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9 minutes ago, Fairy In Boots said:

It's alright I'll change my Facebook profile picture to incorporate a Russian flag later on tonight. Perhaps we could light up Big Ben to, problem solved

Useless mate, none of that works unless we get #PrayForStPetersburg trending.

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6 minutes ago, Fairy In Boots said:

Just to clarify I meant shutting the live stream facility down not Facebook 

That's a very difficult decision to make and as has been stated above you can't just shut down an entire portion of the service due to abuse by a few. The problem with anything 'live' is that it has to be shutdown at the point it gets started or immediately after and then set further actions in motion to never let it happen again. This is where Facebook as an entity failed and they have a lot of lessons to learn from their other digital cousin (Twitter) who always seem to be getting into this kind of shit time and time again.

I wouldn't be surprised if they did do something (not shut it down completely) to sort this mess out but I doubt this is the last we're going to see this kind of stupidity repeated again. You take a cheap mobile streaming device, couple it with a free publication service and put absolutely no safe-guards in place (how can you with 1.86Billion users) what did anyone think was going to happen?

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German soldier posing as a Syrian refugee arrested for planning 'false flag' terror attack

Investigators say lieutenant stashed gun at Vienna airport to be used in 'act of state-threatening violence'

A German soldier found posing as a Syrian refugee has been arrested for allegedly planning a “false flag” shooting attack that would be blamed on asylum seekers.

The unidentified soldier was detained when he went to retrieve a loaded pistol he had hidden in a bathroom at Vienna International Airport.

The public prosecutor’s office in Frankfurt said the 28-year-old is suspected of planning a serious “state-threatening act of violence”, fraud and violating firearms laws.

More than 90 German police officers have worked alongside Austrian and French security forces to search 16 locations across three countries on Wednesday, when a suspected accomplice was arrested in Bavaria.
Investigations have revealed that the Bundeswehr lieutenant was stationed at Illkirch-Graffenstaden in France before registering as a refugee back in Germany.

He gave false information to authorities in Giessen, Hesse, on 30 December 2015 – as Germany was overwhelmed by the arrival of almost a million asylum seekers.
Posing as a Syrian refugee but reportedly speaking in French, rather than Arabic, the man submitted an asylum application at Zirndorf in Bavaria in January last year.

“As a result, he was given shelter in a refugee home and has received monthly financial benefits under this false identity,” the Frankfurt prosecutor’s office said.

“These findings, as well as other evidence, point towards a xenophobic motive for the soldier’s suspected plan to commit an attack using a weapon deposited at Vienna airport.”

If his plan had succeeded, his fingerprints would have registered on the refugee records system and led investigators to his false identity as a Syrian asylum seeker, turning fresh scrutiny on migrants in Germany.
Isis has previously used a similar ploy, giving its militants fake Syrian passports that were found at the scene of the Paris attacks.

The man’s suspected accomplice, a 24-year-old student, was arrested in Hammelburg for alleged involvement in the plot. 

Police have searched the homes of the two suspects as well as their friends and workplaces, with detectives seizing “extensive material” including mobile phones, laptops and documents.

Prosecutors said the soldier had no permission for the 7.65mm pistol stashed in Vienna, while illegal weapons were also found at his accomplice’s house. 

Both men remain in custody in Frankfurt as the probe continues.

The soldier was arrested days after prosecutors revealed that the man who orchestrated the Dortmund bus bombings had attempted to frame Isis to make money on shares.
Sergej W, a dual German-Russian national, detonated three bombs targeting a bus carrying the Borussia Dortmund football team, seriously injuring one player on 11 April.

He left misspelled letters at the scene claiming the attack was retaliation for German military intervention against Isis, but investigations found he was not an Islamist but a trader planning to profit from short-selling shares.

A series of Isis-inspired terror attacks and plots in Germany have raised tensions leading into September’s federal elections, where Angela Merkel is battling to win a fourth term as Chancellor.

Right-wing groups have blamed her decision to open borders to refugees in 2015, while extremists have launched hundreds of attacks on asylum seekers’ accommodation.

At least two neo-Nazi terror plots have been uncovered, while security services have cracked down on the anti-government Reichsbürger movement after one of its members killed a police officer.

Division over asylum, immigration and security has driven clashes at protests and political rallies, driving a record year for politically-motivated crime in Germany.



Well, I've heard it all now. How easy is it, to get a refugee status? Fucking hell. 

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Fucking hell is right. The guy while insane, has brought to light how horribly inept the German authorities are concerning refugees. The insanity of the times we are living in are bringing the worst in people/

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It's of course a good thing that they caught this psycho. Can't get my head round how this idiot thought "refugees are bad and will ruin the country so I should kill innocent people" made sense but then again the extreme right aren't known for making sense.

Didn't know a police officer was killed, obviously the killer wasn't the right type of killer to make international news...

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Yale graduates are on 'hunger strike' where they can eat when they get hungry, the NUS president was celebrated with 'jazz hands' as 'clapping may cause anxiety' (isn't this prejudiced towards blind people? Bigots) and some smelly toerag reported Katie Hopkins to the Met on Twitter for an inoffensive tweet because he's a complete retard - and they actually responded asking for more information.

Welcome to the nuthouse'

Oh, and paedophile Joe Biden has said that having sex with drunk women is 'rape'. Maybe that's why he likes them pre-pubescent

Edited by Salford Kel
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ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligent Service) have apologised after attacking the Israeli Defence Force. Isn't that strange? A supposedly militant, savage, Jew hating band of 'terrorists' have apologised for attacking their supposed enemy.

It's nearly as strange as the fact that they kill thousands of Muslims, Christians, atheists etc yet they never kill any Jews. Or the fact that they destroy oilfields owned by Muslims yet they never destroy the Israeli pipeline that runs right through Iraq where they are.

It gets stranger because these politically correct terrorists are so concerned for our children and pensioners and those of nervous dispositions that they cut off their 'beheading videos' before anyone actually gets beheaded (the footage is the only thing that ever gets cut off). They're also so nice that they use lots of special effects and music on their not fake at all videos that aren't recorded in a studio in front of a green screen for our entertainment because that's just what a bunch of militant jihadists would do isn't it?

It's also a coincidence that their leader is a dead ringer for a Mossad agent with links to John McCain who has been photographed with them even though they hate the west.

It's also strange that they can supposedly send all these terrorists all over the world to commit all these not at all false flag or hoax operations yet they can't send anyone up the road to Israel to off some Jews who they supposedly hate.

It's stranger still that they seem to be operating and carrying out attacks in countries that comprise the Rothschild Greater Israel project.

What on Earth could be going on? :coffee:

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5 hours ago, Salford Kel said:


ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligent Service) have apologised after attacking the Israeli Defence Force. Isn't that strange? A supposedly militant, savage, Jew hating band of 'terrorists' have apologised for attacking their supposed enemy.

It's nearly as strange as the fact that they kill thousands of Muslims, Christians, atheists etc yet they never kill any Jews. Or the fact that they destroy oilfields owned by Muslims yet they never destroy the Israeli pipeline that runs right through Iraq where they are.

It gets stranger because these politically correct terrorists are so concerned for our children and pensioners and those of nervous dispositions that they cut off their 'beheading videos' before anyone actually gets beheaded (the footage is the only thing that ever gets cut off). They're also so nice that they use lots of special effects and music on their not fake at all videos that aren't recorded in a studio in front of a green screen for our entertainment because that's just what a bunch of militant jihadists would do isn't it?

It's also a coincidence that their leader is a dead ringer for a Mossad agent with links to John McCain who has been photographed with them even though they hate the west.

It's also strange that they can supposedly send all these terrorists all over the world to commit all these not at all false flag or hoax operations yet they can't send anyone up the road to Israel to off some Jews who they supposedly hate.

It's stranger still that they seem to be operating and carrying out attacks in countries that comprise the Rothschild Greater Israel project.

What on Earth could be going on? :coffee:

Lol yeah I'd have filed this one under minor news to 

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11 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

He won't be missed.

The disgusting thing is that now he's gone there's no chance for the family of Keith Bennett to know where they buried his body. Brady had been asking to die for nearly two decades but they insisted on keeping him alive spending thousands and thousands to do so, no doubt from taxpayers' pockets.

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