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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

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As if things weren't bad enough with Covid in my city and state,  we are about to be hit by a cyclone later tonight.  The first cyclone to hit Mumbai in over 129 years. 

Thankfully it's only category one. The cool weather is a nice respite from the  heat. 

As for Corona,  it just seems like people have stopped caring.  No one is bothered about the rules, and only few are following social distancing  norms. Numbers continue to rise in few cities at an alarming rate. 

Edited by IgnisExcubitor
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People from ethnic minorities are at a higher risk of dying from coronavirus, a report by Public Health England says.

It shows age remains the biggest risk factor, while being male is another.

But if you strip out age and sex, the report says people of Bangladeshi ethnicity have twice the risk of death than people of white British ethnicity.

The impact of Covid-19 is also "disproportionate" for other Asian, Caribbean and black ethnicities. But it remains unclear why.

The analysis on ethnicity and risk did not consider a person's occupation or obesity, even though both are known risk factors for getting seriously ill with coronavirus.

It acknowledges that more work is needed to understand and advise people about the risk.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the public was "understandably angry about injustices" and that he felt a "deep responsibility because this pandemic has exposed huge disparities in the health of our nation", with ethnic background being a "major risk factor" for coronavirus.

He told the House of Commons: "It is very clear that some people are significantly more vulnerable to Covid-19 and this is something I'm determined to understand in full and take action to address."

"Black lives matter, as do those of the poorest areas of our country" and health outcomes need to be "levelled up," he added.

On Monday night, the Department of Health and Social Care denied reports the delay was down to official concerns of potential civil unrest linked to global anger over the death of African-American George Floyd.

The rapid review was launched when it became clear that some people were getting more sick with coronavirus than others.

Public Health England reviewed thousands of existing health records and other coronavirus data.

The report looks at disparities by:

  • age and sex
  • geography
  • deprivation
  • ethnicity
  • pre-existing health problems or comorbidities

It is not possible to combine all of these factors together to judge an individual's risk because of the way the source data is recorded.

The data does, however, reveal clear inequalities.

The report says people aged 80 or older are 70 times more likely to die than those under 40.

Working-age men diagnosed with Covid-19 are twice as likely to die as women.

The risk of dying with coronavirus is higher among those living in more deprived parts of the UK.

The report says certain occupations - security guards, taxi or bus drivers and construction workers and social care staff - are at higher risk.

For ethnicity, coronavirus death rates were highest among people of Black and Asian ethnic groups when compared to white British ethnicity.

People of Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, other Asian, Caribbean and other Black ethnicity had between a 10% and 50% higher risk of death when compared to white British.

The government had been under pressure to publish the findings of this inquiry. It was due to be released by the end of May.

Now it's here, it's not clear why there was a delay. The main findings reinforce what we already know - that belonging to an ethnic minority group is a major risk factor.

It doesn't move us forward in answering why, though.

The report acknowledges an important flaw in the analysis - it couldn't factor in important risks, such as a person's job and underlying health conditions, that increase the chance of dying with coronavirus. Where you live and how much you earn are important considerations too.

Death rates for people living in the most deprived areas of England were more than double the least deprived areas.

The report says coronavirus has replicated and in some cases increased existing health inequalities.

It doesn't mention how to address those to save more lives.

Labour MP for Battersea Marsha de Cordova said the report was "notably silent" on how risks amplified by "racial and health inequalities" could be reduced.

She said the government "must act immediately" to mitigate the risks "so that no more lives are lost".

While Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy tweeted: "Black and Asian ethnic groups are up to twice as likely to die from Covid-19. Families are living in fear. There must be no more delay. The government must take urgent action to protect at-risk groups."

The equality watchdog says the government should produce a "comprehensive race equality strategy" in response to the report.

Rebecca Hilsenrath, chief executive of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said: "People are more than statistics, and we cannot afford to ignore the broader context of entrenched race inequality across all areas of life. Only a comprehensive race equality strategy will address these issues."



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I saw this comment in a video of the Chilean protests last year.

I was also told personally by a Chilean back in early March that they would start rioting again. American's need to lead by example. Their reasons to riot are totally valid, but amidst this pandemic it really is terrible timing.


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6 hours ago, Inti Brian said:

American's need to lead by example. Their reasons to riot are totally valid, but amidst this pandemic it really is terrible timing.

Yeah they should have waited til it all died down. 

Maybe the cops should have waited to stick their knee in to Floyd's neck for 9 mins til coronavirus went away too. 

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Italy has re-opened its borders without quarantine.

Portugal are willing to open up an 'air-bridge' with UK and possibly have no quarantine rules on arrival, just temperature checks. 

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1 hour ago, Stan said:

Italy has re-opened its borders without quarantine.

Portugal are willing to open up an 'air-bridge' with UK and possibly have no quarantine rules on arrival, just temperature checks. 

Greece are open as well :banana:

@Fusion we are coming to create(or "Crete"?) a second wave...



On a serious note, it's not wise to open up to us yet as we are still having too many cases and deaths, also it doesn't seem fair that we can go there quarantine free but they have to endure a 2 week quarantine if they come here.



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6 hours ago, Stan said:

Yeah they should have waited til it all died down. 

Maybe the cops should have waited to stick their knee in to Floyd's neck for 9 mins til coronavirus went away too. 

Are you saying it's OK to aggrevate the spread?

The Chileans stopped because they didn't want to get sick. It's not because they agreed with the government's decisions during this whole covid-19 crisis.

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2 minutes ago, Stan said:

Obviously not. 

I’ve made myself sound like I’m against the protests in the USA, but I’m not at all. It is definitely terrible timing though especially given the USA is the place that has had the most confirmed cases in the world. Won’t end well. In Chile the people showed discipline (for the most part) and are still frankly angry at the government but know that this is not a good time to go out and do something about it.

The only reason I can think of as of why it’s happening now is so they do it before Trump’s reign ends. 

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19 minutes ago, Berserker said:

Aren't you out of lockdown already?, or at least it's pretty lax there.

For England, yes. However, as healthcare is devolved in the UK, I have to primarily abide by the Welsh Government rules. While the essential rulings (such as shopping for food) are the same, we are still under stricter lockdown rules. 

At present we can:

1. Go to a garden or recycling centre or go to a library. I think we can do golf as well though I need to double check that. 

2. Exercise as much as possible within the local area (basically we must start and finish at our home) 

3. See family members from a different household, but only outside or in a private outdoor area such as a garden. However, the guidance says we cannot go further than 5 miles (in rural areas, 5 miles gets you marginally closer to civilisation, let alone seeing someone), but this is a 'rule of thumb' and to 'use our own judgement'. In other words, as many people laughed at Boris Johnson about, you can't go 5 miles but you actually can. 

Other than that, we're still in lockdown until the next review on 18th June, which by that point will be 13 weeks. 

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4 hours ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

For England, yes. However, as healthcare is devolved in the UK, I have to primarily abide by the Welsh Government rules. While the essential rulings (such as shopping for food) are the same, we are still under stricter lockdown rules. 

At present we can:

1. Go to a garden or recycling centre or go to a library. I think we can do golf as well though I need to double check that. 

2. Exercise as much as possible within the local area (basically we must start and finish at our home) 

3. See family members from a different household, but only outside or in a private outdoor area such as a garden. However, the guidance says we cannot go further than 5 miles (in rural areas, 5 miles gets you marginally closer to civilisation, let alone seeing someone), but this is a 'rule of thumb' and to 'use our own judgement'. In other words, as many people laughed at Boris Johnson about, you can't go 5 miles but you actually can. 

Other than that, we're still in lockdown until the next review on 18th June, which by that point will be 13 weeks. 

We can't do any of that, go figure. :(

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6 hours ago, Berserker said:

We can't do any of that, go figure. :(

Hence why I said you'll be out quicker than us. xD

We're taking a more cautious approach and will that's commendable, it's getting to the point of being in lockdown for too long by the time the review happens and something will have to give. 

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7 hours ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

Hence why I said you'll be out quicker than us. xD

We're taking a more cautious approach and will that's commendable, it's getting to the point of being in lockdown for too long by the time the review happens and something will have to give. 

I doubt it man, you already hit the peak (or so they say) whilst all we are doing is stretching the inevitable.

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2 minutes ago, Berserker said:

I doubt it man, you already hit the peak (or so they say) whilst are we all doing is stretching the inevitable.

Keep your borders closed with Brazil and Chile. Don't let Peruvians into the country. Do that and you'll be OK.

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