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Teams you hate (which aren't your rivals)

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As the title suggests, what are the teams that you hate but strictly speaking shouldn't as their not your rivals?

West Ham inspired me to create this, I'd literally set off fireworks in my house if they went bust tomorrow which is amazing considering they're from the other end of the country. 

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Seeing as I have more than just sympathetic support for Barça as everyone here knows, I can't leave Real Madrid out.  I have to mention them because they're everything I dislike for more than just a football rivalry.

Being an Arsenal fan the expectancy would be to hate Spurs but I don't and never have done.  That's reduced to just bitter rivalry.

As for clubs not associated with with Arsenal or Barcelona, well I hate Juventus even though I do respect them. I hate them in part for reasons similar to those I hate Real Madrid although it isn't as pronounced as what the team from the Spanish capital are all about, although along those lines.  I also hate Paris Saint-Germain for the reasons many dislike them for.  They're not real for me...  They're a fabricated imposter in football and everything it's about for me.

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Borussia Dortmund. Hipster fanny bait, and a team that are ultimately a pack of cunts who ran off to chase more money, couldn't handle the heat and came back, tails between their legs

Liverpool. Steven Gerrard, Luis Suarez, 'we're gonna win the league'. Woy, the return of king Kenny, and a wold famous stadium that you could hear a pin drop in.

Augsburg. No prescribed reason, just small time cunts with a shit squad who have a knack for beating Bremen

Inter Milan. Cunt owner after cunt owner, a hilariously shortsighted business plan that has left them a wreck

Barcelona. Operation free Fabregas, Sergio Busquets, that little cunt Messi, Suarez and the overall cringe involved.

Real Madrid. Pepe and a small time attitude.


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Barcelona, I think they are one of the fakest clubs around. They try to make out they are this amazing respectful club but they are full of cunts. They are just as bad as Real Madrid in my opinion.

In England I really dislike Sunderland, they are just a shite team who add nothing to the league and have stuck around far too long. So happy they are finally flushing. Stoke are massive bellend as well, they boo Ramsey for getting his leg broken by one of their players, grade A cunts.

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Think there'll be sting between Leicester and Tottenham for a little while yet. Still see plenty of their fans gobbing off about us on social media (although ours are as bad, if not worse).

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I wouldn't say there's any I hate. I don't like how Spanish Football is corrupt to favour Barcelona and Real Madrid. I don't like how Bayern Munich, Juventus and Celtic are in a position of financial clout to sign any rival players to kill competition in there domestics. But I wouldn't say I hate any of them.

Closer to him in the Premier League I dislike how Bournemouth paint themselves as a fairytale club when in actual fact they bought all there success and they're bloody lucky they got promoted when they did to avoid going bust.

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Yeah Bournemouth's fairytale is a little bit overplayed. They've obviously done well but they've not been without backing. Still maintain the most impressive promotion I can remember was Blackpool in 2010. That squad shouldn't have come close.

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10 hours ago, Tanksie said:

Borussia Dortmund. Hipster fanny bait, and a team that are ultimately a pack of cunts who ran off to chase more money, couldn't handle the heat and came back, tails between their legs

Liverpool. Steven Gerrard, Luis Suarez, 'we're gonna win the league'. Woy, the return of king Kenny, and a wold famous stadium that you could hear a pin drop in.

Augsburg. No prescribed reason, just small time cunts with a shit squad who have a knack for beating Bremen

Inter Milan. Cunt owner after cunt owner, a hilariously shortsighted business plan that has left them a wreck

Barcelona. Operation free Fabregas, Sergio Busquets, that little cunt Messi, Suarez and the overall cringe involved.

Real Madrid. Pepe and a small time attitude.


-1, because you forgot to hate on Watzke. It'll become a +1 once you apologize and correct your error.

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2 minutes ago, Tanksie said:

And I hate Dortmund because their small time fucking sporting director Hans Watzke thought he was football royalty for a few seasons after they became successful. All he ever did was sign worse players and laugh at Bayern Munich. How is that going for you Hans you cunt?

You might be the most seriously hateful, vindictive, poster on TF365. 

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My list is fairly large, but I've added a new one this year.

Sheffield United fans have become a right set of knobs this season, pathetically, starting from when Gary Madine got pissed and was recorded slagging off Lord Billy Sharp. Now they're going up as League One champions and have a gigantic collective hard-on for it, gloating like they haven't been rotting down here for six years. I'll be chuffed to see them fail next year.

Disappointing really, I've always liked the club.

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Sheffield Wednesday fans are far more obnoxious than United I feel these days, and I used to feel it was the total opposite way around.

My disliking of Manchester United has grown this season. I used to have a lot of respect for them, but I just don't feel it anymore. Everything I found respectable about them has been moved on from.

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4 hours ago, Dan said:

Sheffield Wednesday fans are far more obnoxious than United I feel these days, and I used to feel it was the total opposite way around.

My disliking of Manchester United has grown this season. I used to have a lot of respect for them, but I just don't feel it anymore. Everything I found respectable about them has been moved on from.


What was ever respectable about them? The Man U I grew up with were a rarely attractive side who had a knack for winning 1-0 and a horrid cunt of a manager.

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6 hours ago, Dan said:

Sheffield Wednesday fans are far more obnoxious than United I feel these days, and I used to feel it was the total opposite way around.

My disliking of Manchester United has grown this season. I used to have a lot of respect for them, but I just don't feel it anymore. Everything I found respectable about them has been moved on from.

My Utd hate has appeared to come back as well. I was tolerant of them until Mourinho returned and some of their players just annoy the fuck out of me. Pogba, Lingard especially for their celebrations. Weird thing to be pissed off about, but it does xD 

And not to seem like I'm joining the bandwagon, but Sunderland as well. Much like Villa flirted with relegation for a few seasons before eventually dropping, Sunderland have never really amounted to anything since being back in the Premier League. They only look forward to one opponent in the season (Newcastle), so when they're not in the division, they're just pointless. 

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