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Another Road Traffic Accident in London

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4 minutes ago, DeadLinesman said:

There's absolutely zero reason to hide it being a terrorist event if it was so why are we getting the tin foil hats out lads?

Of course there is for fear of reprisals and the PR exercise of appearing in control. Of course anybody with a bit of sense knows sheer numbers and absolutely zero attempt to tackle the problems mean what tenuous control the state has is rapidly eroding. 

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30 minutes ago, Spike said:

But was he really being racist? There is obvious prejudice though... in the sense that is willing to profile the attack with the safest bet (which it is considering the MO)

Ha, no it was Racist In Boots showing his small-mindedness, his prejudice and his hatred. 

Reckon he got bullied by the Muslim kids at school. 

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1 minute ago, Inverted said:

FiB accuses people who disagree with him of being like North Korea. Also believes that being arrested is surefire proof of being guilty.

Didn’t do that, I was referencing North Korea with the similarity of the situation in which we all know it’s bullshit, where we won’t say it’s bullshit out of fear (in this case being labelled a “racist” by the likes of yourself) I have no such fears this wasn’t an accident, I don’t believe the relevant authorities on this I’ll question it. After all a guy Who mounts the kerb and hits 11 pedestrians at a well known tourist hotspot at the busiest part of the week for them is purely coincidence. 

If anything I’m likening the authorities to North Korea. 


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14 minutes ago, Fairy In Boots said:

Didn’t do that, I was referencing North Korea with the similarity of the situation in which we all know it’s bullshit, where we won’t say it’s bullshit out of fear (in this case being labelled a “racist” by the likes of yourself) I have no such fears this wasn’t an accident, I don’t believe the relevant authorities on this I’ll question it. After all a guy Who mounts the kerb and hits 11 pedestrians at a well known tourist hotspot at the busiest part of the week for them is purely coincidence. 

If anything I’m likening the authorities to North Korea. 


The odds of an accident happening at a busy time are probably a lot higher than an accident happening at a quiet time. Since, you know, it's busier. More cars and more people. 

Without proof of intent there's no way of distinguishing an attack from an accident. At a busy time an accident can hurt a lot of people - it happened in Glasgow not long ago. Except that time it was a white guy, so instead of wondering if it was a terror attack, the discussion was about how did he manage to accidentally smash into a crowd of people.

So yeah, sorry for being the crazy kind of person that looks at the facts available and doesn't go on massive leaps of conjecture.

But who knows, perhaps now the reasonable thing to do is call every traffic collision involving a black person a terror attack. 

If the evidence comes out to suggest it's an attack, I'll change my mind. 

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1 hour ago, Inverted said:

The odds of an accident happening at a busy time are probably a lot higher than an accident happening at a quiet time. Since, you know, it's busier. More cars and more people. 

Without proof of intent there's no way of distinguishing an attack from an accident. At a busy time an accident can hurt a lot of people - it happened in Glasgow not long ago. Except that time it was a white guy, so instead of wondering if it was a terror attack, the discussion was about how did he manage to accidentally smash into a crowd of people.

So yeah, sorry for being the crazy kind of person that looks at the facts available and doesn't go on massive leaps of conjecture.

But who knows, perhaps now the reasonable thing to do is call every traffic collision involving a black person a terror attack. 

If the evidence comes out to suggest it's an attack, I'll change my mind. 

The bloke in Glasgow had a heart attack and initial reaction was again that it was terror related if I remember correctly. 

 Sadly it’s part and living in a big western city nowadays that at some point you may get a scenario in which a car develops a mind of its own and mounts a curb and in the ensuing panic  the hapless driver gets his foot stuck on the “death to the infidel pedal”. 

After all this would only be the forth incident  this year in London, they are rare. 

In fairness it might not be terror related, as above it could well be the disgruntled Uber driver who knows. Based on what a I’ve seen & heard so far I’m still not convinced it’s an accident. Also why have they pretty much shut down the capitals transport system? 



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The capitals transport system of the Underground that has been working all day? 

But yeah, the government are keeping this from us, Racist is Bigot is definitely right and everyone else is completely wrong. 

I cant wait for the sweeping generalisations, the bigoted opinions and becoming spokesperson from this special case (but he's not a racist, he loves curry). 

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5 hours ago, Spike said:

Can someone please spoonfed me on the racism? I don't anyone speaking of race except the people accusing racism

It's the libtards mate, Islam is not a race, it's a backwards religion and calling it that is not fucking racists, if Asians called Christianity a load of crap it's not racist is it, it's an attack on a religion  ... are Sikh racist for hating Islam and what it brings too?? 

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5 hours ago, Inverted said:

The odds of an accident happening at a busy time are probably a lot higher than an accident happening at a quiet time. Since, you know, it's busier. More cars and more people. 

Without proof of intent there's no way of distinguishing an attack from an accident. At a busy time an accident can hurt a lot of people - it happened in Glasgow not long ago. Except that time it was a white guy, so instead of wondering if it was a terror attack, the discussion was about how did he manage to accidentally smash into a crowd of people.

So yeah, sorry for being the crazy kind of person that looks at the facts available and doesn't go on massive leaps of conjecture.

But who knows, perhaps now the reasonable thing to do is call every traffic collision involving a black person a terror attack. 

If the evidence comes out to suggest it's an attack, I'll change my mind. 

But think about this. In a busier environment there is a lot less movement of traffic, the flow is slower so the odds of a fatal accident are lower. I'd wager the times of day where the roads are empty are more indicative of speeding and fatal accidents.


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It's pretty obvious that terrorism was assumed before confirmation simply because a picture of a brown bloke pinned down emerged. That thought process is race based but it doesn't verge off in the direction of racism until someone removes all doubt and ambiguity and embraces the stereotype as FACT before knowing it is such. At the same time someone may be so deep in political bias and obsessions that they are just foolish and desperate for it to be a fact rather than being racist, or they could be both. Either way they should be called out for it because it isn't a very measured way of thinking.

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Well to be fair, it isn't a stretch to assume it was an Islamist attack given that vehicular attacks have been a common MO in Europe over the last few years. Using that logic it is pretty safe to assume that a Muslim (outside of a convert) wouldn't be named 'John Smith'. Assumptions should never be made because the gift of hindsight makes people look like fools but if our society were at the point of taking bets on the 'motivation' of these incidents the safe bet would always be 'Islamist'.  Without even seeing a photo of the incident, this is would be a common steam of logic many would follow. If anything, seeing that it was a black man I'd be slightly less likely to assume an 'Islamist' due to the many nations having overwhelmingly Christian populations. Knowing Britain as well, most black Brits' heritage is from Christian nations.

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Assuming that it might've been something is quite different to wishing it was something. Some in here seem genuinely angry that this isn't being reported as a terrorist attack... They were looking forward, with joy, at acting as if this gives them a justifiable reason to lose all sense of perspective and using this situation as some sort of proof that being bigoted is the correct way to go. Unfortunately, this is quite normal behaviour now.

Maybe after further investigation they'll find out that it was terror related and Fairy In Boots can feel better about himself. Hang in there.

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2 hours ago, Danny said:

"Something tells me his name won't be John Smith"

"Shiild just rename this place cuckistan"

No bigotry in this topic whatsoever :dam:

Stan is a Persian suffix meaning a place of, eg. Afghanistan literally means place of the Afghans, it’s why you had/have Hindustan to describe India the place of the Hindu’s.  it’s not bigoted to use a suffix to describe land you clown. By labelling the UK cuckistan I’m saying it’s a place full of cuckolds, something you’re helping to legitimise by getting upset about a use of language. 

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20 minutes ago, Fairy In Boots said:

Stan is a Persian suffix meaning a place of, eg. Afghanistan literally means place of the Afghans, it’s why you had/have Hindustan to describe India the place of the Hindu’s.  it’s not bigoted to use a suffix to describe land you clown. By labelling the UK cuckistan I’m saying it’s a place full of cuckolds, something you’re helping to legitimise by getting upset about a use of language. 

I'm not getting upset, I'm just pointing out your bigotry. I'm sure you have a long history of using the Persian suffix and it has nothing to do with your hatred for Islam in the UK.

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My natural assumption when i hear of these incidents in Europe  is 98% it will be some deranged loon of the islamic faith citing Isis as his inspiration.  It would be silly to deny that and pretend otherwise for the sake of political correctness.

That said i hate these threads and the assumption that everyone of these events is thread worthy. And the tone always feels to be " lads get out your pitchforks and start sharpening your knives those crazy Muslims have attacked us yet again".

In Europe this is the normal cause of terror so i can understand it to an  extent but in the US its more likely not islamic based but is equally terrifying and maybe even more preventable. Just because the one doing it isn't screaming allahu ackbar doesn't change anything about it in my eyes. Innocent lives being taken by a maniac who just doesn't give a damn. The same. Yet the public is desensitized to gun violence and chooses to only loosely favor doing anything at all to limit it. But if it was Muslims doing the gun attacks many would be comfortable calling for them to be rounded up and put in camps. There is such a lack of balance to the way this issue is viewed when religion comes into it. 

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5 hours ago, Danny said:

I'm not getting upset, I'm just pointing out your bigotry. I'm sure you have a long history of using the Persian suffix and it has nothing to do with your hatred for Islam in the UK.

It’s hatred of the ideology in all its forms on a universal level mate. I resent it’s encroachment upon western society because I’m not dumb enough to know that eventually the necessary cleansing fire will cost probably millions of lives if at all successful. 

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so, an incident happens. Could be or could not be terrorism (ISIS?) at the time of happening.

It's denounced as not being terrorism, ISIS not taking any responsibility for it (given it's something they'd usually do). It's confirmed as being a road traffic collision/accident. 

Yet some people seem to be unhappy it's not terrorism. You can't win in FIB's eyes (and others to an extent) now xD

Also feel sorry for any brown or Asian person who is involved in a car accident in future. Immediate calls for it to be terrorism without waiting to find out the facts. Seriously as a bad as the parasite that is Katie Hopkins and that is not something to be proud about or compared with.

Deleted all these before it was confirmed as not terrorism-related...


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Whenever there is something unfolding you get people like Katie Hopkins moaning about the choice of language of professional journalists whose careers are dependent on credibility. This whole saga is an example of why they do that and it's not a "libtard" conspiracy theory. They can't afford to look like fools in the same way those who built a reputation on bile like Katie Hopkins can.


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4 hours ago, Stan said:

so, an incident happens. Could be or could not be terrorism (ISIS?) at the time of happening.

It's denounced as not being terrorism, ISIS not taking any responsibility for it (given it's something they'd usually do). It's confirmed as being a road traffic collision/accident. 

Yet some people seem to be unhappy it's not terrorism. You can't win in FIB's eyes (and others to an extent) now xD

Also feel sorry for any brown or Asian person who is involved in a car accident in future. Immediate calls for it to be terrorism without waiting to find out the facts. Seriously as a bad as the parasite that is Katie Hopkins and that is not something to be proud about or compared with.

Deleted all these before it was confirmed as not terrorism-related...


Actually Isis initially claimed it while it was breaking I believe I saw something on the terror watch twitter feed. Also the relevant authorities also reacted as such closing down various transport hubs & enacting safety measures & protocols, Downing Street released a statement. It’s not not like some fucker dinging your bumper. 

Of course ISIS claims are now treated with great skepticm but at the time and within the following several hours no info was clear and witness testimony pointed to it being more than an accident. I made an assumption based on the authorities, press, witness testimonies that were coming out at the time. 

It’s not racist in the current climate, the system reacted the way it did because frankly although Islam isn’t racially specific the vast majority of Muslims tend to be British Pakistani and if one of that community crashes into 11 people at a tourist hotspot it doesn’t take a genius to put things together given that it’s happened 3 times in London alone this year. A duty of care to the citizens as a whole which includes “Brown people” requires those tasked with protecting us to make these assumptions, sometimes pragmatism outweighs political correctness.

If it’s not terror related which it now appears not to be and he was just a feckless Uber driver (I’m the only cunt that’s mentioned this btw, aren’t they banned now?) then so be it, he still needs to face some form of justice. Obviously with hindsight I’d react a bit differently, so would the authorities but in the immediate aftermath with the way into was coming out I wasn’t the only one to come to this conclusion, my conscious is clear. 

@SirBalonI also don’t want it to be a terror attack, I have no wish for a loss of human life. But to some degree I want it to get through to the average British citizen that we have a fucking huge problem here not just with terror but intergration as a whole. I’ve half given up though the British citizen seemingly doesn’t care, they’re more concerned with calling out people for perceived racial insensitivity than demanding actual change from politicians. 

I find anyone more concerned with the language people use when being critical of the religion or it’s followers utterly bizarre. We’re not even several months past the slaughter of young girls at a concert, or the mowing down of people on Tower Bridge. Revelations about what is essentially a national sexual abuse epidemic where our sisters, daughters, nieces whatever are being systematically raped over the last 15 years if not longer, and the national response is to go “well can’t say anything it’s racist”. People are more focused on telling you what you can & can’t say. It’s almost like some bizarre form of Stockholm syndrome. 

@The Artful Dodger Thats why I use the term cuck, it’s not some sexual perversion I just lack the vocabulary to find a better term for what I essentially feel is a great disappointment with my fellow countrymen that we should be so meek and so paralysed by fear of calling this shit out.

It’s not that I’m a racist, I genuinely try to judge everyone on the content of their character, because of that I socialise with a healthy mix regularly and coming from the city I do I would wager good money I’m far more diverse in my day to day activities than most on here. I know everyone dismisses my dislike of Islam as racist, or some sort of irrational fear. It’s really not I’m just realistic about it all and brutally honest about my experience with it that aren’t always nice. My youngest sister is 17 and living where we do she started to get invited into cars by gangs of young Pakistani men with promises of alcohol and drugs, you see it around the fringes of nightlife hotspots where they prey on young inebriated women. I don’t like it, I have family members who’re social workers they relay horror stories,  neighbours daughters report similar incidents. I despise it. I’ve said multiple times I’ve been racially abused by them or I’ve been in dodgy potentially violent situations because I’m white and on “there turf”. I say this not out of hate but in the vain hope at some point people will start listening to it and in some way we all wake up to it and take the necessary steps to negate it. It’s not a healthy mix here, you essentially have ghettos where people of different backgrounds not wealthy enough get converted usually through brinkmanship, Sikh & Hindu girls are a great example of this. It’s all good fairly middle class Stan telling us it was all ok in his area, it’s ok by & large in wealthy areas Asian folks tend to be far more professional and not so hung up on ideology. It’s not like it in poorer areas though sadly.

Of course not all are bad I’ve had great experiences with them as well some genuinely really nice moments, but there’s a barrier and it always goes back to that fucking ideology. It’s like a cloak they hide behind because they fear change, or an identity they cling to which doesn’t allow them to fully commit to a British way of life, we need to penetrate it however for our futures sake. 

My views no doubt offend some and if my language is not racially sensitive then I don’t know what to say, it’s  mainly borne out of immense frustration at watching this problem grow and people being more concerned with policing discussion of it. I’m not a moron I’ve said many times I don’t want a scenario in which we start harming people, we need to massive re-education and to bind these people to the British identity because if we don’t we’ll just get outnumbered by them eventually and then they will push their ideology which will make us all poorer. It’s happened in virtually every country it’s spread to in some way shape or form, we need to learn from it, there’s no time for hubris as we won’t get a do over later. 

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1 minute ago, Fairy In Boots said:

Actually Isis initially claimed it while it was breaking I believe I saw something on the terror watch twitter feed. Also the relevant authorities also reacted as such closing down various transport hubs & enacting safety measures & protocols, Downing Street released a statement. It’s not not like some fucker dinging your bumper. 

Of course ISIS claims are now treated with great skepticm but at the time and within the following several hours no info was clear and witness testimony pointed to it being more than an accident. I made an assumption based on the authorities, press, witness testimonies that were coming out at the time. 

It’s not racist in the current climate, the system reacted the way it did because frankly although Islam isn’t racially specific the vast majority of Muslims tend to be British Pakistani and if one of that community crashes into 11 people at a tourist hotspot it doesn’t take a genius to put things together given that it’s happened 3 times in London alone this year. A duty of care to the citizens as a whole which includes “Brown people” requires those tasked with protecting us to make these assumptions, sometimes pragmatism outweighs political correctness.

If it’s not terror related which it now appears not to be and he was just a feckless Uber driver (I’m the only cunt that’s mentioned this btw, aren’t they banned now?) then so be it, he still needs to face some form of justice. Obviously with hindsight I’d react a bit differently, so would the authorities but in the immediate aftermath with the way into was coming out I wasn’t the only one to come to this conclusion, my conscious is clear. 

don't know if Uber are banned. thought the news at that time was just that the license wasn't to be renewed. 

Anyway, not saying it's racist, it's just that some people's reaction, sadly, is to think it was terrorism and immediately go straight for the ban Islam angle. 

Wholeheartedly agree he needs to face justice. As would be the case whatever nationality or background he held? 

'with the way info was coming out'. What info though? Until something is officially confirmed, is it not best to hold off any comments or judgements? That's why I was saying about people hoping it would be someone of Asian descent so that they could be vindicated in what they believe. 

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