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6 hours ago, nudge said:

It seems there's a coup happening again in Myanmar... Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar’s president and other senior ruling party figures have been detained by the military in early morning raids. 

What's your opinion on that? I haven't followed the events in that region for quite some times. People saying Aung San Suu Kyi was not was she promised to be? 

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10 hours ago, Tommy said:

What's your opinion on that? I haven't followed the events in that region for quite some times. People saying Aung San Suu Kyi was not was she promised to be? 

By "people", do you mean posters on reddit and fb comments section with a saint complex who used to deitify her in the past and now think she's a literal reincarnation of Hitler? I would say they know little about Myanmar’s political landscape and the complexity of the country's ethnic conflicts throughout the ages. Anyway, regardless of anyone's opinion on Aung San Suu Kyi, the fact that there's another military coup in a region which already consists of very frail democracies - or rather of military-controlled facades of democracy - is worrying and sad, and will definitely hinder the stability and development of the region. 

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2 minutes ago, nudge said:

By "people", do you mean posters on reddit and fb comments section with a saint conplex who used to deitify her in the past and now think she's a literal reincarnation of Hitler? I would say they know little about Myanmar’s political landscape and the complexity of the country's ethnic conflicts throughout the ages. Anyway, regardless of anyone's opinion on Aung San Suu Kyi, the fact that there's another military coup in a region which already consists of very frail democracies - or rather of military-controlled facades of democracy - is worrying and sad, and will definitely hinder the stability and development of the region. 

Yea, that's why I wanted to ask a smart person before I form an opinion based on what idiots on the internet say. :P I actually read her book but didn't follow her very closely after that. 

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1 hour ago, nudge said:

By "people", do you mean posters on reddit and fb comments section with a saint conplex who used to deitify her in the past and now think she's a literal reincarnation of Hitler? I would say they know little about Myanmar’s political landscape and the complexity of the country's ethnic conflicts throughout the ages. Anyway, regardless of anyone's opinion on Aung San Suu Kyi, the fact that there's another military coup in a region which already consists of very frail democracies - or rather of military-controlled facades of democracy - is worrying and sad, and will definitely hinder the stability and development of the region. 

Haven’t a lot of the shitty things Aung San Suu Kyi done been in the name of appeasing the military?

Military coups are rarely good though and Asia generally has struggled with democracy (although for the past few years my faith in democracy has been shaken - lol, but having a say in governance is generally better than not).

Personally, I think she’s a horrible cunt because I think what they are doing to Rohingya’s is genocide. And she denies it’s genocide because they sometimes fight back, which imo doesn’t not make it a genocide. And I think a lot of people are okay with this type of genocide because it’s Muslims. But the military is the most obvious aggressor against the Rohingyas - so things are likely to be worse after a coup.

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5 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

Haven’t a lot of the shitty things Aung San Suu Kyi done been in the name of appeasing the military?

Military coups are rarely good though and Asia generally has struggled with democracy (although for the past few years my faith in democracy has been shaken - lol, but having a say in governance is generally better than not).

Personally, I think she’s a horrible cunt because I think what they are doing to Rohingya’s is genocide. And she denies it’s genocide because they sometimes fight back, which imo doesn’t not make it a genocide. And I think a lot of people are okay with this type of genocide because it’s Muslims. But the military is the most obvious aggressor against the Rohingyas - so things are likely to be worse after a coup.

I'd say that the main criticism is not for what she has done, but rather for what she failed to do though - namely, for not standing up for Rohingya, no? I understand why people in the West would have expected her to do that; but in all honesty, I think that's a very naive expectation to have.

First of all, she has had limited say in what is still essentially a military rule pretending to be a democratic civilian government, a move that was made in order to improve the country's image, get international sanctions lifted and qualify for international aid. Military still has 25% guaranteed seats in the parliament regardless of the outcome of the elections, they control defense and home affairs ministries as well as the police force and border controls, former high-ranking military personnel occupy top civil positions, the generals have the majority of seats in the National Defence and Security Council which has the power to suspend democratic government, and they also have veto power over constitutional changes. So essentially any reforms that the military doesn't approve of have no chance of being implemented, and all of Aung San Suu Kyi's and her party's attempts to ammend the constitution have been fruitless.

Secondly, given how divided Myanmar is by ethnic and sectarian lines, standing up for and speaking in favour of the Rohingya would be a political suicide in a country where the majority of the Bamar population holds very negative views about most of the minority groups and where numerous ethnic conflicts have been brewing for decades, with ethnic armed groups controling roughly a third of the country's territory. The anti-Rohingya prejudice, in particular, is so deep-seated among the Buddhist Bamar population, that being seen as a defender of Rohingya interests would have cost her and the NLD a significant amount of votes. A peaceful resolution of those conflicts has actually been one of Aung San Suu Kyi's and the NLD's key priorities in their political agenda. In fact, after getting elected, she requested the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State to be formed, it was led by Kofi Annan, included other international and Burmese experts, and called for improvement on human rights, a review of the citizenship law, and investing heavily into the infrastructure in order to lift the population out of poverty. Interestingly enough, shortly before their final report was released, the military moved troops into the Rakhine State, and a day after it was released, the Rohingya rebel groups launched several attacks on military/police outposts, basically starting the events that led to the atrocities and the ongoing humanitarian disaster. Other efforts for peaceful resolution of other ethnic conflicts in the country also failed miserably after proposed constitutional ammendments were blocked by the military, and most of the ethnic armed groups refused to sign the nationwide ceasfire agreement as a result. As sad as it is, both the Burmese military and the numerous armed ethnic groups as well as other countries and entities backing them all have major political and economic stakes in the continuation of hostilities; none of them are interested in peace. The extreme tribalism in Myanmar's society is another factor that significantly hinders any progress, and in all honesty, I don't see that changing, ever.

So yeah, Aung San Suu Kyi definitely had to keep balance between opposing the military and working along with them in order to be allowed to be a part of the political process, and her political actions (or, in case of the Rohingya issue, her inaction) are also heavily influenced by the views and attitudes of the general population. She's not a saint, but I don't see her as a villain either. Truth is though, she is still the symbol of hope to tens of millions of Burmese, and her popularity and personality cult is probably the only thing threatening the status quo of the army rule - which is even more evident now after yesterday's coup. A bit funny how a huge military apparatus is still afraid of the popularity of a frail old woman who doesn't even have constitutional power to lead. Anyway, as I said in my previous post, regardless of what anyone thinks of Aung San Suu Kyi, a return to a fully blown military junta will only make things worse. The new acting state leader after the coup is Min Aung Hlaing, an army general and Commander-in-Chief who has prior record of human rights violations against ethnic minorities, with several court cases in various international courts still ongoing. He's the one who has been calling the shots in military crackdown against the Rohingya too, and it's a bit amusing to see how the West (and Muslim) countries prefered to ramble about Aung San Suu Kyi "not saying anything against it" instead of paying attention to the ones who were actually directly responsible for it. If anything, her tarnished image led to significantly decreased support for her internationally, and thus has only benefited the military and encouraged them to seize complete power again. It's another sad indication that the region is once again succumbing to instability, internal conflicts, authoritarianism and stagnation, while a significant part of the population is still in poverty and has little to no access to proper education, housing and health services, indicating little hope for any progress in the future. 

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39 minutes ago, McAzeem said:

How will China react to this they have strong ties with their army !?

Don't think it matters much to them, one way or another. They have strategical interests in the country, and they've been on pretty good terms with both the military and Aung San Suu Kyi (bar a few issues regarding the Chinese-backed armed groups in the north), so this probably doesn't change anything as much as they are concerned. If anything, international community potentially increasing sanctions on Myanmar as a reaction to the coup will likely make the Burmese military more dependent on China and strengthen their ties. 

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2 hours ago, Toinho said:

Fire started 24 hours ago east of Perth. Now raging towards heavily populated areas. I am one street away from a watch and act area. 7000 hectares burnt and continuing. Not good.

Fingers crossed you can stay safe! 

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12 hours ago, Toinho said:

Fire started 24 hours ago east of Perth. Now raging towards heavily populated areas. I am one street away from a watch and act area. 7000 hectares burnt and continuing. Not good.

Stay safe buddy, bush fires can be deadly, lucky enough my family out there live in the suburbs of Melbourne but I think one of my nieces lives in Queensland.

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6 hours ago, CaaC (John) said:

Stay safe buddy, bush fires can be deadly, lucky enough my family out there live in the suburbs of Melbourne but I think one of my nieces lives in Queensland.

It’s devastating man. Still not under control. I’m at the foot of the hills and will be safe I’m sure but lots of people being affected and so much beautiful national forests have been decimated - not to mention all the native animals that would’ve perished. Hopefully today they can get it under control. Thanks man. 

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2 hours ago, Toinho said:

It’s devastating man. Still not under control. I’m at the foot of the hills and will be safe I’m sure but lots of people being affected and so much beautiful national forests have been decimated - not to mention all the native animals that would’ve perished. Hopefully today they can get it under control. Thanks man. 

We lived in Dandenong, Victoria when we emigrated out there in 1959 and it was all mainly bush then but my old man being an ex-navy man could not settle and we moved to the Port Melbourne area just because him being in the navy he wanted to smell the salt of the sea, a lot of ex-navy men are like that.

I can remember the bush fires around about 1968 and I was sitting in Flinders Street railway station waiting for a train and I looked up and saw all the smoke in the distance from bush fires and I found out after they were around the Dandenong area, lucky we moved into the city when we did at the time.

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Police documents provided to Frontier this afternoon show Aung San Suu Kyi is facing a charge of violating the Export and Import Law after a search of her Nay Pyi Taw home on the day of the coup found communications devices that had allegedly been imported illegally and were being used by her security team. The charge carries a potential prison term of three years, a fine or both.

Win Myint is facing a charge under the Natural Disaster Management Law related to an incident in September in which he allegedly waved to a passing National League for Democracy convoy from outside the Presidential Palace.

The charge sheet states that this was a violation of COVID-19 prevention rules issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports for election campaigning, and under section 25 of the law he faces up to three years’ imprisonment, a fine or both.



Wow. They didn't even bother to come up with charges that could be taken seriously. 

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Didn't know where to put this, but I've put it in here as it's the only place where it can be reasonably on topic. Plus it's more light hearted and for a laugh really. 

There was an Amber alert (used for abducted or missing children) sent out in Texas three times, whereby they described the suspect as  '28 years old, weighing 16 pounds and 3-foot-1, with red-auburn hair, blue eyes, wearing blue denim overalls with a striped long sleeve shirt and carrying a large knife'.


Oh dear. xD

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Just now, Bluebird Hewitt said:

Didn't know where to put this, but I've put it in here as it's the only place where it can be reasonably on topic. Plus it's more light hearted and for a laugh really. 

There was an Amber alert (used for abducted or missing children) sent out in Texas three times, whereby they described the suspect as  '28 years old, weighing 16 pounds and 3-foot-1, with red-auburn hair, blue eyes, wearing blue denim overalls with a striped long sleeve shirt and carrying a large knife'.


Oh dear. xD

Saw this the other day. It was amazing xD

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9 minutes ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

Didn't know where to put this, but I've put it in here as it's the only place where it can be reasonably on topic. Plus it's more light hearted and for a laugh really. 

There was an Amber alert (used for abducted or missing children) sent out in Texas three times, whereby they described the suspect as  '28 years old, weighing 16 pounds and 3-foot-1, with red-auburn hair, blue eyes, wearing blue denim overalls with a striped long sleeve shirt and carrying a large knife'.


Oh dear. xD

Superb xD 

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Civil disobedience movement is growing in Myanmar, led by doctors and other medical personnel, who have already declared that they won't work for military government. Noise protests and singing are taking place in Yangon at night, with people gathering under the cover of darkness. 



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