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Explosion at Manchester MEN Arena

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23 minutes ago, Fairy In Boots said:

Greater manchester police now confirming fatalities. They say it's an explosion but no details as to what yet

 Christ, this is awful news and bound to be home grown terrorism as well. 

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Don't know if it is terrorism yet, armed police have effectively locked down the area but there's conflicting reports. Some say gas explosion some say they've heard shots fired it's a fucking mindfield with social media, I've seen several photos of the corpses of the poor victims in the bataclan tagged as Manchester already.

If it is Terrorism and you'd most likely suspect the religion of peace, I think immigration which has been a fairly small point so far will rocket up the agenda in the election. 

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Manchester is a diverse area of multiple faiths, if this is a religious assault it would be wrong for it to become a platform for emotive immigration discussion. Certainly given recent terror attacks have perpetrated by home grown extremist Muslims.

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5 minutes ago, Batard said:

Manchester is a diverse area of multiple faiths, if this is a religious assault it would be wrong for it to become a platform for emotive immigration discussion. Certainly given recent terror attacks have perpetrated by home grown extremist Muslims.

I know they're all home grown, it doesn't stop the topic of immigration coming up. It's like Syrians I think we've actually took 8k odd but your guy on the street would say it's lots more. 

It's looking like over 10 dead and reported to be at the entrance by the city road end. Bomb disposal unit is there now so I think it's not gas. 

Edit: NBC are quoting over 20 dead

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Could just be coincidence, but today is the anniversary of Lee Rigby's murder.

Supposedly staff at Victoria station (attached to MEN Arena) were briefed that it was an IED. It was only a matter of time if we're being honest.

Every attack like this is a tragedy, but it's especially sickening that they targeted an event that would've had so many children.

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51 minutes ago, Toony said:

Devastating, when will this end.

When people stop pretending that lighting candles and changing profile pictures on Facebook is the answer.

It's sickening but at the same time it's become an inevitability now. It's an absolutely tragic state of affairs.

Absolutely harrowing news. Imagine being a parent sending your daughter to this and it's the last you ever see of her. It's heartbreaking.

It's time anyone who "is known to the authorities" is locked up.

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53 minutes ago, Spike said:

Close but I read funnier jokes earlier. Next time, hombre.

Fair play, we do what we can.


42 minutes ago, Fairy In Boots said:

19 dead and being treated as a terrorist incident. A few US networks are reporting it was a suicide bomber 

2 hours of her shite and I'd be ready to explode as well.

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27 minutes ago, Tanksie said:

Fair play, we do what we can.


2 hours of her shite and I'd be ready to explode as well.

I'm not in the mood for jokes mate, hypocritical of me for sure but they've killed kids here. I'm patriotic I care about my country and my fellow countryman more than I do for other nations. 

It won't stop it will continue on until the only logical progression will be sectarian violence and potential civil war, many of the kids who've survived tonight will have kids who may well have to fight this evil.

From 50,000 to 3,1 million population in 57 years, it's fucking scandalous and recklessly stupid. It's pretty much 10 to midnight on whether we tackle it properly and escape violence down the line. We won't though we'll get "Islam is a religion of peace" and people more concerned with islamophobia than the bodies strewn across the pavements in our towns & cities. 

Its also 4 years to the day that Lee Rigby was murdered on our streets, his monument was vandalised the other day.

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20 minutes ago, Fairy In Boots said:

I'm not in the mood for jokes mate, hypocritical of me for sure but they've killed kids here. I'm patriotic I care about my country and my fellow countryman more than I do for other nations. 



Fair enough, to me people are poeple and I don't give a fuck what colour their skin or which patch of dirt they grew up on. Not my aim to rustle anyone though so I'll stop.

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16 minutes ago, Tanksie said:


Fair enough, to me people are poeple and I don't give a fuck what colour their skin or which patch of dirt they grew up on. Not my aim to rustle anyone though so I'll stop.

You're not upsetting me mate, I just personally can't take much mirth from it. Carry on if you like 

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Kids ffs.

I thought not long back that outside of London security at large crowded events had barely changed if at all. Not sure if that is the case at MEN but I'd guess as much. It's only a matter of time before something at a football game. 

I would imagine an Arianne Grande concert was deliberately selected as she is American. The day after Trump is all over the news having gone to the Middle East to talk about jihadi nuts.

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1 minute ago, HoneyNUFC said:

Kids ffs.

I thought not long back that outside of London security at large crowded events had barely changed if at all. Not sure if that is the case at MEN but I'd guess as much. It's only a matter of time before something at a football game. 

Yeah I thought football straight away. Music concerts will be a big one though they'll be more. 

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Just now, Cannabis said:

They check your bags and that's all I think, some random people get checked with the glow stick thing but that's all. 

We are so lax in this country when it comes to security. I'm still shocked at how poorly run football grounds are in this sense.

Unless we tackle the issue at source we'll become like Israel eventually 

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1 minute ago, Cannabis said:

They check your bags and that's all I think, some random people get checked with the glow stick thing but that's all. 

We are so lax in this country when it comes to security. I'm still shocked at how poorly run football grounds are in this sense.


It's weird. Whenever I got to a Slipknot concert or any other decent metal gig I get patted down, as does everyone, and any sharps are taken at the door. Went to Katy Perry with mrs once and not a fucking skerrik of door security. Weird as fuck if you ask me.

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Given that people on this forum are likely to know people that could have been in close proximity to this event I think the crap jokes are a bit too soon.

Really hits hard that young teenagers seem to be the source of the target here. Really highlights the importance of being vigilant too. How many walk in large crowds to work every day? Or travel to work using public transport? Or go shopping in large crowds? Our counter terrorism team are brilliant, in my opinion the best in the world, but they can't stop everything. You really are susceptible to these kinds of attacks on a continual basis in this country. 

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