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Status Updates posted by 6666

  1. No one's asking the important question. What microphone did Hitler actually invent...?

  2. Do the winners of Euro 96 talk about Euro 96 more than England? Who actually won that tournament...?

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    2. football forums


      Germans specially from north are cold. Win or lose they just see it business as usual move on.

      Boring !

    3. football forums

      Devil-Dick Willie

      Honestly i'dbe happy for England if they won something, but fuck me you'll be insufferable for years. Spain doing 3 in a row will be less talked about than the time England came 4th because they beat Sweden and Columbia.

    4. football forums

      CaaC (John)

      I would get the shivers if England won anything nowadays, every time a World Cup comes up they start showing 1966 in all its splendour and glory and "They think it's all over, it is now..." bellowing out of the tv when they get knocked out nowadays the media will rip them apart and even blame the tea-lady for their demise, it becomes a pain in the arse nowadays.

      Just to add, I was born in England and my old man was English but not here anymore but I can remember him many moons ago when he was alive saying "I wish the fucking media would shut up about the 1966 WC win and they think its all over, it is now, the players live on a knife-edge thanks to them building them up as world-class then knocking them down when they lose then sack the manager.



  3. These "Best Of The Decade" lists are everywhere and they're annoying. The new decade starts in 2021 you cunts.

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    2. football forums


      @Stan He isn't saying that at all, you've missed the point. He is saying that the REAL decade is 21-30, and that isn't equivalent to 20-29 or the 20s.

    3. football forums
    4. football forums


      But surely you can do a Best of the Decade post in any year? It's simply just saying here is the best of whatever from the past 10 years.

  4. Whoever runs the @fact account on Twitter deserves to be shot.

  5. Mosquitoes or Wasps? Eliminate one.

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    2. football forums

      CaaC (John)

      For you @SirBalon

      Add spiders (especially those big ugly house spiders) to the list!


    3. football forums
    4. football forums

      CaaC (John)

      That's only a pet one, but I know how you feel as my wife is petrified of them, I saw many like that in Australia growing up but I would never pick them up just in case but spiders across here don't bother me if the wife yells " AAAHHHH...JOHN....SPIDER..." then I have to do my good hubby routine and pick it up and put it out of the window, I won't kill them as that means bad luck.

  6. 1. Spring

    2. Winter

    3. Autumn

    4. Summer

    1. football forums


      I can't say I'm a huge fan of digging the car out of 15cm of snow in -15' weather.

  7. David Silva is average compared to Santi Cazorla.

  8. Weddings might be the worst family occasion.

    1. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      No might about it

  9. John Oliver has never been funny.

    1. football forums
    2. football forums
    3. football forums


      Failed in Britain, then went to America and realised that our scraps qualify as intellectual comedy in the states.

  10. I heard James Franco pushed someone...

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    2. football forums


      Well, the push is what's big twitter news right now. Shocking stuff.

    3. football forums

      Bluebird Hewitt

      Trial by Twitter strikes again.

    4. football forums


      I am literally shaking right now!!!!!!11

  11. I didn't know there were still religious organisations doing door to door recruitment...

    1. football forums


      Did you hear about the Mormons? 

    2. football forums


      Nah, it was something about a guy named Peter.

  12. Don't Forget Me > Californication

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    2. football forums


      Mike Patton > Anthony Kiedis

    3. football forums


      Watched the performance at Slane Castle a few days ago. Performance for both songs was great to be fair. Frusciante on the guitar is insane.

    4. football forums

      Viva la FCB

      Ive had the chance to see them a couple times in Vancouver and they are awesome live but yeah Frusciante was something else. Throw Away Your Television and Venice Queen are a couple of my other favs from that one. 

  13. Loud drunks at night deserve to be shot.

    1. football forums


      What about quiet drunks?? 

    2. football forums


      Quiet drunks are fine.

    3. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      Loud sober people are worse

  14. What should be done with people who think Ramos is a better defender than Godin? :35_thinking:

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    2. football forums


      make them watch Ramos attempt those long balls on a loop for a month...  :coffee:

    3. football forums


      @Dr. Gonzo Crucifixion is a doddle 

    4. football forums

      Carnivore Chris

      They should sew their arse holes closed and keep feeding them and feeding them. 

  15. By how much is England a better country than the US?

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    2. football forums


      Eh, if I could chose, I'd probably go with neither as a place to live. I have lived outside the States and thoroughly enjoyed it, but now with a family, I'll be staying here. 

    3. football forums


      I think you're confused my friend... it's not :usa:

    4. football forums


      The police on their own is reason enough to not wanting to live in the US. Then on top of that you have psychos with guns (not just the psychotic police with guns) and a struggle to separate religion from politics and a ridiculous war on drugs. Making sure companies abide by regulations is apparently a bad thing. Having regulations to begin with is apparently a bad thing. Free healthcare is terrible too apparently. Education isn't taken seriously. Intelligence generally seen as an evil. And televangelists, what the actual fuck?

      If Benjamin Franklin was brought back to life to see what America has become, he'd probably shoot himself in the head.

  16. Israel being cunts again I see.

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    2. football forums
    3. football forums


      Dodgy stuff going on. All the unrest and bickering between almost every single middle Easter countries give a free for all with words and warning flying around in the wind and no heed.

    4. football forums


      Middle East is a special part of the world, all great civilization sprang from there Mesopotamia,Persian Empire,Syria,Egypt, all major religion sprang from there, then discovery of Black gold. Its always been the hotspot of major events of the world

  17. Ray Hudson is the most annoying commentator of all time.

    1. football forums


      Nah, it's the blokes that do NRL in Australia. All they do is bicker and bitch. 'I would have done this if I was still playing' - "Nah, you're wrong their mate that wouldn't have worked because I would have done this if I was still playing'.

  18. "Midget" = Derogatory

    "Little Person" = Patronising

    Is "Dwarf" the correct, inoffensive term?

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    2. football forums

      God is Haaland

      Just try not to mention the height at all and point towards positive traits like character instead. 

      "The little person" -> "The funny animal rights advocat who tried to save Europe from bolshevism"

      t. 6'4" alpha god

    3. football forums


      Ever tried Shorty ? 

    4. football forums


      Still remember when I was 8, I got in trouble in school when the substitue teacher asked, 'Who is phllip?" And I replied "He's the black kid" 

  19. Jon Champion or Peter Drury? :35_thinking:

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    2. football forums


      Motson was probably good when you were a youngster in the 1920s mate but he's got so boring and dry. Barely commentates now. It's just 'oooh and the ...Burnley player there...crossed it...and it's gone in to the back of the net!' 

    3. football forums


      Drury every time.

      Motson has been dire for a long time - should have been retired

    4. football forums


      Ageists! >:(

  20. Winston Churchill was a scumbag that made a couple of good speeches.

    1. football forums


      There’s a pub near Parliament where Churchill used to frequent and where he ran up a tab-bill of nearly £1000 over the years and allegedly never paid it... Not that this is anywhere near something overly untoward, but it shows part of his character.

  21. The bar for being outraged on Twitter is quite low so I'm wondering how much lower that bar is on Tumblr seeing as Tumblr has the reputation for being the place where people put in the most energy to be outraged.

    1. football forums


      they get outraged when someone says the sky is blue

  22. The rainbow flag is too lame and garish to help tackle homophobia. This campaign just hurts people's eyes.

    1. football forums


      Why is everything painted with that flag right now?

    2. football forums

      Panna King

      Its embarrassing,  who actually cares if people are gay, striaght etc it makes it worse when people have to create something to make people feel accepted when these companies they set things up arent even gay. 

  23. White poppies > Red poppies











    1. football forums


      Big if true. 

    2. football forums

      Panna King

      No Surrender 

  24. All this fuss because some guy was asking for massages.

    1. football forums
    2. football forums


      Harvey Weinstein...

  25. Thanks for not letting me know about Mafia Wars starting up again. :thumbdown:

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    2. football forums


      Apologies gents. 

    3. football forums


      Nah, should have followed the thread but I'm a lazy fucker.

    4. football forums


      Expect to see you guys in the next game!

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