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Status Updates posted by Tommy

  1. You like countries? You like geography? You want to expand your knowledge? Have some fun? 


  2. May the 4th be with you. 

  3. How the hell is there no topic about "Mr. Robot"? I love this show. (Post a spoiler and I'll ban you.)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. football forums


      Gentlemen, a short view back to the past. Thirty years ago, Alan told us ‘take a trained monkey, place him onto a computer and he is able to post on a forum.’ Thirty years later, CaaC John told us ‘I had to start the forum like a computer, it’s very complicated.’ And SirBalon said that during the posting – I don’t remember what post - he pressed the wrong button on the keyboard. Question for you both: is Forum posting today too complicated with twenty and more buttons on the keyboard, are you too much under effort, under pressure? What are your wishes for the future concerning the technical program during the posting? Less buttons, more? Or less and more communication with your moderators?

    3. football forums


      Can you repeat the question?

    4. football forums
  4. Bought a new Gaming PC to entertain me during Covid times. Now all I play is Football Manager and Chess. 

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    2. football forums


      I really do want to play Red Dead Redemption, but I think it's still pretty expensive. The 8$ thing you say was probably the online thingy. I do love the old west though, one of the main reasons I want to play it. There's videos on youtube where someone just follows the NPC's, and it's pretty cool to see how much detail they put into the game. 


    3. football forums

      Viva la FCB

      Ah okay that would make more sense. I know for console its been on sale for around 30$ cad pretty regularly keep an eye on it for steam summer sales maybe. Ill check out your video on my break but that sounds cool. Honestly the details they put into the game make it second to none, on my second playthrough albeit Im only about 6 or 8 hours into this one I found a side story about a serial killer that was absolutely insane; I stumbled accross a blood trail above a train track and followed it underneath to find a dismembered body hanging from the tressels.... guts on the ground some creepy ass message written on the stone wall beside it and I found the head a foot away with a note shoved in the mouth daring you to catch him xD im all just looking at this like wtf.. I took many screen shots......

    4. football forums


      RDR2 meanders from mind blowing to a chore.

  5. Bruh, I'm bored as shit. 

    1. football forums


      Read a book.

    2. football forums


      Well, not THAT bored. 

  6. I never knew Russian Doomer music was a thing, but I'm into it. 

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    2. football forums


      The memes kind of ruin it for me, the music itself is mostly Soviet and former-Soviet rock/post-rock/post-punk/new wave etc; some really good bands with a huge following since the 80s.

    3. football forums


      @Tommy this is her best known one. There are a lot of others that are much better imo, but the thing is, a lot of it comes down to the lyrics...


    4. football forums


      I've been listening to a lot of it over the last few days. Its actually good stuff.

  7. There was football today? Didn't even care. 

    1. football forums


      Hühnchen won

    2. football forums


      was it because it wasn't in the right beautiful stadium?


  8. Who will be the next Azerbaijani Champion that isn't Qarabağ?

    1. football forums


      Galatasary, since Azerbaijan is basically a vessel state of Turkey they would probably merge with Turkish League soon

    2. football forums

      Panna King

      Barcelona, would win that league so easy!

  9. I just watched a video of Gordon Ramsay putting Mushrooms and Peas into a "Carbonara". I think I'll never recover from that. 

    1. football forums


      Deviation from tradition is the reason we aren't still eating charred mamoth leg.

  10. Catch Me If You Can is a Christmas movie. Change my mind. 

  11. I believe in Harvey Dent! 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      I wouldn't believe in him - I've heard he's actually quite two faced

    3. football forums


      Quite literally in The Dark Knight Returns.

    4. football forums


      It's not about what's right it's about what's FAIR!

  12. ASMR's make me uncomfortable. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. football forums


      Just watch cranial nerve exams if you want knocked out. Fuck all that weird whisper shit.

    3. football forums


      I have those if if i get caressed in an specific area of the ears or the head, however it's very difficult to achieve but it's top shit.

    4. football forums
  13. The world wide web is dark and full of spoilers.

    1. football forums


      One cannot spoil what is already rancid.

    2. football forums


      Tell me about it. Still haven't seen the episode and I already know what fucking happens thanks to Instagram 

    3. football forums


      Just got Endgame on preorder. BRB living a cave till then.

  14. You can't call yourself a "baby-boomer" if you never detonated an infant! 

    1. football forums


      This must be from a German comedy 

  15. Airpods look fucking stupid. 

  16. Free Scotland! 

    1. football forums


      These nations states are a recent and flopped idea, bring back the Empires ! 

    2. football forums


      Scotland is what happens when heroin is freely availabl to English people.

  17. I am not now nor will I ever be interested in your 10 years challenge. 

    1. football forums


      January 2009 FIFA Ranking

      Germany 6th

      January 2019 FIFA Ranking

      Germany 16th

    2. football forums


      That's just löw. 

  18. Can't wait for Christmas and the New Years thing to be over so we can finally play Mafia Wars again. 

  19. If you're bored, just type "Jeff Goldblum" into Youtube Search. Truly one of the weirdest, most fascinating personalities I've ever witnessed. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. football forums


      He's brilliant - I'm with you, even if you are mafia

    3. football forums


      The guy is indeed out there!

      Very unique.

    4. football forums


      Thank you Jeff

  20. Timothée Chalamet is the modern day James Dean. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. football forums


      Timothy Chalamet will end up being what James Franco thinks he is.

    3. football forums


      An Academy award winning Nominee? 

    4. football forums


      I like James Franco, but Chalamet is on a whole other level when it comes to talent. 

  21. Those were the days 


  22. #ForzaNiki

    1. football forums


      Yeah, wishing Lauda all the best... He's a total sporting legend where even people that have never followed F1 have heard about him.  FORZA!

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