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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/05/24 in all areas

  1. Stop talking to bots, John
    3 points
  2. I do wonder, if I wasn't so invested in FPL with friends, how much I'd care about modern day Premier League football. It's incredibly boring seeing the same team win all the time. I might give Serie A a go at the start of next season, at least that feels like an open field for the first part of the season.
    1 point
  3. @Storts what a nice stadium, best in all the land
    1 point
  4. Son you stupid son of a fucking bitch!!!
    1 point
  5. I hate football. Fuck that club, the players, the fans and the bald cunt manager. Oh, and fuck Porro too.
    1 point
  6. Not really related, yet mentioning it since it left a nasty taste in my mouth and still does: Will probably never forget of the TV pictures, when the Saudi UN ambassador declared women would be allowed to conduct cars in Saudi Arabia from then on and all these ambassadors duely applauded like that would deserve praise.
    1 point
  7. I think it's a bit fucked that their human rights abuses get overlooked by the West because they're 1.) paying western politicians - lobbying is just legal bribery; 2.) the West wants to encourage normalised relations between the Saudis and Israelis - so a blind eye to human rights abuses is turned. I think a part of that is because it will likely have some backlash in the Arab world and human rights abuses are what MBS uses to silence dissent. Saudi Arabia's received a lot of praise in the west for "modernisation" of women's rights because they've allowed some things (letting women drive - something that Iran's had for... as long as there's been cars; relaxed restrictions on permissible clothing for women - and to MBS's credit, it's more relaxed than Iran - but they've gone from burkas and niqabs to being able to dress how they want only very recently)... but they've still got similar gender apartheid to Iran. Non-Arab minorities native to the country face systemic and violent oppression. Tribal people are treated like animals & as I recently posted, are getting slaughtered for happening to live where a ridiculous vanity project's proposed site is. Saudis abroad are subject to criminal charges for dissent (or chopped into pieces like that journalist). It is not a good thing that such a wealthy country, with such disregard for human rights and human life, has so much sway over western politics. And the money they spent in cleaning up their image internationally among normal people has done wonders for them. Their involvement with sports entertainment: Newcastle, golf, F1, professional wrestling; their involvement with the general and social media: fox/news corp, Disney, meta, etc. - these all have an impact on how the public perceives them and how the media portrays them, despite these blatant abuses.
    1 point
  8. The one time I see a bot in action and the f'er has to use India as the base. Thankfully my samosa monopoly is alive and well.
    1 point
  9. We don’t care about fourth. We aren’t good enough for CL anyway, we’ve been there done that. City are far too good for us regardless Hope they smash us
    1 point
  10. Hope you're ready for a John C Reilly gif...
    1 point
  11. I think we coped well with the injuries in January/February time. We were getting through games while having to play a few fringe players. But like you say it was those injured players coming back at the hardest part of the season and maybe some were rushed back too.
    1 point
  12. @nudge This your type of thing?
    1 point
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