The worst is you worry between them and it starts them off. You also feel like you have a hangover after it. Then the pain lingers a bit, you continue thinking about it, then have another. It's become a vicious cycle in the last 4 days or so, which came out of the blue.
I'm going to go and see my GP next week if it's possible as it's difficult to get a doctor's appointment these days.
Glad you got over them mate, as they are horrible.
That's one of the biggest problems, smoking. It's a terrible habit, but very easy to start when you're a teenager and then it's stuck with you.
I actually had a mate whose lung collapsed when we were only 20 years old or so, but he was ok in the end never had any other problems. Funnily enough, he was one of the only ones who didn't smoke. He surely drank though, as he had me smuggling bottles of beer in for him when he was in hospital...