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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

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Where I'm at restrictions were eased, but certain businesses and individuals treated this relaxation of the rules as "normal service resumed" and subsequently there's been a massive spike over the last few weeks. So yesterday many of these eased restrictions have been rolled back.

It really makes it all for naught easing back restrictions as the number of cases goes up... and then continuing to ease restrictions, then once the spike becomes too large and concerning... then thinking "ah shit, maybe we reopened too early. Close it down again."

But before Monday, our mayor decided to leave the county's beaches and pubs open when literally everywhere else around had closed their beaches and pubs. Subsequently, so many dickheads from out of the area (where cases are actually much worse than they are here) to celebrate their independence day and now I'm fully expecting more bad news for San Diego's planned reopening starting in about 5.1 days and just gradually being worse news for about 2 weeks or more. The mayor's a fucking idiot.

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3 hours ago, Azeem said:

If you ask me he's been alright in appeasing his base, and i think that was his only intention

It's strange to me because so many of his base are parts of the most vulnerable in the US"s population to the virus. Taking an anti-science approach that the base seems to love and actively encouraging them to ignore experts' advice to stop the spread... is basically the same as encouraging his base to spread the virus.

I don't really understand his approach. Honestly, I think if he'd taken a more serious approach to handling the virus early on... he'd probably have managed to get a huge boost in approval ratings. And the economy's going to slow down further now that more and more restrictions (that were lifted far too early) - so this incredibly shitty approach the US has taken to dealing with coronavirus has destroyed I think the one thing he could point to for legitimising his re-election.

Using the vast resources of the US government to minimise the impact of covid just seems like the obvious thing to do here, regardless of anyone's political leanings... it makes any party/person more appealing to voters if they take a serious response to a crisis. Rather than telling each state to basically handle it by themselves, bailing out big companies & providing minimal financial relief for those who lost their jobs and are facing imminent eviction from their homes as soon as their cities lift their moratoriums on evictions... there could have been a united national response with each state implementing the same restrictions.

He could have even sent out fucking MAGA facemasks to people FFS. And it's a more compelling argument that he made America great again by it's serious response to a global pandemic. Instead America's handled it the worst, which doesn't look like he's made it that great at all.

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4 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

It's strange to me because so many of his base are parts of the most vulnerable in the US"s population to the virus. Taking an anti-science approach that the base seems to love and actively encouraging them to ignore experts' advice to stop the spread... is basically the same as encouraging his base to spread the virus.

I don't really understand his approach. Honestly, I think if he'd taken a more serious approach to handling the virus early on... he'd probably have managed to get a huge boost in approval ratings. And the economy's going to slow down further now that more and more restrictions (that were lifted far too early) - so this incredibly shitty approach the US has taken to dealing with coronavirus has destroyed I think the one thing he could point to for legitimising his re-election.

Using the vast resources of the US government to minimise the impact of covid just seems like the obvious thing to do here, regardless of anyone's political leanings... it makes any party/person more appealing to voters if they take a serious response to a crisis. Rather than telling each state to basically handle it by themselves, bailing out big companies & providing minimal financial relief for those who lost their jobs and are facing imminent eviction from their homes as soon as their cities lift their moratoriums on evictions... there could have been a united national response with each state implementing the same restrictions.

He could have even sent out fucking MAGA facemasks to people FFS. And it's a more compelling argument that he made America great again by it's serious response to a global pandemic. Instead America's handled it the worst, which doesn't look like he's made it that great at all.

None of that would have been remotely consistent with his psyche or any of his previous behaviour though. His entire administration has been characterised by an anti science, anti expert stance on pretty much everything from military intelligence to public health and environment.

Typical of that he saw the whole pandemic from a perspective of " fake news to hurt the economy" and then "how can this happen to me, it's so unfair" when it inevitably went south.

He is impulsive and reactive, and will take the opposite stance in a conversation to what he did yesterday based on it being the position that best suits him in that specific moment. So it's not surprising that he wasted critical moments having petty arguments about what was happening right now whilst not looking further forward.

He is capable of grasping that a good economy is good for him in reelection, but genuinely too dumb to understand that a pandemic well dealt with would be even better. If he just believed the experts he could have seen this was a 9/11 sized opportunity to boost his approval ratings if he just reacted decisively and in favour of public health. But that would have required him to not be who he is. Believe experts, step forward and own the moment, and be forward thinking and decisive. Never Trump.

He is being decisive now in leaving the world health organisation in the middle of a one in 100 year public health crisis, but that's because he's butthurt and is going against the experts based on his gut whilst also being inflammatory.

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So masks have been made mandatory in the shops in UK. 


But only from 24th July. 


Cos, you know, coronavirus like to wait around for you to protect yourself before it decides to attack you... 

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15 minutes ago, Stan said:

So masks have been made mandatory in the shops in UK. 


But only from 24th July. 


Cos, you know, coronavirus like to wait around for you to protect yourself before it decides to attack you... 

Where did you read that then??? so far all I have heard is they are thinking about it?? 

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3 minutes ago, Stan said:





Like you said in your post before... I don't understand why there's this 24 July date. Incredibly arbitrary, tbh.

Where I'm at, we had some new restrictions in place (masks were already compulsory in supermarkets and have been for the last few months) - but it's really just a rollback of many of the restrictions from how the state first dealt with the virus being reimposed because they opened too early and everything has spiraled out of control.

But there's no arbitrary date that's been imposed. The "new" restrictions are effective immediately and basically anything deemed non-essential that takes place indoors is prohibited again.

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Masks are mandatory on public transport at the minute, yet there seems to be men who don't think it applies to them. Why is it always men? Granted some are exempt from mask wearing for medical type reasons but surely the numbers I'm seeing not wearing one aren't all medical reasons. 

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7 minutes ago, Harvsky said:

Masks are mandatory on public transport at the minute, yet there seems to be men who don't think it applies to them. Why is it always men? Granted some are exempt from mask wearing for medical type reasons but surely the numbers I'm seeing not wearing one aren't all medical reasons. 

I was just going to say I have not seen many people wearing them at all on buses both sexes since it was brought in... Can't vouch for the trains though.. 

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9 hours ago, Stan said:

So masks have been made mandatory in the shops in UK. 


But only from 24th July. 


Cos, you know, coronavirus like to wait around for you to protect yourself before it decides to attack you... 

Yeah, I can't understand why they wait for things like this. The only thing I can think of is to allow people time to get facemasks (if they haven't got them already). 

Still, it's better than our dithering lot, who announced yesterday that face coverings will be mandatory on public transport from 27th July. Shops are optional. 

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16 minutes ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

Yeah, I can't understand why they wait for things like this. The only thing I can think of is to allow people time to get facemasks (if they haven't got them already). 

Still, it's better than our dithering lot, who announced yesterday that face coverings will be mandatory on public transport from 27th July. Shops are optional. 

You wont even need a face mask just a face covering. Which means you can put your t-shirt or scarf over your nose and mouth. 

Guess it's the same as Rando said about another rule a month or two back, it's delayed to give the police time to get ready for enforcement. Maybe shop staff and security as well. They need time to determine approach when someone is breaking the rules.

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12 minutes ago, Harvsky said:

You wont even need a face mask just a face covering. Which means you can put your t-shirt or scarf over your nose and mouth. 

Guess it's the same as Rando said about another rule a month or two back, it's delayed to give the police time to get ready for enforcement. Maybe shop staff and security as well. They need time to determine approach when someone is breaking the rules.

Tbh, when I think of face coverings, I think of face masks in general as the other options would surely provide minimal protection. 

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28 minutes ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

Tbh, when I think of face coverings, I think of face masks in general as the other options would surely provide minimal protection. 

Think I saw somewhere face masks reduce your chance of infection by 30% and your chance of infecting someone else by 80%

Not sure what that would be for a piece of cloth but if it's even just a quarter of that statistically it will be worth it.

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The very simple thing about masks is that it's not really a hardship in any way to wear one and they certainly aren't going to increase your chances of catching or passing on the virus. Even if there's a little bit of doubt over how effective they are, it's not like anyone's really impeding your liberty or freedom by asking you to wear one.

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1 hour ago, Harvsky said:

Think I saw somewhere face masks reduce your chance of infection by 30% and your chance of infecting someone else by 80%


1 hour ago, RandoEFC said:

The very simple thing about masks is that it's not really a hardship in any way to wear one and they certainly aren't going to increase your chances of catching or passing on the virus. Even if there's a little bit of doubt over how effective they are, it's not like anyone's really impeding your liberty or freedom by asking you to wear one.

So the big question is why have they waited until July 27th to bring it in as Mandatory when we should have been doing that right from the beginning... All this as well I might add when shops like Sainsbury's and Tesco's have abandoned their safe routes/one way systems around shops and have allowed people to gather in huge masses on beaches and protests etc.. Even as far back as just a couple of days ago Gove was saying one thing and Johnson another... It has been a cluster fuck of bad decision making since the get go and I pray people don't forget and start burying their heads in the sand when Johnson starts with his distraction tactics and flag waving/fist pumping make Britain great again Brexit shit.. 

Edited by Bluewolf
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