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Top 10 Countries to visit

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What are your top 10 countries you want to visit before you get as ancient as @Bluewolf and are not allowed to travel?


For me:

1) Canada - snowboarding and natural beauty 

2) Switzerland  - always wanted to check out the alps among other things! 

3) Brazil - want to go to Rio and the border with Argentina for Iguazu Falls

4) Peru - Machu Picchu mainly

5) Iceland - just looks incredible 

6) Norway - only heard good things and my sister used to live there and I never got round to visiting! 

7) Uganda - would love to check out mountain gorillas 

8-) Sri Lanka - looks incredible! 

9) Vietnam - have only heard wonderful things and have somehow missed it among my Asian adventures 

10) Mainland USA - mainly to visit friends tbh. I think it’s a backwards place but would be interesting to visit. 

Realistically it’s going to be pretty hard to get to some of these places in the foreseeable future but would at least be hoping to knock off the top 2 in future years. 

What are yours? 

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I don't really have a list of countries--- Will have to include some larger regions to make a top 10 list :D 

  1. China - fascinating history and culture, incredible landscapes, great and diverse food. 
  2. Mongolia - untouched landscapes and nomadic cultures.
  3. Central Asia (all the -stan countries) - I know you said 10 countries so this is a bit cheating, but I just want to experience the whole region without specific interest in a single country. 
  4. Cuba - for the flair, music, vintage cars, rum and cigars.
  5. Ethiopia - rich culture and history, mountain landscapes, food. Lovely people, too.
  6. Borneo - a bit of cheating again... for the jungles and rare animals
  7. The Amazon countries - don't care which ones, just give me the rainforest
  8. North Korea - curious to see how it looks like in reality
  9. Namibia - the sand dunes!
  10. Nepal - love the people, also the mountains.
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1. Iceland - Landscape looks incredible. And I find their culture interesting

2. Finland - Always had a soft spot for the Finns, and I'd live to visit their country. 

3. South Korea - Seoul looks so modern and futuristic. 

4. Japan - I was always interested in their culture, starting with the Samurais to modern Japan. Also some incredible landscapes. 

5. New Zealand - Fascinating landscapes and no snakes! :o 

6. Australia - Must be incredible to be literally on the other side of the planet (counts for NZ too). I'd love to visit Sydney. 

7. Russia - Well maybe not right now. But generally I always thought it would be incredible to visit the country. 

8. South Africa - Cape Town looks incredible, but also their wild life. Last part also counts for neighbouring countries like Tansania and Zimbabwe. Would love to see Lions, Elephants etc. in the wild. 

9. Canada - I always wanted to visit Vancouver. It looks beautiful. 

10. USA - All over really. From New York to LA and everything inbetween. 


I'm sure I'll think of something else that I don't have in mind right now eventually. 

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Only going to include areas I've never been to. In no particular order.

  • Kenya, specifically Nairobi. My dad was born there and I think it'd be great to see where he was born and where he grew up. We've been able to see where my mum was born/lived so to go there with dad would be eye-opening in a good way. My missus dad was also born only a few KMs away from my dad so would see his birthplace too. It was great listening to their stories when they first met each other after missus and I got together - they'd reminisce about where they used to walk, go to school, go to the cinema, they'd know of the same person who owned a mechanic shop and who ran the local cornershop. 
  • Norway - would love to experience seeing the Northern Lights. Reckon I'd be awestruck. I love looking up at the stars even here in UK on a clear night so to be able to see the Northern Lights as well as millions of stars would be perfect.
  • New York - never been, family all have. I'd be your typical tourist here and just want to see all the main sights and experiences; Ground Zero, Empire State, Niagara Falls, Statue of Liberty etc... Would also love to see an NFL and NBA game. 
  • Australia - my parents went a few years ago and did a whole tour. I'd love to experience just how vast it is over there. Wouldn't restrict myself to just the big cities, I'd want to see the rural areas, indigenous communities and experience travelling in the outback. Accidentally on purpose bump in to @Toinho...
  • New Zealand - while I've made it all the way to Oz, might as well go a bit further!
  • South America - bit of a cheat as it's not a country, but there's so much to explore here and I wish I could have visited here earlier. I'd love to visit all the countries there and get a flavour of what each has to offer. Would want to experience what it's like to be on the Amazon as well. Have to see a football match in Brazil or Argentina. Macchu Picchu is a must, Iguazu Falls. Ideally love to go to the depths of southern-most point of Chile and all the way up to the north where SA meets Central America.
  • Egypt - pyramids and the history there fascinates me. Pharaohs, Tutankhamun, Cleopatra, Valley of the Kings, Abu Simpel Temples, travel down the Nile...
  • Japan - accidentally on purpose bump in to @Toinho again...
  • Germany - one of the popular European countries I've never visited. Berlin, Dortmund, Munich, Frankfurt and all the major areas. Have to see what makes the German community on here so popular and happy :D 
  • Singapore - family have been a very long time ago, but somewhere to experience and enjoy based on what they say and other friends who have been more recently. 
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To anyone who doesn’t have New Zealand on their list, or that high up, it is quite possibly one of the best countries in the world you could visit over a 2-4 week period, and longer, but in terms of a holiday to do some travelling, it has so much more to offer than most countries around the world and it’s all so easy to drive.

Now I got that off my chest xD

1. USA - The country is so fucking big it feels a bit silly to not specify more, but I’d really like to travel round the States.

2. Greece - I’ve been to a Greek island but it was an all inclusive so doesn’t really feel like it counts. Would love to do all of the touristy shit there, properly learn about Ancient Greece and see some ruins.

3. Egypt - Mainly for the above reason, just Ancient Egypt instead.

4. Brazil - Mainly for football, food and the beach.

5. Turkey - Obviously some great beach destinations but I’d like to see the historical aspects of Istanbul and the remnants of the Roman and Greek empires.

6. Israel - You might notice a theme here, but historical and mainly religious aspects.

7. Italy - I’ve been to Rome but I’d like to do a full trip up and down the country. Of course get some Roman Empire stuff in too.

8. Japan - Everything I’ve ever been told about Japan is that it’s almost a different world so would like to experience that plus learn about ancient Japan.

9. Thailand - Just fancy a relaxing holiday tbh and would love to do a month of doing nothing in Thailand.

10. Scandinavia - Cheating I know but would be class to see the northern lights, some more fjords and learn about the Viking era.

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7 hours ago, nudge said:

I don't really have a list of countries--- Will have to include some larger regions to make a top 10 list :D 

  1. China - fascinating history and culture, incredible landscapes, great and diverse food. 
  2. Mongolia - untouched landscapes and nomadic cultures.
  3. Central Asia (all the -stan countries) - I know you said 10 countries so this is a bit cheating, but I just want to experience the whole region without specific interest in a single country. 
  4. Cuba - for the flair, music, vintage cars, rum and cigars.
  5. Ethiopia - rich culture and history, mountain landscapes, food. Lovely people, too.
  6. Borneo - a bit of cheating again... for the jungles and rare animals
  7. The Amazon countries - don't care which ones, just give me the rainforest
  8. North Korea - curious to see how it looks like in reality
  9. Namibia - the sand dunes!
  10. Nepal - love the people, also the mountains.

Borneo oh gosh I almost went there once. I’d have to try make room for that in my 10, I think North Korea would be a heck of an experience too. So many places in this world… 

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Colombia, México, Canada, Jamaica, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Argentina, Italy, Croatia, Kenya.

I just need to get used to longer flights. That's the only thing which has put me off, also originally not having the bottle travel alone and people saying they are up for going, but never are. However, I don't care about going away alone now as I've done it about 7 times now in the past 3 years.

Canada would be a good start as Toronto is only about 7.5 hours from Manchester. I think I'm going to head to Canada this year, then hopefully Colombia and Mexico in 2023.

However things can change. I've gotten quite friendly, shall we say, with a local woman here in Andalucía. I'm not getting ahead of myself, but you never know what can happen or if something will come of it, for example. That's how plans always change, when some woman appears in your life from nowhere :ph34r:

The covid was a massive blow too and I'd have already visited more places.



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Oh and Portugal. I should have already visited there before and I nearly have a few times, but I always end up in Spain.

To be honest, there are shitloads of places I want to see in Spain as well, but I can do that inbetween trips(also Italy and Croatia), since it's only a short flight to reach here. You also feel more homely in a country where you can speak the language.

After visiting some countries, I may as well move to Spain for good in the future. I could teach English here(but to adults, fuck kids haha) and it would only take 6 months maximum to gain the required qualification needed. All they look for is a native speaker of English with a good level of Spanish. 




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19 hours ago, Stan said:


  • Germany - one of the popular European countries I've never visited. Berlin, Dortmund, Munich, Frankfurt and all the major areas. Have to see what makes the German community on here so popular and happy :D 

Dortmund is not really a major area, or a very interesting city. :ph34r:


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19 minutes ago, Carnivore Chris said:

Germany looks closer to full legalisation of cannabis, that's why @Stan wants to suddenly go there, we all know why...

Still won't beat Amsterdam :coffee:^_^

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9 minutes ago, Stan said:

Still won't beat Amsterdam :coffee:^_^

The problem is the weed isn't always of high quality anymore, apart from the Haze.

Barcelona is probably the best for it(in Europe), but Spain in general takes number 1 for weed tourism in Europe nowadays in my opinion. It's just more private, but the private social clubs are better than coffeeshops and have more a homely feel to them.

The good thing about Amsterdam are the bars that sell alcohol, but allow you to smoke weed at the same time. It's a city that has a charm about it as well. All have their uniqueness to them. But I'm not sure I'll ever end up there again anytime soon. I would visit some other spots in the Netherlands instead.

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  1. USA (Arizona) - Just to see the Grand Canyon
  2. China - Just to walk the great wall
  3. Rome - Wander around all the old Roman Ruins
  4. Greece - The same as above
  5. Canada - Niagra Falls
  6. Brazil - Like Inga said and look at the Amazon rain forests and the river
  7. Switzerland - To do some skiing
  8. Austria - For the same reason as above
  9. Eire (Cork) - To kiss the Blarney Stone
  10. Africa - To look at all the wildlife
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21 hours ago, Stan said:

Only going to include areas I've never been to. In no particular order.


  • New York - never been, family all have. I'd be your typical tourist here and just want to see all the main sights and experiences; Ground Zero, Empire State, Niagara Falls, Statue of Liberty etc... Would also love to see an NFL and NBA game. 

I take it you are talking about the city and you be surprised to know that Niagra falls is much closer to Toronto than NYC

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A lot of things have opened up since I was a youngster.

Saw a TV program last year where competitors had to get to A to B in South America on a fixed budget and realised with my limited Spanish I could have done that and there looked interesting places to visit besides the tourist haunts of Machu Pichu and Angel falls. People seemed really friendly too unless that was just for the camera.

Doing a cruise of the Danube and visiting the cities of Central Europe sounds neat and a bit further south seeing Athens and the Parthenon too.

I did visit Ephesus (Greek & Roman city) once in Turkey and it was impressive and the guide said come back in a few years and we will excavate more.

Also crossed the Israeli border and went to Petra which was cool though had an issue getting back to Israel at customs.

Once went on a canoe trip in South Africa which was neat too.

I've been to other places though not that far off the traditional tourist map.




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45 minutes ago, Spike said:

I take it you are talking about the city and you be surprised to know that Niagra falls is much closer to Toronto than NYC

Yep the city, but more as a way of visiting there while I'm in NYC. 

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It's been my lifelong dream to do a couple of long trips spanning multiple countries, namely the Silk Road (focusing on Central Asia as mentioned in my list above), the Transsiberian Express, the Mekong river. Also, I have recently discovered an itinerary of the longest possible train journey from Portugal to Singapore, and am very eager to do it one day. Doing the original Around the World in 80 Days route would be pretty cool, too :D 

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Thats tough but Ill give it a go.


Italy - Ill basically lump the three together as that was my dream trip I almost had planned before my living situation changed and I ended up using the money I had saved for a down payment on my first apartment. Sad but responsible I guess :(  Ive always loved the history in Italy and the beautiful countryside and vastly different landscapes. Always been at the top of my list.

Greece - Much the same as Italy I just love the ancient history and ruins.. the Islands always look beautiful as well.

Croatia - One of my first jobs was working for a pizza place and I used to have to listen to like 3 of our delivery drivers wax on about their home country which happend to be Croatia. Seeing videos and pictures for myself sold me. Also happens to be in close proximity to my dream trip and thus it was added.

Germany - Always been my go to place in Europe when I eventually get there. My dad was born there I do still have extended family Ive never met alive but the contacts kind of went with my Oma and Opa. Lots to see :)

Thailand - Beautiful beach getaway

Vietnam - The countryside has always been calling to me absolutely beautiful landscape

Cambodia - Ever since I saw a traveling show go here it put it on the map for me. Also Angkor looks amazing to explore.

New Zealand - The vastly varied landscape and country mixed with towns and extreme sports.. looks like it has just about everything you can ever want to do.

Cuba - Definitely a more doable trip for me I just havent so far given theres only one company that does direct flights but I will get there eventually. The culture and history have always been intriguing. I love seeing the old style cities and cars. 

Iceland - Same travel show went here as Cambodia and it looks like an amazing mix of landscape and people to see and meet. 

Philipines - Actually did have a big trip planned here before Covid..My Fiancee is Filipino and she has family there and hasnt been back since she was 18. Definitely a trip we will do someday. 

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2 minutes ago, Viva la FCB said:

Thats tough but Ill give it a go.


Italy - Ill basically lump the three together as that was my dream trip I almost had planned before my living situation changed and I ended up using the money I had saved for a down payment on my first apartment. Sad but responsible I guess :(  Ive always loved the history in Italy and the beautiful countryside and vastly different landscapes. Always been at the top of my list.

Greece - Much the same as Italy I just love the ancient history and ruins.. the Islands always look beautiful as well.

Croatia - One of my first jobs was working for a pizza place and I used to have to listen to like 3 of our delivery drivers wax on about their home country which happend to be Croatia. Seeing videos and pictures for myself sold me. Also happens to be in close proximity to my dream trip and thus it was added.

Germany - Always been my go to place in Europe when I eventually get there. My dad was born there I do still have extended family Ive never met alive but the contacts kind of went with my Oma and Opa. Lots to see :)

Thailand - Beautiful beach getaway

Vietnam - The countryside has always been calling to me absolutely beautiful landscape

Cambodia - Ever since I saw a traveling show go here it put it on the map for me. Also Angkor looks amazing to explore.

New Zealand - The vastly varied landscape and country mixed with towns and extreme sports.. looks like it has just about everything you can ever want to do.

Cuba - Definitely a more doable trip for me I just havent so far given theres only one company that does direct flights but I will get there eventually. The culture and history have always been intriguing. I love seeing the old style cities and cars. 

Iceland - Same travel show went here as Cambodia and it looks like an amazing mix of landscape and people to see and meet. 

No Philippines??? :o 

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