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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

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5 minutes ago, Stan said:

Oh don't worry, I read that bit too. 

But I don't get what you see that he's doing to fix his mistakes. Maybe not making the mistakes in the first place and being such an ignorant prick wouldn't get him in to so many positions where he has to fix them...

I completely agree that he could have avoided this in the first place, but he's at least being honest in the present and that's what I find respectable. At least when you compare it to leaders like Bolsonaro or Trudeau. The former making similar comments but doing nothing to change things with rising cases in Brazil and Trudeau doing nothing to help his citizens abroad. All he's doing is asking Canadians to come home with no support to those in countries that have no flights in or out.

Trump is showing balls and while he's fully at fault for Coronavirus spreading rapidly in the USA to begin with, at least he realizes he was wrong. I'd go as far as saying the only reason USA has more cases than Canada is because of population and how connected it is to the rest of the world compared to up north.

Anyways, I'm only comparing to the others. Not saying that he's been great in all this because he obviously hasn't.

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Does anyone actually believe it to be possible that Italy have surpassed China in deaths?

I feel like China just started a political campaign to flatten the curve to get their economy back up and running again. I'm inclined not to trust their information.


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14 minutes ago, Harry said:

Does anyone actually believe it to be possible that Italy have surpassed China in deaths?

I feel like China just started a political campaign to flatten the curve to get their economy back up and running again. I'm inclined not to trust their information.


Could be. However on the flip side Wuhan shut down 8 days earlier than Italy at the same stage. As a society Italy is being criticised for not taking this seriously early on, people ignoring advice, restaurants and socialising carried on. Basically responding as badly as the rest of the west. Many communities are going to get away with that defiance. Lombardy and Madrid are not.

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20 minutes ago, Inti Brian said:

I completely agree that he could have avoided this in the first place, but he's at least being honest in the present and that's what I find respectable. At least when you compare it to leaders like Bolsonaro or Trudeau. The former making similar comments but doing nothing to change things with rising cases in Brazil and Trudeau doing nothing to help his citizens abroad. All he's doing is asking Canadians to come home with no support to those in countries that have no flights in or out.

Trump is showing balls and while he's fully at fault for Coronavirus spreading rapidly in the USA to begin with, at least he realizes he was wrong. I'd go as far as saying the only reason USA has more cases than Canada is because of population and how connected it is to the rest of the world compared to up north.

Anyways, I'm only comparing to the others. Not saying that he's been great in all this because he obviously hasn't.

He is the most fundamentally dishonest person in world leadership. He lies habitually without realising, in every instance as a defence mechanism. 

I don't believe he is capable of realising he is wrong and his statements support that "I don't accept responsibility at all" and "I felt this was a pandemic way before it was ever declared to be one". His recent rebadge of this is"the Chinese virus" is showing he is even more shifting his mentality to blaming China because he is incapable of realising how own failings.

Have a read of this:


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1 minute ago, Harry said:

He is the most fundamentally dishonest person in world leadership. He lies habitually without realising, in every instance as a defence mechanism. 

I don't believe he is capable of realising he is wrong and his statements support that "I don't accept responsibility at all" and "I felt this was a pandemic way before it was ever declared to be one". His recent rebadge of this is"the Chinese virus" is showing he is even more shifting his mentality to blaming China because he is incapable of realising how own failings.

Yeah he is no doubt ignorant and wrong a lot of the time but I prefer his leadership to the likes of Trudeau or Bolsonaro as a regular civilian. The USA's cases looks higher than it is cos of population and air traffic. Not saying that the number is OK mind you.

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1 minute ago, Harry said:

Does anyone actually believe it to be possible that Italy have surpassed China in deaths?

I feel like China just started a political campaign to flatten the curve to get their economy back up and running again. I'm inclined not to trust their information.


While I doubt the accuracy of China's official numbers, I don't really find it hard to believe that Italy's death toll might be higher. Firstly, because of the number of ventilators available - Italy simply hasn't got enough. Around 5000 reportedly; and it's estimated that's only about a quarter of what they'll need. China's last reported official number from 2011 was almost 60000 ventilator units (we can probably assume they produced at least additional 10000 a year; also produced 15000 new ones during the outbreak alone). 
Another reason could be the different strains of virus. It's suggested that two known strain exist - a less aggressive S strain and a more aggressive L strain which seems to be circulating in Europe.

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13 minutes ago, Harvsky said:

Need for intensive care 300 over capacity in Lombardy. Is this partly the reason for the higher fatality rate?

Older population. Lack of shutdown early on therefore the virus had more time to get spread and affect. Lack of knowledge perhaps about the virus which could play in to hands of excuse of not shutting it down early on.

Definitely overload of capacity would also be a catalyst.

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3 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

Is there a link anywhere to a simple description of some sort as to how China managed to stamp this thing out?

If it wasnt for China, nothing would have needed stamping out. And if they had revealed the severity of it all 3 weeks earlier (instead of trying to cover it up), the death toll throughout the world could have been 95% less than what it is now (so experts say?)

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5 minutes ago, LFCMadLad said:

If it wasnt for China, nothing would have needed stamping out. And if they had revealed the severity of it all 3 weeks earlier (instead of trying to cover it up), the death toll throughout the world could have been 95% less than what it is now (so experts say?)


Wouldn't ask China for anything. Certainly not advice. Human rats of the world!

I'm not praising them, I'm just interested in how they managed it.

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Things are getting pretty grim at work. I work customer service for a high street bank.

We're at under half strength with people sent home or off sick, and the number of calls is getting overwhelming. It's like Christmas or New Year, but worse, and with less staff. Today our automated directory broke, meaning people were being routed to the wrong teams for their queries, or being left on hold for hours, or being hung up on after hours of waiting. 

We've not yet worked out a comprehensive policy on mortgage holidays - things are still being assessed on a case-by-case basis. We're also dealing with lots of desperate or misinformed  people who call under the impression that there are schemes offering reprieves on loan repayments, or even emergency overdraft facilities. 

People are broke, and when told that there isn't really any way set up for us to extend emergency funds to them, they're basically reduced to begging over the phone. 

Most people are sound, and almost apologetic for taking up our time. Some people are obviously very tense and the stress understandably is getting to them.

A large number of people are obviously still being pricks and wasting our time complaining about stupid shit like our interest rate reductions - at a time when UK rates are at a historic low - or calling us because they've mindlessly thumped the wrong details into our website 5 times and locked themselves out of their accounts. 


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Schools are staying open over here for the time being. Today I had to go in and convince Year 11 and Year 13 kids to keep on studying as normal until we know more about their exams but ultimately the exams are going to be cancelled, the kids want some guidance on what they need to do, some of them have places at university riding on their results this summer, and we're completely helpless.

Some students still stayed behind to ask me questions at the end of the day and I actually couldn't help them because I didn't have the energy or concentration. I'm absolutely empty work wise right now between having to deal with that today and trying to organise ways of helping kids learn at home for the next weeks and months when any day we could be told not to come in tomorrow.

Crazy times.

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1 hour ago, Inti Brian said:

My dad right now is reaching out to as many news reporters and government officials as he possibly can.

Obviously we have to put our part, but I find it embarrassing that they aren't trying to find us.

How come? I must’ve missed something in this thread.

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11 minutes ago, RandoEFC said:

Schools are staying open over here for the time being. Today I had to go in and convince Year 11 and Year 13 kids to keep on studying as normal until we know more about their exams but ultimately the exams are going to be cancelled, the kids want some guidance on what they need to do, some of them have places at university riding on their results this summer, and we're completely helpless.

Some students still stayed behind to ask me questions at the end of the day and I actually couldn't help them because I didn't have the energy or concentration. I'm absolutely empty work wise right now between having to deal with that today and trying to organise ways of helping kids learn at home for the next weeks and months when any day we could be told not to come in tomorrow.

Crazy times.

I feel ya.

We have been told to think/plan for two weeks in case we are shut. I’ll be doing some of that Monday with a colleague during collaboration time. 

My students are so young but some are making comments about the virus so I am just reassuring them that they’re very likely to be fine and that we continue to practise healthy habits. Washing hands, hand sanitiser, coughing into the elbow and so on. 

Very uncertain times but student numbers are starting to slowly drop. 

We are not likely to close. We aren’t taking enough action, I’m calling it now, we will have over 1,000 cases by the end of Sunday. It’s not even flu season. These are dangerous numbers. 

Edited by Toinho
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I don’t think people truly appreciate the travesty that is unfolding in Italy. 
Basically their ICU Is overrun so they don’t have ventilators or beds to accommodate the Numbers requiring critical care. Because of this they’re going with below 70 years old and letting the 70+ die. 

its inflating the death rate because if beds and ventilators were available many of these people would be ok instead they’re dying in makeshift hospitals, literally drowning in their own lung fluid. Horrible situation and I feel for the Italians 

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1 minute ago, Fairy In Boots said:

I don’t think people truly appreciate the travesty that is unfolding in Italy. 
Basically their ICU Is overrun so they don’t have ventilators or beds to accommodate the Numbers requiring critical care. Because of this they’re going with below 70 years old and letting the 70+ die. 

its inflating the death rate because if beds and ventilators were available many of these people would be ok instead they’re dying in makeshift hospitals, literally drowning in their own lung fluid. Horrible situation and I feel for the Italians 

Sometimes I try and calm myself by reminding myself that they have a very old population.Then I also think of the fact that their healthcare system is considered of the world's best. 

There is a slight feeling of dread coming on now. We're heading for some truly horrendous times. 

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3 minutes ago, Fairy In Boots said:

I don’t think people truly appreciate the travesty that is unfolding in Italy. 
Basically their ICU Is overrun so they don’t have ventilators or beds to accommodate the Numbers requiring critical care. Because of this they’re going with below 70 years old and letting the 70+ die. 

its inflating the death rate because if beds and ventilators were available many of these people would be ok instead they’re dying in makeshift hospitals, literally drowning in their own lung fluid. Horrible situation and I feel for the Italians 

People in the UK still don't seem to understand this and think stuff like closing schools is an overreaction or that it's alright to still go to the pub if you're not in the vulnerable group, or that stopping social gatherings isn't required if all over 70s are self isolating out of the way anyway.

It doesn't matter who gets it or whether they'll be fine. Everyone is likely to pass it on to at least 1 or 2 other people and it snowballs from there.

I really worry that too much of our population have the "it'll be fine" attitude because they've never lived through anything like this before and collective responsibility is an alien concept to too many of them. I hope I'm wrong.

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36 minutes ago, Inverted said:

Things are getting pretty grim at work. I work customer service for a high street bank.

We're at under half strength with people sent home or off sick, and the number of calls is getting overwhelming. It's like Christmas or New Year, but worse, and with less staff. Today our automated directory broke, meaning people were being routed to the wrong teams for their queries, or being left on hold for hours, or being hung up on after hours of waiting. 

We've not yet worked out a comprehensive policy on mortgage holidays - things are still being assessed on a case-by-case basis. We're also dealing with lots of desperate or misinformed  people who call under the impression that there are schemes offering reprieves on loan repayments, or even emergency overdraft facilities. 

People are broke, and when told that there isn't really any way set up for us to extend emergency funds to them, they're basically reduced to begging over the phone. 

Most people are sound, and almost apologetic for taking up our time. Some people are obviously very tense and the stress understandably is getting to them.

A large number of people are obviously still being pricks and wasting our time complaining about stupid shit like our interest rate reductions - at a time when UK rates are at a historic low - or calling us because they've mindlessly thumped the wrong details into our website 5 times and locked themselves out of their accounts. 


Went into HSBC today to sort my mums bank accounts out for probate. 2 staff in the entire building. 

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This whole pandemic reaching UK has opened people's eyes to the best and worst of society.

The worst being those cunts stockpiling for absolulely no reason and having no care in the world for fellow members of their local communities. Sheer panic leading to utterly nonsensical decisions and total selfishness. Total lack of awareness and disregard for anything but themselves.

Then to the other more positive extreme you see loads of businesses and smaller organisations going the extra mile and offering out delivery services while their restaurants are shut. Members of the community offering delivery services to those isolated or vulnerable/elderly.

I really hope that most people come out of this whole catastrophe with a new found respect for the finer things in life. To ask for all people to do so would just be deluded. Not everything revolves around work, being overworked & underpaid and getting little to no recognition for going further than normal. There are more important things in life - friends/family, respecting others in society & the community. A respect for life let's say given how many people could be affected, directly or indirectly, by Coronavirus. 

Sadly I think it's going to get worse before it gets better. It dawned on me even more today there's gonna be a long time coming of all this doom and gloom.  

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5 minutes ago, DeadLinesman said:

Went into HSBC today to sort my mums bank accounts out for probate. 2 staff in the entire building. 

Yeah I can imagine it's equally as bad in branches, if not worse, than for us in the offices. I presume every bank is experiencing basically the same problems. 

A lot of our branches are having to reduce opening hours to due to staff shortages, and most appointments are being cancelled. This is something each branch is having to decide on it's own; there's no overarching policy. 

So we are told to refer to branch as required (security checks, document hand-ins, etc), and book appointments if the customer wants one, in the knowledge that there's a high likelihood that they're not going to be seen. 

Again, because this isn't happening as part of some overarching policy, we aren't to communicate these issues to customers. If they turn up and the branch is shut, or their appointment is cancelled, then that's just an "individual" branch issue. 

Everything is falling apart at the seams, but on paper we are just supposed to be soldiering on as if nothing has happened. It's a feeling a lot of people in a lot of workplaces have at the moment, I can guess. 

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