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2 minutes ago, nudge said:

Ha, it's a good thing I associate with other weirdos like me then :P Nah the smell of stale smoke lingering in my hair or clothes is definitely unpleasant the following day but it's nothing a shower and laundry wouldn't fix... Otherwise it doesn't bother me in the slightest. It's probably due to different upbringing and culture to be fair.

Also the smell of a good cigar mixed with the smell of freshly brewed coffee is simply heavenly. 

Ha yeah quite possibly, if you’re used to then yeah, may have a different perspective although I still can’t really comprehend it, particularly coming from a largely smoke free environment. 

I remember during the last general election I stayed with an elderly lady in the constituency who smoked 40 a day. Clothes took multiple washes when I went back South to finally rid them of the smell and that’s through walls and a wardrobe. 

Coffee and Cigar I can definitely give you though in certain circumstances! 

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1 minute ago, Storts said:

Ha yeah quite possibly, if you’re used to then yeah, may have a different perspective although I still can’t really comprehend it, particularly coming from a largely smoke free environment. 

I remember during the last general election I stayed with an elderly lady in the constituency who smoked 40 a day. Clothes took multiple washes when I went back South to finally rid them of the smell and that’s through walls and a wardrobe. 

Coffee and Cigar I can definitely give you though in certain circumstances! 

Yeah growing up pretty much everyone smoked everywhere and that was absolutely normal... especially in drinking establishments; so it's still part of the ambience for me haha. I used to be more or less a social smoker myself and preferred not to smoke at home but at the same time I really didn't mind it either. Thought the smell could be the problem when I quit (especially since my boyfriend at the time continued to smoke) but surprisingly it wasn't as it seems I have no aversion to it whatsoever xD 

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Not a smoker but there are times when you're near someone whose vaping and those liquids smell really nice. Especially if it's Cola, Strawberry or something like that.

That is the only time I've been curious to puff but never bothered.

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1 hour ago, Lucas said:

Not a smoker but there are times when you're near someone whose vaping and those liquids smell really nice. Especially if it's Cola, Strawberry or something like that.

That is the only time I've been curious to puff but never bothered.

Yeah I’d advise to continue to not being bothered. As a “former” smoker, I’ve always thought people that started their nicotine addiction with vaping are weirdos.

Maybe it’s because my gran still smokes and I grew up around it (my grandad stopped though, but their house still reeks of cigarettes) I don’t mind the smell too much. Until I leave their house and I smell myself and I smell like a billion stale cigarettes. But I can’t stand most of the flavoured vape smell. Handy tools for getting off smoking though, but I’ve found they make you more addicted to nicotine because of their high nicotine content. It just replaces the delivery device for the nicotine, and is supposedly more healthy.

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14 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

I'm convinced that in 50 years time the e-cigs will be just as bad as regular ones. Don't get me wrong they smell nice so are much better but how can vaping be healthy? Surely it's just putting water onto your lungs leading to pneumonia?

Absolutely rancid smoking though. A proper low life habit.

Not at all, there are literally hundreds of thousands of wealthy and cultured people that smoke, 70 years ago the vast majority of people smoked, people of any class.

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33 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

I'm convinced that in 50 years time the e-cigs will be just as bad as regular ones. Don't get me wrong they smell nice so are much better but how can vaping be healthy? Surely it's just putting water onto your lungs leading to pneumonia?

Absolutely. Numerous studies are already giving hints at health problems associated with e-cigs (susceptibility to lung infections and diseases, cardiovascular issues, toxicity of chemicals in the e-liquids, damage to cell's DNA potentially increasing cancer risk are the main key points of recent research); wait a decade or two until we have enough data from the long-term studies and I'm sure it will be just as frowned upon as tobacco smoking is now. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Tried my mates vape the other weekend. Can see how it makes you feel like you're scratching the smoking itch but not in the ways that I'd have thought would hit the spot personally but I guess it's because I've been off them for a year. The smell appealed to me for a bit while I smoked and shortly after I quit but now I'm back to it making me want to wretch slightly.

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On ‎05‎/‎02‎/‎2019 at 09:58, Cannabis said:

I'm convinced that in 50 years time the e-cigs will be just as bad as regular ones. Don't get me wrong they smell nice so are much better but how can vaping be healthy? Surely it's just putting water onto your lungs leading to pneumonia?

Absolutely rancid smoking though. A proper low life habit.

Yeah it's already linked to popcorn lung... which is arguably worse than cancer.

And it might cause cancer as well xD

There's worse habits than smoking. You could be snorting coke off a toilet seat (you'd also probably be addicted to smoking if you're doing that as well).

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6 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

Totally agree with that, but it's still a bad habit. 

Not that I'm saying this is what you were implying, but you could say that there are worse bad habits than murdering someone, because countless others have killed 10/20/100 people - it's still bad.

Oh yeah, it's no doubt a terrible habit.

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1 minute ago, CaaC - John said:

I am on day 439 without puffing a lung buster, I have saved £5.917.17 in dosh, I have 'Life Regained' 100d 10hrs 26 min. and counting, and have not touched 13,149.3 cigarettes since Dec 7th, 2017.

Well done John. Keep it up.

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22 hours ago, CaaC - John said:

I am on day 439 without puffing a lung buster, I have saved £5.917.17 in dosh, I have 'Life Regained' 100d 10hrs 26 min. and counting, and have not touched 13,149.3 cigarettes since Dec 7th, 2017.

Well done. I’ve gone almost 3 weeks in a couple of hours

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I'm currently working under a fella who chews tobacco. I've never known anyone to chew it before. He says he started it when he used to be in the Swedish army. 

On 19/02/2019 at 16:33, Dr. Gonzo said:

Well done. I’ve gone almost 3 weeks in a couple of hours

Ye but you're now vaping, so probably intake more nicotine than ever now :ph34r:

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4 hours ago, The Rebel CRS said:

I'm currently working under a fella who chews tobacco. I've never known anyone to chew it before. He says he started it when he used to be in the Swedish army. 

Ye but you're now vaping, so probably intake more nicotine than ever now :ph34r:

I stopped doing that as well. Honestly vaping feels unhealthier.

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Even now the smell of someone Vaping makes me cough and I try to avoid it especially if standing to wait on a bus so I face the opposite to where the wind is blowing, either that or I let off a silent fart (which stinks) and stand facing the wind and let it do its work and watch the smokers suddenly do shuffles away from my direction. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Day 451 smoke-free, saved £6,601,94p and have regained 103days & 13hrs of life and 13,559.9 lung busters not smoked, I think I will do 50 push-ups now and go for a mile run...:whistling:

I mentioned the push-ups and a mile run to the wife I might do in a minute and she said nice and sharp "Will you fuck...I'me not calling any ambulance out if you tried that",xD talking to a mate of mine the other day who stopped smoking years ago that I still get a wheezing noise in my throat and sometimes a wee bit short of breath but he said it takes a good two years for your lungs to get back to normal and get rid of all the shit nicotine in your throat and lungs, that's 2 years up this Dec 7th.

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I smoked from 2013 until earlier this year, and I'll never go back. Two months after I quit, I still had two cigarettes left in a pack and I tried to light one, but it just felt not like me. The hand movement of putting the cigarette to my mouth, inhaling, blowing the smoke out, it just felt so foreign, like it's not me at all. As mentioned in a different topic, probably just another case of "trying to find your identity".

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9 hours ago, Tommy said:

I smoked from 2013 until earlier this year, and I'll never go back. Two months after I quit, I still had two cigarettes left in a pack and I tried to light one, but it just felt not like me. The hand movement of putting the cigarette to my mouth, inhaling, blowing the smoke out, it just felt so foreign, like it's not me at all. As mentioned in a different topic, probably just another case of "trying to find your identity".

Somewhat related - I smoked since I was 16 and quit at some point in 2014 when I left Europe. So for about 14 years in total although I must say I was never a heavy smoker and mostly smoked at work and on a night out. Funny thing is, whenever I tried to smoke a cigarette afterwards, I didn't know how to inhale anymore xD it's weird, sort of like my body shutting off my throat to prevent inhalation xD 

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3 minutes ago, nudge said:

Somewhat related - I smoked since I was 16 and quit at some point in 2014 when I left Europe. So for about 14 years in total although I must say I was never a heavy smoker and mostly smoked at work and on a night out. Funny thing is, whenever I tried to smoke a cigarette afterwards, I didn't know how to inhale anymore xD it's weird, sort of like my body shutting off my throat to prevent inhalation xD 

Yea, similar to me. It just felt unnatural and that my body was unable to proceed with the task xD

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Over a year now since I stopped and as I said before the smell of smoke now makes me cough, since I have stopped smoking and our son put a 'Quit Tracker' graph on my mobile that I can check whenever I want, just look how much I have saved since Dec 7, 2017, and this was going by the cheapest 20 pack of cigarettes then at £7.35  a packet, this graph is as from today at 10.05, now my wife stopped near on 3 years ago and we both have saved out a mint adding the totals together. .



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On 18/02/2019 at 16:02, RandoEFC said:

Tried my mates vape the other weekend. Can see how it makes you feel like you're scratching the smoking itch but not in the ways that I'd have thought would hit the spot personally but I guess it's because I've been off them for a year. The smell appealed to me for a bit while I smoked and shortly after I quit but now I'm back to it making me want to wretch slightly.

Two years coming up in December and I can't say I miss them, those vaping things put me off even more and the smell stinks, you see people walking along smoking and exhaling it's like watching a bloody old steam train!!




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