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Question a Member: Saturdays Are For The Girls

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1) Are you still making YouTube videos?

2) Are you done with college? And what were/are you studying exactly?

3) Like a lot of college youngsters, are you a cam model too? And what is your porn name?

4) Favourite American pornstar?

5) Favourite movies?

6) If Tiffany Trump offers to be your fiance, would you marry her?

7) A LFC player you would love to see at Stoke?

8) Is Crouch the nicest man in football?

9) Thoughts on Cricket( the game).


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What's the most important file on your computer?

PC or Mac?

What Game of Thrones character would you be?

What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and it was 13 years in the past and you were your younger self but still had your current memories and experiences?

How many times have you driven somewhere on 'autopilot' when you meant to go somewhere else?

What is the impressive thing that you can cook?

Girth or length?

Why did Yankee Doodle name the feather in his hat Macaroni?

Why is Greenland so called when it is white and covered in ice?

Why do people start a sentence with the expression "it goes without saying" but go on to say it anyway?

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13 hours ago, IgnisExcubitor said:

1) Are you still making YouTube videos?

2) Are you done with college? And what were/are you studying exactly?

3) Like a lot of college youngsters, are you a cam model too? And what is your porn name?

4) Favourite American pornstar?

5) Favourite movies?

6) If Tiffany Trump offers to be your fiance, would you marry her?

7) A LFC player you would love to see at Stoke?

8) Is Crouch the nicest man in football?

9) Thoughts on Cricket( the game).


1. Yes not that often though because it's my job to produce videos for another network but I get a little tired of doing it 24/7. 

2. Yep finished my BA in Film and Poli Sci. Going back to Grad school soon hopefully to NYU for masters in cinema studies.

3. I mean my name is Dickie so like... wink wink nudge nudge

4. Marsha May

5. Oh that's hard.... like my hard on for Marsha May but I'd go with Blade Runner, Butch Cassidy and the sundance kid, Casablanca, and The Lego Movie

6. Yes but only if I get to switch my last name to Trump

7. Henderson or Coutinho, but realistically Milner and Lallana

8. He's pretty much as good as Messi in my books

9. bruh your bats are flat like wtf is that?

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9 hours ago, Cannabis said:
  1. You are trapped in a room with @LaSambadeStGermain and @Teso dos Bichos. You can only escape if you take one person with you and leaving the other will doom him to an eternity of gay, anal sex. Who do you choose to leave in the room and how do you think they would cope with their new found life?
  2. What's your hometown like? Are there any particular landmarks to go and see or do you have some badass food to taste? Sell it to me!
  3. Myself, @nudge, @Rab, @carefreeluke, @Panflute and @Machado turn up at your house with sixteen bags of sweets (candy), a box of antique dildos and a chained Velociraptor that we can't seem to keep control of. How does the night progress?
  4. Stoke City are considered by many to be a boring, dull team that are quite happy to grind out a 0-0 and finish 10th every season. What would you say to these remarks and are you happy with the direction that your club is going in?
  5. Is it true that a small section of the Japanese community pray to a God called @Anton and wish for curly, ginger hair like him?
  6. You are being transported to a deserted island where you must spend 600 days and 600 nights in order to win $1,000,000,000. Given that you are a money whore and are perfectly fine with this arrangement what three things do you take with you to make the trip bearable? 
  7. What are your thoughts on the conspiracy that @Stan was in fact Chazz all along and has a secret agenda to take over TF365 ''when the time is right?''
  8. Seeing as the United States is a fucked up country where any man and his dog can carry guns in public when was the last time you shot someone in broad day-light and stole his wallet?
  9. How many nude photographs of @SirBalon are in your possession? 
  10. No time to explain, get in the bathtub?

1. I'm willing to sacrifice myself for the betterment of society.

2. Bruh, Philadelphia cheesesteak like what's better than that? But only if you got to Pat's FUCK GENO'S!!!!

3. Well I assume the night would start out pretty casual with a quality 5 way between @Rab, @carefreeluke, @Panflute , @Machado and I, while @nudge records and reads harry potter. I can only assume @HoneyNUFC who i keep locked in my basement at all times would be hungry so give him at least one bag of candy. We'd have to take turns riding the velociraptor obviously because if more than 1 of us got on at a time then it'd get mad, have to keep reminding @Rab that.... which probably is the reason it go angry. But simply lure it into the basement and it can eat @HoneyNUFC and probably be content. The biggest issue I have is how they got my box of antique dildos from my room before they entered?

4.You know it seems like when talking to fans who have been fans for decades they are ok with that because it means we're still in the premiership, I wish we could go back to europa league again but that's me. As for the direction I don't know if Sparky knows what he's doing because we're playing shit ball and can't even defend. At least with Pulis we'd have a good defense.

5. Well obviously, it's well known in Japanese pagan culture they sacrifice their gods. It only makes sense.... gingers... disgusting....

6. Well assuming it's like the Hyperbolic time chamber and food is constantly restocked their and i have a place to sleep, I'm bringing a hot female companion (see said answer before on who), a skateboard, and a camera (not for sex)( well maybe).... 

7. @Stan 4 words. Make TF365 Great Again....

8. I'm not allowed to have my guns in NYC... so they are back at my parents place with my dad's guns. This isn't actually a joke... I can say though with all honesty i've never shot another human.

9. I don't know why everyone assumes @SirBalon has so many nudes?!?! Like I only have what.... 5? 8 if we count the videos.



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Ideal woman (physically speaking)?

Hot dogs, pizza or burgers?

Ice cream or chocolate?

How tall are you?, how much do you weight?

Have you met any Argentine IRL?, if so, what did you think of them?

Do you know any Argentine actor/actress?

Would you like to visit the country?

5 favourite video-games ever?, which video-games do you actually play?

What do you think of Mexicans?

Wall or no wall?

Trump or Obama?

Bomb or don't bomb NK?

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Favourite Football Based Song (not a chant)

If you were to visit South America, where would it be?

Thoughts on the actual American wall in John Brooks?

If I were to guess on that one rep I received, you are a fan of TFS. Favourite moment?

Favourite Britpop band?

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23 hours ago, Large said:

What's the most important file on your computer?

PC or Mac?

What Game of Thrones character would you be?

What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and it was 13 years in the past and you were your younger self but still had your current memories and experiences?

How many times have you driven somewhere on 'autopilot' when you meant to go somewhere else?

What is the impressive thing that you can cook?

Girth or length?

Why did Yankee Doodle name the feather in his hat Macaroni?

Why is Greenland so called when it is white and covered in ice?

Why do people start a sentence with the expression "it goes without saying" but go on to say it anyway?

1. I have my entire Film reel with everything I've done backed up on like three things so definitely that.

2. I use mac but raised on PC, personally I don't think one is better than another. But i'd probably go PC if I have to.

3. Joffrey

4. I'd be stoked I got a do over, I know exactly what pitfalls to avoid and what to go for that I skipped out on.

5. Never????

6. I make a killer Shrimp Scampi, and making Matzoh ball soup is in my genes

7. length...?

8. If I remember right from high school it's because the english are snobs and thought we were poor and dressed badly, then we kicked them out of our home :usa:




10. I think that's a regional thing because people here don't do that. Although we have a bad habit of saying "no but yeah" and then going on an agreeing after we started with a no.


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10 hours ago, Berserker said:

Ideal woman (physically speaking)?

Hot dogs, pizza or burgers?

Ice cream or chocolate?

How tall are you?, how much do you weight?

Have you met any Argentine IRL?, if so, what did you think of them?

Do you know any Argentine actor/actress?

Would you like to visit the country?

5 favourite video-games ever?, which video-games do you actually play?

What do you think of Mexicans?

Wall or no wall?

Trump or Obama?

Bomb or don't bomb NK?

1. bewbs, 2 two arms, two legs, and a head with everything connected with a torso.

2. hot dogs if I'm making it, but burgers if i'm out.

3. chocolate ice cream

4. 6ft 1 and 150 pounds, since the vestibular issues I've lost weight so that's why I'm down to that.

5. One of my interns, she's very loud and annoying but the only one i've met in like 100 percent Argentinian so I don't know if I can base a whole country off a teenager.

6. Juan Pablo Di Pace, I'm a big Fuller House fan.

7. Would I? Yes, but no hablar español.... but I'm a big adventurer/outdoors person and I know there would be so much to explore there.

8. Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, Fifa, Pokemon Silver, Mario Party 2.  The games I play normally are usually Fallouts, and Fifa right now. Skyrim I used to play to death but after a few hundred hours I got bored. Pokemon Silver I still have a cartridge that works.

9.They are just like any other people, I've met some I liked and some I haven't. I don't think they are all "bad hombres"

10. Why do we have to make it 10 feet higher? I think 5 is fine.  Also I'd love to know who is paying for it because that's insane the price that it could be. I like to think it's just a metaphysical wall.

11. Both have their faults and strengths. I don't have an opinion fully thought out for Trump because he hasn't been in office that long but I do feel as though he is completely treated unfairly in the media. The man could literally cure cancer and still be treated as satan. I think Obama was an eloquent man when he spoke and represented us well, he set up certain things that were good and some that were a mess. *cough obamacare*. I never had a problem with Obama, but I have a problem with his supporters, because I honestly and wholeheartedly believe that America has become weak and to hung up on social issues than they should be. Anyone who needed a "safe space" when Trump was elected needs to get their life together it's pathetic.... safe space smh.

12. There are so many innocent people their.... It's the same issue with Israel/Palestine. If you wanna be the good guy you gotta look like the bad guy sometimes... I think it may reach that point.

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1 hour ago, LaSambadeStGermain said:

Favourite Football Based Song (not a chant)

If you were to visit South America, where would it be?

Thoughts on the actual American wall in John Brooks?

If I were to guess on that one rep I received, you are a fan of TFS. Favourite moment?

Favourite Britpop band?

West Ham's Bubbles

I always gotta keep up with my extremely huge colombian drug chain lol

I mean I'm glad he's doing well for himself, I've never been the biggest fan of him but as long as he does well and plays his heart out for the red white and blue good for him. Geoff Cameron is my guy though.

That's so hard for me to choose, Vegeta's existence after the android saga brings me joy, but I love the internal conversations between Nail, Piccolo and Kami. 


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Do you agree American football is worse then Cricket?

If you and your sister(suppose you have one if you dont) are the last two humans left on this planet.So in order to save the human race will you reproduce with your sister?

Greatest American ever?

Favourite American State?

Which American state is the most Un-American?

Were you were popular at high school/college?

For how long will America remain the Superpower?

In film making do you like animated characters more then real life characters?

Are video games form of an Art?


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31 minutes ago, Azeem98 said:

Do you agree American football is worse then Cricket?

If you and your sister(suppose you have one if you dont) are the last two humans left on this planet.So in order to save the human race will you reproduce with your sister?

Greatest American ever?

Favourite American State?

Which American state is the most Un-American?

Were you were popular at high school/college?

For how long will America remain the Superpower?

In film making do you like animated characters more then real life characters?

Are video games form of an Art?


American Football is by far superior to Cricket... Cricket isn't even like a thing...

NOOPPPEEEE let humanity fall

Ronald Reagan/Abraham Lincoln


California... bunch of commies

In high school no, in college I was pretty well known

This is a good question, usual the hegemonic powers last about 100 years so ours is coming to an end but I don't know if any other country has the base to step up and take it away from us. I see us being the leading super power for another hundred years like how England was.

As a filmmaker myself I actually like animated characters a lot more, my go to shows are actually all cartoons. I'm making a video right now about why I believe the stories in animated shows are so much better than live action.

It's an art form in a sense I'd say, I've never actually thought of it that way though.


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  • What's your most embarrassing moment in your life where you thought "Please lord bury me"... Tell all!
  • For whatever reason (an important one maybe), have you ever had to be a hypocrite and pretend to like someone or agree with something you are against.
  • Have you ever cheated on your (or a) partner?
  • Apart from Stoke City, your favourite team in Philadelphia or the US national side...  What's the most excited you have ever been in a football match where you went unusually mental?
  • If you were to move away from the US, where would be your favoured place to go and live?
  • If you could change something about the area and people where you live, what would it be?
  • Do you have a phobia, if so what is it?
  • If reincarnation exists and you couldn't come back as a human being but could choose what to return as, what would it be?
  • Have you ever envied someone, if yes, why and whom?
  • Even if totally out of the ordinary (or it may not be out of the ordinary), what would be your dream job or maybe owning some sort of business...  Tell us about your thoughts on that.
  • If you wasn't you, but you were introduced to you and due to shared friends you suddenly started to see more of you...  What would be your thoughts on you and would you make a close friendship with you?  In total...  What would be the resume you think others that know you, think. 
  • Who's your favourite player of all time?
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1 hour ago, SirBalon said:
  • What's your most embarrassing moment in your life where you thought "Please lord bury me"... Tell all!
  • For whatever reason (an important one maybe), have you ever had to be a hypocrite and pretend to like someone or agree with something you are against.
  • Have you ever cheated on your (or a) partner?
  • Apart from Stoke City, your favourite team in Philadelphia or the US national side...  What's the most excited you have ever been in a football match where you went unusually mental?
  • If you were to move away from the US, where would be your favoured place to go and live?
  • If you could change something about the area and people where you live, what would it be?
  • Do you have a phobia, if so what is it?
  • If reincarnation exists and you couldn't come back as a human being but could choose what to return as, what would it be?
  • Have you ever envied someone, if yes, why and whom?
  • Even if totally out of the ordinary (or it may not be out of the ordinary), what would be your dream job or maybe owning some sort of business...  Tell us about your thoughts on that.
  • If you wasn't you, but you were introduced to you and due to shared friends you suddenly started to see more of you...  What would be your thoughts on you and would you make a close friendship with you?  In total...  What would be the resume you think others that know you, think. 
  • Who's your favourite player of all time?

1. During a rectal exam for my gastro issues, The whole time I'm like don't say anything with don't say anything weird and I accidentally said "daddy be gentle"

2. Everyday living in NYC when I pretend to be a liberal...


4. When the USA got the game winning goal vs Ghana in the last world cup

5. I'd probably go to England or Canada(although Canada is lame)

6. Can we take the hoods in NYC and push them somewhere else? 

7.Becoming fat

8. A domestic cat, i know how my family treats ours and she's still kicking at age 21.

9. I envy athletes when they are my age or younger and already pros and on a world stage. Also when youtubers are famous for being able to create.

10. Youtuber, like Casey Neistat where he makes things that are super cool and occasionally vlogs

11. I don't know honestly, every person I've ever met the relationship is either they love me and my personality or they absolutely hate me, there are no in betweens. I could see myself meeting myself and having a ball but I could easily see myself pissing me off. I'd like to say benefit of the doubt I'd like me?

12. It's you @SirBalon ! What sport? Footy it's Cristiano Ronaldo if basketball it's probably Allen Iverson or Kobe Bryant. 

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5 hours ago, Stan said:

what was your first holiday?

favourite film soundtrack?

Why Stoke?

When will Leicester next win the league?

As an adult? I haven't went on one. As a kid I remember going to gettysburg/Lancaster

The Good The Bad and The Ugly or The Dark Knight

"In the USA I can honestly say I'd NEVER support any teams outside of Philadelphia. For European clubs I admittedly did swap support from Manchester City to Stoke, I don't really have any legit excuses outside the fact that I'm not from England so I can never have the pride that someone from there will have for their club being able to go week in week out and also have them represent their city. Philadelphia is my city, no others. 


I stopped supporting City because it seemed like such a plastic club to me after awhile, the way they bought players, and just discarded others and just flexed their money around because they were bought by a rich Sheik didn't impress me, it didn't represent the hard working man's club. It caused me to want to search for another club, one that as @Eco put it wouldn't "betray me". I wanted a club that was still in the premiership because I'm selfish but one that wasn't some buff wealthy persons plastic play toy it came down to Stoke, Sunderland, and Newcastle.   Sunderland looked like a flaming trash bin, I loved Newcastle's fans, the stadium etc. but I thought the Newcastle fans here would hate me if I chose them, so I picked Stoke, because I thought the Brittania was a crazy cool fortress with the saying Can he do it on a cold, wet Wednesday night in Stoke? Also on top of that they had a number of American's at the time including a favorite of mine Geoff Cameron. 


Am I proud of what I did, not particularly. I do think the choice I made was correct though, and I don't really regret it." I said this in the change support thingy.

They could win next year or they could take another century. We'll split it and say 62 years.

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4 hours ago, Spike said:






3 hours ago, Azeem98 said:


National Football league


National Basketball Association


National Hockey League


Major League Baseball


Philadelphia Eagles, Philadelphia 76ers, Philadelphia Flyers, Philadelphia Phillies

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