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So - an update. @nudge @Stan

I went out for a very long walk this afternoon. I ended up going farther than I’d anticipated and had to find a trail back. I text my mother saying I’ll be home soon and then get lost with no signal. Get in and it’s the kitchen sink - apparently if I don’t abide by the ‘new rules’ then I’m going to be homeless. I then have every insult under the sun thrown at me before being told to find somewhere else to live. I send her a text and get the same response. So - it’s not looking good. One thing I do know is I’m getting closer to cutting them off when I do manage to afford my own place.

Edited by Deco
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18 minutes ago, Deco said:

So - an update. @nudge @Stan

I went out for a very long walk this afternoon. I ended up going farther than I’d anticipated and had to find a trail back. I text my mother saying I’ll be home soon and then get lost with no signal. Get in and it’s the kitchen sink - apparently if I don’t abide by the ‘new rules’ then I’m going to be homeless. I then have every insult under the sun thrown at me before being told to find somewhere else to live. I send her a text and get the same response. So - it’s not looking good. One thing I do know is I’m getting closer to cutting them off when I do manage to afford my own place.

What are the new rules? 

Sounds shit and I don't envy you at all in this position. They sound like horrible people to be around and live with. 

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57 minutes ago, Deco said:

So - an update. @nudge @Stan

I went out for a very long walk this afternoon. I ended up going farther than I’d anticipated and had to find a trail back. I text my mother saying I’ll be home soon and then get lost with no signal. Get in and it’s the kitchen sink - apparently if I don’t abide by the ‘new rules’ then I’m going to be homeless. I then have every insult under the sun thrown at me before being told to find somewhere else to live. I send her a text and get the same response. So - it’s not looking good. One thing I do know is I’m getting closer to cutting them off when I do manage to afford my own place.

Sounds awful, mate... Seriously, just get out of there as soon as you can, for your own sake. Even if it's just a tiny room in a shared flat. It's sad that it has to be like that, but you'll be better off long-term. So sorry that you have to go through this.

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A phone call yesterday afternoon from our daughter, wee Kaidens Nintendo Switch is fucked and not working, he has had it for a few years now and it stopped loading games so it was the 'Never fear, grannie & grandad are here' mode came into action, got him a new one from my Argos account, cost over £200 nicker but I could not give a fuck and will class it as one of his Christmas prezzies and it arrived last night around 8 ish so they will pop around sometime this morning to pick it up, its nice to be wanted as a grannie & grandad.  :coffee:


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3 hours ago, CaaC (John) said:

Emergency call yesterday afternoon from our daughter, wee Kaidens Nintendo Switch is fucked and not working, he has had it for a few years now and it stopped loading games so it was the 'Never fear, grannie & grandad are here' mode came into action, got him a new one from my Argos account, cost over £200 nicker but I could not give a fuck and will class it as one of his Christmas prezzies and it arrived last night around 8 ish so they will pop around sometime this morning to pick it up, its nice to be wanted as a grannie & grandad.  :coffee:


I won't lie I saw 'emergency call' and thought oh fuck what's happened. 


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4 hours ago, CaaC (John) said:

Emergency call yesterday afternoon from our daughter, wee Kaidens Nintendo Switch is fucked and not working, he has had it for a few years now and it stopped loading games so it was the 'Never fear, grannie & grandad are here' mode came into action, got him a new one from my Argos account, cost over £200 nicker but I could not give a fuck and will class it as one of his Christmas prezzies and it arrived last night around 8 ish so they will pop around sometime this morning to pick it up, its nice to be wanted as a grannie & grandad.  :coffee:


You should have rang Nintendo first to see if you could blag s new one of them mate.

In about about a 5 year period I had literally 3 playstation 3s randomly just stop working on me and Sony replaced 2 of them for free, while I only paid about 70 quid(I think) for the third one.

Funnily enough I never had a playstation 1 or 2 fuck up on me. And the PS4 has been fine(although I hardly use it for games).

On 26/06/2020 at 11:42, Bluewolf said:

My youngest daughter is finally understanding why you need a bit of patience when doing some aspects of DIY... 

She admitted to the missus yesterday that she always used to get frustrated when I didn't get something finished in one day and told her after trying to get a simple set of cupboards up and some flooring laid that she will never ever complain again!! xD

You're not one of these who starts a job and doesn't finish it are you? xD

Or you put up a fence in the garden and as soon as there's a breeze, adiós..

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6 minutes ago, Carnivore Chris said:

You should have rang Nintendo first to see if you could blag s new one of them mate.

I don't know the full story but I know wee Kaiden was sitting here the other day trying to load a game and it would not load so our daughter who is pretty savvy with all these things tried loading it with no joy and told him she would get him an up to date Nintendo as the one he had was old as fuck, but she will still keep it and it will come in handy for others.

So me and the wife said we would get him a new one and class it as an early Xmas present, never had these things when me and the wife were wee nippers, all we had was a tin fireman climbing up a tin fire truck ladder or the wife with a plastic doll, oh and a Beano or Dandy book. O.o

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Just now, CaaC (John) said:

He loves playing his Nintendo with his big bruv or mum or our son, asked me once but told him I am all big fat fingers & thumbs. xD



You should have a go mate. Get fifa on, if they have it for the Nintendo. If you was to build a team on career mode, you'd end up as hooked on it as anyone xD

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On 24/06/2020 at 21:51, Deco said:

So - I need a bit of advice.

I don't get on with my parents. I've always had a very shaky relationship with my mother and am at a stage of breaking point with her. My younger sister has never had to pay rent, even when she had a job. As soon as I hit 16, I was expected to provide money for rent and did, even if it meant I had nothing for myself. I reckon that, having just turned 21, I've given them just shy of £10K give or take a little. That's a fucking tonne in my eyes, especially when I factor in that I have to buy my own food and things 95% of the time. This is despite using home as little more as a place to sleep and a place to keep my things.

Suddenly, as the pandemic draws to a close, I find myself being actively threatened to cough up £60 a week rent as well as pay for everything else. I'm set to embark on my Masters degree and have my savings in place to pay it off. Yet, no matter how I push this, they now want to milk me of nearly double this. I have nowhere else to go but I refuse to put my education down for their show of greed and lack of understanding. As almost a way of making me pay, they keep turning off the wi-fi whenever I'm doing prep research for September. What do you reckon I should say to them? It's so childish.


9 hours ago, Deco said:

So - an update. @nudge @Stan

I went out for a very long walk this afternoon. I ended up going farther than I’d anticipated and had to find a trail back. I text my mother saying I’ll be home soon and then get lost with no signal. Get in and it’s the kitchen sink - apparently if I don’t abide by the ‘new rules’ then I’m going to be homeless. I then have every insult under the sun thrown at me before being told to find somewhere else to live. I send her a text and get the same response. So - it’s not looking good. One thing I do know is I’m getting closer to cutting them off when I do manage to afford my own place.

Strange situation you have here... I never got on well with my Mum and it was always hard going but my Father was always there to keep things on an even keel, my sisters could do no wrong and I always seemed to get the brunt of her anger or frustration and when my parents finally got divorced he took me with him and the girls stayed with my mother... At the time it seemed unreasonable but looking back I am sure my scallywag ways and coming in at all hours probably used to wind her right up so ask yourself if there is anything you might be doing that might be adding to this friction?? Having said that this was when I was 16/17 by the time I was your age I already had a little one and our own flat... 

I appreciate the situation must be getting you down, I don't think I have ever known a time where getting yourself your own space/property has ever been harder for the younger generation than it is now but it can be done if you are prepared to make some sacrifices for comfort in the beginning... Getting some space to yourself will help clear your head and give you time to think because being in a war zone battling all the time will be no good for your mental health in the long run... 

Rent wise I always paid my way but my parents encouraged me to save for a rainy day and were happy with what I gave them rather than demanding a set amount  each week so every time I got a pay rise while living at home I would pay a little more but I could have gone 2 months without paying a penny and they wouldn't have batted an eye about it.. They were good like that and if I was saving up for something they would take less... As @nudge says they should be supporting you not the other way around... 

I am lucky that I earn enough to cover all the bills even if no-one else in the house was earning anything so I don't see that paying rent is the be all and end all but we do make them pay bills/rent simply because life is not a free ride and they need to learn to budget/save and prioritise... We tell them it goes towards the food/council tax/gas & electric etc but in reality it goes back to them when they really need it.. 

Working towards finding your own space seems to be the priority at the moment... Try and keep the peace until then and put all your energy into that

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33 minutes ago, Carnivore Chris said:

You're not one of these who starts a job and doesn't finish it are you? 


No mate, the other way around... 

She has been trying to get her room finished and her boyfriend wanted to get involved so I stepped away from it to let them crack on with it but he keeps winding her up the way he is going about doing things... I am just keeping an eye on it from a distance because I don't need to get caught up in that emotional whirlpool... 

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13 minutes ago, Bluewolf said:


No mate, the other way around... 

She has been trying to get her room finished and her boyfriend wanted to get involved so I stepped away from it to let them crack on with it but he keeps winding her up the way he is going about doing things... I am just keeping an eye on it from a distance because I don't need to get caught up in that emotional whirlpool... 

You know it's gonna happen anyway xD

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6 minutes ago, Eco said:

Get the fuck outta here.

I'm not 'afraid' of heights per se, but I'm not their biggest fan.

I had absolutely no fear of heights as a kid/teenager (we'd actually walk on the rail bridge railings and roof edges of 12 storey buildings, we idiots), but acquired a certain uneasiness towards it later in life, now I get a bit lightheaded whenever I encounter heights, haha. 

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2 minutes ago, nudge said:

I had absolutely no fear of heights as a kid/teenager (we'd actually walk on the rail bridge railings and roof edges of 12 storey buildings, we idiots), but acquired a certain uneasiness towards it later in life, now I get a bit lightheaded whenever I encounter heights, haha. 

That's me too. I get light headed. We did a sky bridge a few months ago and that made me feel very uneasy.

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14 minutes ago, nudge said:

I had absolutely no fear of heights as a kid/teenager (we'd actually walk on the rail bridge railings and roof edges of 12 storey buildings, we idiots), but acquired a certain uneasiness towards it later in life, now I get a bit lightheaded whenever I encounter heights, haha. 

Definitely the whisky.

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Always been scared of heights but it's funny when you are pissed as a newt you will do anything, got pissed in my army days leaving the NAAFI and my mate bet me I could not climb the battery flagpole in the parade ground, I took the bet on and climbed it, reached the top, took my hand off the pole to wave and the bloody top bit bent and snapped and I went crashing into the concrete parade ground below.

I ended up in a military hospital for 6 months with a broken jaw in 3 places, fractured my skull, broke my ankle and wrist and burst the blood vessels in my eyes, my battery TSM wanted to get me charged with causing grievous bodily harm to myself and breaking his fucking flagpole but 2 Staff Sergeants convinced him I had paid the price by ending up in the hospital and I had just got back from a 5-month tour of NI, and they fixed the flagpole for him. 

A good thing came out of that episode is that's where I met the wife,  we courted and then got married and in 40 odd years later of marriage she has never let me forget how we met...all for the sake of a bloody flagpole. 


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