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Having an internal crisis right now. The cards looking up that I will be moving to Chicagoland in a few months just as I've become accustomed to the South and Atlanta's suburbs. I long for a house with a yard so I can BBQ, I prefer the heat and I don't know if I want this.


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41 minutes ago, Spike said:

Having an internal crisis right now. The cards looking up that I will be moving to Chicagoland in a few months just as I've become accustomed to the South and Atlanta's suburbs. I long for a house with a yard so I can BBQ, I prefer the heat and I don't know if I want this.


I'd be more likely to visit you near Chicago. If that helps.

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10 hours ago, Spike said:

Having an internal crisis right now. The cards looking up that I will be moving to Chicagoland in a few months just as I've become accustomed to the South and Atlanta's suburbs. I long for a house with a yard so I can BBQ, I prefer the heat and I don't know if I want this.


Personally I would avoid the big city given the option.

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So I finished finals in college and I failed 2 courses. 1 I take full blame for being a lazy fuck, the other course I worked really hard and in the final exam we had to do it with our groups. My group decided to not use the WhatsApp chat and just message each other individually. They did the final PowerPoint without me (I didn't have a clue that they were doing it) and they then blamed me for not doing anything and despite explaining to the teacher, I flunked the course. I try to forget it but I am understandably pissed and wish the worst upon everyone involved in that.

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It's bullshit to assess someone's individual grade based on a group assignment or project. It's better when each person's contribution is measurable somehow but it shouldn't contribute to an individual's final grade. There's a reason you don't sit exams in groups of four when you finish school. 

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1 minute ago, RandoEFC said:

It's bullshit to assess someone's individual grade based on a group assignment or project. It's better when each person's contribution is measurable somehow but it shouldn't contribute to an individual's final grade. There's a reason you don't sit exams in groups of four when you finish school. 

They flunked me for my individual grade, which is why I'm so pissed as I worked hard the entire semester and got fucked because my group didn't want me to help with the PowerPoint and then accused me of doing nothing.

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hated group presentations at uni and don't enjoy public speaking/presentations as it is. sucks when you put in a lot or all of the effort and the rest can't be arsed. 

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12 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

It's bullshit to assess someone's individual grade based on a group assignment or project. It's better when each person's contribution is measurable somehow but it shouldn't contribute to an individual's final grade. There's a reason you don't sit exams in groups of four when you finish school. 

GCSE Drama all over again. Music was the same which is why I didn't take it.

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48 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

I enjoyed Drama at school but didn't take it as an option as I didn't want to be an actor. Music was just one big mess around for me though, I love listening to music but had very little interest in learning the keyboard or any other budget instrument that the teacher would whip out so we just went into class with the attitude that it was an hour long social gathering. 

I can remember for our final exam on year we had to write our own pop song and I just twatted a tambourine for three minutes xD.

I am very poor at The Arts and Music, I ended up playing the triangle to a Japanese version of Country Road back in March at my student's graduation party. I had no idea what I was doing. Was brilliant. And recorded.

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55 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

I enjoyed Drama at school but didn't take it as an option as I didn't want to be an actor. Music was just one big mess around for me though, I love listening to music but had very little interest in learning the keyboard or any other budget instrument that the teacher would whip out so we just went into class with the attitude that it was an hour long social gathering. 

I can remember for our final exam on year we had to write our own pop song and I just twatted a tambourine for three minutes xD.

5 minutes ago, Anton said:

I am very poor at The Arts and Music, I ended up playing the triangle to a Japanese version of Country Road back in March at my student's graduation party. I had no idea what I was doing. Was brilliant. And recorded.


The tambourine and the triangle. xD

If I ever need one of you I'll pay you well for your skills.

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20 hours ago, Cannabis said:

I enjoyed Drama at school but didn't take it as an option as I didn't want to be an actor. Music was just one big mess around for me though, I love listening to music but had very little interest in learning the keyboard or any other budget instrument that the teacher would whip out so we just went into class with the attitude that it was an hour long social gathering. 

I can remember for our final exam on year we had to write our own pop song and I just twatted a tambourine for three minutes xD.

Our music teacher had a glass eye, so he'd be shouting at one person, but looking at you..



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8 minutes ago, The Rebel CRS said:



Our music teacher had a glass eye, so he'd be shouting at one person, but looking at you..



That's amazing. The day's only just begun and I've already laughed at three things. xD

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My God... it's happened.

Doctor Who played a huge role in my growing up and I hold it dear. The Doctor was always relatable to me, a confused and lonely boy pushed away and cast out by normal society. Anyone who follows the show will be aware that the showrunner has been introducing new mechanics to the show's structure to please its fans - when I say fans I speak of people who will only accept change. The new Doctor was revealed nearly half an hour ago and it's a female. I'm devasted. Absolutely devastated.

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17 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

I don't watch Doctor Who but the fact they've made him a women is complete bollocks and everything that's wrong with society. Idris Elba being the next James Bond (if it happens) is just as bad. 

It's complete bollocks.

I can't explain my anger right now. I never thought I'd do this but I'm going to stop watching. Although on the forums people are calling those who are sceptical or dismissive of this female Doctor 'bigots', sexists, mysoginists and whatever other choice words you can think of... it's fan service for that sort of person. Doctor Who had a long hiatus at the end of the eighties because it had slipped down the pan despite improving slightly towards the end. I reckon this could kill it again.

To add salt into the wounds the last girl I was interested in was called Jodie and now with all of this I can't get away. I tried to forget but now it's all coming back. Cue the violins, I know, but it really is a kick in my balls.

To top it off some random dickhead has just referred to me as a 'r*pist woman-slinger'. Disgusting how this sort of thing riffles the thick people.

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2 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

Even though Peter Capaldi is a good actor I don't think he was a good choice for the role and didn't spark any interest in me watching the show. I think that the series really spiked again when David Tennant took over the reigns and since then has slowly slipped downwards, taking on a woman in the role is just borderline retarded but will no doubt please the PC snowflakes no end.

I agree. I recently re-watched from Ecclestone and all the way through Tennant. As soon as I moved onto Matt Smith I noticed an immediate decline in the quality of the stories and characters alike. Capaldi... He's been in the show for three series and aside from the occasional good spell he hasn't developed at all and to top it off Chris Chinballs as I call him has gone totally against the groove and cast a woman for, as you so perfectly put it, 'PC snowflakes'. I appreciate that the show is based around change but what it's been turned into is an anything-can-happen cliché where literally anything to please the loud-mouths/arselickers/overly-opinionated/condescending-to-those-who-disagree-with-them. I know I've said it before but this has genuinely pissed me off. Worst nightmare would be if everyone suddenly starts watching Who again.

I can't even bring myself to watch anything right now. Game of Thrones tomorrow? Not a chance. I've lost interest in everything on the tele right now. Looks like music is my only true retreat from now on.

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