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20 minutes ago, Fairy In Boots said:

Chucka and Anna Soubry gone oh this is glorious. You will both on “the jungle” in 12 months time with a mouthful of kangaroo testicles as they struggle for relevance 

Nadine Dorries went in the jungle while still serving as an MP a few years ago so that insult doesn't really hold much ground xD


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So it did work. Props to Sikhs and Hindu Brits. Happy that Corbyn lost. Go on then, including foreign matters in your manifesto just to please a section. Accepting support from JKLF, a terrorist organisation. 

Just listened to Claudia Webbe's reaction to the letter 6 Labour Councillors from Leicester east wrote to Corbyn and made it public. She starts by saying all the right things, before putting out the subtle and polite threats to them. 

This is also a perfect warning to the Dems in US. Listen to the locals and their issues, and stay away from the far left, that are only relevant on social media sites. 

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5 minutes ago, IgnisExcubitor said:

So it did work. Props to Sikhs and Hindu Brits. Happy that Corbyn lost

Not including me. Might be good Corbyn lost but it's not so good that the current government is in place. 

This next 12 months and then the consequent years will be tiresome and gruelling. 

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12 minutes ago, IgnisExcubitor said:

So it did work. Props to Sikhs and Hindu Brits. Happy that Corbyn lost. Go on then, including foreign matters in your manifesto just to please a section. Accepting support from JKLF, a terrorist organisation. 

Just listened to Claudia Webbe's reaction to the letter 6 Labour Councillors from Leicester east wrote to Corbyn and made it public. She starts by saying all the right things, before putting out the subtle and polite threats to them. 

This is also a perfect warning to the Dems in US. Listen to the locals and their issues, and stay away from the far left, that are only relevant on social media sites. 

I'd like to see you at Anfield with your views. Not that you'll ever go or have been.

A horrendous evening for a lot of people. Just got to laugh really. Things are going to be incredibly bad. 

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19 minutes ago, Stan said:

Not including me. Might be good Corbyn lost but it's not so good that the current government is in place. 

This next 12 months and then the consequent years will be tiresome and gruelling. 

I don't know the details about your political parties. You and the other Brits here have far more knowledge about it.

But as a Labour supporter even you must have been repulsed by the two attacks on India embassy. Kids and women bore the brunt that day. Those protest were backed by Labour politicians and well organised. 

It's about fear that was legitimate. When you see Labour supporting them. Labour even hosted a terrorist organisation JKLF and accepted their support. It's completely understandable for Sikhs and Hindus to be scared of that or the direction that party is taking. 

12 minutes ago, The Artful Dodger said:

I'd like to see you at Anfield with your views. Not that you'll ever go or have been.

What is it with you and wanting people hurt for having a different opinion? Your obsession for violence is weird. 

PS: I am other LFc forum and this issue was discussed by Tory supporting Reds. I know Liverpool as a city is pro Labour and socialist and I know the bit of history with Thacter, but when this issue was raised there the reponse from Labour supporting Reds was pleasant and accepting of people with different ideas. 

Edited by IgnisExcubitor
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12 minutes ago, IgnisExcubitor said:

I don't know the details about your political parties. You and the other Brits here have far more knowledge about it.

But as a Labour supporter even you must have been repulsed by the two attacks on India embassy. Kids and women bore the brunt that day. Those protest were backed by Labour politicians and well organised. 

It's about fear that was legitimate. When you see Labour supporting them. Labour even hosted a terrorist organisation JKLF and accepted their support. It's completely understandable for Sikhs and Hindus to be scared of that or the direction that party is taking. 

What is it with you and wanting people hurt for having a different opinion? Your obsession for violence is weird. 

PS: I am other LFc forum and this issue was discussed by Tory supporting Reds. I know Liverpool as a city is pro Labour and socialist and I know the bit of history with Thacter, but when this issue was raised there the reponse from Labour supporting Reds was pleasant and accepting of people with different ideas. 

I dont want any violence. I'm just amazed that anyone who claims to be a Liverpool fan can take pleasure in tbe victory of a party which stands against the vast majority of their fans. It's like you don't really get it, like most glory hunters. 

Anyway, there will inquests, quite rightly and we will hear about how this is all about being too 'left wing', Blair will be wheeled out again and again to tell us this. This was about brexit and brexit only. 

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1 minute ago, Stan said:

Nadine Dorries went in the jungle while still serving as an MP a few years ago so that insult doesn't really hold much ground xD


Who cares mate who cares.

Jo Swinson smashed

Corbyn smashed

Labour red wall Breached. 

Notting Hill carnival will be held in a Tory seat next year. 

The middle class virtue signalling guardianista types have been smashed. 

What a day, sat on my sofa enjoying the lefty tears

3 minutes ago, Pyfish said:

Just an overwhelming sense of shame and disappointment everywhere this morning. This isn’t right.

Yeah I know I’m embarrassed so many voted for Corbyn to tbh they should be ashamed for themselves. 😉

4 minutes ago, shut up said:

Labour could have had Tom Watson, Tony Blair or Jess Phillips as leader and still the same result. Corbyn will rightly step down, but this loss is little to do with him imo.

Leadership election coming up

Tom Watson has lost his seat, Corbyn has tried to blame Brexit and in seats like Yvette coopers it’s the Brexit party that have kept Labour in. 

This is very much a rejection of hard left politics. 

Groundhog Day but get out your echo chamber for Tory’s to take seats like Blyth it means collectively the Corbyn voting lefty’s are way off. 

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3 minutes ago, Fairy In Boots said:

What a day, sat on my sofa enjoying the lefty tears

I'm sure you don't live that sad of a life that this is what you're most pleased about. Hopefully you voted based on your own morals and the belief that this will be better for the country rather than the prospect of enjoying "those salty Lefty/Remainer tears" and that this is just a reaction to the people who have called you names in the past. Again, you strike me as someone who actually loves the country being divided and other people being upset but then again you did say you didn't care about the NHS a few pages ago as long as you can afford private healthcare. 

Let's see how Brexit goes before deciding who was "way off". None of this changes the fact that even the government's own projections show that Brexit is going to make the country worse in the short term, that even Rees-Mogg said it could take 50-100 years to see an improvement and that just about every Economics professor in the country thinks it's a bad idea which is ironic because the Conservative Party's main attack line against Labour is that they'll ruin the economy. Just because a lot of people voted for something doesn't mean it'll be a good thing. People voted for Hitler and the Nazis once too.

The 'lefties' might be crying today but if you're going to include me under that umbrella then I'd rather give you the satisfaction of other people being upset about a life that they haven't voted for being inflicted upon them by other people and go on to live my life with some compassion than sit on my opinions. The side you voted for won fair and square so go and celebrate with like-minded folks rather than rubbing it in the faces of people who are gutted because they genuinely believe (and at this point it doesn't matter who is right or wrong) that their lives and their friends', family's and children's lives are about to get worse for the next 5 years. This wasn't a football match, it's people's lives.

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1 hour ago, Fairy In Boots said:

I now live in a conservative constituency Birmingham Northfield has flipped, first time in my life. What a great morning 

Yes, well that's happened in quite a few constituencies around the country, all due to Labour's poor campaign and due to the fact that Corbyn put a lot of people off with his radical views on politics. There are a lot of people who would of been opposed to many of his policies, landlords being one of them. 

But at least you live in a decent part of Birmingham, I've been to Northfield and it's quite nice, being located next to some of the better areas of Brum like Bournville and Harborne.

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On 28/11/2019 at 14:10, CaaC (John) said:

I am a Labour man myself but I don't like that arsehole Corbyn running the party, I get that horrible feeling he is another Michael Foot in the making and with this General Election coming up Corbyn will get a bucket full of eggs in his face just like Foot did.

Foot led Labour into the 1983 general election when the party obtained its lowest share of the vote since the 1918 general election and the fewest parliamentary seats it had had at any time since before 1945.  He resigned the party leadership after the election and was succeeded as leader by Neil Kinnock.

Michael Foot

 :whistling:     :coffee:

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58 minutes ago, The Artful Dodger said:

I dont want any violence. I'm just amazed that anyone who claims to be a Liverpool fan can take pleasure in tbe victory of a party which stands against the vast majority of their fans. It's like you don't really get it, like most glory hunters. 

A) As I said above, I came across several Tory supporting Reds on other forums, and the labour Reds (easily in majority) were accepting of them and their views, without agreeing to it. It's called DIVERSITY. 

B) Pretty certain, Liverpool fans across the world have a wide spectrum of perspectives. Sure we must agree upon a lot of good and moral ideas that are necessary for displaying basic humanity and civility. But having a different political opinion is not that. No political opinion or association has a monopoly on a global sporting team.

C) Again with the labels. But who cares. I have heard worse from you for me, than glory hunter. 

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1 hour ago, shut up said:

Labour could have had Tom Watson, Tony Blair or Jess Phillips as leader and still the same result. Corbyn will rightly step down, but this loss is little to do with him imo.

Leadership election coming up

It had everything to do with Corbyn. He’s been utterly rejected twice now and so have his policies. Plenty of evidence to suggest that whilst campaigning, members of the public said they would not vote labour directly because of him. Brexit also a massive issue of course, but to say it has little to do with his leadership is nonsensical. 

The problem with politics in general in many countries is historical. Why must it be one party or another? Is there ever going to be realistic change with the same old parties? The fact constituencies can go 50/70 years without any change is fucking embarrassing.

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3 minutes ago, DeadLinesman said:

It had everything to do with Corbyn. He’s been utterly rejected twice now and so have his policies. Plenty of evidence to suggest that whilst campaigning, members of the public said they would not vote labour directly because of him. Brexit also a massive issue of course, but to say it has little to do with his leadership is nonsensical. 

The problem with politics in general in many countries is historical. Why must it be one party or another? Is there ever going to be realistic change with the same old parties? The fact constituencies can go 50/70 years without any change is fucking embarrassing.

The thing with Corbyn is how can you genuinely say you could never vote for him and vote for Johnson? Whether people like Corbyn or not Johnson is catagorically more of a cunt.

But that sums this country up because Corbyn has put off a lot of older Brexit supporting Labour voters, but he also attracted the youth vote last time around where Labour had a monumental increase. He just couldn’t sustain that this time around and the loss has been pretty shocking.

There are a lot of good women that could be in the running for leadership and I look forward to change tbh, a less divisive Labour Party amongst its own voters is the only way they’ll beat the Tories in 5 years time.

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1 hour ago, shut up said:

Labour could have had Tom Watson, Tony Blair or Jess Phillips as leader and still the same result. Corbyn will rightly step down, but this loss is little to do with him imo.

Leadership election coming up

Not sure if that is true mate. There have been interviews with people who have said they couldn't vote tactically for labour because of Corbyn. Might not have affected the overall result but might have not made it so one sided

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