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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/21 in all areas

  1. I thought reading and posting about corona was tiresome, but this is even worse.
    5 points
  2. @MUFC will be all over that picture, and not because of the dog.
    3 points
  3. this is the big one in that top picture when he was a wee lad
    2 points
  4. Any close up pics after you slice it?
    2 points
  5. Burning stuff is a bit of a speciality of mine... nothing planned mind, it just kind of happens and then everything is left a smoking ruin
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. Move them to the UK politics thread... so the rest of us outside of the UK don't have to suffer reading it
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. That in itself is a stereotype though, people see the world differently in a litany of different ways for different and valid reasons. I still dislike the use of terms like left wing and right wing. Conservatism has plenty of redeeming qualities, the value of family, meritocracy and opportunity. It's important to acknowledge that. The current Conservative government in the UK are more focussed on other things though, such as convincing people like UNIQUE that people who would like to see asylum seekers given help in a country as rich as ours and want to have a Prime Minister with a shred of honesty and integrity about him are somehow self-interested, unpatriotic and "woke" which has been weaponised as the 2020s equivalent of 'political correctness gone mad'. I don't know if it's just British people or whether it's a human condition but we seem to take basically no convincing to turn on each other and blame each other for all of our problems. It's pretty tedious but you can see how it appeals to people.
    1 point
  10. It's hard to know how accurate these things are at the moment. Labour and Lib Dems have had leadership changes since they last published a manifesto.
    1 point
  11. Hi @UNIQUE, hope you're having a nice bank holiday mate. That MUFC bloke has just PM'd asking for me to crop your dog out of the picture so that he can update his toe collection - just wanted to run it by you before going ahead with it? I'm in Photoshop now but going to bed soon mate, so if you could just let me know. Cheers .
    1 point
  12. pervy cunt better not start with that creepy shit
    1 point
  13. To be fair I reckon he'll go for dog feet as well if it came to it.
    1 point
  14. I see "woke" has made an appearance now. Surprised it took this long.
    1 point
  15. you are not assuming my gender are you mate. no you are right. i have man parts
    1 point
  16. I don't know who you are talking about nor do I know any details but given humanity's track record he is a cunt.
    1 point
  17. I tried... but I don't know how. I've just got 71 fucking posts selected and I think the best I can do is merge them into one giant awful post
    1 point
  18. Still waiting on proof that foreign criminals (it's changed from 'immigrants') are being put up in hotels for free but here we are...
    1 point
  19. Foreign affairs secretary for Philippines
    1 point
  20. Ladies and gentlemen, I present exhibit A on why abortions should exist
    1 point
  21. You probably know this, but EA did its usual EA thing and killed the studio.
    1 point
  22. My boy Chazza, he’s passed now but what an absolute maker of chaos he was. (He did have a tail, just hidden in this pic)
    1 point
  23. Our Sasha enjoying this weeks weather
    1 point
  24. moist, you could say...
    0 points
  25. Yeah maybe they'll think that if they're a fucking idiot Take another thread that far off topic and I'll find where you live and cut your dick off.
    0 points
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