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Minnesota United's Collin Martin comes out as gay

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Minnesota United's Collin Martin comes out as gay

Minnesota United midfielder Collin Martin announced on Friday that he is gay.

Martin, 23, is the only openly gay male athlete active in a major professional American sports league, following the retirement of LA Galaxy winger Robbie Rogers last November.

Martin wrote in a statement on Twitter that many of his teammates have long known about his sexuality.

"Tonight my team, Minnesota United, is having their Pride night. It's an important night for me -- I'll be announcing for the first time publicly that I am an openly gay player in Major League Soccer.

"I have been out as a gay man for many years to my family and friends, and this includes my teammates. I have played Major League Soccer for 6 seasons: 4 seasons with DC United and 2 seasons with Minnesota United. Today, I'm proud that my entire team and the management of Minnesota United know that I am gay. I have received only kindness and acceptance from everyone in Major League Soccer and that has made the decision to come out publicly that much easier.

"As we celebrate Pride night, I want to thank my teammates for their unconditional support for who I am. In light of my experience as a professional athlete, I want to take this moment to encourage others who play sports professionally or otherwise to have confidence that sport will welcome them wholeheartedly. June is Pride month, and I am proud to be playing for Pride, and to be playing as an out gay man."

Minnesota United will wear jerseys with rainbow numbers as the team celebrates Pride Night for Friday's game against FC Dallas.


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Fair enough. Good on him for having the courage to do so.

Wonder when the day will be that this news is just normal and not actually any fuss about it.

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3 minutes ago, Stan said:

Fair enough. Good on him for having the courage to do so.

Wonder when the day will be that this news is just normal and not actually any fuss about it.


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7 minutes ago, Teso dos Bichos said:

The problem is this type of news are not normal in a professional sports... How many come out and say they are straight? How does it help the team or the player? How is relevant besides public acceptance aka forcing it down people that disagree with it. 

the fact you say it's 'not normal' is where the problem is.

The fact that his sexuality makes you think like that is why he's publicised it and trying to normalise it.

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10 minutes ago, Teso dos Bichos said:

The problem is this type of news are not normal in a professional sports... How many come out and say they are straight? How does it help the team or the player? How is relevant besides public acceptance aka forcing it down people that disagree with it. 

It’s still seen as taboo to be fair. It’s always going to be public news until more homosexual players come forward, thus ‘normalising’ it, if you will. It’s still big news to some, I genuinely couldn’t care less if he was in a gender fluid relationship with a pick axe.

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Don't be naive. We live in a society where homosexuality is still not accepted by a large majority. 

Imagine if you were in his shoes. Would you come out publicly, or would you like paparazi posting a photo of you and your partner on a magazine or webpage online entitled "He's Gay????" 

Humiliating him even more. 

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21 minutes ago, Teso dos Bichos said:

Thank God the Mexican league leaves this type of stuff out of the sport and focuses on the league. 

Yes - Thank God for that :ph34r:


Meet Zorros LGBT: Mexico's Openly Gay Soccer Team

There is still a stigma surrounding sexual orientation in the world of sports today. It isn’t until athletes retire that they come out publicly, for fear of being discriminated against on the field, in the locker room, or on social media during their careers.

Zorros LGBT wants to change that. Founded in August 2013 by eight openly gay athletes, the Mexican soccer team is trying to promote equality on and off the field.

“For me, Zorros is very important because in the team the most important thing is respect and acceptance,” said Abraham, a 17-year-old midfielder. “For Mexican society, the importance is that we can demonstrate that our society is evolving respectfully toward the concept of machismo and eliminating discrimination.”

Since its inception, Zorros LGBT has participated in the Azcapotzalco LGBT Soccer League in Mexico City. In the past three-plus years, Zorros has grown to 30 active players and three teams — Zorros, Zorros Jr. and Club Zorros. The average age of the players is 25 years old.

“It is a group that went from being friends to family; I really like that we have our doors open to everyone, regardless of whether they have played football before or not — we support everyone alike, and the result is that we have grown and now we have three teams because of this,” said defender Nicolas, 29, one of the club’s founders. “For Mexican society I believe that we can become an example of perseverance, not because we are gay, but to overcome the obstacles to participate in an international event, and represent our country being the such a young team.”

Zorros, which has only played domestically, will have its first taste of international competition at the 2017 World OutGames from May 26-June 4 in Miami. The World OutGames, licensed by the Gay and Lesbian International Sport Association, is a sporting and cultural event hosted by the LGBTQI community where all are welcome, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

“It means that I get to fulfill a dream doing what I like,” Zorros goalie Fernando Rivera, 22, said. “We’ll be representing many people who perhaps for the moment cannot openly portray their homosexuality.”

Zorros hopes participation in the World OutGames will lead to other international opportunities, including the 2018 Gay Games in Paris, the 2019 Roma Eurogames and beyond. The ultimate goal is eradicating homophobia and inequality in soccer, sports, and society.

Unfortunately, many of the Zorros players have experienced abuse firsthand. Freddy, a forward, said he was once told “this is for men” by a soccer coach; he subsequently left the team. Nicolas said while it is a positive Zorros has received more media attention, it has come with a negative — hateful comments on social media from readers. Arturo, a forward, has experienced homophobic remarks from opponents on the field.

“It is necessary to believe in and promote equality, and to leave aside race, religion, etc.,” said Alfonso, a defender. “I think we have all heard the phrase ‘every head is a world’ — we all have different ideas, but we must learn to respect others for how they are and how they think. In order for us to forge an ideal society we also need good communication to understand the needs of others and live by supporting the lives of others.”


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13 minutes ago, Teso dos Bichos said:

It is not normal!! Announcing your sexual preference makes no sense in professional sports...how many come out and say they are straight.. cause either way, Teso and the rest of the fans don't give a flying fuck 

Why is it bothering you though? And yes, it is gay pride, because let me tell you that I could almost guarantee that he has one teammate who now is going to make it weird, because it's still not accepting in large parts of the country. Christ man, you're from the South, therefore you should know this first hand. Any form of discrimination has no place in society and especially sports. 

10 minutes ago, Cicero said:

Don't be naive. We live in a society where homosexuality is still not accepted by a large majority. 

Imagine if you were in his shoes. Would you come out publicly, or would you like paparazi posting a photo of you and your partner on a magazine or webpage online entitled "He's Gay????" 

Humiliating him even more. 

This. Good for him as I understand that he's likely to be treated differently for this, and will continue to be so until it's become more normal. 

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1 minute ago, Teso dos Bichos said:

Few weeks ago I admitted how my stance on this had changed. I use to be completely against this but although I agree with the principle of freedom and marriage, It doesn't mean I have to agree with the interpretation of the law. Yeah the magazine scenario sucks but what about little Jimmy four years old walking down the street that happened to host a popular gay pride parade and he sees to guys on Speedos waving dildos around? A grown man can get over a magazine story (straight people do it all the time) but little Jimmy is fucked up for life all because of a forceful public acceptance parade..



Let's celebrate FREEDOM!! Marriage!! Not the interpretation of it 


which is what this player is trying to do...

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Just now, Teso dos Bichos said:

And yet the Zorro's lgbt will never see the top flight :dam: but I'ma give you a break, spazzos and their amateur league(23 teams already plus 3 more) have zero understanding of relegation/promotion.. 


You didn't say top flight though, just Mexican football :ph34r:

Keep on derpping though :congrats:


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9 minutes ago, Teso dos Bichos said:

Few weeks ago I admitted how my stance on this had changed. I use to be completely against this but although I agree with the principle of freedom and marriage, It doesn't mean I have to agree with the interpretation of the law. Yeah the magazine scenario sucks but what about little Jimmy four years old walking down the street that happened to host a popular gay pride parade and he sees to guys on Speedos waving dildos around? A grown man can get over a magazine story (straight people do it all the time) but little Jimmy is fucked up for life all because of a forceful public acceptance parade..



Let's celebrate FREEDOM!! Marriage!! Not the interpretation of it 


You don't have to. Like I said, you can tolerate something but don't have to accept it. 

Gay Pride parade for example. I can tolerate it because it is their right to do so, but it's not something I accept given your scenario above (something I agree with you actually). 

Eliminating intolerance of homosexuality should be the goal 

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2 minutes ago, Teso dos Bichos said:

Eliminating giving a fuck what others think and just live life normal should be the goal...PLAY FOOTBALL and quit trying to force your sexual preference on others just because you are disappointed being the minority.. I do it all the time being a Mexican in redneck Alabama, I worry about me and fuck public acceptance.

Again, you are being naive. 

Why are you generalising that every homosexual does or should feel that way? 

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He isn't doing it for you. He isn't doing great this for himself. He is doing it for all the young boys that don't believe they can be gay and play football. It's about showing that old stereotypes aren't true.

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1 minute ago, Teso dos Bichos said:

Be a strong-willed person that should only worry about pleasing/opinion of your loved ones instead of trying to seek public acceptance? They have the right to choose whatever sexual preference they want but also the people that disagree have the right to voice their opinion...thus why it should be a private matter to keep the drama out of it. ?? FREEDOM


it's funny you keep saying 'FREEDOM' as the official definition of the word is:

the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.

Therefore it doesn't mean it has to be a private matter and it is entirely up to the individual on whether they choose to come out publicly or not. Of course you have your right to speak your mind too, but you don't have the power or right over that person on saying he 'should' keep it private.

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1 hour ago, Teso dos Bichos said:

You need to learn the difference between should and needs to/being forced.. it's always a one way street when it comes to this topic... Fine come out and be open about it but don't get butthurt when others exercise their right to express how they feel about it...keep your sexual life private just like straight people do and just play the goddamn game. Leave the political agenda out of it 

Freedom of speech is not freedom from the consequences of speech. 

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1 hour ago, DeadLinesman said:

I genuinely can’t remember the last time I walked down a street and saw two gay blokes in speedos waving dildos around. But if it’s available to see, sign me up xD

Alabama's gay pride parades sound fucking hilarious if that's what it's like.

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@Teso dos Bichos Coming out of the closet is fine and I get what you mean by not 'having sexuality in sports', but you have to appreciate straight people don't have to 'come out', neither do gay people but for a lot of fags they feel like they do. Imagine being a public figure with people questioning your sexuality, paparazzi following you, etc. It'd be much easier to just knock all the attention off at once by making a public announcement. It is also sort of a 'first expression', imagine being confused your entire life and then coming to a realisation about yourself one day, I imagine it feel cathartic to express it. Though everyone is different.

But the fact that people have to announce is a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself. In a perfect world this shit wouldn't happen. Personally, I really don't care either way what people do or don't do in their personal lives, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

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9 minutes ago, Spike said:

@Teso dos Bichos Coming out of the closet is fine and I get what you mean by not 'having sexuality in sports', but you have to appreciate straight people don't have to 'come out', neither do gay people but for a lot of fags they feel like they do. Imagine being a public figure with people questioning your sexuality, paparazzi following you, etc. It'd be much easier to just knock all the attention off at once by making a public announcement. It is also sort of a 'first expression', imagine being confused your entire life and then coming to a realisation about yourself one day, I imagine it feel cathartic to express it. Though everyone is different.

But the fact that people have to announce is a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself. In a perfect world this shit wouldn't happen. Personally, I really don't care either way what people do or don't do in their personal lives, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

Oh, it hurts something 

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I think it is over the top to make players wear the rainbow captain's armband, or rainbow everything, especially if it's not their choice. You can't make people care, and pretending to care is bad. I'd much rather have people actively choose to support a cause than pay lipservice or roll with the punches.

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7 minutes ago, Spike said:

I think it is over the top to make players wear the rainbow captain's armband, or rainbow everything, especially if it's not their choice. You can't make people care, and pretending to care is bad. I'd much rather have people actively choose to support a cause than pay lipservice or roll with the punches.

Much like pink everything with breast cancer awarness? 

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