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3 hours ago, Stan said:

Wasn't sure where else to put this. 

Mark Field heavy-handedly removes a female climate change protestor. Why grab her by the neck? Why be so physical? Why did no one else help her? 


Had no issue with him stopping her to be honest but dragging her out by her neck was a bit much. Do they not have any security there? You'd expect them to have taken over the responsibility after he stops her (or not let her in to begin with).

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10 minutes ago, 6666 said:

Had no issue with him stopping her to be honest but dragging her out by her neck was a bit much. Do they not have any security there? You'd expect them to have taken over the responsibility after he stops her (or not let her in to begin with).

Apparently not. But it was at Mansion House so I can't imagine there was no security in the vicinity.

Also don't mind her stopping her but it's the way he does it. Pushing her back, almost choking her by the back of the neck.

It's such an over-reaction from him considering she's literally just walking through the place (yes, as a protestor, I know) but she's hardly being violent or chaotic. It's not as if she's strolled in shouting/screaming and acting lairy like some protestors do. 

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Your daily reminder that this man who expects people to believe this letter was written by an actual 10 year old (7 years old when the referendum happened) off their own back is somehow one of the most effective politicians in our country in the past 10 years.

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13 hours ago, Stan said:

Wasn't sure where else to put this. 

Mark Field heavy-handedly removes a female climate change protestor. Why grab her by the neck? Why be so physical? Why did no one else help her? 


The way people have gone about it I thought he grabbed her by the throat and raised her off the floor with blood coming out her eyes.

Let's be honest, given the secluded bubble most people in government live in hes probably never been in a situation of conflict before. I very much doubt he would have received any training to deal with such a situation and for all we know she could have had anything on her. I dont expect any action to be taken here.

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2 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

Your daily reminder that this man who expects people to believe this letter was written by an actual 10 year old (7 years old when the referendum happened) off their own back is somehow one of the most effective politicians in our country in the past 10 years.

🤣 that’s genuinely funny (fellow leaver) broke me 🤣


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1 hour ago, The Palace Fan said:

The way people have gone about it I thought he grabbed her by the throat and raised her off the floor with blood coming out her eyes.

Let's be honest, given the secluded bubble most people in government live in hes probably never been in a situation of conflict before. I very much doubt he would have received any training to deal with such a situation and for all we know she could have had anything on her. I dont expect any action to be taken here.

It's definitely not enough to be considered an "assault" and if it was a man there wouldn't be much of a fuss made about it. I don't think anyone actually thinks it's actually as horrific as they're making out, both sides are disingenuous with their outrage when it comes to anything that happens to desperately make the other side look bad. This is why politics is shit.

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It's been hard work to send the guy the only message that will really matter to him. He doesn't respond, he has been totally fixated on ignoring Brexit and using it to bid for a General Election all the way through the process... It's been worth it! I sent him an e-mail seeing as he's the MP for my constituency months back and no response... Sent him a second one when he said he'd forgotten to add a "People's Vote" to the manifesto warning him that he would lose his seat and that we'd fight to make history in Islington an eternal ultra-safe Labour stronghold.

The European Elections showed him the gap had been totally eaten up and that he was hanging by a thread. Now it's finally happened! He HAS to announce which side of the fence his party will officially sit on. No more speculation as to trying to appease both sides of the coin because here in Islington we are sure of what we want.


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14 hours ago, SirBalon said:

It's been hard work to send the guy the only message that will really matter to him. He doesn't respond, he has been totally fixated on ignoring Brexit and using it to bid for a General Election all the way through the process... It's been worth it! I sent him an e-mail seeing as he's the MP for my constituency months back and no response... Sent him a second one when he said he'd forgotten to add a "People's Vote" to the manifesto warning him that he would lose his seat and that we'd fight to make history in Islington an eternal ultra-safe Labour stronghold.

The European Elections showed him the gap had been totally eaten up and that he was hanging by a thread. Now it's finally happened! He HAS to announce which side of the fence his party will officially sit on. No more speculation as to trying to appease both sides of the coin because here in Islington we are sure of what we want.


Lol but aside from the knife addled shithole that’s London nobody else does, we want to leave. Also I hope you’ve brought a Banksy inspired stab vest to go with your stockpiles of beans in the event of a no deal

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4 hours ago, Stick With Azeem said:

I remember we were all on the old forum when you guys voted to exit..... Good days

ikr xD


This is from the 19th of June 2016(ie: 4 days before the vote).

EDIT: Actually that was June the 26th 2016 - 3 days after vote and most importantly AFTER LEAVE ADMITTED THE BUS WAS A LIE.

Btw love the wording, @Fairy In Boots.

Edited by BartraPique1932
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9 hours ago, BartraPique1932 said:

ikr xD


This is from the 19th of June 2016(ie: 4 days before the vote).

EDIT: Actually that was June the 26th 2016 - 3 days after vote and most importantly AFTER LEAVE ADMITTED THE BUS WAS A LIE.

Btw love the wording, @Fairy In Boots.

Shows though you have a vocal minority. It’s uncool to be a ‘brexiteer’ it’s been 3 years of ridicule from the majority of the remain media. Still going to leave though, they’re going to have a hissy fit because that’s what children do 

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1 hour ago, Fairy In Boots said:

Shows though you have a vocal minority. It’s uncool to be a ‘brexiteer’ it’s been 3 years of ridicule from the majority of the remain media. Still going to leave though, they’re going to have a hissy fit because that’s what children do 

Pot, meet kettle.

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12 hours ago, BartraPique1932 said:



19th Feb, 2016

It's just been bullshit and deception from everything leave mate... Now the only ones remaining are those who "believe", those in the establishment who stand to benefit financial,  those who are racist and/or xenophobic or those who are extremely thick.


Well during and even after the campaign it we were gonna grt these or it'll end up like that...

  • "Sunny uplands"
  • We were going to "have our cake and eat it"
  • "The German car industry need us"
  • "The French wine producers need our pound"
  • "The Spaniards and Italians would let Brits abroad keep their present freedom rights because they need our money"
  • "The Irish border issue will be sorted, the Irish would never betray us"
  • "We won't have to pay the £39b owed" as advertised by the man who admitted he didn't know the importance of the Dover to Calais crossing befor (Dominic Raab)
  • Have to name some examples of a list dating back 30 years on lies coming from newspapers like the Daily Mail (most namely), The Telegraph, The Sun and the Daily Express... Things the EU were forcing on us like; "curved bananas", "milk jugs being banned", "Euro notes making you impotent", "cows being forced to wear nappies", "the Scottish kilt being banned" or even "Bombay mix packets being forced to be renamed". There's thousands more and they all made headlines in those papers.
  • Liam Fox (International Secretary) sold us the idea of "Glorious Global Britain"... "Once again creating new waves of trading prosperity... The free trade deal we will have to do should be one of the easiest in human history." FUCKING IDIOT! Where's that one now!
  • Nigel Farage and his "BREAKING POINT" poster. The self styled Mister Brexit put out a poster full of brown people queuing to get into the UK (brown people from the EU?) trying to draw on Islamic terrorist sentiment... A moment full of xenophobia that transcended its usual dog-whistle status into outright blatant racism and totally disconnected to anything pertaining to the EU.
  • Michael Gove; "The day after we vote to leave, we hold the cards and we can choose the path we want." Three years later and the seemingly strong construction of Britsh foundations of self importance turn out to be a fragile house of cards collapsed time ago.
  • "Health Tourism". Another of the dog-whistle (arent those that still believe these things embarrassed at being called dogs) scares sold to readers of the Daily Mail, The Sun, The Telegraph and the Daily Express during the run-up to the 2016 Referendum. This was on the extraordinary cost of so-called health tourists, people travelling to the UK soley to benefit from our generous health system. In the case of EU Citizens this has been proven to be total fabrication. The truth is that British citizens living in the EU receive FIVE TIMES the value of the treatment we give to EU citizens here in the UK. 
  • IMMIGRATION! The main objective and issue of the majority of Brexit voters... The idea that countries within the EU have no control of their borders, of immigration was and is a lie. We do, but WE CHOOSE not to exercise it. Under existing rules EU member states can send EU nationals home after three months if they haven't found a job or cannot support themselves. That's the law!
  • Oh... Boris Johnson before the referendum sold us; "There will continue to be free trade and access to the Single Market" (The Telegraph, 26th June 2016). Hahahahaha Need I say more? Hahaha.
  • David Davis... Yep, that knucklehead! Came close to contempt proceedings for the blasé way he bluffed and blagged his way through time as Brexit Secretary. Most notably he assured Parliament that his department was creating detailed impact assessments of Brexit's effect on the British economy. He later confessed to a select committee that this was untrue and in fact no impact assessments had been made. It all lent weight to Vote Leave organiser Dominic Cummings assessment of DD: "Thick as mince, lazy as a toad and vain as Narcissus."
  • Yes, one of my favourites, Lord Digby Jones; "Not a single job would be lost because of Brexit."  The ex-CBI boss and former lawyer told us before the Referendum. Two years later, he was standing by it, falling back on the semantic difference between "Brexit" and "uncertainty around Brexit" which we know is rubbish. Thousands of jobs have already repatriated to the continent and Government impact assessments (the real ones without David "Knucklehead" Davis) forecast a 9.3% hit to the economy under No Deal.
  • The NHS... Oh yesss... That famous bus and the supposed £350m per week we could pump into it after leaving those blood suckers, the EU. That's already been proven to be bullshit and Boris Johnson almost had a libel case brought against him a few weeks back due to that lie.
  • The "Take Back Control" mantra which was one of the greatest of them all and the get-out clause for the Government. This hypnotic bullshit that they fed Brexiters (some of the stupidest ones even now still come out with that cliché) - The cause of Brexit which was down to disenfranchised and anxious British people especially oustide London... People scared of their future bought "Take Back Control" which was never anything to do with the EU but by austerity set by George Osborne primarilly after years of neglect from Westminster, OUR UK GOVERNMENT!
  • Another of the lies during the 2016 Referendum campaign, this time ince again from Michael Gove; "If we vote leave the Union will be stronger."  Needless to say Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain and the Union is at its most critical in history.


I could go on and on ridiculing the easily ridiculed!

The thing is I HAVE DONE MY HOMEWORK, a lot of homework because after voting leave I soon started to come to the realisation that I'd been conned and I wasn't the only one. I started to study practically everything surrounding the EU, rules, laws, regulations... Looking back at untangling issues that had been sold to us as the EU's fault and suddenly found myself having to blame Westminster. Then obviously facts that required no studying from myself because the truths were being placed in the media in general, but all the same I verified the, just in case they had been manipulated by more remain biased sources... I was diligent, honest and careful to assure myself of the facts, the truth because at the end of the day it wasn't about me... It was about my family, friends and acquaintances I cared for and their future. I had time on my hands and I used it constructively in an unselfish manner without any prejudices or labels. I unraveled the hoax partly by myself and then I became active by using those in powerful positions in the media and journalism to put it out there amongst those I could effect personally. It became a team effort of many people in the end!

So... I laugh at innocent fools like FIB. He can rant and rave but he can't pull out any facts. More so, he can't give any tangible evidence based on FACTS alone that end up positively for thr UK with ANY type of Brexit. Which is why we won't leave... We are strong and we possess the truth.

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12 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

Pot, meet kettle.

Yeah that’s a hissy fit.

Balon is a hissy fit, it must take him an hour to type all that, every time I say remainers are idiots, it’s gets another essay and an hour of his life. This will take me 90 seconds and I don’t even read Balons posts but he still does them🤣 he’s going down to his Brexit bunker to alphabetically arrange the canned foods until he calms down before he can respond “about the lies of Farage”

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2 hours ago, Fairy In Boots said:

Yeah that’s a hissy fit.

Balon is a hissy fit, it must take him an hour to type all that, every time I say remainers are idiots, it’s gets another essay and an hour of his life. This will take me 90 seconds and I don’t even read Balons posts but he still does them🤣 he’s going down to his Brexit bunker to alphabetically arrange the canned foods until he calms down before he can respond “about the lies of Farage”

It was the ridicule bit I was calling hypocritical when you go on to call Remainers children.

We reached the point of both sides being as bad as each other over a year ago. Nobody's keeping score anymore. Everyone is a cunt and neither side can take any high ground at all.

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1 hour ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

So you're just baiting him because you find it funny?

Yep I haven’t got the time to read one of his posts let alone counter it, he was hysterical about it a year ago he’s still hysterical now. It’s over the die is cast live with it

35 minutes ago, RandoEFC said:

It was the ridicule bit I was calling hypocritical when you go on to call Remainers children.

We reached the point of both sides being as bad as each other over a year ago. Nobody's keeping score anymore. Everyone is a cunt and neither side can take any high ground at all.

Yeah topic is mute, far more relevant is to what sort of exit we will actually get be it no deal or some kind of deal, if it’s Mays deal my preference is for a no deal. 

Also ridicule is a fair point, considering Leave won and both parties at the next general election that promised to back Leave dominated, there has been a concentrated effort from large portions of the remain leaning media and our national broadcaster to portray Brexit as a lashing out of middle England racists. 

Its much more complex than that, it’s arguably far more about financial disparity between London and other parts of the U.K. coupled with other hot topics such as immigration, fisheries, Agriculture etc and right through to views on political governance, one of mine is I’m more libertarian and I would like a general decrease in the amount of politics and bureaucracy in general. I’m a Tory voter that would abolish the House of Lords after all

 But on here and for the most part it’s “all thick racists who love Farage” it’s tedious and I quickly stopped engaging mostly with it now tbh. Danny & Balon are worst it’s been constant for 18 months now. They’re literally like my toddlers

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I offer facts, statistics and truths backed by that word that scares Brexiters... Again, FACTS,

I've asked FIB to offer me tangible evidence of how leaving the EU benefits the UK based on facts. He has refrained from doing so and now states that he hasn't got the time to do it but yet has the time to respond like a child with while not contributing anything whatsoever to the actual debate. You have time to respond and someone that has an opinion that has the ability of democratic execution (i.e. a Vote) should have facts behind it especially when in this case we're talking about the biggest decision this particular nation has made in peacetime. A decision that changes the very structure of this nation and how it functions and colaborates with the rest of the world especially the very continent it resides in (something that can't be changed).

He has time to write all that but not offer where the UK will be better off because believe you me, before the referendum it was all about how we would be better off! I know, I was one of them.

Anyway... I will continue to post facts on here just in case there are people with the right to vote or to help to push the boat in the correct direction for the good of the UK.

Talks about agriculture which along with manufacturing in the UK will be decimated with a No Deal Brexit, this from the economist the ERG themselves used in their analysis, Patrick Minford who said this very thing and there is no argument to that fact. Immigration as has been proved, isn't a problem, it's a benefit for the country, at least EU immigration and again, as has been proved, the law protects the country from EU layabouts staying after three months.

There is no argument, that is poor, that's all there is aside from the fisheries that employs less people than Harrods in Knightsbridge and for which the remaining fisherman will be destroyed by a no deal Brexit because selling fish that is tariff based won't be bought by those that have to oay the tarrifs as there is no trade agreement with the countries its being sold to.

It's like speaking to a child but I have no problems with him, he doesn't concern me aside from using him as a tool to bring down his flimsy house of cards and using it as an excuse to bring about more facts that may have a way of swaying some on here that are intelligent and don't hold prejudices and aren't the subject of having been groomed by those that do have a reason for Brexit to be executed as they'll benefit massively from it.  

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I actually read about this this on my Christmas vacation flight to Naples in 2017 but watch this video (only 50 seconds long, but has the vital info in it although there's much more, believe me) on the famed "fisheries" for some more... Eeemmmm... FACTS!

Again our successive Governments to blame from both sides of the ideological spectrum. Only this one doesn't blame the disparity between London and the rest of England which was made much worse by AUSTERITY after years of neglect, again from our GOVERNMENTS, not ever the EU.

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