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2 minutes ago, SirBalon said:

Some of them are intending to stand all the same as Brexit independents and screaming blue murder on having been robbed of differing amounts of money they've invested in the whole fantastical story. I can't believe they've gone public though as it shows they have no integrity and that it's all proof that Brexit is a bullshit story all about a certain few that stand to cream it in.

It was £100 to sign up for the Brexit party. At least 3000 people signed up to have the chance to run as candidates - so that's £300k they gave over to Farage. Now, if you've watched Farage operate over the years... you shouldn't be surprised that he's a workshy grifter that's just trying to get easy cash without doing anything. So it shouldn't be surprising to some people.

Yet there are members of the Brexit party that are absolutely furious right now. No sympathy for them though, they should have done their homework. £300k for nothing - not a bad grift from arguably England's finest grifter.

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3 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

It was £100 to sign up for the Brexit party. At least 3000 people signed up to have the chance to run as candidates - so that's £300k they gave over to Farage. Now, if you've watched Farage operate over the years... you shouldn't be surprised that he's a workshy grifter that's just trying to get easy cash without doing anything. So it shouldn't be surprising to some people.

Yet there are members of the Brexit party that are absolutely furious right now. No sympathy for them though, they should have done their homework. £300k for nothing - not a bad grift from arguably England's finest grifter.

Yeah, the £100 was the signing on fee but then there was further investment. One of them that says he will continue to stand is claiming he has lost over £10,000 and that there are others that have lost even more. I'll try and recover his tweet where he is throwing a right old meltdown which I personally attacked him for because in my view it proves that it's all bullshit and that even they have been conned! Which they have as we all know Brexit is a very eerie fantasy story.

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Unfortunately this has happened. For those that know Twitter, this usually means one of two things... You've either been blocked by the person or he/she has deleted the tweet. All the same I'll try and recover it which will be fun.

This is my response to him and if you enter the tweet you'll see the original is now unavailable.


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On 11/11/2019 at 18:52, Fairy In Boots said:

I was going to write back and quote you all and reply back but it got to ten posts and Its a 10 on 1 echo chamber in here so I thought “fuck it can’t be arsed” even when I do post they don’t read it anyway. 

So vote labour you’re not going to win anyway as real people ie the electorate know Corbyn, Swinson & that jingoistic ginger scotch midget are shite and will face the electoral bloodbath they deserve. Especially now kingmaker Farage has fucked you.  😂 




Unlikely to have any major effect, as much as he wishes it would. More likely to take Tory votes in marginal seats than Labour.

Still an extremely difficult task for Labour, the loss of Scotland means they're unlikely to win an outright election again.

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10 hours ago, RandoEFC said:
Further tweets in that thread from Brand. This could be interesting.

The Lib Dems are now asking for Labour to reciprocate... This'll be interesting, because if Labour do (hopefully), then this could set a precedent by offering the freedom of choice to each individual candidate without fearing the wrath of the party.


On another note, I urge people to watch this very innovative and quite creative campaign video. It may not win more votes, but it sure is thought provoking!


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38 minutes ago, RandoEFC said:

Have they actually 'invested in' the Brexit Party or have they actually just made donations like thousands of people do to the other political parties who themselves constantly change policy and don't/won't carry out their stated policies?

Standing for Election isn’t exactly a policy though. It’s the tool to form a government to then apply policies set within a manifesto.

You see, the Brexit Party isn’t a political party is it. It’s a type of belief, a kind of cult. Because “Brexit” isn’t a thing, of that we are now sure. Nobody can describe what “Brexit” is because you’ll get two of the same ilk At eachother’s throats with differing views.

Farage in two weeks has turned from saying Johnson’s “Brexit” wasn’t “Brexit” and was a despicable form of “Brexit” to now agreeing it’s a “Brexit”.

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44 minutes ago, SirBalon said:

Standing for Election isn’t exactly a policy though. It’s the tool to form a government to then apply policies set within a manifesto.

You see, the Brexit Party isn’t a political party is it. It’s a type of belief, a kind of cult. Because “Brexit” isn’t a thing, of that we are now sure. Nobody can describe what “Brexit” is because you’ll get two of the same ilk At eachother’s throats with differing views.

Farage in two weeks has turned from saying Johnson’s “Brexit” wasn’t “Brexit” and was a despicable form of “Brexit” to now agreeing it’s a “Brexit”.

You can say what you want about Brexit and I'll probably agree, but the Brexit Party is a political party whether we like that or not. The fact that they're named after something that you don't acknowledge as real doesn't matter. If the Conservative party renamed themselves the Unicorn party, they'd still be a political party, even though they were named after something that isn't real.

I don't know how it works though to be honest. I don't know whether the Lib Dem MP who stepped down in the Isle of Wight for the Green party is also £100 out of pocket, but if they are they haven't made a public issue of it.

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On 11/11/2019 at 23:41, RandoEFC said:

I could sympathise with your political views at times but what worries me is that you act like one of those people that exist on both sides who cares more about revelling in the other side "losing" than actually having a constructive debate.

I get that it annoys you that nearly everyone on this forum disagrees with your stance on politics and Brexit, but it's not like people are ganging up on you individually.

People like this exist on both sides of the debate. I don't personally believe this but for argument's sake, let's say both sides are as bad as each other. What benefit does it do the country if, whatever happens with Brexit, it ends up with one half(ish) of the population rubbing the other half(ish) of the population's noses in the eventual outcome that they didn't want?

The worst thing about Brexit is how it has divided people. I can't see how anyone wants to encourage that. People on the Remain side generally blame the leading politicians who were found guilty of breaking the law during the referendum campaign and now appear to be covering up a report on Russian interference in that process for their own benefit, for misleading the public. The most prominent Remainers, again generally, go about the debate by posting facts and projections from usually reliable sources about the potential consequences of various versions of Brexit that have looked a possibility in the past few years.

Unfortunately, the most vocal Leave supporters frequently seem more interested in "winning the argument". The quiet majority of you are probably just quietly grumbling that it should have been done by now and their vote hasn't been followed through so they're annoyed, and that's a justifiable position. These people are the ones who probably want to Leave because they genuinely think it's the best thing for the country.

I'm not going to judge you as a person as we've never met, but going off your posts on the topic in this thread, you come across as if you actually enjoy the fact that Brexit is causing a lot of upset for the half of the country that don't actually want to see us come out. It's one thing to want to see what you believe is democracy being carried out but acting as if it's some funny thing to rub in people's faces this result that they have good reason to believe is potentially going to make their lives and the lives of their children and grandchildren significantly worse than it would be otherwise, doesn't make it come across as if you're trying to argue what's best for the country.

For the sake of seeing things from both sides, which I always try to do, I'd love to be able to say that there are a significant amount of Remainers that I've come across who have the same vindictive attitude towards people who voted the opposite way, but that's simply not the case. There are some who will wrongly call Brexit voters idiots but I don't think I've met many or any who would actively go to their Leave voting mates and rub it in their faces that they "lost". People who don't want Brexit only desire the relief of it being cancelled, not to revel in the despair of the Leavers who would be disappointed with that happening.

Throw in as many "most"s and "generally"s there as you like, the most important thing here is that I'm not stereotyping any groups of people, there are plenty of shades of grey on each side but that's my honest take on things.

Oh I’m not someone who revels in the fracturing of the country, i do feel that it’s a huge hissy fit though by remainers in general, like you say not all.

There is a certain type they tend to be what I would call a champagne socialist. I’ve never lived under a none labour constituency, I’m from genuinely one of the poorest estates in the country (although out now) I find the talk of these university educated socialist types laughable because the only ones that get out the shit are the ones that take it upon themselves to get out. Increased social welfare is squandered trust me I spent 18 months in Clair shorts constituency Ladywood at that time the highest claimants for what is now universal credit in the country, the comfort it provides enables idleness.  All the ones who got out and have made something of themselves don’t agree with socialism. They probably agree with increased education and I would to however our governments and civil servants have a tendency to just throw cash at problems and not a good plan as how to improve anything. Therefore I’d rather not waste the cash. 

Thats why I poke fun on here more than I would do in real life, the ridiculousness of some of the fear about leaving it’s hilarious, in particular Sir Balon, who I very much pigeon hole as a champagne socialist, probably lump Stan, Danny, gunnersarus, Inverted in that. Dodger is just old labour, the other Liverpudlians likewise brought up on a steady diet of Tory hate. Smiley I’d say is old labour but also with an inferiority complex about anyone with money, reckon he’s about 5ft in real life. 

On here I do like to give it out, because it gets dished out to me. I’m not really offended by what I get called etc,  I’d probably say the only time it gets on my tits is when I get needlessly tagged in topics I’m not participating in just to be called “racist” or “homophobic” neither of which I actually am, for some shit attempt at like whoring. 

Here is very different from the country as a whole, just look at the ratio or remain to Brexit. 

In fairness so is most social media really, there’s a conitation that goes with being a brexiteer, similarly to the “shy Tory” phenomenon. It’s almost assumed that’s that your “far right” Danny or Cark or whatever his name is loves that one. 

I’m a brexiteer, I believe the EU is fundamentally un democratic and I don’t like the way it’s heading, I feel Germany as the economic power house will always call the shots by proxy as it leverages it’s financial influence on lesser states to vote as it does already. 

 Because of this I think on occasion it will be at odds with the best interests of the U.K. and therefore I’d rather take our chances outside the union. If we fuck it up oh well we have ourselves to blame but I’d rather be free to make our own choices than rely on others. Of course we will have to compromise and broker deals with other nations but it’s better to try yourself and do it yourself than rely on others to provide for you. But that’s also my politics I’m fundamentally against big government and more for individual accountability. Hence I vote Tory

I’m anti immigrantion simply because it’s been handled abysmally with long running social problems that have yet to rear their head but will. I disagree with religion but particularly Islam, but we know that criticism of this must be racist. 

I’m not anti gay, believe they can do what they like they’re just a bit tedious how they let their gayness suddenly become their sole personality trait. My cousins gay he used to have varying conversations about multiple issues, now once “out”all roads lead to “lgbtwhatever”, it’s boring. Oh and fuck gender neutral it’s mental illness I’m all about science on gender. 

Dont like veganism, I think it’s bullshit. I work in automation of food factories don’t eat quorn or crisps both are shit for you. 

I don’t think the earth is flat. 

I agree humans are having an effect on climate change but think it’s not being managed properly and has just become a way to raise tax. 

I’d privitse the NHS, make everyone have health insurance but make exceptions for under 18’s and long term health conditions. 

Btw this is just for future reference FYI. 

On 12/11/2019 at 20:01, The Artful Dodger said:

Unlikely to have any major effect, as much as he wishes it would. More likely to take Tory votes in marginal seats than Labour.

Still an extremely difficult task for Labour, the loss of Scotland means they're unlikely to win an outright election again.

Nah I think Brexit party are done now, Tories tend to be more smarter so will vote tactically, Labour in northern heartlands tend to be thick so will vote Brexit, which btw I’d agree with you are probably more Tory than the Tories but “Nigel has a pint” so “he’ll give the bastards what for”. 

I predict a outright majority now


Edited by Fairy In Boots
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6 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

You can say what you want about Brexit and I'll probably agree, but the Brexit Party is a political party whether we like that or not. The fact that they're named after something that you don't acknowledge as real doesn't matter. If the Conservative party renamed themselves the Unicorn party, they'd still be a political party, even though they were named after something that isn't real.

I don't know how it works though to be honest. I don't know whether the Lib Dem MP who stepped down in the Isle of Wight for the Green party is also £100 out of pocket, but if they are they haven't made a public issue of it.

Click in and read this tweet thread mate. You'll find it interesting.


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18 hours ago, Fairy In Boots said:

who I very much pigeon hole as a champagne socialist, probably lump Stan, Danny, gunnersarus, Inverted in that

I definitely am not and do not live in such a style. 

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40 minutes ago, Stan said:

I definitely am not and do not live in such a style. 

Well you're to the left of right, therefore a socialist. And I'm assuming you've had champagne at least once in your life. Ergo, champagne socialist. :ph34r:

Edited by Dr. Gonzo
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A wonderful although despicable example of how the cuntish media/news sources lie and manipulate thick cunts.

Now don’t question me from now on... Either be embarrassed and make an effort to save this nation from total bullshit or shut the fuck up. Wankers! O.oB|


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42 minutes ago, Panna King said:

I would love to be in Jeremy Corbyn's house, as well as owning a money tree in his back garden, he also owns a server offering free internet to the whole country :o

Amazing how when it's Labour who want to spend, it's a magic money tree or 'where will he get the money from?!' but when it's the Tories, it's all fine to give £1bn just like that to the DUP or spunk millions and millions on Brexit to get absolutely fucking nowhere. 

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1 hour ago, LFCMike said:

That video of Johnson answering a question on how he is 'relatable'. ChristxD

Literally just spoke about this with my parents xD.

Terribly bad. Look up squirming in the dictionary and that clip is next to it.

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