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Everything posted by Spike

  1. The Bundesliga is not uncompetitive. Dortmund literally pushed Bayern to the limit last season, and Dortmund aren’t floated by a billion pound TV deal or questionable sugardaddy.
  2. Christian/Judeo moral values, ah straight out of the Ben Shapiro textbook on defining culture. Conveniently forgoes the third pillar of Abrahamic religions, huh
  3. @Comayou should get this jersey so you can spread your wings like a peacock
  4. What do peacocks have to do with Leeds?
  5. You enjoy peace and quiet while having a cigarette?
  6. Teams have been doing this for years. No sympathy for the customers tricked, only disgust by the state of the sport.
  7. Spike


    I had to turn off the BBC radio commentary that is the ABC right. I don’t know who is talking but the two are simply mocking Marnus for no reason. Bring back Isa!
  8. Spike


    It’s not bizarre. It’s just a cultural difference and media mindset. Australia takes full culpability, it’s a huge introspection into criticism, questions are asked of the players, everything of the team is a problem and needs addressing. Look at the English media, it’s far more extroverted and vain, we’re unlucky, the weather ruined it, the rules need to change, why can’t we play at night, why can’t we do this, cricket has died, and so on. Australia attacks itself, England attacks everything else. Cummins is in question, Stokes is above reproach; despite the score being 2-1. I find England and their current bazball ‘heroes of cricket’ mindset to be absolutely bizarre, the mental gymnastics are mad. They act as if Australia doesn’t even exist, it’s a storybook about England, they are the protagonist and everyone else is a plot device to work through.It’s all Id and ego has without superego. But in saying that Australia eats it’s players alive, the treatment they get verges on unfair a lot of the time, how they treat Warner and his wife is unacceptable and quite misogynistic.
  9. I don’t know about that, mate. The Americans in general have had a very negative view of Russia for a long time. Anti-USSR red scare, ‘election fraud’, Putin, the war in Ukraine, the cultural mindset towards Russia has always been a bit xenophobic and negative and I haven’t seen that change outwardly or inwardly.
  10. I only see universal Ukraine support. Yellow and blue everywhere, cars, t-shirts, hats, badges, pins, and so on. I don’t know where you are seeing it mate but in my day to day, Ukraine gets its arse kissed, and people talk about Russia like the evil empire ‘how could they just invade’ - well mate, you’re American how are you not familiar with this?
  11. Ukraine did exist you muppet. The USSR was a literal ‘Union of Soviet Socialist Republics’. It’s like saying Scotland doesn’t exist because it’s in the United Kingdom. There has been a people and a culture that has developed over a thousand years. Sure its similar to others but the USSR doesn’t erase that. How many Russians and Ukrainians actually want to be at war right now? I doubt very many, where is the self-determination of the people when they get dragged into a geopolitical conflict ? People are dead because of the most pointless bullshit. It’s incredibly depressing because as @nudgetold me, when people are actually allowed to have their own choices they can flourish and make huge strides much like her home nation and the other Baltic states. There will be international meddling sure but the direction of what they want is largely in their own control. Ukraine and Russia never had a chance torn up on the inside and on the outside.
  12. Spike


    The Australian media is cannibalising Pat Cummins. A terrible game and Australia cricket has become a crisis, of course England can’t just have a great game as a home side with favourable conditions, Australia has failed, it is 100% Cummins fault, not the fact Lyon is injured and the four best batsmen in the world are nibbling at every edge and LBW.
  13. Spike


    It isn’t occasional, it is inevitable the rain interferes with The Ashes
  14. Chelsea probably has the best academy in the UK. They’ve had seven or eight players on the last few England squads alone. Only two are still at the club,
  15. I really feel like this guy gets a disproportionate amount of media scrutiny. It is a bit of a hate sink situation and it isn’t good.
  16. An independent commission redistricts in cali by the looks of things.
  17. Biden is awful but that isn’t true at all.
  18. @Toinho Ange This will be him v Levy by January Also I want his polo
  19. If you imagine Trump without charisma and even worse policies you have de Santis
  20. Kinky Boots - The Full Monty but boots instead of ugly Yorkshiremen.
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