Not sure how much those polls tell the whole story. There is a reason that the Labour vote collapsed mostly in the leave voting North/Midlands, while quire remarkably picking up the seat of Putney. The Tory majority was all about Brexit.
Having said that, Corbyn was a problem both for himaelf and his policies. That doesn't mean I don't think he was right, but being right doesn't always make you popular. I'd hope Labour will have an adult discussion about this but it doesn't look like it's going to happen. From the poncey London left like Ash Sakar insisting it wasn't that bad to the right of Labour saying austerity is popular and trying to purge Labour of anyone even vaugley left wing, I don't see much hope.
Being brutally honest, the working classes of the towns and cities are now on different pages. The working class of Cardiff, Liverpool and Manchester are not the 'metropolitan elite', they feel the impact of poverty, austerity etc just as much as someone from Grimsby or Leigh. They just don't buy into Tory nationalism. That is a divide that may well be impossible to bridge. I'm hearing a lot about 'Blue Labour' now, they will feel this is their opportunity. They raise some good points and were proven right on Brexit. However, all this talk of a socially conservative working class doesn't bear out. Where is the talk of strengthening marriage (I didn't agree with Corbyn's aim to take away the tax benefits of married couples), lowering divorce rates, encouraging the nuclear family, edu action, work and most importantly, stopping the corrosive influence of market consumerism on our culture? Its essentially just about immigration.
Anyway, I'm 30 now. Time to stop thinking the world will change.