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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

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32 minutes ago, Harvsky said:

Europe's pariah state, Sweden, may stop counting deaths when the patient has coronavirus but their underlying health condition is the momentary cause of death. For example, let's say you have hypertension, then you get coronavirus which ends up being taxing on the body, blood pressure spikes further until you have a heart attack. They'd count hypertension and heart attack as cause of death, even though you would never have died then without coronavirus. Strictly against WHO rules. A political move to cover up the emerging basket case of Scandinavia tag.

That's absolutely mad. They surely can't get away with that just to keep numbers down?! 

People had a go at China (and perhaps other countries) for manipulating case numbers.

Let's see how much traction this gets... 

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30 minutes ago, Rab said:

Copper kills everything. Wouldn't be surprised to see more door handles and shit to be made out of it going forward.

True, imagine having a bathroom like this.


Copper kills coronavirus. Why aren’t our surfaces covered in it?

Civilizations have recognized copper’s antimicrobial properties for centuries. It’s time to bring the material back.



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I wonder if any of our scientists have considered the situation at present with the mindset of those in charge of us when we were kids.  Just before the war in 1939, I was deliberately exposed - with my brother - to measles, yellow jaundice, chicken pox and mumps.  Most of my friends I discovered later had the same treatment - we often were made to sleep together to make sure we caught it!  Since then my system has been totally immune to those four and I have been able to help with kids who had those illnesses when parents were likely to catch it.  Would that work with C19 with the younger members of society (I know we have had two 13yo deaths but some kids died in 1940) or is that taking the 'herd immunity' too far?  Serious thoughts please rather than just 'crap' response!

Edited by SchalkeUK
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1 hour ago, Rab said:

Copper kills everything. Wouldn't be surprised to see more door handles and shit to be made out of it going forward.

This is why I always take shitloads of it to scrap in at every opportunity. I do it because it's good for the environment and saves vital materials :ph34r:

The best cash in was last year when 7 of us were on a groundworks job and the cable pullers left us aload of cable on roles and when I say cable, this shit was as thick as your thighs. When all stripped down with a stihl saw, it came to half of a tonne. 

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Ecuador really dropped the ball. Not only what Ignis posted yesterday but now has some of the most cases in South America, want to introduce a 24 hour curfew and now their citizens are trying to illegally cross the border into Peru.

Vizcarra absolutely cannot take the country off lockdown, or else we will become like them.

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On the other hand, I criticized Chile and their people were awful at handling this situation, but you can see why they've been called South America's most developed country in the last few years (Argentina can dispute that). Only 22 deaths so far with more than 3000 cases. Still many active cases but a promising recovery rate. The Germany of South America in this crisis. I guess having Merkel's twin as their previous president helped xD

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14 hours ago, Inti Brian said:

Whenever I look at Trump's reign, I think "oh dear that's so ignorant" then I remember George Bush and I feel better.


No offense, but if you think GWB is more ignorant than Trump... then you might actually be more ignorant than Trump. And Bush was an utter fucking moron, but the fat orange guy is on an other level. I don’t even know if the orange guy can read.

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3 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

No offense, but if you think GWB is more ignorant than Trump... then you might actually be more ignorant than Trump. And Bush was an utter fucking moron, but the fat orange guy is on an other level. I don’t even know if the orange guy can read.

I was joking. Both are terrible in their own sense!

The worst part of it all was that apparently the news source was satire, so what I said doesn't even apply.

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1 minute ago, Inti Brian said:

I was joking. Both are terrible in their own sense!

The worst part of it all was that apparently the news source was satire, so what I said doesn't even apply.

Yeah that’s a satire page, I didn’t even watch that. It’s just an absurd statement to make. Especially from a Canadian.

In the midst of this coronavirus panic Trump ordered 3M to stop selling N95s to Canada. Meanwhile the paper pulp in those masks come from Canada, so if Canada wanted to retaliate in kind they could block the export of that pulp.

So Trump’s threatening the supply of protective gear to most people on the frontlines of this battle because... he’s an idiot and doesn’t know what he’s doing. 



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18 hours ago, tlr said:

One maybe for the UK members on here - has anyone noticed outside has got a lot busier this week compared to the first of (half baked) lockdown? Have had to work away from home today and last Friday and today was a lot busier out and about than last week. Noticed the same in town out shopping and on the daily walks too. I wonder if the first week sort of spooked people a bit but now there is some familiarity they aren't as pensive in terms of going out etc.

Noticed the same thing over here.

I work in one of the busiest zones in Lisbon and, during the week when the state of emergency was declared (over 2 weeks ago), you would see a hand full of cars circulating, practically no one walking around. This past week was different though. There was a lot more movement (not on the level it usually was), but too much, in my opinion, when we're supposed to stay at home.

There will be a stricter control in circulation this week, so let's see if the movement on the streets decreases. 

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16 minutes ago, Harvsky said:

Can't see lockdown being lifted in anyway til mid to late May at this rate.

And even then to who? The social distancing is going to be extreme if we’re to avoid another peak.

Businesses really need to focus on working from home, it’s highlighted so many that really could and should have this as an option but don’t.

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5 minutes ago, Danny said:

And even then to who? The social distancing is going to be extreme if we’re to avoid another peak.

Businesses really need to focus on working from home, it’s highlighted so many that really could and should have this as an option but don’t.

I imagine closed businesses and offices will be allowed to open first with a limit on people.

Any re-open strategy would have to be around test and trace to avoid 2nd peak. Mass reagent global supply ready mid-May. 

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Delivery guys still doing the rounds, Iceland, Tesco's, Sainsbury's etc, the wife has just got a dish rack she ordered from her catalogue via Hermitage, the bin men and postman are still active so outside you may get the odd jogger or neighbour walking their dogs but the noise comes from the bin men and delivery guys, come mid-night it will be dead quiet and all you will hear around this neck of the woods is a dog barking or male & female foxes calling each other.  

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I think people who live alone will really be struggling now. Slightly controversial opinion but I think people who live alone should have one person who they are allowed to see. The problem is people who live alone are more likely to break the lockdown rules down rules now. If they had that one person they were allowed to see they are more likely to stick to that one person. I have a friend who also lives alone who I went and saw yesterday. But I'm only seeing her and she is only seeing me so the risk is lower. Obviously ideally we wouldn't do break the rules but most people live with someone so it is much harder. I think if the government said you are allowed to see one person if you are stopped you could name that person and that could be recorded so if you are caught and you are no where near there and it looks suspicious then you could be fined. The fact is people who live alone are gonna start breaking the lockdown rules soon so if they do this it is more manageable.

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1 minute ago, Gunnersauraus said:

I have a friend who also lives alone who I went and saw yesterday. But I'm only seeing her and she is only seeing me so the risk is lower.

Definitely went for that shag :D

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3 minutes ago, Stan said:

Definitely went for that shag :D

Ha ha no I didn't mate. It's a very good friend of mine but not the same girl. Like me she is really struggling with the isolation. I do agree with the lockdown rules but I do think aspects of it need to be looked at. And as I said people who live alone will start breaking the lockdown rules so if it is adapted slightly it may actually save lives because at least then they are only visiting one person. 

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Another 1000+ deaths in France :o 

Are care home deaths still included in that figure as think that was the case on Thursday or Friday?


Spain's deaths 546, a big drop in daily terms. Stark contrast to 700-900 daily death toll in the last few days. Significant daily case-drop as well - 8195, 7947, 7134, 5537 in last 4 days including today.


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