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Status Updates posted by Spike

  1. Pretty sure I found @Stan’s account on a Leicester forum after I googled ‘Chaviest footballer’.

    65,000 posts too. What a  legend

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    2. football forums


      Purely coincidence. I would not have noticed if I didn’t recognise the avatar

    3. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      Who's the chaviest footballer though?

    4. football forums


      @Dr. Gonzo google threw me a curveball and the thread was more along the lines of 'footballers that should be punched'. There could probably be a venn diagram of the overlap on chavy footballers and needing a punch.

  2. Anybody want to share their sports app creds so i can watch the Ashes :ph34r:

    1. football forums


      You can have mine if you want haha. The only problem is you'll need a VPN to watch it if you don't have one already.

    2. football forums


      @Mel81x I do have a VPN actually. Good ol' Nord.

    3. football forums


      @Spike hit me up in the DMs I can sort you out

  3. None of my posts are appearing. Am I on the naughty list or is this a glitch?

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    2. football forums


      I'm concerned a few topics will be rammed by a dozen of my double posts.

    3. football forums


      Can't see who created this status? Error 609 Irrelevant unsafe account detected !? Rab

    4. football forums


      @Spike, don't be concerned. We have to deal with topics about ladies feet and weird videos so it's minor 😆

  4. shut up stan u egg. won't tell u again. @Spike I'll put u asleep within 10 seconds u little girl. Don't say stuff and not follow up on it. I'll be waiting

    1. football forums
    2. football forums


      what do we have here then

    3. football forums


      shut up @McAzeem ur boring me to death

  5. The latest thread is Plato’s allegory of the cave made tangible.

  6. I don't like the idea of @Devil-Dick Willie having two spaghetti meals in one day.

  7. Everytime I log on to post in Mafia the thread is locked! xD

  8. Everton will be relegated in the next five years.

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    2. football forums


      I think they'll be fine - there'll constantly be a stream of 3 teams that will be shitter than them. A mixture of proverbial PL turds that won't flush and promoted teams.


    3. football forums


      @Stan you say that as if they are a well run club. All it takes is a few bad incidents and they are in deep water. What if Richarlison's ACL exlpodes and he misses and entire season?

    4. football forums


      Then it may be a bit more of a tight-run thing. They're not the worst-run club in the league and they're far from the best. I suspect with an experienced manager like Ancelotti at the club they won't throw stupid amounts of money around for several players and actually have some direction and purpose about their transfer business. I get what you're saying but they're the kind of club that will somehow pluck out a few results when it matters but just be mediocre throughout the rest of the season, as opposed to totally shit like Norwich.

  9. Juventus v Atalanta sums up exactly what is wrong with the sport.

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    2. football forums


      Sick of this corrupt sport now.

    3. football forums


      @Dan it isn’t corruption this time though mate, because even Juventus have had awful penalties given against them, this is sheer incompetence in the face of the rules of the sport

    4. football forums


      I always thought Cricket was the worst manipulated sport but it's a close call between football and it

  10. The A-League is a better watch than the Bundesliga.

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    2. football forums


      On the original topic, there is a lot of boring football in these best leagues of the world and as a neutral you may find it even more boring, so yeah i enjoy a better competition to watch even with a lower quality then high quality but boring competition

    3. football forums

      Carnivore Chris

      All football is wank now. VAR has done exactly what I knew it would, killed a great sport. It's dead. It doesn't  help that it's become all about money with all the same players always going to the same clubs either. I also believe it lacks the real quality in terms of players and managers that it used to and also clubs being bought out by oil barons. Football today is actually wank, I don't even really enjoy it anymore if I'm being 100% honest with you.

    4. football forums


      Now that is an overreation. Besides, I fucken warned you cunts about the NRL.

  11. is stronger than Cristiano's man bun.

    1. football forums
    2. football forums


      not ok, this is real fukken serious

  12. I didn't even get a chance to vote in today's Mafia. I was at work for all of it.

    1. football forums

      CaaC (John)

      No point in voting Rando, that guy is like Houdini, we can't seem to get rid of him when we vote for him to be lynched xD 

    2. football forums


      It's been frustrating, it feels like everytime I have a moment to sit down and do some Mafia, it's night already.

  13. Taking a dump in Canada right now and feeling cute 

    1. football forums

      Viva la FCB

      Welcome to the club tehe

    2. football forums


      That's still on my bucket list. 

    3. football forums

      CaaC (John)

      I can remember when they used to charge you 10p for a public loo, I loved reading all the Graffiti written all over the walls, the best one was "Here I sit, broken-hearted, paid 10p and only farted", true that, nothing more disheartening is rushing to the pan to have a good dump and only ending up farting.   O.o

  14. Throwback to when Messi said his favourite insects are 'monkeys'.

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    2. football forums


      Throwback to when Brian said Egypt wasn’t in Africa.

  15. Imagine losing the Ashes again.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. football forums


      Because they lose the competition so often they are anal retentive about the trophy.

    3. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      @SirBalon it's a trust thing 

    4. football forums


      They should make Ashes a home and away thing, two tests in both countries and a fifth test if the series is drawed or one team has the chance to draw. 

  16. Just putting a cheeky bid on Everton's relegation.

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    2. football forums


      Poms won 

    3. football forums
    4. football forums


      Friendship with Azeem over. Now Brian is my bestfriend

  17. Men and women may not be equal and may never be but at least they have equality of mediocre refereeing. 

    1. football forums


      All men are rapists 

  18. #LAD #Cunt #Cannabis #FuckWit

    1. football forums


      Your 59th status update 

    2. football forums
  19. Nothing like seeing ticket prices go up and pay packets staying thin.

    1. football forums


      You're not gonna get too much response to this comment mate (I've been waiting before answering) because everyone (or most) agree with the capitalist ideal (wether they admit to it or not) and believe they have a chance to one day compete and prescribe to the economic personal target. In another words... Everyone believes they have a chance!

  20. Are team crests for 'adopt a club' going to be added?

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    2. football forums


      They should be up to date now @Spike

    3. football forums


      Many thanks to @Rab and all the staff. xoxo

    4. football forums


      Anytime boo :18_kissing_heart:

  21. I was making drinks at work and someone's name is 'Minge'. Fucking hell, I got to yell out minge several times.xD

    1. football forums


      All i can say is this is your 56th status update most by any member. No one else has even made 40 :congrats:

  22. is carmen home la

  23. The next open note should be a suspension.

    1. football forums


      PM me to discuss.

    2. football forums


      Better write an open note about it so everyone can know about it.

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