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Question a Member: Mel81x

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2 minutes ago, Tommy said:

Where were you born?

Where did you grow up?

Where do you live now?

Ever been to Germany?

What do you like most about TF365?

Are you happy?

Where’s the question about what I’m wearing right this minute? :(

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48 minutes ago, Stan said:

What's your experience of the UK, if any at all?
Been to London(two days and it was all work with a deadline), Liverpool(too young to remember much and went with my dad) and Lincolnshire a long time ago. Liked it in all honesty. One of my best mates works for British Airways too so we try and catch up once a year in a city that isn't where we live hence why I haven't really had a chance to go back to the UK but I do want to get some time out and go back when work gets off my back. Spent most of my time in Lincoln as my friend comes from there and I know his dad very well from my years growing up in the UAE so went out to visit them.

Have you ever been to America?
Yep. Spent 6 years in the US. Went to college in Florida, worked in New York and California, the latter being my favorite of the two. Something about the west coast appeals to me. Maybe its the nicer beaches and the weather because I come from a coastal state that's famous for beaches over here too. I found the people a lot more friendlier too when I was out there whereas in New York it just seemed like you were always rushing for something even if it was in the morning and you were lazing your way into work.

If football (and presumably cricket) wasn't around, what would you enjoy watching/playing? 
I have two sports I actually enjoy watching/playing a lot and they are Curling and Ice Hockey. So, if I had to pick one to play I'd go for Curling as I really enjoy the dynamics of the sport and how its very tactical. I do watch a lot of Ice Hockey already so there's always that if Football and Cricket disappear. I don't watch as much cricket just because I didn't grow up with the craze surrounding it but I do enjoy watching us play (India that is) and I was a huge fan of South Africa in the early nineties. 

Have you got any kids?

Favourite drink?
These days my run-to is Old Monk Rum and Coke. It's something that most people here drink as its something they pick up in college/uni and its a pretty common drink out in Bangalore. Plus, its dirt cheap I think a 750ml bottle runs around 5ish pounds. I was once told it finally made its way out to the UK and the US even but its terribly expensive there so no one really buys it unless they've had it before.
If its been a long day or a short night out I'll try and get an Old Fashioned but I haven't really had a good one in a long while here in Bangalore.

Snog, Marry & Avoid the following - @IgnisExcubitor @SirBalon @Batard

Tough one

  • I'd song @SirBalon just to get him to stop talking about his underpants
  • Marry the other two just cause I don't have any other option.
  • Don't think I'd avoid any of them as they are all good guys. Between the movie curation @IgnisExcubitor, love for all things that hide under womens bras @Batard and a sufficiently long writeup about the day out @SirBalon I think i'd be sorted


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1 hour ago, Tommy said:

Where were you born?
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Where did you grow up?
First years were all in the UAE
Came to India for two years for high school/pre-uni
Went to America for my higher studies
Back to India for the first two years after that
One year in Egypt
Two years in Abu Dhabi
Two/Three years in Mumbai
Then back to Bangalore and I shuttle between here and America for work

Where do you live now?
Bangalore, India

Ever been to Germany?
No, but I am trying very hard for my client to get me to visit their Munich office. I want to take some time out in the next two years to go visit the country because I think I'd really like it. The one thing that I really like about anyone I have ever spoken to from Germany (work or personally) is how wide their knowledge of things are. The other reason is to see some of the architecture in places, I used to have a great amount of fascination for Gothic architecture so I'd definitely visit for that and the fact that you'll have some of the best sausages in the world (or so I am told).

What do you like most about TF365?
The diversity. I think its good that we have so many things to talk about besides the major reason for the forum existing, which is football. And even in that space you learn a lot just browsing various topics and interacting with members. 

Are you happy?
If you had asked me this about 6 - 7 years ago I'd say I wasn't totally at my best but these days I am actually really happy. Used to be that I'd work so much just because I thought I needed to and it kind of ruined my social life and my health to a certain extent. These days I space out my time really well and prioritize things much better. I think I am a better person for it and I certainly wouldn't trade what I have now for what I was living like years ago.


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5 minutes ago, Mel81x said:

What's your experience of the UK, if any at all?
Been to London(two days and it was all work with a deadline), Liverpool(too young to remember much and went with my dad) and Lincolnshire a long time ago. Liked it in all honesty. One of my best mates works for British Airways too so we try and catch up once a year in a city that isn't where we live hence why I haven't really had a chance to go back to the UK but I do want to get some time out and go back when work gets off my back. Spent most of my time in Lincoln as my friend comes from there and I know his dad very well from my years growing up in the UAE so went out to visit them.

Have you ever been to America?
Yep. Spent 6 years in the US. Went to college in Florida, worked in New York and California, the latter being my favorite of the two. Something about the west coast appeals to me. Maybe its the nicer beaches and the weather because I come from a coastal state that's famous for beaches over here too. I found the people a lot more friendlier too when I was out there whereas in New York it just seemed like you were always rushing for something even if it was in the morning and you were lazing your way into work.

If football (and presumably cricket) wasn't around, what would you enjoy watching/playing? 
I have two sports I actually enjoy watching/playing a lot and they are Curling and Ice Hockey. So, if I had to pick one to play I'd go for Curling as I really enjoy the dynamics of the sport and how its very tactical. I do watch a lot of Ice Hockey already so there's always that if Football and Cricket disappear. I don't watch as much cricket just because I didn't grow up with the craze surrounding it but I do enjoy watching us play (India that is) and I was a huge fan of South Africa in the early nineties. 

Have you got any kids?

Favourite drink?
These days my run-to is Old Monk Rum and Coke. It's something that most people here drink as its something they pick up in college/uni and its a pretty common drink out in Bangalore. Plus, its dirt cheap I think a 750ml bottle runs around 5ish pounds. I was once told it finally made its way out to the UK and the US even but its terribly expensive there so no one really buys it unless they've had it before.
If its been a long day or a short night out I'll try and get an Old Fashioned but I haven't really had a good one in a long while here in Bangalore.

Snog, Marry & Avoid the following - @IgnisExcubitor @SirBalon @Batard

Tough one

  • I'd song @SirBalon just to get him to stop talking about his underpants
  • Marry the other two just cause I don't have any other option.
  • Don't think I'd avoid any of them as they are all good guys. Between the movie curation @IgnisExcubitor, love for all things that hide under womens bras @Batard and a sufficiently long writeup about the day out @SirBalon I think i'd be sorted


What do you do for work at the moment?

Wonder if you'd ever crossed paths with @Dr. Gonzo as I believe he is/was in Cali?

Surprised about Curling/Ice Hockey! How did you get in to those?

Old Monk is delicious. Not as good as Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum but definitely on a list of rums I love. You're right that you do get it here but as you say it is very expensive. Send some here if it's only a fiver to buy xD!

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1 hour ago, SirBalon said:

I’m getting my bestest and most favourite underpants ready for the answer. :x

You're going to be breaking some hearts with statements like that haha. 

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PlayStation or Xbox ?

Emerald or Ruby ?

GTA Vice City or San Andres ?

Printer or Fax machine ?

Tooth brush or Floss ?

A or B ?

Alzheimer's or Chronic Bronchitis ?

Marconi or Tesla ?

Oxford or Yale ?

Tahiti or Kiribati ?

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4 minutes ago, Stan said:


What do you do for work at the moment?
I am an Enterprise Architect but these days I am trying to get more into DevOps Architecture just because its a far more fascinating workspace to be in for me personally. The good thing is my boss lets me do what I want assuming of course it all comes back in some shape to the company as a profit maker haha.

Wonder if you'd ever crossed paths with @Dr. Gonzo as I believe he is/was in Cali?
We oddly struck up a great conversation on here about Barbeque options and then we got into further longer discussions about playing instruments but we've never really met. The next time I am out in California I will try and catch up though assuming I ever make it that far south when I am out there. He actually lives in one of the nicer places in California and I have not been there in ages.

Surprised about Curling/Ice Hockey! How did you get in to those?
Cousin moved to Canada when I was really young. As a way of staying in touch and because we both like sports we joked about the fact that he was going to start watching a lot more ice hockey so he picked a team and I went with the Sharks from San Jose. Who knew after all those years that I'd still be watching Ice Hockey and I still do. As for Curling, I was dating a girl from Toronto in my first year at college so when Canadian Thanksgiving came up I went up to visit some common friends and they showed me a video on MetaCafe I think of curling. I was so fascinated by it that I went back and did some research and found that its actually a really hard but precise sport. Then the Winter Olympics came around and I randomly picked Canada as favourite I wanted to watch. Been watching it since and when I went up to Canada a few years ago my cousin actually took me out to play some and I wasn't half that bad. The only issue is finding a place to play it here but I figure I'll get to play it again when I go back up there.

Old Monk is delicious. Not as good as Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum but definitely on a list of rums I love. You're right that you do get it here but as you say it is very expensive. Send some here if it's only a fiver to buy xD!
Haha. Whenever people come to visit they are fascinated with why I like it but if you're ever down or I can find someone to export liquor from here I'll get you a few bottles. They even do some weird combinations in Goa and the last time I visited they started doing those pre-bottle mixers which aren't half bad and are pretty cheap. I think 1 pound a bottle or something of the sort.


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4 minutes ago, Stick With Azeem said:

PlayStation or Xbox ?

Emerald or Ruby ?
Assuming we are talking about the same thing, then Emerald. I had more fun playing it.

GTA Vice City or San Andres ?
Vice City and for two reason, built on the theme of Miami and that radio is still one of the best Rockstar ever did.

Printer or Fax machine ?
Fax Machine. Way too many gold moments in my lifetime with them.

Tooth brush or Floss ?

A or B ?

Alzheimer's or Chronic Bronchitis ?
Chronic Bronchitis. Alzheimer's isn't something I'd ever want anyone to have forget myself. Dementia is not only hard on yourself but even harder on the people around you and I'd rather spare them that.

Marconi or Tesla ?
Marconi because the radio really changed my view on music. It's not like Tesla is a bad option here either but I prefer Marconi just because I sort of lived through the evolution of communication from that space into what we have today.

Oxford or Yale ?
Oxford. Better Computer Science Program than most other universities out there and I've already studied in America so a change of scenery is always welcome. 

Tahiti or Kiribati ?
Tahiti. Heard the waves are much nicer.


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9 minutes ago, CaaC (John) said:

Just one question really, where did you get your screen name from @Mel81x, all I can think of is your name is Mel, other than that what does 81x mean?

Mel is part of my name
81 is the year of birth
X is just because I felt like Mel81 felt a little too short so I added one more letter and got it to a divisible number of letters haha. Mind you this was years ago and I used it on my first ever sign in which was when Microsoft released Hotmail to the general public in the early 90s.

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8 minutes ago, Mel81x said:

What do you do for work at the moment?
I am an Enterprise Architect but these days I am trying to get more into DevOps Architecture just because its a far more fascinating workspace to be in for me personally. The good thing is my boss lets me do what I want assuming of course it all comes back in some shape to the company as a profit maker haha.

Wonder if you'd ever crossed paths with @Dr. Gonzo as I believe he is/was in Cali?
We oddly struck up a great conversation on here about Barbeque options and then we got into further longer discussions about playing instruments but we've never really met. The next time I am out in California I will try and catch up though assuming I ever make it that far south when I am out there. He actually lives in one of the nicer places in California and I have not been there in ages.

Surprised about Curling/Ice Hockey! How did you get in to those?
Cousin moved to Canada when I was really young. As a way of staying in touch and because we both like sports we joked about the fact that he was going to start watching a lot more ice hockey so he picked a team and I went with the Sharks from San Jose. Who knew after all those years that I'd still be watching Ice Hockey and I still do. As for Curling, I was dating a girl from Toronto in my first year at college so when Canadian Thanksgiving came up I went up to visit some common friends and they showed me a video on MetaCafe I think of curling. I was so fascinated by it that I went back and did some research and found that its actually a really hard but precise sport. Then the Winter Olympics came around and I randomly picked Canada as favourite I wanted to watch. Been watching it since and when I went up to Canada a few years ago my cousin actually took me out to play some and I wasn't half that bad. The only issue is finding a place to play it here but I figure I'll get to play it again when I go back up there.

Old Monk is delicious. Not as good as Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum but definitely on a list of rums I love. You're right that you do get it here but as you say it is very expensive. Send some here if it's only a fiver to buy xD!
Haha. Whenever people come to visit they are fascinated with why I like it but if you're ever down or I can find someone to export liquor from here I'll get you a few bottles. They even do some weird combinations in Goa and the last time I visited they started doing those pre-bottle mixers which aren't half bad and are pretty cheap. I think 1 pound a bottle or something of the sort.

Haha never tried the pre-bottle alcohol/mixer stuff as I feel like it's just a lesser version of the actual drink that I want even if it is cheaper. I don't drink gin but those who have gin & tonic do enjoy those ready-mixed bottles.


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Just now, Stan said:

Haha never tried the pre-bottle alcohol/mixer stuff as I feel like it's just a lesser version of the actual drink that I want even if it is cheaper. I don't drink gin but those who have gin & tonic do enjoy those ready-mixed bottles.


they've just come out with a lime-mixer for it and I took a sip and got reminded of when Bacardi did the same thing. It just tastes terribly synthetic even if they claim its the same as actually mixing the ingredients.

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19 minutes ago, Michael Simeonovitch said:

Considering that you're born in 81, that should make you around 38, how do you avoid the parental pressure 'to start a family'

Simple, you make sure another of your siblings (i have two) always breaks news that they are either getting married or having a kid. In the event that you fail to acquire that in your arsenal you say I am thinking about it and have a long winded conversation about what having a kid would do to your life. 

But honestly, I think my parents know I want one and will have one soon.

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What do you do for work?

Are you wealthy?

Are you seeing anyone? If so for how long and how did you meet?

Have you ever posted a pic of yourself in the members picture thread?

Name one person that if you bumped into them in your every day life you'd just completely lose your shit like a screaming crying little fan girl who couldn't control their excitement?

You go in to a bar and order a cocktail. What do you order?

Would you rather have a big flat lush green lawn or a nice big garden full of plants?

Do you spend more time watching football it playing console and PC Games?

Are you a skilled footballer? What's the highest standard you've played.

What is the greatest movie ever made?

Your top 5 tv shows off all time?

If you could go on one date with any woman in the world who would you choose and why?

Favourite food.

What's the best decade for music?

Best bond actor.

if you could have any super power what would it be and why?

favourite social media platform?


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Old Monk... That brings a lot of memories :D believe it or not, I used to buy it on Lithuania almost a decade ago; at first because I thought the bottle was very cool, then because of its rich taste and great price and quality ratio...My Indian friend laughed when I told him about it, said it's one of the cheapest rums in India hehe. Just checked it online and they actually still sell it there, 17€ for a 1L bottle.


Anyway, moving to the questions.

Best Indian single malt whisky? Amrut or Paul John? Also, can you get me a bottle of Paul John Mars Orbiter? :D Pretty please :(

Best Indian blended whisky? I know most of them aren't whiskies per se but I think there are quite a few that are pretty decent. 

You come across as someone with a very wide range of experience and interests. Other than gaming and guitar playing, what are your main hobbies and interests? What would you say is your weirdest/least common/niche interest? 

Best fiction and non-fiction book you've ever read? 

What car do you drive, if any? 

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Would you like to visit Peru? If so where? (try not to say Machu Pichu!)

Where would you visit in Canada?

Do you like any Spanish/Brazilian songs?

What is your opinion on the Peruvian National Team?

Favourite sport besides football?

How did you get into Liverpool?

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1 hour ago, Harry said:

What do you do for work?
Enterprise Architect (Software)

Are you wealthy?
I wouldn't say I am wealthy more like Upper-MiddleClass. Can afford most things in life but I don't have enough to make a list anywhere haha.

Are you seeing anyone? If so for how long and how did you meet?
Married to a girl I was seeing for nearly 8years before we tied the knot. We met a friends place, started talking, then started hanging out and I think at one point we just said yeah we're dating and then we lived together for almost 5 years.

Have you ever posted a pic of yourself in the members picture thread?
Nope but I think I should at some point. Don't really take selfies but I am on holiday soon so I'll get a pic then.

Name one person that if you bumped into them in your every day life you'd just completely lose your shit like a screaming crying little fan girl who couldn't control their excitement?
Probably someone that played rock music in the 80s or late 70s. I did run into the Edge from U2 once when I was in Tampa that was a surreal moment and I didn't know what to ask. I don't really scream haha I just lose all sense of thought processing.

You go in to a bar and order a cocktail. What do you order?
Easy, an Old Fashioned.

Would you rather have a big flat lush green lawn or a nice big garden full of plants?
Full of plants. My mother and me spend time in the garden a lot (I cant plant anything to save myself but I'll help) and we like plants so no green lawns.

Do you spend more time watching football it playing console and PC Games?
Don't play much on my console anymore. Play with some friends every second weekend here.

Are you a skilled footballer? What's the highest standard you've played.
School and College for a while. Even tried for a Semi-Pro division when I was in Florida. Got to the quarters. I am a defensive midfielder.

What is the greatest movie ever made?
Schindler's List - The acting is superb all around and its gut wrenching at the end. I remember watching it the first time and thinking he was actually going to succeed and not think he failed but he had so much more to what he wanted to do.

Your top 5 tv shows off all time?

  • The Wire
  • The Newsroom
  • Southpark
  • Mad Men
  • The Sopranos

If you could go on one date with any woman in the world who would you choose and why?
I've never really given this a thought but I'd pick someone older I think like Naomi Watts. Has some appeal to me and I think I'd have a good time.

Favourite food.
A Goan Chorizo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goan_sausage or Sorpotel from Goa - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarapatel

What's the best decade for music?
70s into the 80s edging towards the end of the decade (80s). So much changed in that time its unreal how much progression we saw in almost all genres.

Best bond actor.
I quite like the movies with Sean Connery in them. I am also a bit partial to Pierce Brosnan and mostly because of Golden Eye.

if you could have any super power what would it be and why?
Something very close to what Wolverine has minus the rage haha. Unbreakable bones and regeneration is a useful trait to have I think I'd take far more adventurous risks on my trips.

favourite social media platform?
At the moment its Twitter. There is way too much entertainment on it.



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1 hour ago, nudge said:

Old Monk... That brings a lot of memories :D believe it or not, I used to buy it on Lithuania almost a decade ago; at first because I thought the bottle was very cool, then because of its rich taste and great price and quality ratio...My Indian friend laughed when I told him about it, said it's one of the cheapest rums in India hehe. Just checked it online and they actually still sell it there, 17€ for a 1L bottle.


Anyway, moving to the questions.

Best Indian single malt whisky? Amrut or Paul John? Also, can you get me a bottle of Paul John Mars Orbiter? :D Pretty please :(
Paul John and sure I can get you one just not sure how I'd get it to you as mailing that will ensure it never reaches you haha.

Best Indian blended whisky? I know most of them aren't whiskies per se but I think there are quite a few that are pretty decent. 
Hmmm. I am going to say Blender's Pride out of the lot or maybe Black Dog. The rest of them have an acrid taste unless you're already drunk and just want to continue.

You come across as someone with a very wide range of experience and interests. Other than gaming and guitar playing, what are your main hobbies and interests? What would you say is your weirdest/least common/niche interest? 
From a weird and niche perspective I build Gunpla models. I do it to relax and its been hobby of mine for almost 8 years now. Here's one just for reference that I built.


Best fiction and non-fiction book you've ever read? 
Non-Fiction: I came across a book called Flash Boys a while back and it was one of the best books I ever read about HST (High Speed Transactions) and how people on Wall-Street used it to gain advantage on other traders. Truly griping reading for me not just because of the fiscal stuff but also because I could kind of relate to the programming horrors and pressure involved with it all.

Fiction: Honour Among Thieves - I was very young when I read this but it has an almost Indian Jones feel to all of it. I did read a lot more after that which I think are very good books in their own right but this one always brings back good memories from a summer at home.

What car do you drive, if any?
I used to drive a Punto (Fiat) but now I've moved back to my Japanese car favourite and I drive a very simple Honda Civic (second hand). Trying to find someone to sell me a Contessa in India so I can make it a project to restore but most people who have them in great working order generally dont part with them.


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