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one less cunt on the streets of Barcelona to worry about...




A man wielding a large knife and shouting in Arabic targeted officers on Monday at a police station south of Barcelona, in what police are calling a terrorist attack.

The attacker, said to be 29 and of Algerian origin, was shot dead as he lunged towards officers, said police.

Spain's north-east Catalan region has been marking the anniversary of the 2017 jihadist attack on Barcelona.

However, police said they had found no evidence the incidents were linked.

The attacker, identified locally as Abdelouahab Taib, approached the police station in the town of Cornellà de Llobregat at 05:52 (03:52 GMT) on Monday, buzzing the intercom and demanding to be allowed in.

When a woman officer behind a reception window opened the door, the man lunged at her "with a clear intent to kill", Police Commissioner Rafel Comes told reporters.

The man shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest) as he rushed forward.

The officer opened fire and the attacker was fatally wounded, the commissioner said, without saying how many shots were fired. The officer had used a gun to save her life, he said, although it was unclear if she was behind a glass partition at the time.

"For now we are treating it as a terrorist attack," he said, although he stressed there was nothing at this stage to link him to the jihadist cell involved in the attacks on Barcelona's Las Ramblas venue on 17 August last year and Cambrils hours later.

Sixteen people were killed in the twin attacks and the man who drove a van into civilians on Las Ramblas was eventually tracked down and shot dead on 21 August.

Abdelouahab Taib had been living in Spain for several years and had a foreigners' identity number. He had no criminal record and lived with a Spanish woman, although local media reported that they had begun divorce proceedings.

Members of the Catalan police force and other authorities searched the man's home a short distance from the police station while his partner was questioned.



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On ‎10‎/‎08‎/‎2018 at 03:40, Devon Von Devon said:

Iran Saudi Arabia fucking up another country. Thats why our military and ISI is pain in the ass for the West only because of them we arent like Yemen Iraq or Syria.

Well that and housing Osama bin Laden...

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Bin Laden is like Frankenstein from Death Race. A character that no one knows his whereabouts no one knows whether he is alive or not but his sponsors needs him to be alive for their business and for their viewers so he can be executed at the right time.  

Edited by Devon Von Devon
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  • 2 weeks later...

Frank Field, an MP who has talked about running as an independent since 2015, and who was about to be deselected for voting with the government to sneak through its Hard Brexit legislation, has gave up the Labour whip citing "antisemitism". 

Lol, fuck off you old Tory fuck. Regular contributor to the Sun and admirer of Margaret Thatcher says he doesn't feel welcome in Labour because of antisemitism, I'm sure if the facts as they are were properly laid out, people would be able to read between the lines quite easily. 

The fact that his exit is being presented as part of the "antisemitism row" as opposed to being part of his own self-serving agenda - which has long diverged from the party's - just shows the depth to which the media has uncritically accepted his side's claim as the pre-accepted, objective basis of reporting any story.

Edited by Inverted
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone want to chime in on what looks like 99% certain that the West's (arguably) shittiest ally in the Middle East murdered a journalist in a Turkish consulate?

Given that nothing happened to them after their support of: the September 11th hijackers, Al Qaeda, or ISIS... probably nothing will come from this, will it?

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12 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

Anyone want to chime in on what looks like 99% certain that the West's (arguably) shittiest ally in the Middle East murdered a journalist in a Turkish consulate?

Given that nothing happened to them after their support of: the September 11th hijackers, Al Qaeda, or ISIS... probably nothing will come from this, will it?

Hundreds of billions of $€¥£ OIL & ARMS SALES $€¥£ Say that the WEST pooh their pants and will start mumbling a-la Boris Johnson.

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So according to forensics in Turkey, the Saudi scums of the earth chopped the American journalist Jamal Khashoggi into pieces while he was alive.  Apparently the the Gulf turds used a specialist doctor to do the act so as to make sure that he (Khashoggi) would stay alive the maximum amount of time while they did this.  Oh... And major beatings as well because there were a number of Suadi diplomats (don't you just love the word diplomat) joining in the main office of the Ambassador for Saudi Arabia.

Honestly... How this scum country can stay out of not being attacked by everyone is obviously down to oil and money... Plus arms deals (the UK being one of those)... Yet Iraq was attacked! :dam:

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48 minutes ago, SirBalon said:

So according to forensics in Turkey, the Saudi scums of the earth chopped the American journalist Jamal Khashoggi into pieces while he was alive.  Apparently the the Gulf turds used a specialist doctor to do the act so as to make sure that he (Khashoggi) would stay alive the maximum amount of time while they did this.  Oh... And major beatings as well because there were a number of Suadi diplomats (don't you just love the word diplomat) joining in the main office of the Ambassador for Saudi Arabia.

Honestly... How this scum country can stay out of not being attacked by everyone is obviously down to oil and money... Plus arms deals (the UK being one of those)... Yet Iraq was attacked! :dam:

There's audio recording out there (some say it's from Turkey bugging the consulate, some say it's from his Apple Watch which synced with his laptop that was in the car his fiancé was waiting for him in... and it synced when they were taking the pieces of him out of the embassy.

KSA has finally admitted he died in the consulate - they say a fight broke out and he was killed in the fight. I think that's a cover up for them planning to murder him, as they had a Saudi "diplomat" who was also a specialist in fucking autopsies (not a common skill for diplomats) to come dismember him.

They first cut his fingers off, while he was alive. Then the "diplomat" who took him apart, put headphones on and advised everyone else in the room to do the same... he then began to dismember the poor fucker.

Makes for good lyrics for a death metal song, for sure, but holy shit... so fucking brutal. KSA will likely remain fine after this is all cleared up... because as you say, they're rich as fuck from sitting atop the world's largest crude oil reserves. And since Iran hasn't been an ally for decades, we can't exactly turn to the second largest crude oil reserves.

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10 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

There's audio recording out there (some say it's from Turkey bugging the consulate, some say it's from his Apple Watch which synced with his laptop that was in the car his fiancé was waiting for him in... and it synced when they were taking the pieces of him out of the embassy.

KSA has finally admitted he died in the consulate - they say a fight broke out and he was killed in the fight. I think that's a cover up for them planning to murder him, as they had a Saudi "diplomat" who was also a specialist in fucking autopsies (not a common skill for diplomats) to come dismember him.

They first cut his fingers off, while he was alive. Then the "diplomat" who took him apart, put headphones on and advised everyone else in the room to do the same... he then began to dismember the poor fucker.

Makes for good lyrics for a death metal song, for sure, but holy shit... so fucking brutal. KSA will likely remain fine after this is all cleared up... because as you say, they're rich as fuck from sitting atop the world's largest crude oil reserves. And since Iran hasn't been an ally for decades, we can't exactly turn to the second largest crude oil reserves.

Yeah, your typical fight it seems.

I really hope either one of two things occurs...

  1. Nuke them!
  2. Attack them and then nuke them.
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13 minutes ago, The Artful Dodger said:

That's how this started, the continuing interference of Britain in particular, resulted in the House of Saud getting power.

Yeah but the journalist wasn't tortured and murdered because of that. That occurred because they are a backward controlling  society that doesn't understand freedom.

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A war will erupt in the Al Saud dynasty soon. M Bin Salman was declared the heir despite being junior to Prince Naif who is the current Kings nephew and was the originaly declared heir. So there are tensions among the royal family fueled by the corruption crackdown by MBS and now this. 

It will become clear where the tides shift once the current King is dead.

Not to mention that the 100 years Treaty of Lausanne will end in 2023, under which the area of Hejaz (the Vatican of Islam) now under Saudi control along with many other regions were given up by the Ottomon Empire in order to recognize the current nation state of Turkey to exist as a sovereign state in its current geographical boundaries. 

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2 minutes ago, Azeem said:

A war will erupt in the Al Saud dynasty soon. M Bin Salman was declared the heir despite being junior to Prince Naif who is the current Kings nephew and was the originaly declared heir. So there are tensions among the royal family fueled by the corruption crackdown by MBS and now this. 

It will become clear where the tides shift once the current King is dead.

Not to mention that the 100 years Treaty of Lausanne will end in 2023, under which the area of Hejaz (the Vatican of Islam) now under Saudi control along with many other regions were given up by the Ottomon Empire in order to recognize the current nation state of Turkey to exist as a sovereign state in its current geographical boundaries. 

The problem here is wahabism and the fact humanity has no use for it and pollutes human sensibilities...  Making a plan to rid the world of this total garbage is what we all should be looking towards.

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Just now, SirBalon said:

The problem here is wahabism and the fact humanity has no use for it and pollutes human sensibilities...  Making a plan to rid the world of this total garbage is what we all should be looking towards.

Wahabism and Al Saud were the natives of Najd an area totaly different from Hejaz( where Mecca is) historically, culturally.

The reason why Wahabism become so strong is because they got the area of Hejaz under their control, which is historically evident that who ever has Hejaz under its control rules the Muslim World. Its much like if Spain gets Vatican under its rule it gets in a position of dectating.

So if no Hejaz for the Saudis than no much longer the power they or Wahabism will have. 



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36 minutes ago, Azeem said:

Wahabism and Al Saud were the natives of Najd an area totaly different from Hejaz( where Mecca is) historically, culturally.

The reason why Wahabism become so strong is because they got the area of Hejaz under their control, which is historically evident that who ever has Hejaz under its control rules the Muslim World. Its much like if Spain gets Vatican under its rule it gets in a position of dectating.

So if no Hejaz for the Saudis than no much longer the power they or Wahabism will have. 



How it SHOULD be mate is like this...  It should be the MUSLIMS clearing and cleansing their own house. Because anyone else meddling is wrong but if the righteous side to Islam hasn't got the balls to do it, then we should clean humanity from this disgusting example of a species that is unfortunately associated with the rest of us.

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18 hours ago, SirBalon said:

How it SHOULD be mate is like this...  It should be the MUSLIMS clearing and cleansing their own house. Because anyone else meddling is wrong but if the righteous side to Islam hasn't got the balls to do it, then we should clean humanity from this disgusting example of a species that is unfortunately associated with the rest of us.

What happened to you mate? :ph34r: Your political posts these days no longer account for complexity and ambiguity. 


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14 minutes ago, Harvsky said:

What happened to you mate? :ph34r: Your political posts these days no longer account for complexity and ambiguity. 


Mainly because politics have become the playground of the ignorant and the disillusioned... We aren't protected anymore, we aren't looked after and the directive is no longer one with a foundation for the common good.  We are now fully bedded into a new era which is totally designed for that 1% that own the world's riches.

I could go on and write a very long and boring (repetitive) piece on things practically all of us know about with very little innovation.  But there's no point because we have all been so conditioned in such a short space of time that we don't really even care anymore.

There was a time when a decent proportion of decisions made were put into place under ethics and morals.  It's never been perfect, but right now it's an absolute hell!

The level of hypocrisy and unethical values is basically the cathedral of every single Western parliament.

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Angela Merkel has suspended the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia after the torture and assassination of American journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Bravo Merkel, bravo Germany!

Over to you UK and of course the home nation of the victim. Now is where we will see if Mr Orange has balls like he pretends to have. Obviously Mrs May doesn’t have a pair but she surely could pretend. 

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