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Fishing and Angling

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I haven't been for about 4 months and I realised the other day. I can never be arsed at weekends at the moment after working all week but I need to go at somepoint soon. Especially now that it's early season Tench fishing time. I wouldn't have minded tackling the pike and Perch more in the winter though as I had some great sport with them in Autumn/early winter. Oh well, can always do that next year as the Tench/Carp/Barbel will be starting to become more active now with the warmer weather kicking in.

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4 hours ago, The Rebel CRS said:

I haven't been for about 4 months and I realised the other day. I can never be arsed at weekends at the moment after working all week but I need to go at somepoint soon. Especially now that it's early season Tench fishing time. I wouldn't have minded tackling the pike and Perch more in the winter though as I had some great sport with them in Autumn/early winter. Oh well, can always do that next year as the Tench/Carp/Barbel will be starting to get more active now with the warmer weather kicking in.

I caught a pair of catfish couple Sundays ago. That's a size 13 boot (12.5 in UK I believe).


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On 03/04/2017 at 10:03 PM, I8allthepies said:

I caught a pair of catfish couple Sundays ago. That's a size 13 boot (12.5 in UK I believe).



Nice catfish man. It's that the main species of fish you catch? We only have Wels catfish over here, but in the right places they grow to ridiculous sizes.


Last fish I caught was this pike:-


It's hard to see how big it is on the picture, but that landing net is actually 34" long, so work it out...10lb 4oz it weighed.

I caught it in the margins, like 1 foot from the bank. I was walking along the canal, trolling a small lure in the margins for Perch and that bastard came out of nowhere. It#s amazing what can lurk in such shallow water.



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On 4/2/2017 at 5:53 PM, I8allthepies said:

Thought I'd make a fishing thread for those members who like fishing, and to discuss anything related to fishing :) 


I used to fish in my younger days, now i have to make do with a 60L tank xD   

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had a go today and caught 6 Common Carp(biggest was 10lb), 4 Mirror carp(biggest was about 9lb), a 5lb Ghost Carp, a 4lb 4oz Barbel, a 1lb Tench and a 3lb Ide. It was a good confidence booster going into next weekend, as I have booked a place on a big lake to do a 24 hour session for the specimen Carp. I haven't been night fishing in donkey's years, so it'll be interesting. It's a very difficult place to fish, you don't catch many on there and if you do catch, then it's generally a 20lb+ fish, with a chance of catching them to near 40lb.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's a lovely bass mate. Is that the only species you fish for, or do you target other fish as well?


I did a 24 hour session for Carp from 12 in the afternoon on Saturday until Sunday at the same time. I didn't catch anything unfortunately as it's a very difficult water(full of specimen fish) and since I haven't fished the place since I was a teenager, I need to learn the water then I believe I will get into the fish in no time.

There were fish caught on the night. 11 anglers were on the lake and around 5/6 of them caught fish. The fella closest to me had a 24lb Mirror carp and a 22lber between about 5am and 7am and a lad across from me lost a big one and also caught a 19lb'er, so fish are coming out, it's just about getting the right spots. My mate didn't catch either but we are going back this weekend for another go.

The great thing about night fishing on big carp waters is that you don't need to catch to have a good time and if you do catch, then it's going to be a fish worth waiting for.

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I can't wait for tomorrow now. I will be fishing for 24 hours starting tomorrow afternoon until sunday afternoon. The weather has been mint all week, although is set to be crap tomorrow, but I'm still going as I've already paid to fish the place and my mind has been set on it all week.

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35 minutes ago, Teso Dos Bichos said:

Brim, crappie, and catfish. @The Rebel CRS


I don't know why you don't try for the carp mate as the USA is full of them and hardly anyone fishes for them, but they grow to large sizes, give a great fight, look nice and are fun to catch as you can catch them using alsorts of methods.


I didn't catch fuck all again last weekend after doing another 24 hour session, nor did my mate, but I was fishing down in the shallow bay on the lake and all the fish had moved to the deeper water since last week due to spawning and a sudden change in weather. Nobody caught anything on the lake, although it is a hard lake even at the best of times. It's where my focuses are at the moment, on the bigger carp lakes in search of the 20lb+ fish. Speaking of the session, the rain was ridiculous from around 12am until 5am, but my bivvy kept everything dry, there wasn't a single leakage, so I tested it out in that regard.


Lovely little spot to fish, but the fish were spawning and weren't interested at all. In a few weeks though, i could see them going on a feeding frenzy.

I'm going to do another night session through the week next week as I have booked the week off work. I might go for 48 hours this time, but maybe even 72 hours with a mate of mine. A big bag of bud, a few beers(but not too many as I'm not a big drinker anymore really), a stove to cook on and I'm happy as larry in that bivvy. It's spacious and I can fit loads in there.

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On 19/05/2017 at 6:46 PM, Teso Dos Bichos said:

Ima give carp fishing a try.

Yeah that looks like a hell of a spot to fish bro, smoke a few primos and fish all day. That spot is perfect for drinking some mushroom tea at night or popping some xtc or molly. Its fucking 90 degrees Fahrenheit or higher over here so i wont be camping anytime soon 

It's a great spot mate and I'm going back today. From 12 in the afternoon today until Tuesday at the same time. It's a very difficult lake to fish but when you do catch, they are always specimen fish. I've got next week off work so I might go again on Wednesday until Thursday depending on if my mate is up for going again or not.


I've got a 1/4 of bud, some beers, shit loads of food and a stove to cook on, so I'm ready to go.



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I ended up catching a 19lb Carp, a 13lb Carp and a 7lb Tench, which is a specimen for its species and the biggest Tench I've ever caught(ironically at a time when not specifically targetting them!) and my mate had a 21lb Carp, a 20lb Carp and a 13lb one. I lost 3 fish on top of that as there was loads of weed in front of me and it was sometimes too difficult to bully them through it. I never snapped off, but all 3 fish spat out the hook, probably due to the line going a little slack when they dart into the weed. The first fish I lost was definitely a 20lb+ fish I'd say, although catching a 19lber made up for it, so did the Tench, the latter being a great surprise.


The spot I was fishing on(on the same lake as last time, I have worked it out now and know how to tempt them. I should really have had 6 fish):-


The 19lb Mirror Carp and the 7lb Tench:-




Unfortunately I couldn't get a pic of those 2 in my hand as I'd have liked to as my mate was fast asleep and was fishing on a spot that was around 40 meters away from me making it difficult to wake him up. I had both of those 2 within 25 mins of each other at 4:30 this morning after being woken by them. I need to buy some form of tripod that is compatible with the phone, then I can take pics myself as I like to get a proper picture of my catch personally when you catch fish that are worthy of a picture.


Strangely we caught fuck all in the first 24 hours then it was full of action in the second 24 hours.

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  • 5 months later...

Check the size of the mouth on that. It could eat a rat!


That rod pod(which holds my rods) that you can see in the picture above has now been sold on ebay as I've upgraded to 3 rods now so I have a new rod pod(which cost 100 quid, it's class), and that other I sold on ebay for 49 quid, even though I only paid 25 quid originally due to a tackle shop closing down and getting it half price. I have pretty much gotten the RRP price for it.

I need to go soon. It's colder now but fuck it I'm up for doing a weekend session in the bivvy.

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  • 9 months later...

I'm off down south(to kent to be exact) at the end of August to do a 5 day fishing session on a lake down there for big carp(up to 42lb) and catfish(up to 85lb). There are some massive fish in there and since we will be there for 5 days, we should atleast catch something. It'll be class. I'm looking forward to it and it's all booked and paid for. It'll take a good 6 hours drive to get there, but will be worth it. @Teso dos Bichos

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2 minutes ago, Teso dos Bichos said:

Sounds like fun, it's been too damn hot lately to fish, but I get an hour or two fishing every afternoon after it rains and cools down. I had a big lip bass(prolly 8 pounder) the other day and my damn line broke.

Yeah it's hot as fuck here as well this summer. It must have rained about 5 times in the last 3 months.

The water levels have been low where I have been fishing though and shitloads of weed has grown this year meaning that you lose fish as they dart into it and find a way how to spit out the hook. I have been catching though and in fact went last weekend and the weekend before that. I did friday to sunday last weekend and saturday until sunday the week before.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 25/07/2018 at 21:16, Gunnersauraus said:

Never been into fishing but my dad is a professional sea fisherman and has fly fished for england

I like the idea of sea fishing on boats abroad for sharks and other huge fish such as Marlin and Tuna, but the problem is, I get sea sick. It's alright when on a moving boat, such as a ferry, but when on fishing style boats when you stop in the middle of the ocean and all you can see is blue sea and a blue sky, it knocks me sick.

I'm much more at home when coarse fishing, mainly for carp right now as we always do 24 hour or 48 hour sessions, but this time in 2 weeks I will be getting everything ready to go down South(on the border of Kent and Sussex) in order to do a 5 day fishing session. I'm looking forward to it now. Camping out on a lake for 5 days. There are shower facilities there, a restaurant, bars, etc, so it's not like you will be shitting in a bucket. I'm looking forward to it and there is a chance of catching Carp up to 42lb and Catfish up to 85lb, so there are some nice fish to target in there.



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