It was insane to use herd immunity to kill people off but here we are, it was an attempt by the government that to kill more people off, on behalf of themselves and their families, now so that we wouldn't be overburdened later on, which is bad enough in itself essentially deciding that people will die when their lives could be saved....but instead we killed a load of people off now and are overburdened now. I'm just disillusioned at the lack of accountability in general, Brexit is a prime example that you can break the law and still get the final result that the law breaking was intended to get.
I'm obviously not suggesting that we charge hundreds of civil servants nor am I suggesting that we actually charge whoever with manslaughter, it was just thinking aloud. What I'm afraid of is that there will be an inquiry, some people will look bad, some of those people who look bad will lose their jobs worst case scenario but overall everything else will remain the same.
Personally I'm struggling to see how this many deaths can simply be put down to incompetence but I guess the only way we'll get a light shone on that is through an inquiry.