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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

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1 minute ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

Sneaky but at least they had a target. Our Labour run government just abandoned any testing targets altogether. 

So you're letting them off just because they had a target xD ?! 

It's fine to have a target to be honest. But take responsibility and some humility and honesty as to why it's not been reached. I'd have more respect for them if they were honest and truthful and just accepted they've not reached targets as opposed to fluffing the figures. 

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Just now, Stan said:

So you're letting them off just because they had a target xD ?! 

It's fine to have a target to be honest. But take responsibility and some humility and honesty as to why it's not been reached. I'd have more respect for them if they were honest and truthful and just accepted they've not reached targets as opposed to fluffing the figures. 

Not at all. I just find it hypocritical that one gets hammered for not reaching a target in time while the other, despite criticism from opposition parties, has got off relatively scot free by comparison. 

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41 minutes ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

Not at all. I just find it hypocritical that one gets hammered for not reaching a target in time while the other, despite criticism from opposition parties, has got off relatively scot free by comparison. 

By the same token, you seem to be happy to let the UK government off scot free but write paragraph after paragraph about Welsh Labour.

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3 minutes ago, LFCMike said:

By the same token, you seem to be happy to let the UK government off scot free but write paragraph after paragraph about Welsh Labour.

As I've said previously, I agree that they were too slow to react to start with (whether that was based on initial science or medical advice, I don't know) and I agree that they messed up horribly on the PPE aspect as that should have been resolved well beforehand. As they're the UK Government, you'd expect more scrutiny. 

However, what I'm trying to show is a counter point as while one gets hammered in the media and by the general public (let's be honest, it's mainly because they're the Tories), the other has barely been touched by comparison. 

Case in point, the PPE. We had more provided earlier today on top of extra a few days ago. Vaughan Gething had admitted that we had a few days left at one point and as health and social care is devolved in Wales, where was the criticism at the Welsh Government by comparison? 

Using @Stan's previous post, the UK government had fudged the figures to make it look like they hit the target, while the Welsh Government (which is Labour run and pretty much has been since we've had devolution) didn't hit a test target by mid April and simply abandoned it. The UK Government gets laughed it despite the considerable increase while the Welsh Government barely gets criticism. Why? 

This is where I'm coming from and trying to make a point.

I'm aware that a few members on here will rip into the Tories because of what has happened in their areas and that's fine. I know that the Tories are not great and have a questionable past and present (the Rhondda Valleys were very badly hit when the mines were closed). However, based on what I've seen from the Welsh Government since devolution was voted in, I've not seen much better from them. I could go into it more but it'll start to get into a bit of a rant so will stop there. 

I hope you get an idea of where I'm getting at with this. 

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14 minutes ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

Ffs, what an absolute wankstain. It really does show how pathetic our society can really be. 

One of the sad truths coronavirus has exposed is that people are really really selfish and greedy, even in light of when humanity is going through something as difficult as this... people have no issue with scrapping their ethics to make some quick cash.

I hope this fucker goes to prison.

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16 minutes ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

Ffs, what an absolute wankstain. It really does show how pathetic our society can really be. 

That's disgusting to read. I think several of us mentioned 'people are selfish/people are twats/thick fucking cunts'. This proves us right!

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1 hour ago, Harvsky said:

In the FT that it's expected government will announce office workers must work from home for the rest of the year :o

That doesn't surprise me to be honest. I guess they'll leave it up to some businesses to enforce social distancing so not everyone is in at same time. We'll no doubt end up seeing those regular London underground pictures of Central line being jam-packed on the first day lockdown is over xD

Our company has hinted at how it'll be post-lockdown. Almost like an 'enter-the-office' rota so not everyone in the immediate team goes in just to restrict crowding as much as possible. And only go in if absolutely necessary. 

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24 minutes ago, Stan said:

That doesn't surprise me to be honest. I guess they'll leave it up to some businesses to enforce social distancing so not everyone is in at same time. We'll no doubt end up seeing those regular London underground pictures of Central line being jam-packed on the first day lockdown is over xD

Our company has hinted at how it'll be post-lockdown. Almost like an 'enter-the-office' rota so not everyone in the immediate team goes in just to restrict crowding as much as possible. And only go in if absolutely necessary. 

Your office sounds similar to what I heard about school. Apparantly they'll be coming in via a split rota. Morning, afternoon and early evening.

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10 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

One of the sad truths coronavirus has exposed is that people are really really selfish and greedy, even in light of when humanity is going through something as difficult as this... people have no issue with scrapping their ethics to make some quick cash.

I hope this fucker goes to prison.

Is an outrage piece. He's an outlier mate. The newspapers always focus on the outliers

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'Bodies left to rot on the streets': How this city became 'Latin America's Wuhan'

SLIDES - 1/4


A month ago, Blanca Reyes received the call dreaded by so many.

The hospital gave her the tragic news that her father had died. He had been diagnosed with coronavirus but it still came as a huge shock.

"'What?' I said. 'That can't be right, he was stable. This was the last update you gave me'. And then the person continued: 'No, if you are Blanca Reyes and your father... he died. Please come to the hospital.'"

Compounding her shock and grief in the weeks that have passed since, the hospital in Guayaquil, Ecuador, still can't find his body.

Despite multiple phone calls and trips to the hospital, Blanca's been given no answers. A death certificate has been issued but no body to bury.

Blanca speaks with quiet anger and grief about the way she has been treated.

She suspects the government is trying to cover up the extent of its failure to handle the pandemic.

"I have some theories. One is that they didn't tell the families because they didn't want to hand over the bodies in order to hide, in the beginning, the number of COVID-19 deaths."

Authorities admitted to Sky News they have 120 bodies that have not been identified but could not account for bodies simply going missing in the system.

Blanca's story is symptomatic of a complete collapse in the city where she lives in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The nightmare we have all been dreading happened here.

The government failed the people in their hour of greatest need and the health system was overwhelmed.

It failed so badly that bodies were left to rot on the streets or in people's homes. When Cesar Galvez's father died, local authorities were too busy to take his body. They had to keep it in their home for three days.

"We were helpless... no one to turn to, everything turned hard and even more for the relatives. Imagine having there a dead body and not being able to do anything. It is tough," said Cesar Galvez.

The city of Guayaquil has been called Latin America's Wuhan, after the Chinese city where the virus started.

It has been among the continent's worst hit.

It's thought as many as 7,000 have died in this one city alone, although official figures, which count only those who tested positive for the virus before dying, are far lower.

They are used to disposing of 50 bodies a day in normal times. As COVID-19 ravaged the city, that number rose to 500.

Poverty, disorganisation, and the failure of officials to anticipate the crisis led to dystopian scenes of bodies being collected from the streets.

Blanca waits for answers and a body to bury. She is in no doubt that the government could and should have done much more.

"The authorities did not act on time, I believe my father got sick because there was no control at all. The airports were not shut down on time.

"They did not even control the temperature of the passengers. This was known since January, first in China then Italy in February. They had two months to get ready and they did not do it."

Her lament will be familiar to so many, far beyond Ecuador.


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Again, I've been avoiding this thread. However, cases in Peru have risen rapidly over the last 2 weeks and I am now worried about my family and friends.

Around 41,000 cases now. I'm also seeing photos from my friends who are asking "what quarantine" showcasing all the people in the streets. 


For reasons like this, we will never become as developed as Chile have done in my lifetime.

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5 minutes ago, Inti Brian said:

For reasons like this, we will never become as developed as Chile have done in my lifetime.

Genuine question - what's the references and comparisons to Chile all the time for? 

Is there a rivalry, or similarity to them that was once there that isn't any more?

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Just now, Stan said:

Genuine question - what's the references and comparisons to Chile all the time for? 

Is there a rivalry, or similarity to them that was once there that isn't any more?

I mean there does exist a rivalry within us and Chile but that's not the point.

Chile was poor pre-Pinochet. They had serious issues in the 1960's and 1970's. They are completely different to Argentina who have always been closer to Europe than South America when it came to development. 

I like to poke fun at Chile a lot, but most South American countries should aspire to become what they have become. They still have social issues but are arguably the most developed country in South America now. That is a radical change compared to the past. 

Peru has developed lots in the last 30 years but not quite to the extent of Chile and I reckon it's because of the society. We have always been behind the Chileans in that regard.

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Contact tracing app to be trialled in Isle of Wight




An NHS app aimed at limiting a second wave of coronavirus will be trialled on the Isle of Wight this week, according to the transport secretary.

It will be the first place where the new contact-tracing app will be used before being rolled out more widely this month, said Grant Shapps.

The government will be asking the whole of the UK to download it, he told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show.

"That will help with a lot of the automation of the tracking."

About 50 to 60% of the UK population would need to download the app for it to be effective.

The government has also promised to recruit 18,000 people to do contact tracing, as it pursues a track and trace strategy with a view to lifting the lockdown.

Using Bluetooth, the free smartphone app will track when its users come into contact with each other, automating the tracing process.

If a user develops coronavirus symptoms, the disclosure will trigger an anonymous alert to users with whom they have recently had contact, enabling those people to go into quarantine or be tested.

It has previously been suggested that areas that trial the contact-tracing app could also have some lockdown measures eased early.

Contact tracing has been credited with helping to lift restrictions in other countries, when combined with other measures.

The app has raised concerns about the government and third parties being given access to people's data.



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