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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. Lucas


    Lobster is the most overrated food ever. I have tried it once, at a Wedding and only because I was fucking hungry and curious...it was grim. Fuck would I pay £30/40 for that at a restaurant.
  2. Lucas


    Sorry, I cannot trust a food that includes a type with shit in it's name
  3. Lucas


    Nope sorry. I'm not a massive Seafood fan unfortunately. Don't mind Tuna if it has some mayo in it and prawns are ok but other than that I struggle. I've tried to like Salmon but I just can't. That along with Mushrooms are like my worst nightmare
  4. Lucas


    One of those dishes that looks great but the Salmon is a no go for me.
  5. Lucas


    It came out well to be fair, I'm gonna try it as a Steak Pie next time. Do you have 'Click to choose files' at the bottom of a post? Like this?
  6. Lucas


    What on earth has happened to this thread? Bloody Yoghurts?! Fuck sake John... Anyway, I made my first actual Pie this afternoon. Didn't know whether to go sweet or savoury so tried an Apple Pie. Pretty chuffed with that. Can't wait to destroy that later with some custard.
  7. It was baltic to be fair. Her nipples could have cut glass apparently
  8. Took a mosey down to Portland Bill for a few shots earlier, bloody freezing but a good day to take a photo or two.
  9. Good for the Premier League that one of the game's original pioneer's and innovative manager is staying in our game for another two years. I know people are a bit split on him but he's one of the best in my eyes and it's great for Pep/City to quash these potential move stories once and for all.
  10. Lucas

    Show us your pets

    Been there 3 times, never gets easier so I know exactly how it feels. Reflect on the happiness he gave you. I've tended to make a collage of the best photos and got it framed down a Photo shop by way of remembrance and that's always helped me. Puts a smile on my face when I look back. Beautiful looking boy. All the best mate.
  11. Liverpool v Leicester 5-a-side anyone? Roll on subs, can only throw the ball in underarm and you can't step in the penalty area. No offsides. And don't forget your subs boys!
  12. Lucas

    Off Topic

    I hope you two didn't go two's up on Kirsty the Sunderland fan
  13. I completely agree. But it's natural to fear the worst when it is your own team. I'd be like that I think. Then again, I'd also say you above all the Liverpool fans on here generally appear to have the most confidence in your team ability wise.
  14. @Burning Gold and @Dr. Gonzo I can see where your both coming from, I personally do think you'll still be the team to beat but when it is your own team, you are naturally more sceptical and If I was in your shoes with Leeds, I'd arguably say the same. Anyway, time will soon tell. You need to try and see off these double game weeks with the Champions League soon as possible. I just wonder whether we will see you go back to the team that used to cut loose a few seasons ago and attack like mad. Yeah, you may lose that solidarity you had the last couple seasons that made you such a well oiled machine, but given the state of defending anyway, I don't think it's something that is as majorly concerning as normal. What will be interesting though is game management now with the other competitions. The league is always the bread and butter so I would expect the likes of Salah and Mane especially to face protection in the Champions League where possible. And you never know, a couple seasons ago, Trent emerged during an injury crisis and played well enough not be dropped. Fingers crossed, we might well see the emergence of another great talent in your time of need.
  15. I consider a lot of us fairly sensible fans with sound football knowledge on here and I am pretty sure most of us could agree City had more problems than just losing Laporte last year. I can see why you are going down that road if you've heard those excuses from elsewhere but for me, that's just sour grapes from the people that have said that in spite of you winning. City have Laporte now and still look a way off You walked it because you were far superior. Bottom line here for me is that whilst it's a pretty big spanner in the works, Liverpool have enough quality in their ranks to make it work. And having seen that City game on Sunday, that's not made me rethink that in the slightest. Fabinho when fit will be a decent replacement with Matip and regardless of that, Liverpool have enough of the ball in games to dominate and score more than the opposition anyway. There isn't one team out of the challengers that look that well oiled to take over and dominate this league anyway. The only thing that might happen is we actually get a decent title race involving more than a couple teams for once.
  16. All this talk that Liverpool won't win the league now or it'll be a joke if no one else does, I mean come on guys, how old are we? If you had to lay £500 of your own money on the table now that they wouldn't do it would you? I doubt it. They were so far in front of everyone last year, all that's really happened is the playing field has evened. Every other contender has enough flaws currently not to make them a clear favourite. They have been ridiculously unlucky with injuries no doubt. But they still have a bloody great chance considering they will still play a huge majority of games with Alisson, Trent, Robertson, Henderson, Wijnaldum, Fabinho, Jota, Firmino, Mane and Salah in the team.
  17. It really surprised me. Can't say I envisaged liking it but it grew on me fast and was a great watch. Netflix, bar a few hits, seems to have made a lot of what I'd call 'average viewing' with several stuff that's underwhelmed or not quite hit the mark. It makes you feel a bit sceptical now. So when something like this exceeds your expectations, it's a great surprise. I can see it gaining huge popularity by the time Christmas has come and gone.
  18. Me and my missus have just burned through The Queen's Gambit in a couple days on Netflix. I'm going to nail my colours to the mast here but....this is hands down one of the best bits of telly I have seen all year. Who knew a coming of age story that largely revolved around the world of Chess could actually be so encapsulating? The cinematography, music, recreating the feel of the 60's was brilliant. Wasn't sure I'd be so into it as I was initially but by the 2nd episode I was most definitely drawn in. And that is definitely down to Anya Taylor-Joy appearing from Episode 2 onwards. I salute you for an outstanding performance. Her complex character is mesmerising, absolutely draws you in. Thoroughly recommend it. 8.8/10 for me.
  19. I could never be that disciplined so absolute credit to you. Especially as my missus is hard work when it comes to exercise and junk food. But I'm in good shape enough to eat sensible meals and work out two or three times a week and enjoy 'treats' at the weekend. That'll do me.
  20. Lucas

    Tips & Bets 365

    Yep, easy money that. I snapped that one up. My only regret was not going £20/30. I wouldn't have gone anymore though.
  21. Forget the centre backs, is Jota making a genuine claim to keeping Firmino out? I mean if he carries on in this vain, how much longer can Liverpool justify choosing the 'indispensible' Firmino over him? I get it's not about goals with Firmino but he's still a striker, and Jota is banging them in. Got to be some pressure on him surely?
  22. Judging from comments in the past, it seemed people found it easy to put on weight over the first lockdown due to many reasons. That then led to depression or generally not feeling good about themselves. I reckon we should all take our weight at the start of Lockdown 2 before Thursday, and for the next 4 weeks, with a weigh in each Thursday, monitor and see how we get on. Maybe make an individual goal as to what target we want to be by start of December or whatever. Sounds a bit gay I know, but if it helps others with a bit more encouragement and motivation to stay in shape during a time of the year when it will be ridiculously easy to comfort eat and drink, I don't see why not.
  23. Well on the plus side, at least we don't have to put up with all those insufferable cunts who go berserk in the shops on Black Friday deals like they have never seen a TV or Laptop in their life.
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