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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

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2 hours ago, Carnivore Chris said:

Yes and I was agreeing with it all,until there was a video at the very bottom of the thread pretty much claiming China are blameless due to the fact that people went to concerts, I.e I'm to blame for going on a holiday I'd paid for. Forget the country who spread the virus or the WHO, who claimed this virus wouldn't be a global problem, let's all blame our own. Let's blame some family for going out for a 1 hour 5 minute walk instead of an hour.. 

Countries not acting quick enough is a separate blame and they should have all closed their boarders to China back in Jan, nevermind implented serious lockdown messures. But this has nothing to do with China's role, which shouldn't be forgotten, nor does it have any relevance in how each individual country dealt with this.

People seem scared of blaming a country as they see it as though you're blaming the whole population, although that's not the case at all. It was a Chinese doctor himself who tried to make this public knowledge after all. There are also alot of people over there who risk their lives taking footage to show people what really occurs there. 

Chinese people are generally among the friendliest and most harmless. But a government is unfortunately a representation of a nation and their government and the way their country functions makes them a very threatening one to all of our livelihoods, far more so than 5 people having a house party in Manchester.

The next virus coming from there could be 10 times more deadly and you cannot trust a country who try and hide something so serious. It's not like they didn't do the same with SARS either. That was simply a case of being lucky that it didn't spread and become a global pandemic. We can't simply just go into quarantine whenever a virus rears its head in a country that is a million miles away. This should have been contained in that country and never left in the first place. This is their fuck up most of all.

It wasn't her video, per se. As @Danny said she was using it as comparison to how Ireland reacted in the same scenario - shut down their national Saints day!! While UK carried on holding events with 1000s of people. 

I still don't see where she says China are blameless here - in fact I don't recall her specficially mentioning China at all. So I'm now wondering where the agenda is?

Where/when did the WHO claim the virus wouldn't be a global problem? Genuinely missed that if that has happened

Who's blaming families going for walks? In UK that's just what has been advised so they're not going to be the direct spread are they if they're walking and being socially distant as advised? 

I don't get how countries not acting quick enough is a separate blame. There's culpability all over the place, literally. You're right in that China perhaps could have acted quicker and definitely should have listened to that whistleblower doctor who sadly lost his life shortly after. But then just because China acted slowly and lacked responsibility, doesn't absolve other countries in the aftermath of the spread. Nothing to do with being scared but sometimes each individual country has to take responsibility for their own actions as well.

Blame the government all you want, I don't disagree with that bit. But then to not blame people for having parties when it's explicitly been said not to do specifically that. In relation to the above paragraph, people have to be responsible as well. Just because some shit happened before (the bat-eaters in China) doesn't mean you can carry on doing what you want (the house parties in UK) because you think someone else is to blame. That's like saying someone caused a gas leak in your street but you're gonna carry on cooking on your stove because you're hungry. You have to use your common sense and think about the bigger picture. 

Also, while people having a party in whatever place may not be immediately the brightest idea, it's the knock-on effect of that. Say there's 20 people in that house. It only takes one person there to have the virus. They come in to contact with all 20 people. Boom. Virus is now having a field day. Those 20 people now go back home to their families, some elderly. Virus is thinking they've hit the fucking jackpot here. Knock off some elderly people, stick some other relatives in hospital and take up some beds and ICU rooms in a hospital. Now that one person originally at the party has caused that...

I'm not sure what else to say about it because you seem hell-bent on blaming China and only China. And therein lies the issue. I'm not saying they shouldn't have any blame. Far from it. But it's how other countries and perhaps governments/individuals within those countries that have reacted (poorly in some parts) who have also been a catalyst for the spread.

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28 minutes ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:



UK Government's fault apparently for thick fucking cunts (though grass fires is common there anyway). 

Is anyone saying it's the government's fault for this though xD ?

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25 minutes ago, Harry said:

There may be a few but surely this plays well with the overwhelming majority...? It was a marvelous speech. Very humble and grateful. A much needed shot in the arm for the spirits of many in the nation.


Of course he'll be humble and grateful. How can he not be? If anyone is upset that he 'didn't cop it' then they're just cunts really, as has been said before.  

While it's good to know he's recovered and now resting back at home, the reality for thousands of other people across the country is that there are still nearly 1000 people dying a day and case numbers continue to be shockingly high. Might be a shot in the arm for some but for others, the stark reality is that relatives/friends, even hospital workers are dying on the frontlines trying to combat the virus. 

There's nothing to criticise about that speech. 

But what can be criticised (and I think it is fair to do so) is the treatment of migrant workers (some in the NHS) that were somewhat targeted back in 2016 amidst the pre-Brexit debates. And now the tables have turned - immigrants working in the NHS were saving the life of the Prime Minister who wanted to restrict their movement a mere few years ago. Not to mention as well he is member of the party that voted against pay-rise to NHS workers as well...

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You can criticise and question your government's for their response without absolving the Chinese government for their role in how this has developed.

You can simultaneously be pleased that the prime minister has recovered from Covid-19 while still questioning his and his government's handling of the crisis.

Questioning the government on one issue doesn't make you a "left wing fanatic" any more than supporting the government on one issue makes you a "right wing nut job". 

Come on guys.

20 minutes ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

No doubt plenty of people will happily criticise this or be upset that he didn't cop it mind. 

Don't expect everyone who doesn't like Johnson or the Conservatives to suddenly "see the light" just because the bloke got sick and recovered. I've genuinely seen about 100 times more posts like this one here than people actually wishing him ill.

What I have seen is a lot of people pointing out quite rightly that Boris Johnson rode the Brexit bus to power, a campaign which was built heavily upon anti-immigrant sentiment, and that he was a part of the Conservative party that voted against giving nurses a pay rise just a few years ago and cheered in the House of Commons when the result was announced. Both of these things are factual and relevant today where the same Boris Johnson owes his life to two immigrants working for the NHS. Another thing I've seen is a lot of Johnson/Conservative sympathisers across the internet trying to conflate these points with wishing the prime minister ill to make those asking fair questions look like the bad guys.

14 minutes ago, Harry said:

There may be a few but surely this plays well with the overwhelming majority...? It was a marvelous speech. Very humble and grateful. A much needed shot in the arm for the spirits of many in the nation.


The bloke has literally had his life saved by people he arguably trod on on his way to being prime minister (see above). These are nice words, yes, but that's not enough to forget the fact that his ticket to power, Vote Leave, campaigned heavily on reducing immigration to this country as if it was a bad thing, he literally voted against those who have this week saved his life from getting a pay rise back in 2017 while his party cheered and sneered, and even in 2020, his government begins working to kick out "unskilled workers" that weren't born here. 10 years of contempt for public services and immigrants from the Conservative party and ironically he could have died without either a matter of days ago. It will take a bit more than a short speech thanking them for the slate to be wiped clean. They'd appreciate the appropriate protective equipment and effective testing to take place to ease the pressure on the NHS more than more empty words.

That said, the decimation of the NHS over the past decade doesn't fall as much at Johnson's feet or the current government. This is an issue that goes back to David Cameron's premiership. And it was a nice touch to mention the two nurses by name.

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1 minute ago, RandoEFC said:

You can criticise and question your government's for their response without absolving the Chinese government for their role in how this has developed.

You can simultaneously be pleased that the prime minister has recovered from Covid-19 while still questioning his and his government's handling of the crisis.

Questioning the government on one issue doesn't make you a "left wing fanatic" any more than supporting the government on one issue makes you a "right wing nut job". 

Looks like I also need to add to this:

You can simultaneously criticise the government for their slow response and also blame individuals breaking lockdown rules for their own decisions.


I know this country has been all about Remain vs Leave, In vs Out, Black vs White for the last 5 years but can we please try and stop trying to make everything an absolute black and white answer? I thought we were relatively safe from that on this forum.

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I hate the Independent most of the time, but this was worth posting - grim scenes from Ecuador.

3 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

I know this country has been all about Remain vs Leave, In vs Out, Black vs White for the last 5 years but can we please try and stop trying to make everything an absolute black and white answer? I thought we were relatively safe from that on this forum.

I blame politicians and the media for this, they've dumbed down political discourse into black & white, good v bad type bullshit. And the reality is there's a shitloads of grey area in life - but that's not as easily digestible or easy to sensationalise to make money, so society's kind of been conditioned to ignore grey areas.

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To show how much Welsh Labour care, here's a test centre (only opened last week) being closed for today. 


Our Health Minister also promised 5,000 tests by mid April, according to the article. We haven't even hit 1,000 once yet, but I'm sure they'll do what they do best and blame the UK government at some point. 

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15 hours ago, Inti Brian said:

Perú now has the most cases in Latinamerica besides Brazil.

The government is doing their best. No fault in them at all. Your average Peruvian civilian has not done their job though, population density also killed us here.

Yes but your testing rate (per capita) is 6 or 7 times higher than Brazil or Argentina.

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8 hours ago, Stan said:

Is it bad to think our government would show not even an ounce of honesty compared to Macron's statement there?

You know what it's like here mind. If any government in the UK admitted that, it'd be pounced on immediately by the opposition, regardless of who that is. 

Edited by Bluebird Hewitt
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8 hours ago, Stan said:

Is it bad to think our government would show not even an ounce of honesty compared to Macron's statement there?

Nearly 60% in France think Macron has handled the crisis badly. Don't assume his "honesty" now is anything but a political strategy.

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15 minutes ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

You know what it's like here mind. If any government in the UK admitted that, it'd be pounced on immediately by the opposition, regardless of who that is. 

Instead we get Dominic Raab telling us that their plan is working

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1 hour ago, LFCMike said:

Instead we get Dominic Raab telling us that their plan is working

Well, their initial plan was to let the virus flow through the population so it is working in their eyes...

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Worldwide updates:

- India extend lockdown til 3rd May. Shah Rukh Khan to donate 25,000 PPE kits in Western State of Maharashtra

- Pakistan borders to remain closed for 2 more weeks

- Austria re-opening some small shops. 3m social distancing still in place, masks mandatory

- 6-month old baby in hospital with COVID19 in UK :(

- Hokkaido, in Japan, now going through a second wave after lockdown restrictions were relaxed 

- Trump is still being an absolute nutjob 

- In Kenya, an MP & a magistrate were caught in bars drinking & flouting strict rules. As @Bluebird Hewitt would say, thick fucking cunts

- Portugal keeping border with Spain shut further until 15 May unless for goods/commuters.


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3 minutes ago, Stan said:

Worldwide updates:

- India extend lockdown til 3rd May. Shah Rukh Khan to donate 25,000 PPE kits in Western State of Maharashtra

- Pakistan borders to remain closed for 2 more weeks

- Austria re-opening some small shops. 3m social distancing still in place, masks mandatory

- 6-month old baby in hospital with COVID19 in UK :(

- Hokkaido, in Japan, now going through a second wave after lockdown restrictions were relaxed 

- Trump is still being an absolute nutjob 

- In Kenya, an MP & a magistrate were caught in bars drinking & flouting strict rules. As @Bluebird Hewitt would say, thick fucking cunts

- Portugal keeping border with Spain shut further until 15 May unless for goods/commuters.


All that whilst there's people near where I live saying they've been at home for 2 weeks now so it's okay to ignore the restrictions... 

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