That in itself is a stereotype though, people see the world differently in a litany of different ways for different and valid reasons.
I still dislike the use of terms like left wing and right wing. Conservatism has plenty of redeeming qualities, the value of family, meritocracy and opportunity. It's important to acknowledge that. The current Conservative government in the UK are more focussed on other things though, such as convincing people like UNIQUE that people who would like to see asylum seekers given help in a country as rich as ours and want to have a Prime Minister with a shred of honesty and integrity about him are somehow self-interested, unpatriotic and "woke" which has been weaponised as the 2020s equivalent of 'political correctness gone mad'.
I don't know if it's just British people or whether it's a human condition but we seem to take basically no convincing to turn on each other and blame each other for all of our problems. It's pretty tedious but you can see how it appeals to people.