thought "Please lord bury me"... Tell all!
  • For whatever reason (an important one maybe), have you ever had to be a hypocrite and pretend to like someone or agree with something you are against.
  • Have you ever cheated on your (or a) partner?
  • Apart from Blackburn Rovers or the England national side...  What's the most excited you have ever been in a football match where you went unusually mental?
  • If you were to move away from the UK, where would be your favoured place to go and live?
  • If you could change something about the area and people where you live, what would it be?
  • Do you have a phobia, if so what is it?
  • If reincarnation exists and you couldn't come back as a human being but could choose what to return as, what would it be?
  • Have you ever envied someone, if yes, why and whom?
  • Even if totally out of the ordinary (or it may not be out of the ordinary), what would be your dream job or maybe owning some sort of business...  Tell us about your thoughts on that.
  • If you wasn't you, but you were introduced to you and due to shared friends you suddenly started to see more of you...  What would be your thoughts on you and would you make a close friendship with you?  In total...  What would be the resume you think others that know you, think. 
  • Who's your favourite player of all time?
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On 04/07/2019 at 09:24, Stan said:

If you could relive one moment in time in your life again, what would it be and why?

What were your first impressions of this site?

What was your first Blackburn game?

Do you follow any other sports as much as football?

Snog, Marry & Avoid out of the following 3 members - @Toinho @Cannabis @Berserker

- Probably a Christmas time way back when I was young and naive enough to properly enjoy it (no stress of buying things for people or trying to get home, or the school and uni exams waiting in january) and with all the people who aren't here any more. As a second choice, Blackburn lifting the League Cup in 2002, I was there but remeber fuck all.

- Back on the old one I loved it, you had Moaty calling everyone a cunt who needed to contract AIDS whilst dying in a house fire deep throating a chainsaw, SalfordKel going off on one every day after SAF retired; I'd never been on a site like it. I don't post anyhere near as much on here theese days (I think I've run out of things to say!) but I do still enjoy it, the free for all, everyone's a wanker vibe has gone but it's still a good read and there are some seriously intelligent football posters on here. Just need to get shot of the embarassing primary school level WUMing that goes on on some threads, usually Liverpool ones and similar.

- Rovers 3-2 Preston, back in the old Division 1 so that would be around 2001. Don't remember much, just being sat in the Blackburn end stand and us going three up in about 15 minutes. 

- I watch cricket if it's on and I keep an eye on MotoGP. Nothing other than that, I could write down everything I know about something tennis or F1 on a stamp.

- Marry @Berserker, one of the few I remember properly interacting with way back when on the old forum. Snog - @Toinho for no reason at all. Avoid @Cannabis , bloody Scoucers :ph34r:

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On 04/07/2019 at 09:40, Harry said:

What sections of the site do you post on?


- Usually Football League and General Football, though anything that catches my eye I'll say something about. Not supporting a top tier team I never usually have much Rovers related stuff to comment on!

- 24, bloke, exiled down in the West Midlands. 

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On 04/07/2019 at 09:43, Mel81x said:

You mind me asking what song it was?

Eagles, The Last Resort. It's about the destruction mankind brings and the generally futile point of existence. Anyone who has ever lived in Blackburn will know that feeling! 

17 hours ago, Toinho said:



Where have you travelled to?

What is your favourite thing about this forum? 

- Disappointingly little, been all over the UK and Ireland, then just France (Paris and bits around the Mid and South), Spain (Barca) and Italy (quite a few places, absolutely love it). I will get further afield, do want to do northern Europe and America and places like Argentina and Chile; I just need the time and money!

- I sort of said this above to @Stan but I think the wealth of knowledge on here is amazing, full of people who know way more about players and tactics than I ever will. Do also enjoy the mix of weird and wonderful too (usually courtesy of @MUFC)!


41 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

Do you smoke weed?

Have you ever smoked weed?

Best NWOBHM band?

What's your favourite car?

Do you drive?

If you drive, what do you drive? If you don't drive, why am I out of questions?

- No and no. Never been my scene but don't have a problem at all with it, should be legalised without question, same for most drugs.

- NWOBHM is an interesting one, I still think it was overhyped massively so magazines could pretend a quasi-revolution was going on when in reality most of the participants ranged from mediocre to shit but I still fucking love it. Thanks to stuff like YouTube it is so easy to uncover some absolute gems that got lost in time (Green Eyes by Crucifixion is a blinding song that fucking fell off the face of the earth for example).

 Favourite album is from that era is Witchfinder General's Death Penalty; favourite band overall is probably Saxon, one of the few who got the mix of success balanced with staying true to what made them (40 years on and they still look and sound like they play local working men's clubs). Of course the stereotypical 'best' is Maiden, I love their two Di'Anno albums with that mixture of NWOBHM and punk but the rest of their work blows hot and cold like there's no tomorrow. Honestly think they haven't done a genuinely good album a la Priest in years.

- As for the last three, I don't drive and couldn't tell a Ferrari from a Porsche. As for why you have no questions, probably because I post about once a decade so no one really knows what to ask! xD

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41 minutes ago, SirBalon said:
  • What's your most embarrassing moment in your life where you thought "Please lord bury me"... Tell all!
  • I'm pretty reserved in real life so thankfully I've never done anything to make a big scene or arse of myself but when I've had a drink or few that can change. Worst was probably getting absolutely wankered at a wake, going home and almost flooding my house whilst throwing up everywhere bollock naked and having some sort of breakdown at the same time, all with mourners still around. Good times. Remember waking up the next day and distinctly feeling the worst I have ever felt in my life, both in terms of hangover and shame.
  • For whatever reason (an important one maybe), have you ever had to be a hypocrite and pretend to like someone or agree with something you are against.
  • That's an interesting one. It depends. I try and stick firmly to what I believe in (no point gaining the world by selling your soul) but especially with situations like at work I will go along with things I disagree with if I think it will give me a quieter life or reduce my workload. That's probably just self-preservation more than anything though, would certainly never hold back if I though something or someone was being properly compromised.
  • Have you ever cheated on your (or a) partner? Nope. Have had people in my life though who are like that and seem to treat it like a game. Wankers who don't deserve what they have.
  • Apart from Blackburn Rovers or the England national side...  What's the most excited you have ever been in a football match where you went unusually mental? I was at Accrington's match away to Woking when they got promoted back to the Football League in 2006. Was young-ish at the time but have never seen or had such an outpouring of emotion like that at a match since. You'd honestly have though they'd won the FA Cup. 
  • If you were to move away from the UK, where would be your favoured place to go and live? Probably America. For all it's (several million) faults I think it's an amazing country.
  • If you could change something about the area and people where you live, what would it be? It may be a cliche but I do miss certain things about the north. For one things there's a dismal lack of proper pubs and a decent chippy. I even miss stuff like the accents and landscapes at times. Where I live is lovely but it just feels really soulless and middle class at times. That and there's Brummies everywhere.
  • Do you have a phobia, if so what is it? Needles, absolutely terrified of them, they're the only reason I don't have any tattoos. Oddly though I am fine with what spooks most other people, heights and spiders I can deal with all day.
  • If reincarnation exists and you couldn't come back as a human being but could choose what to return as, what would it be? God knows, probably a snake or something, no one would bother me that way!
  • Have you ever envied someone, if yes, why and whom? I try my best not to, for all I could be jealous of someone's success or lifestyle or whatever you never know what they have to hide or confront or live with that you don't see. Jealousy or envy, easy as they are, get you nowhere. Either buck up your ideas up and try to achieve whatever it is or accept the hand your dealt - I'm never going to be any good at playing football no matter how hard I try - deal with it and move on to what you can do.
  • Even if totally out of the ordinary (or it may not be out of the ordinary), what would be your dream job or maybe owning some sort of business...  Tell us about your thoughts on that. Dream job would be the classic 'feel like you never do a day's work'... I'm trying my best on that at the minute, I think I'm in the field I want to be in, I just need a few years to find where I truly fit. Owing a business? My industry is dominated by people who throw in the towel early then come back as a one man band consultancy so we can play them what we used to +100%. I'd probably try that if I could ever be bothered.
  • If you wasn't you, but you were introduced to you and due to shared friends you suddenly started to see more of you...  What would be your thoughts on you and would you make a close friendship with you?  In total...  What would be the resume you think others that know you, think. Bloody hell that's a question. If I was ever to bump into myself I would probably think I was a bit of an arsehole; I am probably one of those classic cases of he's alright when you get to know him. I like to think people believe I am fairly easy going and loyal and always up for a decent time - it just might take a while to get there!
  • Who's your favourite player of all time? My Turkish Delight, the bloke on the left of this post. Did things with a ball I didn't know were possible growing up, read the game like a book and worked like a man possessed. Easily the greatest Rover of the past 25 years, probably in our top five players ever; and the single best footballer I have ever laid eyes on.


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18 hours ago, tlr said:

- Usually Football League and General Football, though anything that catches my eye I'll say something about. Not supporting a top tier team I never usually have much Rovers related stuff to comment on!

- 24, bloke, exiled down in the West Midlands. 

What do you do for work?

What are your five all time greatest tv shows?

If you won $50 million what would you do with it?

One night with any woman in the world, who would it be?

Do you collect anything? If so what?

If you're house was on fire what three things would you go back in to grab?

Have you ever shoplifted anything even if by accident?

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11 hours ago, Harry said:

What do you do for work?

I'm on the railway. Gives you plenty of stress at times but I can't complain about the people or job security!  

What are your five all time greatest tv shows?

I've not watched TV in years, the best I do is Match of the Day about three or four times a season. Sorry!

If you won $50 million what would you do with it?

Probably give friends and family as much as they needed for mortgages and whatever else, keep a bit aside for myself then give the rest to charities and causes that slip under the radar a bit - stuff like local hospices and special schools. Couldn't be one of those who went out and bought a mansion and the garage full of cars and spend half their time on holiday.  

One night with any woman in the world, who would it be?

Always had a thing for Kaley Cuoco, so probably her. She was ridiculous back in the day.

Do you collect anything? If so what?

I try my best not to. I do always buy programmes at matches though, have about 50 from last season alone. Have always been drawn to minimalism though - saw a bloke on Facebook the other day who can fit literally all his possessions in a suitcase. Not sure I could go that far but fair play to him, must make for quite an easy life. 

If you're house was on fire what three things would you go back in to grab?

Probably my flatmates, would be a bit cruel to let them burn to death.

Have you ever shoplifted anything even if by accident?

Not as far as I know - I think I've always been a bit too honest for my own good!


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