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Embarrassing people. 

Holding black lives matter signs up and there are no black people there. 

How does the incident at the airport have any relation whatsoever to racism and especially to black people when there were no black people present? 

What an embarrassing bunch of people. Any excuse to try and create tension.


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1 hour ago, Carnivore Chris said:

Likewise, a guy has just broke a woman's nose, a bunch of clowns were behaving like animals in an airport, where security is taken very seriously, but because they happen to be Muslim, you either ignore it or try and justify it, like you always do. I've noticed a pattern.

I'm also baffled why there are protests. How does this particular incident have any relation whatsoever to religion? It's just another excuse to spread hate and create divide. Very typical of the UK currently.

Why no protests against Anjem Choudary, who has just been given life in prison and was a serious threat to public safety? Surely that has significantly more in relation to their religion considering how he used said religion as a tool to spew vile extremism? An incredibly dangerous individual.

I'm certainly not justifying the kick, as kicking a man when he's on the floor restrained is a cowardly act, regardless of whether he was a scumbag who hits women or not, and it's even worse if they are a copper. However, at the same time, they obviously weren't "innocent people who dun nowt" like the silly bitch filming states. I'm not a fan of the police, although it's pretty clear they didn't simply turn up to an airport specifically to attack a group of Muslims because they are Muslims.

I think you've missed the point about the incident?

You're right it's probably nothing to do with racism (but police do have a great record when it comes to this...not). 

But if you're behaving like a clown in an airport, do you deserve to be kicked and stamped in the head while already restrained and seemingly not posing a threat?

If you're broken a female copper's nose (which is bad enough and should not be tolerated in any circumstance), then you should be arrested and charged and tried with that process. When you're down on the floor, Tasered already, not even facing the police, clearly unable to move or look to attack therefore the threat decreased significantly, do you deserve to be kicked and stamped on the head? I think not. 

I don't get why there are religious-based protests either. 

As for Anjem Choudary and no protests there, are you taking the piss xD ? They're two totally different individuals and circumstances. Might it have occurred to you that perhaps not all Muslims actually agree with him, and therefore see no reason to protest just because he happens to be Muslim too? Or are you saying that because he is Muslim, they should have protested regardless? Come on, man. That's such a bad analogy and example you've put forward. 


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One story going around is that the female officer got caught up in the melee after trying to stop it and that's how her nose got broken. Nobody knows for certain what happened at the start.

However, there is a way to clear it up. The kicking on the floor is all over the news and Internet. Why not show CCTV of the initial incident? Or the police bodycam? 

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4 minutes ago, MUFC said:

Or the police bodycam? 

Heard that this is likely to be released as part of the IPCC investigations.

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On 25/07/2024 at 03:17, Smiley Culture said:

People can still pose a threat on the floor. He moved after being told not to. Is that posing a threat? Perhaps not and possibly not worthy of the reaction but he simply wasn’t following orders, as many of the phone wavers weren’t. 

He was restrained - any threat he posed was minimal. Certainly no threat worthy of having his head stomped on. Head injuries are serious - if he's guilty of a crime, we're a country that's meant to respect rule of law. The right thing to do is to arrest him and have him go through a prosecution. The incorrect thing to do is for police to commit a crime themselves and stomp on the person's head after they've been detained.

This copper deserves a sacking then an arrest and prosecution of his own for his own violent conduct. All the police involved need to be investigated too imo.

Treating police with kid gloves when it comes to police brutality will only lead us to the same problem America has. You end up with too many police who think they can act with impunity, making life harder for those who are in law enforcement that don't think they've got a license to do whatever they want... and you end up with a huge number of people that have absolutely no faith or trust in the police, and think getting police in certain situations will only make things worse or more dangerous. Some of that already exists in the UK today, but it's nowhere near the shit situation treating police brutality with kid gloves has in the US.

But we're not on the right track unless the hammer comes down on this guy and his colleagues, imo. That footage, regardless of whatever context that led up to that moment, is totally unacceptable.

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12 hours ago, Carnivore Chris said:

Likewise, a guy has just broke a woman's nose, a bunch of clowns were behaving like animals in an airport, where security is taken very seriously, but because they happen to be Muslim, you either ignore it or try and justify it, like you always do. I've noticed a pattern.

I'm also baffled why there are protests. How does this particular incident have any relation whatsoever to religion? It's just another excuse to spread hate and create divide. Very typical of the UK currently.

Why no protests against Anjem Choudary, who has just been given life in prison and was a serious threat to public safety? Surely that has significantly more in relation to their religion considering how he used said religion as a tool to spew vile extremism? An incredibly dangerous individual.

I'm certainly not justifying the kick, as kicking a man when he's on the floor restrained is a cowardly act, regardless of whether he was a scumbag who hits women or not, and it's even worse if they are a copper. However, at the same time, they obviously weren't "innocent people who dun nowt" like the silly bitch filming states. I'm not a fan of the police, although it's pretty clear they didn't simply turn up to an airport specifically to attack a group of Muslims because they are Muslims.

You're letting your bigoted side show which you've been slipping into your rare political posts.

I've not once said there must have been an unjustified arrest but you need that to be the case to suggest I've said anything wrong so you're just treating your imagination as reality.

I've merely stated that the person arrested was down. And was being tased. There's no justification after that for an officer to kick and stamp on that person's head.

Bigots usually look to justify a police officer's actions against minorities and seeing as you're the first one to make a big deal out of them being Muslim, it's safe to assume you're doing that here.

There isn't a single way in which any logical person can suggest the officer's actions were justified. Your #BlueLivesMatter rant won't change that. Pass the message on to your fellow Reform party supporters.

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The officer in question was suspended yesterday and is to face a criminal investigation. He's a police officer so they're probably hoping the spotlight goes off the incident before they can let him off.

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12 hours ago, Carnivore Chris said:


Embarrassing people. 

Holding black lives matter signs up and there are no black people there. 

How does the incident at the airport have any relation whatsoever to racism and especially to black people when there were no black people present? 

What an embarrassing bunch of people. Any excuse to try and create tension.


Absolutely embarrassing scenes.

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Have seen the extended video. 

The offender who got kicked in the head is an absolute dickhead for assaulting all the officers that he did. 


I still maintain he shouldn't have been kicked and stamped in the head. Not only because he'd been Tasered and nullified in terms of ongoing threat, but because as a Police officer he should know better. 

I know there's the want for revenge, but a Police officer needs to be acting better with authority and responsibility. He was going to face the consequences anyway once he was arrested. Now it's a case of facing the consequences, but the Police officer doing so too. 

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Just seen the full video, the police are fully justified in using the force that they did. Absolutely no place for a brawl like that to be commonplace in the UK and should be stamped out - must have been terrifying for innocent people in the area.

Disappointing, yet not surprising that the mainstream media will do all they can to keep the extended video under wraps - the agenda has been pushed firmly against GMP.

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  • Administrator
11 minutes ago, Whiskey said:

Just seen the full video, the police are fully justified in using the force that they did

By the law, they're not. I don't know any law that the police have to abide by that means they can kick and stamp on someone's head. 


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20 minutes ago, Whiskey said:

Just seen the full video, the police are fully justified in using the force that they did. Absolutely no place for a brawl like that to be commonplace in the UK and should be stamped out - must have been terrifying for innocent people in the area.

Disappointing, yet not surprising that the mainstream media will do all they can to keep the extended video under wraps - the agenda has been pushed firmly against GMP.

What you on about he was on the floor. Admittedly it's terrible what they did first but he was on the floor and posing no threat. You can't just let officers kick people in the head when they are face down on the floor

Edited by Gunnersaurus
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6 minutes ago, Stan said:

By the law, they're not. I don't know any law that the police have to abide by that means they can kick and stamp on someone's head. 

He had clearly shown himself to be a threat to the public, thus running the risk of being restrained by force.

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5 minutes ago, Gunnersaurus said:

What you on about he was on the floor. Admittedly it's terrible what they did first but he was on the floor and posing no threat 

I'm assuming you would have given him a blanket to keep him snug whilst being arrested?

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  • Administrator
2 minutes ago, Whiskey said:

He had clearly shown himself to be a threat to the public, thus running the risk of being restrained by force.

He had been Tasered and was prone on the floor. 

The threat had been diminished. He could have held him down on the ground, arrested him and totally diffused the situation there and then. 


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2 minutes ago, Stan said:

He had been Tasered and was prone on the floor. 

The threat had been diminished. He could have held him down on the ground, arrested him and totally diffused the situation there and then. 

The police clearly considered him a threat, it's questionable that people are choosing to side with a gang that has caused a major incident rather than the police attempting to keep order. 

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2 minutes ago, Stan said:

He had been Tasered and was prone on the floor. 

The threat had been diminished. He could have held him down on the ground, arrested him and totally diffused the situation there and then. 


The thing I've noticed is people are saying the people they were arresting were aggressive. Of course they were they were pricks. However the police officer still kicked him in the head which you can't do. I can understand why he did it. Especially considering that he broke a female officers nose. However the fact is the police can't do that. 

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Just now, Whiskey said:

The police clearly considered him a threat, it's questionable that people are choosing to side with a gang that has caused a major incident rather than the police attempting to keep order. 

Police officers are not allowed to kick people in the head what is so hard to understand 

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