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Is there a State, City or Town in Your Country That Everyone Dislikes?

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Where you from, and is there a state or city in your country that would clearly own the label of most disliked place due to its people?

In Australia it would historically have been Sydney-siders that were most commonly disliked but in recent years I think it could have been surpassed by Queenslanders due to their reputation for embracing race baiting politicians. 

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I was thinking more of places where the people are judged and collectively disliked across the rest of the country... A place where telling people you come from the is a bit painful because you know there will be an immediate judgement...

Would it be London on the UK?

Is it always the biggest city in the country?

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  • Administrator
4 minutes ago, Harry said:

I was thinking more of places where the people are judged and collectively disliked across the rest of the country... A place where telling people you come from the is a bit painful because you know there will be an immediate judgement...

Would it be London on the UK?

Is it always the biggest city in the country?

Yeah, Luton still applies....

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People from Sydney are perceived to be orange leathery skinned, seafood eating bogan, undeservedly wealthy likers of a rubbish sport that are always too busy at the beach to actually attend any sporting match or other events in person. 🤣

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3 minutes ago, Harry said:

What's the judgement that's made on those from edinburgh?

Hipster uni students?

Majority of them think they're better than everyone else because they're from Edinburgh.


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49 minutes ago, Harry said:

People from Sydney are perceived to be orange leathery skinned, seafood eating bogan, undeservedly wealthy likers of a rubbish sport that are always too busy at the beach to actually attend any sporting match or other events in person. 🤣

I don’t have that opinion. I think we have quite the opinion on Victorians over here though. Ooooh look at our coffee culture and 4 seasons in a day. Hipsters or AFL wankers. ;) 

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1 hour ago, Harry said:

What's the judgement that's made on those from edinburgh?

Hipster uni students?

Mostly that any sense of an authentic identity there is dead.

Half of it is overblown, insufferable tartan and shortbread tourist bait, the other half is intl students who barely even engage with the city and who are just picking up a Russell Group degree to wave around back home. 

Between these two forces, not to mention the onslaught of wankery every autumn with the Fringe, and any pleasant open, historic spaces being whored out to concerts and Christmas markets, the city is becoming near-unliveable and definitely overpriced for people trying to go about their normal lives. 

Which is a shame because it's a lovely city with an incredible wealth of history if you're willing to scratch through the nonsense. 

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1 hour ago, Harry said:

I was thinking more of places where the people are judged and collectively disliked across the rest of the country...

In that case, my city, Düsseldorf is one of those. People always assume that people from Düsseldorf are posh and maybe arrogant. That's because we have one of the most posh luxurious shopping streets in the city, with all those expensive high society stores. 



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35 minutes ago, Stan said:

How long before we hear mention of Tory South xD

I will xD

We lived down Southend-on-Sea on and off when I had a job down there and it was all Tory, Tory, Tory a bit like Tora, Tora, Tora, it was all about the land of hope and glory and what not and a lot of them down that way turned their noses up against the Jocks, Welsh & Irish and they were all better than them, the only good thing was the Police were hard nutters and took no shit from anybody.

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I think a lot of hatred about Glasweegans not liking Edinburgh is when they keep saying "We are the capital of Scotland and we have the queens local residence in Holyrood Palace and the Crown Jewels in Edinburgh Castle..." etc, my wife is bad for that as she was born and bred in Edinburgh, 

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21 hours ago, Panflute said:

The province of Limburg is the butt of most jokes but I don't think  many people actually hate or dislike them. They just have a funny accent.

The butt of jokes place is a bit different I think.

For us that's definitely Tasmania... Backwards place still three decades in the past where people marry their sister and shag sheep....

If I meet a Tassie person I grin and brace for humour to ensue 🤣

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10 hours ago, Harry said:

The butt of jokes place is a bit different I think.

For us that's definitely Tasmania... Backwards place still three decades in the past where people marry their sister and shag sheep....

If I meet a Tassie person I grin and brace for humour to ensue 🤣

Yeah would agree however we are known to be very behind and different. I am surprised it’s not us for both of the things!

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8 hours ago, Toinho said:

Yeah would agree however we are known to be very behind and different. I am surprised it’s not us for both of the things!

There's humour and jokes for every state really tbh but all Perth people I know are awesome.

The Sydney thing is the only one where I get the impression people think there going to be someone you'd prefer not to have a beer with.

To their credit, some do defy the odds. 😄

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In the UK, this is an easy question: Liverpool. People hate Scousers, it seems like... until they actually meet one. Or they’re just being polite to our faces, and go back to hating us once we’re not around.

If you’re from the North though, there’s a pretty healthy resentment of southerners and especially people from London. Which is pretty understandable, London and the areas around it get healthy investment from the government, while the rest of the country is neglected.

And if you’re from Merseyside the answer is simple as fuck: fuck Manchester

In the US, I actually think it’s a fairly political question. If you’re in a deeply red state, you probably hate California and NYC (but you’ll lump in all of NY with NYC). They see these areas as out of touch elites. If you’re from a deeply blue state, chances are you fucking hate the Bible Belt and view them as backwards bible thumping morons that hold the US back by decades.

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