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7 minutes ago, Inverted said:

All of Europe breathes a sigh of relief that, for the foreseeable future, this mob is kept on their island rather than being let loose onto the mainland. 

It really, really confuses me that these people want to protect a Winston Churchill statue but at the same time do a Nazi salute xD 

Like, wtf.

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Let's try and leave the which side's worse shouts out of it. Last week a dangerous minority of idiots hijacked what should have been a peaceful march because they wanted to get in a scrap and take their anger out on some police who have done nothing wrong. This week, an admittedly more braindead group of idiots have come spoiling for a fight with the BLM protestors, the protestors didn't turn up but they want a fight so they've gone for the police instead.

Left wing idiots don't represent "the left" and right wing idiots don't represent "the right". Both of them just represent idiots and it isn't the fault of the rest of the Black Lives Matter people or the rest of the more Conservative-minded people that a minority of dickheads hijack what they stand for as an excuse to fuck shit up. It does obviously remain concerning though that there are people doing Nazi salutes etc. and I'm not denying any of that but it doesn't justify what last weekend's dickheads did either.

As far as I've seen, every significant right-wing commentator and a number of Conservative MPs have come out in full condemnation of today's idiocy as they did last weekend so I think the point-scoring can end there.

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Heard that £900,000 is to be spent painting Johnsons RAF plane Red White & Blue

Frankly it's fucking horrendous that anyone could justify such a ridiculous cost from taxpayers pockets on what is clearly an indulgence...  

Johnson’s spokesman said that the price tag included the cost of creating a design that will “promote the UK around the world without compromising the plane’s vital military role” – and stressed that British businesses would do the work.

Asked whether the rebranding had been Johnson’s idea, the spokesman said: “The PM approved the decision.”


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I didn't even know he had a plane but this is an utter embarrassment on so many levels. Imagine announcing this when you've just caused such a fuss over feeding kids in poverty for six weeks. The optics of this along with the NHS surcharges for NHS workers make you wonder if Cummings really is that in touch with the public and the master strategist he thinks he is while he pulls the strings behind the scenes.

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This is cunty beyond belief especially following the u-turn they've just made. 

You had absolute pricks saying 'I don't want my tax money paying for kids meals ffs!!111'

They've gone awfully quiet regarding this expenditure. 

Fucking twats. I fucking hate this government. Corrupt cunts. They don't give a shit about the public at all. All in it for themselves. Ian Blackford is right - it's all the PM's vanity project. Shameful. No money to give NHS staff a payrise, feed kids, bolster police or fire service numbers but there conveniently is money to do up a fucking plane no one around the world but the PM will give 2 steaming shits about. 


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Dominic Raab once appeared not to realise that England and France had water between them didn't he?

I see that the government, after insisting that all primary school students would return before the summer, and then going back on that after realising that they'd have to double the number of schools and teachers in the country to do that without scrapping the 15 per class rule whilst simultaneously blaming the unions for being uncooperative by pointing this out to them for weeks before they were forced to admit it was actually true, are now promising that all students will return to school in September despite the fact that they can't promise that the disease will be under control and a second wave avoided making that possible.

I genuinely think they realised halfway through this that they'd fucked it up too much and there was no way that anyone who doesn't blindly support them could ever call their response to this crisis a success, so they've just stopped really trying and have instead resorted to their usual trick of doubling down and consolidating the support of people who blindly support them by declaring another war on unions and red tape (merging government departments and centralising them even further) with a pinch of empty nationalism (painting a British flag on a plane) and thinly-veiled xenophobia (abolishing the department responsible for international aid).

The coincidence of the Rashford thing and the international aid thing is particularly amusing, as those who don't like international aid claim "we should look after our own" instead of helping other countries a little bit, but then when faced with the opportunity to help "our own" by feeding hungry British children, change their position to "people shouldn't have kids if they can't afford to feed them" as if it's that simple followed by something about benefits and flatscreen TVs in the front room.

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9 minutes ago, Stan said:

I enjoy Starmer proving Johnson wrong each week with simplicity... 

Johnson maintain the huffing and puffing in response, his go-to reaction. 

Just laughable really.... I was reading another article this morning where somebody else pointed out that Johnson wants to be seen as the 'good news person' while the rest of his team are left to deliver all the bad news and Government U turns etc... This was evident yesterday when he was more than happy to use his "Better than anyone else in Europe" statistics chart because it looks positive despite dropping the death toll statistics chart across Europe as soon as we had hit the highest death toll... 

It's really apparent that he only seems competent when he is fist pumping and waving the "Make Britain Great Again" flag while talking about the "Great British Spirit" etc.. but in a crisis he and his team are found wanting... 

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Just seen this news item.... 

Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick faced calls to resign after documents revealed he was “insistent” a controversial development was agreed before a new levy would cost its Tory donor backer millions.

Boris Johnson backed the beleaguered minister with the head of the civil service saying the Prime Minister “considered the matter closed”.

But a stash of documents and texts released after pressure from the opposition showed multi-millionaire Tory donor Richard Desmond urged Mr Jenrick to approve the east London development scheme so that “Marxists” did not get “doe for nothing”.

This is believed to be a reference to the introduction of a new community infrastructure levy (CIL) just after the approval of the £1 billion Westferry Printworks development was made.

Labour claim the move would have saved former media mogul Mr Desmond’s Northern and Shell company up to £50 million.


Edited by Bluewolf
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I've not been following this story that closely but it seems staggering that he hasn't resigned. Then again, this entire cabinet's MO is to just never admit that they've ever done anything wrong. It's like they think as soon as they admit they're capable of doing something wrong or lying, the whole Brexit tunnel vision lunacy that they were elected on which their supporters call "getting things done" or "being decisive" ends up falling to pieces. 

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1 hour ago, Bluewolf said:

Just seen this news item.... 

Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick faced calls to resign after documents revealed he was “insistent” a controversial development was agreed before a new levy would cost its Tory donor backer millions.

Boris Johnson backed the beleaguered minister with the head of the civil service saying the Prime Minister “considered the matter closed”.

But a stash of documents and texts released after pressure from the opposition showed multi-millionaire Tory donor Richard Desmond urged Mr Jenrick to approve the east London development scheme so that “Marxists” did not get “doe for nothing”.

This is believed to be a reference to the introduction of a new community infrastructure levy (CIL) just after the approval of the £1 billion Westferry Printworks development was made.

Labour claim the move would have saved former media mogul Mr Desmond’s Northern and Shell company up to £50 million.


Think I mentioned this when the story first broke and he was being pressured to release the info.

He caved in and to me it's blatant underhand tactics. I've come to expect nothing less in this government and as Rando alludes to, they'll do anything to cover their own backs and shy away from responsibility. 

Total abuse of power and very controversial where no doubt ministers in previous governments would not stay in the role for very much longer in a scenario like this. 

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Rebecca Long-Bailey has been sacked from her position as shadow education secretary for sharing an article containing 'an anti-semitic conspiracy theory'. 


Wonder if Starmer will get stabbed in the back from the likes of Momentum and those who were firmly in Corbyn's camp. 

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2 minutes ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

Rebecca Long-Bailey has been sacked from her position as shadow education secretary for sharing an article containing 'an anti-semitic conspiracy theory'. 


Wonder if Starmer will get stabbed in the back from the likes of Momentum and those who were firmly in Corbyn's camp. 

John McDonnell and Momentum have already tweeted solidarity with Long-Bailey. They stopped short of criticising Starmer in any way. Time for the Corbynite faction to decide whether they want to fight the Tories with Starmer or to fight their own party and hand the Tories another decade to keep corrupting the country. It really is that simple.

The decision itself seems like it could be painted as an overreaction. Recent events have led me to try not to understand issues like this as I've never experienced them and anti-semitism and Israel in particular are right at the top end of things I know almost nothing about.

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29 minutes ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

Rebecca Long-Bailey has been sacked from her position as shadow education secretary for sharing an article containing 'an anti-semitic conspiracy theory'. 


Wonder if Starmer will get stabbed in the back from the likes of Momentum and those who were firmly in Corbyn's camp. 


23 minutes ago, RandoEFC said:

John McDonnell and Momentum have already tweeted solidarity with Long-Bailey. They stopped short of criticising Starmer in any way. Time for the Corbynite faction to decide whether they want to fight the Tories with Starmer or to fight their own party and hand the Tories another decade to keep corrupting the country. It really is that simple.

The decision itself seems like it could be painted as an overreaction. Recent events have led me to try not to understand issues like this as I've never experienced them and anti-semitism and Israel in particular are right at the top end of things I know almost nothing about.

Think Starmer has done the right thing here. Sends out the right statement in the fact that nothing will be tolerated, even if it does seem minor in the grand scheme of things. Definitely agree with @RandoEFC in that perhaps some Labour voters (or undecided) need to now decide what they want - that fight with Tories where they'll get another term or back someone who's hit the ground running and back Starmer against Tories.

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It wasn't antisemitic. It just said the US police & the Israeli police learn from each other. The article also mentioned that this relationship was denied by Israel. True or not, mentioning Israel in any slight negative light isn't antisemitism. It's just like mentioning any other country in any slight negative light.

The labour are a mess, don't stand for anything and are just Tory light. 

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