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38 minutes ago, SirBalon said:

Rant coming up so don't read if you don't want...

People were complaining about the "heat wave" we had over a month ago which lasted all of two weeks. Now we've had three weeks pf bloody rain and coldish weather. Right in the middle of what are in the rest of the continent supppsed to be the hottest months of the year.

This is literally the toilet of Europe... What it doesn't piss at this time of year anywhere else, here it's discharging its waste upon us. I makes me sick and is extremely depressing. 

There are some worse places. Ireland maybe. But yeah every time I think I want to do a year in England, I think of how shite the weather is. No wonder you lot generally have a good sense of humour. You fucking need it.

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19 minutes ago, Anton said:

There are some worse places. Ireland maybe. But yeah every time I think I want to do a year in England, I think of how shite the weather is. No wonder you lot generally have a good sense of humour. You fucking need it.


That word doesn't even cover 5% of how I feel mate.

This is absolutely depressing!

What pisses me off even more is seeing idiots in shorts and t-shirts just because it's meant to be summer. I've had to dig into certain pieces of my autumn wear. 

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makes me laugh when people moan about the weather in England. why expect anything else? It's typical climate over here. There's rarely ever been a summer where it's 2-3 months of decent sunshine as majority of the country want/expect. It's actually good that it rains here. I'd rather have a bit of a mix to be honest. Yes I'd like longer periods of sunshine and not just your average 2-3 weeks, but to compare it to and want weather like southern Europe climates/countries is just ridiculous or naive to be honest. 

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11 minutes ago, Teso dos Bichos said:


LGBT cartoon targets young boys, promotes gay relationships to children

my god, how disturbing and unnecessary this is. they are kids for fuck sakes, quit trying to brainwash them 

Kids don't need to explicitly know about sexuality. Come on, when I was ten sexuality wasn't shoved down my throat, my natural curiosity searched it out. My mother used to run a news agency certain times of the year, and I'd nick all the skin mags that weren't sold at the end of a cycle. I also found out about homosexuality when I asked about a TV program named 'Will and Grace'. It was targeted towards adults and my natural curiosity led me to finding out something new. It is up to the parents to decide what is appropriate and what is not, chances are kids will already know by a certain age, as homosexuality has essentially become a socially normalised. I don't think this is a particularly bad thing but I'd prefer my kids to discover things for themselves and then ask me questions about it, not informed by someone else.

Also what the fuck is LBT about this film? Looks exclusively G to me. 

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23 minutes ago, Teso dos Bichos said:

the fact that it has become socially normalised and this type of videos is making me heavily consider not having younglings. 

So...why do you believe homosexuality shouldn't be considered okay in society? Do you think fags should be beat up in school? 

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10 hours ago, Spike said:

Kids don't need to explicitly know about sexuality. Come on, when I was ten sexuality wasn't shoved down my throat, my natural curiosity searched it out. My mother used to run a news agency certain times of the year, and I'd nick all the skin mags that weren't sold at the end of a cycle. I also found out about homosexuality when I asked about a TV program named 'Will and Grace'. It was targeted towards adults and my natural curiosity led me to finding out something new. It is up to the parents to decide what is appropriate and what is not, chances are kids will already know by a certain age, as homosexuality has essentially become a socially normalised. I don't think this is a particularly bad thing but I'd prefer my kids to discover things for themselves and then ask me questions about it, not informed by someone else.

Also what the fuck is LBT about this film? Looks exclusively G to me. 

I agree with this. I taught some trans gender pupils last year and they're like 12 years old. Nobody in my generation was trans gender at that age. It's just exposure to it that is different nowadays and exposing kids to the possibility of changing gender at that age is not helpful. Some of them might already know but many of them are nowhere near prepared enough to decide to start putting themselves through such a change at that age. 

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1 hour ago, RandoEFC said:

I agree with this. I taught some trans gender pupils last year and they're like 12 years old. Nobody in my generation was trans gender at that age. It's just exposure to it that is different nowadays and exposing kids to the possibility of changing gender at that age is not helpful. Some of them might already know but many of them are nowhere near prepared enough to decide to start putting themselves through such a change at that age. 

But are they even trans!? Or are adults just telling them that? They coukd just like dressing up, or they couod jut be gay

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5 minutes ago, RandoEFC said:

They identify as the other gender. 

But they are kids! They don't even understand the full ramifications and depth of what that means. Kids go through phases, this is playing with fire.

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I think the bigger question is if a 12 year old wants to be transgender who cares? If it's a "phase" because they don't understand the psychology behind it then it'll pass, if it's something they want or need then it'll stay. But I don't see the harm, they might be children but they're just starting puberty, emotions and hormones will be all over the gaff you can't tell them what they're allowed to think or feel because you've decided they won't understand it. The same arguments have been made to gay people.

And surely if you have transgender adults then surely they would have wanted to be transgender when kids/teens also?

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30 minutes ago, Danny said:

I think the bigger question is if a 12 year old wants to be transgender who cares? If it's a "phase" because they don't understand the psychology behind it then it'll pass, if it's something they want or need then it'll stay. But I don't see the harm, they might be children but they're just starting puberty, emotions and hormones will be all over the gaff you can't tell them what they're allowed to think or feel because you've decided they won't understand it. The same arguments have been made to gay people.

And surely if you have transgender adults then surely they would have wanted to be transgender when kids/teens also?

They have enough to worry about going into puberty without worrying about whether they identify as the other gender. Spending two years from 12-14 being prepared for such a life changing decision only for them to change their mind after all because they've realised they didn't really understand it all and it was just a phase or curiosity just causes a totally unnecessary wave of extra trauma and potential damage to their mental well-being at that age. 

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29 minutes ago, Danny said:

I think the bigger question is if a 12 year old wants to be transgender who cares? If it's a "phase" because they don't understand the psychology behind it then it'll pass, if it's something they want or need then it'll stay. But I don't see the harm, they might be children but they're just starting puberty, emotions and hormones will be all over the gaff you can't tell them what they're allowed to think or feel because you've decided they won't understand it. The same arguments have been made to gay people.

And surely if you have transgender adults then surely they would have wanted to be transgender when kids/teens also?

Chopping off your cock and taking drugs that change hormones is an entirely different ballpark than being gay. Lumping them together shows a fundamental misunderstanding. Transgenderism isn't as simple as homosexuality, it isn't black and white, it is far more complex, and the worst thing you can do is liken it to homosexuality. You said it yourself 'puberty, emotions and hormones will be all over the gaff you can't tell them what they're allowed to think or feel because you've decided they won't understand it', how do you know they are actually transgender? How do you know they aren't a transvestite? How do you know they aren't simply confused? How do you know that one day they won't have a carthartic moment and realise they are simply gay? It could be curiosity? Going down an irreversible path of gender reassignment is the most cruel and knee jerk reaction anybody could put a pre-pubescent through or anyone through. ONE FIFTH of people that go through gender reassignment regret their decision.There is no clinical data suggesting that gender-reassignment is in anyway effective. 

I've known several transgender people and many more gays and let me tell you through my own experiences, they are worlds apart. The former had a certain level of psychological trauma not just from the cruelness of society and family but from a deep internal struggle that would brutalise anyone no matter how accepting society it. It happens in Thailand! The nation where it is a part of the culture.

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I'm off to a festival tomorrow. It's about a fiver for a bottle of beer, so it looks like i'll be sneaking in a bottle of vodka/whiskey and a few gram of charlie then...

We will be getting pissed up through the day as well before it, so it should be a good laugh. I've booked Monday and Tueday off work as I can see me feeling rough for a few days after this one. I don't bother with these mad benders much these days but every now and again it's nice to get on it.

The weather is supposed to be alright as well for a change.

Edited by The Rebel CRS
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10 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

They have enough to worry about going into puberty without worrying about whether they identify as the other gender. Spending two years from 12-14 being prepared for such a life changing decision only for them to change their mind after all because they've realised they didn't really understand it all and it was just a phase or curiosity just causes a totally unnecessary wave of extra trauma and potential damage to their mental well-being at that age. 


9 hours ago, Spike said:

Chopping off your cock and taking drugs that change hormones is an entirely different ballpark than being gay. Lumping them together shows a fundamental misunderstanding. Transgenderism isn't as simple as homosexuality, it isn't black and white, it is far more complex, and the worst thing you can do is liken it to homosexuality. You said it yourself 'puberty, emotions and hormones will be all over the gaff you can't tell them what they're allowed to think or feel because you've decided they won't understand it', how do you know they are actually transgender? How do you know they aren't a transvestite? How do you know they aren't simply confused? How do you know that one day they won't have a carthartic moment and realise they are simply gay? It could be curiosity? Going down an irreversible path of gender reassignment is the most cruel and knee jerk reaction anybody could put a pre-pubescent through or anyone through. ONE FIFTH of people that go through gender reassignment regret their decision.There is no clinical data suggesting that gender-reassignment is in anyway effective. 

I've known several transgender people and many more gays and let me tell you through my own experiences, they are worlds apart. The former had a certain level of psychological trauma not just from the cruelness of society and family but from a deep internal struggle that would brutalise anyone no matter how accepting society it. It happens in Thailand! The nation where it is a part of the culture.

To you both, I'm not saying send them into an operating room and change them. My point is that they are teenagers, people who whilst still children, can think and feel for themselves. They should definitely be educated properly on the subject and should be referred to a psychologist because it is life changing and will come with mental illnesses, never mind the bullying etc. But if after all of that and they reach 18 and still feel the same you can hardly tell them they were wrong.

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How common were these transgender issues 20-30 years ago? Were there as many cases of 12 year olds thinking they're in the wrong body? Is this just a form of a mental illness?

Not saying I completely agree with the last question but interested in some answers. 

Edited by Anton
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40 minutes ago, Danny said:


To you both, I'm not saying send them into an operating room and change them. My point is that they are teenagers, people who whilst still children, can think and feel for themselves. They should definitely be educated properly on the subject and should be referred to a psychologist because it is life changing and will come with mental illnesses, never mind the bullying etc. But if after all of that and they reach 18 and still feel the same you can hardly tell them they were wrong.

I totally agree with you but that's a big if. I have no idea whether more or less than half of them will have ended up being fine as its quite a new phenomenon but time will tell. For me I just think it puts them at massive risk.

35 minutes ago, Anton said:

How common were these transgender issues 20-30 years ago? Were there as many cases of 12 year olds thinking they're in the wrong body? Is this just a form of a mental illness?

Not saying I completely agree with the last question but interested in some answers. 

No there wasn't and it's only apparent now because younger people are exposed to it by the media. We have a responsibility to educate them properly so they don't get their information off fucking Facebook or whatever. 

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56 minutes ago, Anton said:

How common were these transgender issues 20-30 years ago? Were there as many cases of 12 year olds thinking they're in the wrong body? Is this just a form of a mental illness?

Not saying I completely agree with the last question but interested in some answers. 

Of course it's a mental disease (well from the point of view of biological reproduction). It is abnormal for a human to be anything but straight as it is counter-intuitive to the basic survival of the species. Before anyone get's all anal about the word 'disease', it isn't necessarily an evil, vile word, but people tip-top around it because of the negative connotations. I don't think there is anything wrong with homosexuality but that doesn't mean it isn't abnormal. I also think wanting to fuck inanimate objects is a disease but it's pretty fucking harmless, right? Though it's semantics people will be offended by all language and they create their own nomenclature. Though, I do suppose I'm looking at it from an entirely fundamental perspective, reducing humans to the most basic and primitive state. My definition doesn't really apply to western-society.


'a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms'


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1 hour ago, Danny said:


To you both, I'm not saying send them into an operating room and change them. My point is that they are teenagers, people who whilst still children, can think and feel for themselves. They should definitely be educated properly on the subject and should be referred to a psychologist because it is life changing and will come with mental illnesses, never mind the bullying etc. But if after all of that and they reach 18 and still feel the same you can hardly tell them they were wrong.

But that is the problem mate, you aren't sending them to the operating room but a lot of parents and young people are. You seem to have your head screwed on and you know that quick decisions are usually poor decisions but a lot of people aren't like that. There is a quick rush of acceptance of gender-change because there isn't enough research or public knowledge. It's the status-quo to go through these operations and publications like Buzzfeed and HuffPo do their best to reinforce this concept, essentially halting any sort of progress. It is so crude and rudimentary but question it and you're a biased transphobe.  I hope that makes sense.

CBT would have to be the wisest choice and through careful professional help perhaps even hormone therapy. I don't think mutilation should be on the chopping board because a lot of famous trannies still have their birth genitalia, like Baily Jay.

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