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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

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13 hours ago, CaaC (John) said:

I woke up this morning with a headache, coughing and feeling like shit, I can't say it's the wine I had last night as that never normally affects me the morning after but if it's that fucking virus then you can stick it, it feels like the old flu symptoms I got years ago before I started getting my yearly flu jabs.  

Get well soon mate and I hope that it's not this virus. Hopefully it's just a normal cold.

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The numbers in brackets indicate the number of people who have tested positive for Covid-19:

Qatar(562), New Zealand(368), Latvia(280), Slovakia(269), Uruguay(238), Jordan(235), Kuwait(225), Vietnam(163), Reunion(145), Faeroe Islands(144), Malta(139), Oman(131), Senegal(119), Brunei(115), Sri Lanka(106) and the Ivory Coast(101).

What do all these countries have in common?

They all have over 100 cases of people testing positive for Coronavirus, but none of them have registered or confirmed a single death due to this virus.

Are they doing something right or have they all just been relatively fortunate? One would hope that some of these countries aren't keeping certain facts from the rest of the world community. A lot of these countries are also relatively small countries and some are quite densely populated. Maybe the health systems in these countries have been well prepared for Covid-19.

Edited by Michael
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3 minutes ago, Michael said:

The numbers in brackets indicate the number of people who have tested positive for Covid-19:

Qatar(562), New Zealand(368), Latvia(280), Slovakia(269), Uruguay(238), Jordan(235), Kuwait(225), Vietnam(163), Reunion(145), Faeroe Islands(144), Malta(139), Oman(131), Senegal(119), Brunei(115), Sri Lanka(106) and the Ivory Coast(101).

What do all these countries have in common?

They all have over 100 cases of people testing positive for Coronavirus, but none of them have registered or confirmed a single death due to this virus.

Are they doing something right or have they all just been relatively fortunate. One would hope that some of these countries aren't keeping certain facts from the rest of the world community. A lot of these countries are also relatively small countries and some are quite densely populated. Maybe the health systems in these countries have been well prepared for Covid-19.

Think that's just luck mate. The flu kills people every year despite the fact any person would receive good care in a hospital system that isn't overloaded, it still kills some people. Largely those who are frail and/or have preexisting conditions.


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1 minute ago, Harvsky said:

Usually takes 2-3 weeks for deaths to emerge after cases. New Zealand had 5 cases 2 weeks ago.

Presumably that's provided they're testing in front of it, not learning of the cases via a body count?

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1 hour ago, Harry said:

Think that's just luck mate. The flu kills people every year despite the fact any person would receive good care in a hospital system that isn't overloaded, it still kills some people. Largely those who are frail and/or have preexisting conditions.


Yes, perhaps it is luck. I just thought that it might be an interesting topic to question. These people were diagnosed as having Covid-19, which causes more fatalities than the regular flu. However, it could be luck that none of these people have died yet, just as you suggested. It could also be that these countries were well prepared and had sufficient numbers of ventilators available, whilst at the same time tackling this Pandemic early on. All I hope is that all these countries are being honest and transparent.

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23 hours ago, Inti Brian said:

Yeah that’s a strong point. More capability to travel and receive tourists. Though it works both ways I think. Lima is by far the most densely populated city in South America (besides maybe São Paulo). Buenos Aires is bigger but you have the support of suburban areas. Lima on the other hand is basically 99% city. That’s the kind of place where a virus like Coronavirus thrives because it’s so easily transmissible. Just look at New York.

Speaking of Lima, Nobby Solano has been a bit of a knob by breaking the coronavirus curfew in Peru and he has gotten himself arrested because of it as well. I think that all public figures should be trying their best to lead by example in these most testing of times. Unfortunately, Nobby seems to have failed in this regard.


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13 minutes ago, Michael said:

Speaking of Lima, Nobby Solano has been a bit of a knob by breaking the coronavirus curfew in Peru and he has gotten himself arrested because of it as well. I think that all public figures should be trying their best to lead by example in these most testing of times. Unfortunately, Nobby seems to have failed in this regard.


It is not the first time he's done something like this.

The two problems here are that he's Gareca's assistant who frowns on these sort of things and it's also breaking the law. His job is now at risk. Especially after that disastrous Olympic qualifying campaign.

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I almost dont believe someone like him exists. Its really, really sad.

Trump says he's directed Pence not to call governors who aren't 'grateful' for federal aid

President Donald Trump bashed governors he claims weren't "grateful" enough for federal assistance, and said he's directed Vice President Mike Pence not to call such governors unless they "treat him right."

In particular, Trump called out Washington Gov. Jay Inslee — calling him "a failed presidential candidate" — and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who he said, "has no idea what's going on."

"I say Mike (Pence), don't call the governor of Washington; you're wasting your time with him. Don't call the woman in Michigan," Trump said. "It doesn't make any difference. You know what I say? If they don't treat you right, don't call."


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The magazine for those who believe every neighbor is guilty until proven otherwise.

FIND YOUR TOTALITARIAN SIDE. Embrace stalinism in less than two weeks.

· Having a medical justification

· Go to work to the hospital

· Suffering from a personal emergency

And other assumptions not exempting you from receiving the corresponding spittle.


Why cheering on the vulneration of fundamental rights is better than Netflix.


A Deliveroo coupon. Because the only person having the right to be at the street is the rider bringing you Cheese nachos.

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12 hours ago, Michael said:

Yes, perhaps it is luck. I just thought that it might be an interesting topic to question. These people were diagnosed as having Covid-19, which causes more fatalities than the regular flu. However, it could be luck that none of these people have died yet, just as you suggested. It could also be that these countries were well prepared and had sufficient numbers of ventilators available, whilst at the same time tackling this Pandemic early on. All I hope is that all these countries are being honest and transparent.

The death rate also looks worse than it is(not like 1,000s dying isn't a catastrophe of course), I was watching the Spanish news last night and they said that there is no viable data to determine how many cases there actually is. They have reported probably around 70,000 now, but I'd be very surprised if another 20,000 didn't have it unknowingly.

Many people don't even know they have it. Idris Elba was on TV the other week saying how he had tested positive for it, but how he didn't even really have any symptoms, then you had another bloke on tele claiming how he had tested positive for it, but how he'd had worse colds.

This is one of the reasons why it's so deadly however, as I could catch it tomorrow, not know I have it and then before you know it, I've passed it to a care worker I've been talking to in ASDA and then she takes it to a care home with her.


Edited by Carnivore Chris
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22 minutes ago, Harvsky said:



My mate works in Zambia and he finds it notoriously difficult and time-worthy to get back home whenever he does. Usually has to get a bus to a different country to get a flight to Dubai and then onwards to UK or vice versa. And that's without this coronavirus stuff! 

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2 hours ago, Stan said:

Such as... 

He did a 180 from his initial stance that it was an exaggerated movement by the media and democrats to hurt his presidency, towards taking it seriously, and offered daily press briefings and changed his tone.

It lasted about two days before he was back mouthing off on the podium and repeating falsehoods. And now he's definitely more worried about the markets than the virus with his comments that the cure is worse than the disease and he'd like to open the USA back for business at Easter.

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[Coronavirus] is just another psychosis, which will benefit some people and harm others,"  "The civilized world is going nuts. It is absolute stupidity to close state borders. The panic can hurt us more than the virus itself."

To add to that, he suggested that instead of panicking "like those in Western Europe," one should have 40-50 grams of vodka daily, go to a banya [Russian sauna] two to three times a week and keep working on a farm, as "tough work and a tractor can cure anything."


No, not Trump but Lukashenko .  I have to admit, I think there is some truth in what he is saying at least about the sauna and panic.  Also, let me just say, I tried the vodka cure a couple of nights ago, at possibly a higher dosage than he recommended and though I felt great at the time, the next day was not so great and I was more or less restricted to green tea and water with what some might consider flu like symptoms.  Feeling better today, so may try again with different dosages and medications, maybe maple syrup whiskey is what you need in Kanada?

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5 minutes ago, Stan said:

UK death toll up to 1019 as of 9am this morning. 

I am going to play Devil's Advocate here and ask how many people would normally have died in this time frame from influenza?  I assume this number is strictly people who have died from COVID19 and not all flu like illnesses.

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14 minutes ago, binder said:

I am going to play Devil's Advocate here and ask how many people would normally have died in this time frame from influenza?  I assume this number is strictly people who have died from COVID19 and not all flu like illnesses.

From fullfact.com

Public Health England estimates that on average 17,000 people have died from the flu in England annually between 2014/15 and 2018/19. However, the yearly deaths vary widely¾from a high of 28,330 in 2014/15 to a low of 1,692 in 2018/19. Public Health England does not publish a mortality rate for the flu.

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