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Question a Member: Chaaay AFC

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  • What's your most embarrassing moment in your life where you thought "Please lord bury me"... Tell all!
  • For whatever reason (an important one maybe), have you ever had to be a hypocrite and pretend to like someone or agree with something you are against.
  • Have you ever cheated on your (or a) partner?
  • Apart from Arsenal or the England national side...  What's the most excited you have ever been in a football match where you went unusually mental?
  • If you were to move away from the UK, where would be your favoured place to go and live?
  • If you could change something about the area and people where you live, what would it be?
  • Do you have a phobia, if so what is it?
  • If reincarnation exists and you couldn't come back as a human being but could choose what to return as, what would it be?
  • Have you ever envied someone, if yes, why and whom?
  • Even if totally out of the ordinary (or it may not be out of the ordinary), what would be your dream job or maybe owning some sort of business...  Tell us about your thoughts on that.
  • If you wasn't you, but you were introduced to you and due to shared friends you suddenly started to see more of you...  What would be your thoughts on you and would you make a close friendship with you?  In total...  What would be the resume you think others that know you, think. 
  • Who's your favourite player of all time?
  • Be honest... When did you finally feel Arsene Wenger's time should be up at Arsenal?
  • From those realistically available, who would you have as the next Arsenal head coach (hopefully it's head coach and no more managers)?
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1. Do you think Peru will make the World Cup looking at the table?

2. Any of our players you would take on Arsenal even if its on the bench?

3. If Arsenal played Universitario, what would the score be and why would we batter you?

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2 minutes ago, Cannabis said:
  1. Do you agree with the theory that @Blue is actually from Brazil?

Ha, random but in high school when I was still in Canada, maybe people thought I was from Brazil despite stating several times I'm Peruvian. No idea why they thought that.

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15 minutes ago, Cannabis said:
  1. Where will Arsenal be in five years time (and what are your thoughts on the current regime?) 
  2. @SirBalon, @6666, @Gunnersauraus, @VanPanna and @shut up arrive at your house with twenty sevenybottles of Jack Daniels, sixteen Burlesque strippers of various genders and more candy floss than it's humanly possible to eat in a day. How does the night progress?
  3. You are taken to a desert island and can only take three things with you for the duration of your 365 day stay. What do you take with you and how do you pass the time? 
  4. On a scale of 0-0.5 how would you rate @Stan's contribution to this forum? 
  5. You are cleared to have a rampant sex session with three women of your choice. Who do you choose?
  6. Is it true that the ground shakes when @Anton ejaculates?
  7. What is the best and worst aspect about TalkFootball365?
  8. Do you agree with the theory that @Blue is actually from Brazil?

I eat all the candy floss and puke. The dancers find it discusting. There is an orgy without me.

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5 minutes ago, SirBalon said:
  • What's your most embarrassing moment in your life where you thought "Please lord bury me"... Tell all!
    Tough one, I'd probably say getting off with a pretty grim girl at school and everyone finding out. xD
  • For whatever reason (an important one maybe), have you ever had to be a hypocrite and pretend to like someone or agree with something you are against.
    I would say I would had of done this a lot as a youngster, mainly just because I didn't tend to like getting into debates/confrontations. Now I would never not argue against something I felt was wrong.
  • Have you ever cheated on your (or a) partner?
  • Apart from Arsenal or the England national side...  What's the most excited you have ever been in a football match where you went unusually mental?
    I have attended a load of Southend matches as they are local. I went to see them play Charlton at the Valley  in league 1 and this was when Charlton had only been out the Prem for a little while, so it was a big game for a club like Southend. The atmosphere was electric in the away end and a former Southend player called Nicky Bailey was playing for them and we just gave him abuse for the whole game as he left on shady terms. Although Southend lost 1-0 it was amazing to be in such an atmospheric stand with a load of 'real' fans.
  • If you were to move away from the UK, where would be your favoured place to go and live?
    Hmm, I have a soft spot for Scandinavia as I do love how they live out there. Only problem is it is very expensive, dark and cold. I think I'd really enjoy Spain especially the southern regions and I love places like Budapest and Prague. I think if I had to choose it would probably actually be Scandinavia and to be more specific, Norway.
  • If you could change something about the area and people where you live, what would it be?
    I live in Southend and I have to say the place is such a shithole now, full of absolute scumbags. It's not the worse place to live and has a lot of good things, but the people really are the problem for me. If we could get rid of the scumbags it would be a decent place aha.
  • Do you have a phobia, if so what is it?
    Being totally honest can't really say I do. I'd say I had a phobia of wasps up until recently though.
  • If reincarnation exists and you couldn't come back as a human being but could choose what to return as, what would it be?
    Probably a killer whale, as long as I'm not imprisoned up in Seaworld. I think they are fascinating creatures, they are very intelligent, top of the food chain and live for a good amount of time.
  • Have you ever envied someone, if yes, why and whom?
    Yeah I'd say my best mate at school. Mainly because he was a much more confident, funny and intelligent guy. I can safely say though I'm actually very happy as the person I am.
  • Even if totally out of the ordinary (or it may not be out of the ordinary), what would be your dream job or maybe owning some sort of business...  Tell us about your thoughts on that.
    Probably something to do with sports journalism, I love sport and love to learn and educate myself on history of different sports. I like the idea of being a commentator as well.
  • If you wasn't you, but you were introduced to you and due to shared friends you suddenly started to see more of you...  What would be your thoughts on you and would you make a close friendship with you?  In total...  What would be the resume you think others that know you, think. 
    Yeah, I find it really easy to get a long with people and I takes a lot for me to really dislike someone. 
  • Who's your favourite player of all time?
    Tough one, I love Bergkamp and Henry, but which Arsenal fan doesn't? Fabregas is another who I loved at Arsenal as he was such a special player and one I think has actually underachieved with his ability. In non-Arsenal terms it would easily be Iniesta, the man is just a magician, but the one who would have to be top is Thierry Henry. That guy brought me so much joy.
  • Be honest... When did you finally feel Arsene Wenger's time should be up at Arsenal?
    When we lost 1-2 at home to United, it was a game we completely dominated and they were playing utter dross like Paddy McNair. Not to forget Louis Van Gaal was in charge. We bottled all our chances though, they scored a fluky deflected goal and then as usual we pushed to many men up and got caught on the counter. It was just then I realised the same mistake kept happening and he just couldn't get the best from us any longer.
  • From those realistically available, who would you have as the next Arsenal head coach (hopefully it's head coach and no more managers)?
    As of right now my top choices would be Simeone, Allegri or Jardim. I think Jardim is the most attainable although he seems to be very engrossed in his Monaco project. I think we completely missed the trick with Monchi, we should have gone all out for him. A combination of him and Jardim would have been special.


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13 minutes ago, Gunnersauraus said:

I know this is of topic but from what I have heard a lot of premiership managers don't do much coaching

That's why he's the Head Coach.  He is like the chef in a high end kitchen...  He oversees everything is being done correctly and chooses what's going to be played and how.  Has nothing whatsoever to do with contract negotiations or signings...  At most he is asked for his opinion if he's highly regarded.

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From what i have heard a lot of premiership managers dont do much coaching in now days. It is more of a office job. A bit of topic though mate. Quote me in the arsenal thread and I'll reply in there

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3 hours ago, Cannabis said:
  1. Where will Arsenal be in five years time (and what are your thoughts on the current regime?) 
    Depends entirely who's in charge, if Wenger stays on as manager we will continue to decline and could even potentially drop out the top 7. If Wenger is still in charge next summer, it could be disastrous for the club. If he is replaced though, we have the potential of being an extremely competitive team.
  2. @SirBalon, @6666, @Gunnersauraus, @VanPanna and @shut up arrive at your house with twenty seven bottles of Jack Daniels, sixteen Burlesque strippers of various genders and more candy floss than it's humanly possible to eat in a day. How does the night progress?
    We would enter a competition and end up 4th. Balon would stuff all the candy floss down his tightie whities and pull all the burlesque men.
  3. You are taken to a desert island and can only take three things with you for the duration of your 365 day stay. What do you take with you and how do you pass the time? 
    Wi-fi, Laptop & a television... easy.
  4. On a scale of 0-0.5 how would you rate @Stan's contribution to this forum? 
    0.5 #LeaveStanAlone
  5. You are cleared to have a rampant sex session with three women of your choice. Who do you choose?
    Anna Kendrick, Margot Robbie & Laura Robson.
  6. Is it true that the ground shakes when @Anton ejaculates?
  7. What is the best and worst aspect about TalkFootball365?
    Best - the members. Worst - Stan. :ph34r:xD
  8. Do you agree with the theory that @Blue is actually from Brazil?
    He is too obsessed with Peru not to come from there surely?


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4 hours ago, Blue said:

1. Do you think Peru will make the World Cup looking at the table?
Looking very good for your lot, can't see any reason why not. 

2. Any of our players you would take on Arsenal even if its on the bench?
I can't really say I know any of them to make a judgement. I'm sure one or two could do a job though.

3. If Arsenal played Universitario, what would the score be and why would we batter you?
3-1 Arsenal at a guess. We are not at our best and I don't know enough about Universitario, but I'd suspect we would still be to much for you.


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What's actually funny is that our 2 defenders (Alberto Rodriguez and Aldo Corzo) have all had to face good forwards, Rodriguez vs Suarez, Martins and Vargas, while Corzo vs Sanchez, Di María and Neymar. Both have done an excellent job on them and are both great defenders. However, the national team is a while different story here. We take it much more seriously. Corzo is average for club but plays like Philip Lahm for the national team. Rodriguez is a top defender though, he's even played in the Europa league final with Braga once.

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1) Last movie that you saw which you loved and why, and also name the one you hated and why.

2) Current earworm (read, your current favourite song).

3) Allie Haze, Avy Scott, Dani Daniels. Pick one. You can google. 

4) Bad habit which you want to change.

5) If given an opportunity what would you change about yourself or a thing from your past.

6) Do you wish Klopp was your manager, since he does seem suited to Arsenal just as much as he suits our club.

7) Favourite LFC player.

8) Favourite Spurs player.

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On 11/09/2017 at 4:59 PM, IgnisExcubitor said:

1) Last movie that you saw which you loved and why, and also name the one you hated and why.

Dunkirk. Thought it was brilliantly made and had some great performances. Big fan of Christopher Nolan. Can't really think of one I hated though aha.

2) Current earworm (read, your current favourite song).

My most recent one was 'Everything Now' by Arcade Fire. Really catchy uplifting song.

3) Allie Haze, Avy Scott, Dani Daniels. Pick one. You can google. 

Allie Haze.

4) Bad habit which you want to change.

Mumbling probably I'm terrible.

5) If given an opportunity what would you change about yourself or a thing from your past.

I wouldn't mind re-doing school just to give me more career options now. Overall though I don't have any regrets.

6) Do you wish Klopp was your manager, since he does seem suited to Arsenal just as much as he suits our club.

I'd certainly take him, although I think there are better options then him currently.

7) Favourite LFC player.

Mot sure whether you mean right now or all-time, so I'll do both. Right now Sadio Mane, all-time probably Xabi Alonso.

8) Favourite Spurs player.

Very tough as they're all shite :ph34r:

Always liked Sol Campbell though...


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1 hour ago, VanPanna said:

If you could have one Arsenal player back right now from History who would it be ?

Tough Adams or Vieira. But if push came to shove I'd probably go Vieira, not only a superb midfielder, he'd kick a lot of this team into shape. I think his game would flawlessly transition into the modern era too.

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what was your first Arsenal game?

Not sure how old you are but did you go to the Leicester 3-3 Arsenal game in August 1997?

Favourite and worst subjects at school? 

If you could date any celeb who would it be and why?

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1 hour ago, Stan said:

what was your first Arsenal game?

Man City away in the League Cup. It's must of been 15 years ago. We won 2-1 and a young RVP scored.

Not sure how old you are but did you go to the Leicester 3-3 Arsenal game in August 1997?

No I haven't been to a whole lot of Arsenal game to be fair. I was only 4 when that game happened.

Favourite and worst subjects at school? 

Favourite was Music and worst was definitely Science.

Although I work in a school as a TA (Not for too much longer as I'm changing careers this week) but my favourite lesson now is Maths, but I still hate science. xD

If you could date any celeb who would it be and why?

I quite like Anna Kendrick she is very pretty and comes across very likeable and funny.


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