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Question a Member: David Villa

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What club did you most enjoy playing for?

What was it like to win the World Cup?

Why do you pretend to be from Bosnia?


Are you Bosnian or Herzegovinan?

What job are you currently doing?

If you could have any 'realistic' player at Chelsea who'd it be?

Is @SirBalon a giver or a taker?


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2 hours ago, Chaaay AFC said:

What club did you most enjoy playing for? Barcelona, Pique gave me an exceptional foot job

What was it like to win the World Cup? Best day ever

Why do you pretend to be from Bosnia? To fool the Serbs


Are you Bosnian or Herzegovinan? Is am man from Trinidad also a man from Tobago?

What job are you currently doing? Analyst in a company that provides TV, Internet and Telephone services.

If you could have any 'realistic' player at Chelsea who'd it be? Bring back Lampard

Is @SirBalon a giver or a taker? He is everything i want him to be, the little slut.



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what was the first football match you went to?

Do you actually think you look like David Villa?

Favourite Chelsea game?

Where do you think Chelsea will finish next season and how do you think they'll do in the cup competitions?

If you have lost your virginity, when was it?

Favourite drink?

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1 minute ago, Stan said:

what was the first football match you went to? Bosnia vs Italy friendly back in the 1996 i was 9 years old, we won 2-1.

Do you actually think you look like David Villa? I never seen it to be honest.

Favourite Chelsea game? Tough one, most would say the Champions League final, i'd say winning the title at Bolton with Frank getting a brace.

Where do you think Chelsea will finish next season and how do you think they'll do in the cup competitions? Think we will manage a top 4 spot, probably in the title race depending on our signings. Think we will get in the final of the Fa Cup again and go out early in the league cup.

If you have lost your virginity, when was it? I was 15-16 years old i think, lost my arse virginity with SirBalon in one of his wild Spanish orgies a few years back. 

Favourite drink? Non alcoholic - peach juice, alcoholic - vodka.


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Has anyone in your family ever gone to jail?

Have you ever been on TV?

What was it like back home when Bosnia qualified for the World Cup?

Favourite cartoon series as a child?

Favourite porn scenario as an adult?

Do people who swear a lot and look angry but are quite sensitive and helping have a small penis?

Has the relations between Bosnia and Serbia improved  ever since the war?

Is it theoraticaly possible for a man to get pregnant?

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I played football against maybe the only Bosnian team in my state today (4-1 win), God dreadful, haven't got a point all year, all talk foreign and praise allah, but put on the best after game feed and gave us loads of free beer... is this a fair reflection of Bosnian blokes or clubs? 

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29 minutes ago, Azeem98 said:

Has anyone in your family ever gone to jail? No mate i am not JT

Have you ever been on TV? Hopefully not

What was it like back home when Bosnia qualified for the World Cup? Wild we celebrated for days, football is very very big in Bosnia.

Favourite cartoon series as a child? X-Men and Dragon Ball 

Favourite porn scenario as an adult? Midget interracial

Do people who swear a lot and look angry but are quite sensitive and helping have a small penis? I swear a lot i also like helping but my penis is of nice size, honest.

Has the relations between Bosnia and Serbia improved  ever since the war? The biggest problem is the Bosnian "Serbs" who are born in Bosnia but declare themselves as Serbs. They are the main reason of the Bosnia war, the war ended in the 1996 but the hate remained.

Is it theoraticaly possible for a man to get pregnant? Actually quite a few cases of that now, with the gender changes. Find it disgusting but each to their own.


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6 minutes ago, Anton said:

I played football against maybe the only Bosnian team in my state today (4-1 win), God dreadful, haven't got a point all year, all talk foreign and praise allah, but put on the best after game feed and gave us loads of free beer... is this a fair reflection of Bosnian blokes or clubs? 

We are decent at footy, we usually learn foreign languages quickly. The Allah praise is among the Muslim Bosnians, you also have plenty of Catholics and Ortodoxs but we get along in cities were there are no hillbillies. The smaller places are very separated with religion, but no war etc. As for being friendly, you won't meet friendlier blokes, always keen to help and we like to party hard. So apart from the Allah part you got it spot on.

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7 minutes ago, Chaaay AFC said:


Only reason I asked about Bosnian/Herzegovinan. My partners friend is from there and she hates to be called Bosnian and says she's Herzegovinan or Croatian. I find it quite intriguing.

Yes because people that are born in Herzegovina are Catholics and consider themselves to be Croatians for some reason. Which is in my opinion beyond laughable. If i was born in France i would be French and Bosnia and Herzegovina is one country the & is just in the name. 

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Is your keyboard in Cyrillic?, is it hard to write in English with it?

Do people in your country likes/admire us?, do they know a lot about us?, because the few Serbians i have talked to kinda do and they look up to our football, chants, passion and the likes.

Do you a have sister?, would you let me shag her if i converted to Islam?

What's your zodiac sign?

Which countries would you like to visit apart from England?

5 virtues and defects you possess?

Would it be easy to tell apart a Bosnian from a Russian or Albanian? 

Favourite kind of movies?

Favourite 5 movies?

Do you dislike Zlatan for playing for Sweden instead of Bosnia?

3 favourite foods?

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1] How soon before we see your sextape leaked online?

2] How freaky would it be?

3] Who apart from you and SirBalon, on this forum is most likely to have their sextape leaked online?

4] Your three favourite pornstars?

5] Your three favourite porn movies?

6] Why does everyone here calls you Villa, when you clearly look like Fonte?

7] Are you still dating that girl who looked like Leelee Sobieski? 

8] Recommend me few Bosnian movies and actress? 

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1 hour ago, Berserker said:

Is your keyboard in Cyrillic?, is it hard to write in English with it? No one uses a cyrilic keyboard, only pussies.

Do people in your country likes/admire us?, do they know a lot about us?, because the few Serbians i have talked to kinda do and they look up to our football, chants, passion and the likes. Argentine is well known in Bosnia, about how they are inferior to Brazil and with shittier football as well.

Do you a have sister?, would you let me shag her if i converted to Islam? I don't but i would let you shag her even if you were a pagan.

What's your zodiac sign? Taurus

Which countries would you like to visit apart from England? Japan and any exotic place like Hawaii etc.

5 virtues and defects you possess? I'll go with the defects: Lazy, pessimistic, usually take things as their are, at times low on confidence and looking to please people that don't deserve it. Virtues: I hate Argentina and Higuain.

Would it be easy to tell apart a Bosnian from a Russian or Albanian? We are fairly different to both Russians and Albanians.

Favourite kind of movies? Sci Fi, war movies

Favourite 5 movies? Hard one but some of them Kingdom of Heaven, Troy, X-Men all of them, all the Marvel parts, Guardians of the galaxy. Named just the newer movies can't recall the older at the moment. 

Do you dislike Zlatan for playing for Sweden instead of Bosnia? Nope, i dislike him because he is a big nosed arrogant cunt, but never doubted his footballing skills World Class.

3 favourite foods? French fries, rice, meals with chicken.


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8 minutes ago, IgnisExcubitor said:

1] How soon before we see your sextape leaked online? Very soon

2] How freaky would it be? If you ever saw tags on pornhub, you will see them all in the movie.

3] Who apart from you and SirBalon, on this forum is most likely to have their sextape leaked online? Anton, movie named ginger Australian man stranded on a Island of Asian vagina.

4] Your three favourite pornstars? Even though i enjoy porn i don't remember names only faces. 

5] Your three favourite porn movies? Types? Asian, big booties and amateur.

6] Why does everyone here calls you Villa, when you clearly look like Fonte? Because they are bastards, i am a prettier Fonte but i see the slight resemblance.

7] Are you still dating that girl who looked like Leelee Sobieski? Haha well she does look like her, and yes we have sex all the time too.

8] Recommend me few Bosnian movies and actress? No Man's Land, The Perfect Circle, Nafaka. We are kinda low on high profile actresses.


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1. Why have you not wished me Happy Fathers Day yet? 

2. What time do you think you will be home? Your mother wants to know if we have to set the table for 6 or 7 people

3. Why do you never text when you are off gallivanting about around Europe. No phone calls kiss my arse or nothing. Almost regret adopting you now... 

4. Your inflatable doll has arrived but is being held down the Post Office as extra postage needs to be paid and I sure as hell am not going and getting it

5. Don't need to ask any other questions as I have already found your Porn stash hidden under the bottom drawer of your side cabinet and I know how big your cock really is after Auntie June let it slip in one her drunken episodes. Not sure I want to ask what went on there to be honest.. better to let the matter go now and hope we can all forget about it... 

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Just now, Bluewolf said:

1. Why have you not wished me Happy Fathers Day yet? Too excited, the mods didn't allow me to open a thread for it. Dad <3

2. What time do you think you will be home? Your mother wants to know if we have to set the table for 6 or 7 people I am on my way as I type.

3. Why do you never text when you are off gallivanting about around Europe. No phone calls kiss my arse or nothing. Almost regret adopting you now... Never saw the official papers Dad, when will i see them 

4. Your inflatable doll has arrived but is being held down the Post Office as extra postage needs to be paid and I sure as hell am not going and getting it Goddamnit, the bastards from the post office better not open it.

5. Don't need to ask any other questions as I have already found your Porn stash hidden under the bottom drawer of your side cabinet and I know how big your cock really is after Auntie June let it slip in one her drunken episodes. Not sure I want to ask what went on there to be honest.. better to let the matter go now and hope we can all forget about it... Let them all know, it has to be kept in the family!


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  • What's your most embarrassing moment in your life where you thought "Please lord bury me"... Tell all!
  • For whatever reason (an important one maybe), have you ever had to be a hypocrite and pretend to like someone or agree with something you are against.
  • Have you ever cheated on your (or a) partner?
  • Apart from Chelsea or the Bosnia & Herzegovina national side...  What's the most excited you have ever been in a football match where you went unusually mental?
  • If you were to move away from Bosnia, where would be your favoured place to go and live?
  • If you could change something about the area and people where you live, what would it be?
  • Do you have a phobia, if so what is it?
  • If reincarnation exists and you couldn't come back as a human being but could choose what to return as, what would it be?
  • Have you ever envied someone, if yes, why and whom?
  • Even if totally out of the ordinary (or it may not be out of the ordinary), what would be your dream job or maybe owning some sort of business...  Tell us about your thoughts on that.
  • If you wasn't you, but you were introduced to you and due to shared friends you suddenly started to see more of you...  What would be your thoughts on you and would you make a close friendship with you?  In total...  What would be the resume you think others that know you, think. 
  • A bit of a sensitive one here (don't have to answer it, just curious as you're a very balanced guy)...  As a Muslim, what do you feel about the bashing your religion is getting on the media in general in the West and even having had to read so many untoward things on the forum (mainly the other place)?
  • Finally...  Do you own a pair of jeans with the arse cheeks cut out so that they can hang out?
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20 minutes ago, SirBalon said:
  • What's your most embarrassing moment in your life where you thought "Please lord bury me"... Tell all! A night out, my cousin was with me and my mates. I was totally wasted and one of her friends was wearing a dress, she climbed on a small stage a bit above us and i stuck my head under her skirt wanted to suck her off. In front of all my friends and my cousin. Stay classy Vedran, but that is just one of the top of my head.
  • For whatever reason (an important one maybe), have you ever had to be a hypocrite and pretend to like someone or agree with something you are against. At work i had to do it a lot, some of my co workers and some of my bosses..
  • Have you ever cheated on your (or a) partner? I have when i was in my party days, but didn't really have a lot of serious relationships.
  • Apart from Chelsea or the Bosnia & Herzegovina national side...  What's the most excited you have ever been in a football match where you went unusually mental? When my local club Železničar defeated Sarajevo at our home ground 
  • If you were to move away from Bosnia, where would be your favoured place to go and live? England, Germany or the Netherlands. Also Spain and Portugal are nice options.
  • If you could change something about the area and people where you live, what would it be? I would unite the divided country, we are one but are separated due to religion and some shitty views.
  • Do you have a phobia, if so what is it? I am scared of heights. 
  • If reincarnation exists and you couldn't come back as a human being but could choose what to return as, what would it be? Dog and hump all my lady owners.
  • Have you ever envied someone, if yes, why and whom? When i was younger one of my best friends, he got a good job settled, a house, a car and didn't do shit to earn it. Basically everything was given to him, later when i grew older i stopped caring about thing like that.
  • Even if totally out of the ordinary (or it may not be out of the ordinary), what would be your dream job or maybe owning some sort of business...  Tell us about your thoughts on that. It was always my goal to have my own business,i feel like as time passes there are less and less chances to have one. I was always interested in retail but not likely to start anything due to lack of funds.  
  • If you wasn't you, but you were introduced to you and due to shared friends you suddenly started to see more of you...  What would be your thoughts on you and would you make a close friendship with you?  In total...  What would be the resume you think others that know you, think. I think i would like myself haha, i like to help people and don't look for interest. You can be my friend no matter of your social or financial status. I would probably be my own best friend. On the down side we would both be lazy bastards and shit at sports.
  • A bit of a sensitive one here (don't have to answer it, just curious as you're a very balanced guy)...  As a Muslim, what do you feel about the bashing your religion is getting on the media in general in the West and even having had to read so many untoward things on the forum (mainly the other place)? Well thing is i am not a Muslim, i don't pray i don't fast i basically don't do anything worthy a Muslim. I drink i am tattooed, probably would be the shittiest Muslim ever. My mother is a Muslim but also not a big one. My biological Dad is an Ortodox. Basically i respect every religion, it should be something that is yours privately and not to publicly show. Muslims have been hated since the 9/11 don't remember it being very interesting before that, obviously now they are the number one hated religion as people fear them because of terrorists. If humanity ever ends it will be because of religion, i look for other qualities in people. If you are a good person you can be anything you like and you will get my respect. I have friends that are Muslims, Catholics, Ortodox also Black, White, Asian and Pakistani (Stan) and we all get along as we respect each other and each others religious views. It is quite easy when you are not a brainwashed dick.
  • Finally...  Do you own a pair of jeans with the arse cheeks cut out so that they can hang out? Unfortunately not, but i look forward to you getting me a pair.


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Are you a pervert?

ISIS has kidnapped you, they will behead you unless you do one of these things

1)Eat your own poop

2)Give them a blowjob 

What will you do?

Would you marry/date a Serbian women/man?


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5 minutes ago, Azeem98 said:

Are you a pervert? I speak like one but i am not a pervert in reality.

ISIS has kidnapped you, they will behead you unless you do one of these things

1)Eat your own poop - I would eat it fuck those hairy stinky bastards

2)Give them a blowjob 

What will you do?

Would you marry/date a Serbian women/man? I dated Serbian ladies, and Croatians ladies, i have no problem with other religions/races.



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