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Status Updates posted by SirBalon

  1. "If there were a God, I think it very unlikely that he would have such an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt his existence."

    (Bertrand Russell)

  2. Everything ok @Fusion mate?

    1. football forums

      CaaC (John)

      All of us want to know too buddy if everything is ok. 

    2. football forums


      @Fusion My bro Jorge is ok fellas, just busy holding off the Persians.

    3. football forums


      Hahaha love you Nicholas. Yeah, I am fine since I don't live in Athens. Thanks for your concern mates! :x

  3. SirBalon always searching for the truth and justice! Join the movement... ;)

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    2. football forums

      Happy Blue

      Climate change is a natural  phenomena due to the sun's solar minimum & maximum, the Earth has gone through cycles of heating and cooling long before man even set foot on it, there is very little carbon dioxide in our atmosphere ..0.04% if you want the facts, this is the biggest tax scam ever,just wish people would wake up :readthemessage:

      Carbon dioxide is such a small component of Earth’s atmosphere (380 parts per million or 0.038%) that it shows up on the chart below as only a thin line 

      In the last 600 million years of Earth’s history only the Carboniferous Period and our present age, the Quaternary Period, have witnessed CO2 levels less than 400 ppm.

      Late Carboniferous to Early Permian time (315 mya — 270 mya) is the only time period in the last 600 million years when both atmospheric CO2 and temperatures were as low as they are today (Quaternary Period ).


      There has historically been much more CO2 in our atmosphere than exists today. For example:

      bullet_pin1.gif?resize=14%2C14 During the Jurassic Period (200 mya), average CO2 concentrations were about 1800 ppm or about 4.7 times higher than today.

      bullet_pin1.gif?resize=14%2C14 The highest concentrations of CO2 during all of the Paleozoic Era occurred during the Cambrian Period, nearly 7000 ppm — about 18 times higher than today.

      bullet_pin1.gif?resize=14%2C14 The Carboniferous Period and the Ordovician Period were the only geological periods during the Paleozoic Era when global temperatures were as low as they are today. To the consternation of global warming proponents, the Late Ordovician Period was also an Ice Age while at the same time CO2 concentrations then were nearly 12 times higher than today– 4400 ppm.

      According to greenhouse theory, Earth should have been exceedingly hot. Instead, global temperatures were no warmer than today. Clearly, other factors besides atmospheric carbon influence earth temperatures and global warming.


    3. football forums


      There you go, they go hand in hand xD

      I'm not going to ask you who you will vote for in a hypothetical GE in the near future mate because I like you and hope that remains the same which means, keep it secret please.

    4. football forums

      Happy Blue

      You seek truth & justice then reject it??  ..i like you too, you're opinion on something wont change that ;)  ..but how does 0.04% CO2 cause global warming?? ..it cant, it's all a big tax scam!

  4. Brexit has brought to light who I really am. A person I frankly didn't know existed. I thank England's many xenophobes. We must unite!

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    2. football forums


      Empires (every single one) imposed a rhetoric, a doctrine and cultural sense of identity as the superior and/or righteous specimen of our species.

    3. football forums


      Of course but that cultural sense of identity is different from a national identity, i can give an example of my own country Punjab and Pakhtun lived under many Empires but there was never a clash between the two over their cultural identities but in the nation state era the Pakhtun feel threatened at times by the national identity which is dominated by Punjab rising conflicts. 

      Numerous more examples can be given

    4. football forums


      It's the Empire itself that's the problem and everything it represents. No imperialism and no state promoting anything resembling a cultural identity as it causes division from the lowest to the highest scales.

  5. Politics have always been quite tribal (more so for some) forever. But now we're certainly living an era of the groomed, almost religious in its grandeur. The two are finally one!

  6. One of my dad's favourites...


    1. football forums


      You dad certainly had taste.  My house was full of her music in the 40's and as I grew older she became special to me - particularly after seeing Calamity Jane (my post in the music thread).  Had the one chance to meet her in '58 when I was working in HK and was offered a flight on a US Air Force transport to San Francisco to do some Radio Interviews for AFN from an English point of view.  As I was already smitten the few minutes were difficult - keeping serious whilst in awe is not easy!!! She tried - unsuccessfully - to convert me into a dog-lover, but other than that everything about her was total 'class'  Sad, sad day!

  7. What happened to @Panflute?

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    2. football forums


      Don't think he's particularly keen at the moment.

    3. football forums


      Looks to be that way.  Miss his input to be honest.

    4. football forums


      I'll try to convince him hehe.

  8. Today a day of remembrance on All Saints Day... RIP

  9. Suddenly Arsenal PLC is starting to feel like Arsenal FC again... I can smell it!

    1. football forums

      Panna King


      Its like there was a pest problem at the club for the last 10 years and someone has finally hired rent to kill to sort the issue out!  Arsenal seem free, relaxed and have a plan on the pitch. 

    2. football forums


      @Panna King... I have no idea what's going to happen from here on in but what's for sure is that this older Arsenal fan that has seen quite a bit is suddenly breathing once again where his club is concerned.  There's still a. Lot to do but the club is starting to seem more genuine and more in tune with how it once felt.  This is why all the positive comments from past Arsenal players.

  10. Off to Naples and then to Galicia for the next 3 weeks... May be posting less. Behave yourselves while I’m gone you naughty people!

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    2. football forums


      Come mate... You're welcome! :D

      What you doing in Wisconsin?

    3. football forums


      Family vacation that luckily coincides with 10 whole world cup days! Victoire.

    4. football forums


      Did you organise the timing on purpose?

  11. For some reason it's in my makeup... I most vigorously criticise those I most love!

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    2. football forums


      You mean you don't love your wife

    3. football forums

      Panna King

      He is talking about Zidane and Ronaldo. :ph34r:

    4. football forums


      @Devon Von Devon Like I said mate... Those I love most I criticise the harshest because I expect more from them. My wife receives her fair share although I’m very careful with her just in case I get the frying pan on the head treatment. :ph34r:

  12. Red is the only colour today!

    1. football forums

      God is Haaland

      Forza Ferrari! Grande Vettel!






  13. Bonnet de douche 

    1. football forums

      Panna King

      Chateauneuf du Pape




  14. Spain loves the German justice system! Viva Deutchland!

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    2. football forums

      God is Haaland

      @Tommy Our constitution has its flaws, but overall the German justice system is very good. For example our "Verfahrensrecht" is continually copied by countries all over the globe.

    3. football forums


      Well it's a hell of a lot better than your hippy neighbours the Belgians.  Right now Spain loves the German justice system a lot! B|

    4. football forums


      Spain sure loved the German justice system in 1940 too, when they last needed to get their hands on  an exiled Catalan leader :ph34r:

  15. It probably sounds anal to some, but can we all make an effort to get player's names correct with spelling referring to accents and apostrophes if necessary?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. football forums


      OKAY just for you @SirBalon I added the 'International Spanish layout' and hotkeyed it to switch from Australian English to Spanish (and back again) when I press 'shift leftalt', I'm sure this will drive me bonkers.

      Dios mío, mi hombre.

    3. football forums

      Carnivore Chris

       Only really for "ñ" and "í" are important anyway, in terms of Spanish.

    4. football forums

      Carnivore Chris

      Everytime we ask a question from now on, we all have to place "¿" at the beginning to make Antonio here feel at home :ph34r:

  16. Bob Dylan... What can you say!

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    2. football forums

      Viva la FCB

      Hes one of the best story tellers that much is for sure. I love me some good Bobby.

    3. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      Better songwriter than performer. Some of the best songs he's ever written were performed better by others. All Along the Watchtower (Jimi Hendrix), Mr. Tambourine Man (The Byrds), Knockin' on Heavens Door (Guns N Roses). Gotta disagree with @Spike here, do not listen to Neil Young

    4. football forums


      'Harvest' is one of the most greatest and most sincere albums of all time. 

  17. True Blue inviting me to play Dots & Co with him on Fabook! What has our relationship come to...

  18. What's happened to @VanPaddy? Where are you mate!

    1. football forums


      Fingering some ass in the red streets of Amsterdam.

    2. football forums

      Panna King

      I am back! not fingering at all :D 

  19. All praise the Indigofera!

    1. football forums


      Isn’t she wonderful?

  20. @Fusion WE LOVE YOU!

    1. football forums



    2. football forums


      I love u too. :x I will come back Berserker, I see Brian is quite active here, so....B|

    3. football forums


      FUSION! :banana:

      Where have you been mate!  YOU ARE NEEDED HERE!!!! 

  21. Liam Brady is the 6th best player in Arsenal's history!  That's a fact!

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    2. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      Where's David Seaman fall on that list?

    3. football forums


      Well it's not a fact actually...  It's an opinion of mine but that makes it a fact! xD

    4. football forums

      Panna King

      Where is Perry Groves? 

  22. How will the FIGC sort this one out so as to favour Rubentus?  It's gonna be interesting!

  23. Name your top five more commercial beers that you enjoy... (No Craft!!!)

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    2. football forums


      San Miguel

    3. football forums

      Viva la FCB


      they still sell the novelty top ones here although they're a couple bucks more. They also make like a 1.5 litre bottle with the top xD

    4. football forums

      Panna King

      I drink Red Stripe while putting on some Bob Marley songs. Perfect chill out!

  24. Let EVERYONE in the world qualify for the World Cup!  But let's continue to play qualifiers, eh!

    1. football forums

      Panna King

      Still Holland wont Qualify :(

  25. Who's bumped into an idiot observing his smartphone while walking down the street this week?

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    2. football forums


      What if i was the idiot?

    3. football forums

      God is Haaland

      The "idiot" was distracted by his smartphone. What's your excuse, you mongoloid, mouth-breathing retard?!

    4. football forums


      You're right @True Bender mate...  Small minds are distracted by simple things.  I feel ashamed of trying to injure another of my species and inadvertently injuring his smartphone which was the innocent party in all of this.  I promise I will try and get my road angles right next time around and get the git under a rubber wheel. ;)

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