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Debate Topic Subforum

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I think it would be interesting to have another go at the debate threads that were quite interesting on TFF before they fizzled out. If I remember rightly it was a different topic every week or so and people had the opportunity to air their views about a wide variety of subjects and some interesting discussions took place. As long as it doesn't degenerate into pointless arguments and personal comments just because you disagree with someone else's opinions it could generate quite a bit of activity.

Obviously the usual stuff like abortions, euthenasia, drugs etc are going to come up as they always do but some topics that are a bit more 'outside the box' would hopefully ensure that it doesn't fizzle out so quickly as on TFF.

Just an idea, like

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5 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

You was too young at the time to take part.

Fuck off Marty. xD

1 minute ago, Salford Kel said:

Not sure. Must have been about 5 years ago I'd guess

Must be that those topics were created into the Politics section which i must admit i didn't visit quite often.

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Oh I remember that, it was "The Debate Forum"  with various discussion topics while news and stuff were kept in "Politics and News Items" subforum, both in the Pub section...

Good idea to bring it back.

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3 hours ago, nudge said:

Oh I remember that, it was "The Debate Forum"  with various discussion topics while news and stuff were kept in "Politics and News Items" subforum, both in the Pub section...

Good idea to bring it back.

According to this topic there once was a hidden section called like that on the old forum but it was before my and Kel's time and i sure as hell don't remember ever hearing of something like that.



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15 minutes ago, NeymarPele said:

According to this topic there once was a hidden section called like that on the old forum but it was before my and Kel's time and i sure as hell don't remember ever hearing of something like that.



It wasn't hidden but you had to be approved to be able to post there, but later they let everyone in, if I recall correctly. Not sure exactly when it was like that, around 2010-2011 I'd think.

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It could be done in a pinned weekly topic in the politics section.

Worth a try. Hope it will be debate and not like the rest of the politics section which in the post Brexit trump environment is becoming increasingly "your different opinion must be because you are a moron, an idiot, a thicko, a racist or mentally ill"

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18 hours ago, HoneyNUFC said:

It could be done in a pinned weekly topic in the politics section.

Worth a try. Hope it will be debate and not like the rest of the politics section which in the post Brexit trump environment is becoming increasingly "your different opinion must be because you are a moron, an idiot, a thicko, a racist or mentally ill"

You forgot "you've been deliberately misled by the media elites" but, to be fair, that's also what passes for political debate at the highest levels these days.

I propose we start with whether or not the Holocaust actually happened :ph34r:

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Just now, Cannabis said:


Hardly anyone capable of debating. Just a bunch of ill informed window lickers embarrassing themselves. They're better off sticking to watching men kick a bag of wind around and playing daft games

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12 minutes ago, Salford Kel said:

Hardly anyone capable of debating. Just a bunch of ill informed window lickers embarrassing themselves. They're better off sticking to watching men kick a bag of wind around and playing daft games

Here's the first debate: Can a leopard ever change its spots? I'm going to go for no.

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Just now, Aaroncpfc said:

Here's the first debate: Can a leopard ever change its spots? I'm going to go for no.

I have no idea why you think anything you'd have to say would be of interest to me but, to clarify, let me politely inform you that it really wouldn't so carry on chatting about imaginary footballers on a silly game

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16 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

I'm for it if there's ground rules that call for at least some semblance of civility & maybe sourcing your points.

Do forged documents, forced confessions, faked photographs, shrunken heads and 'lamps made from human skin' that turn out to be made of goatskin count?

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2 hours ago, Salford Kel said:

Do forged documents, forced confessions, faked photographs, shrunken heads and 'lamps made from human skin' that turn out to be made of goatskin count?

None of those things are ground rules?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think this is a great idea. The person who got it going on the old site must have been an incredibly intelligent fella. Ridiculously good looking as well. A massive hit with the ladies and the funiest guy you'll ever meet. Would be great if he showed up on here. :whistling:

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