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Question a Member: Viva La FCB

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Explain the username? Any French connections?

Thoughts on fc Barcelona?

How old?

Marital status.

What do you do for work?

Where do you live?

Best game of football you've ever seen live?

Favourite music artists?

Sections of the forum you post the most in?


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Harry more or less asked all the questions I would have asked but I might as well add...

1. Other than Bayern Munich, what other team do you like?

2. Why did you choose Keano Reeves as your avatar photo insert?

3. Besides football what other sports do you like?

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3 hours ago, Harry said:

Explain the username? Any French connections?

No comprende, I honestly don't Remember, I took Spanish in high school, no French.

Thoughts on fc Barcelona?

Don't care much, Xavi, Iniesta/pep's Barca was a joy to watch though.

How old?


Marital status.

Been dating my better half for 5 years in September.

What do you do for work?

Heavy duty partsman, work in a shop specializing in drivetrain repairs on mainly 5ton+ trucks. Before that I did automotive parts for about 6 years. I challenged my red seal certificate 7 years ago and nailed it.

Where do you live?

Currently a suburb of Vancouver Bc

Best game of football you've ever seen live?

Probably confed cup, Bolivia vs Argentina.

Favourite music artists?

Of monsters and Men, Mumford and sons, Red Hot chili peppers.

Sections of the forum you post the most in?

Film and TV and Bundesliga probably



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1 hour ago, CaaC (John) said:

Harry more or less asked all the questions I would have asked but I might as well add...

1. Other than Bayern Munich, what other team do you like?

always had a soft spot for Juventus, in their hayday Del Piero was my favourite player to watch for quite sometime, they had a stacked team.

2. Why did you choose Keano Reeves as your avatar photo insert?

The matrix is one of my all time favourite movies. I loved Point Break and John Wick (all 3) of course too. Big Keanu fan by all accounts he's a great guy too. Previously I had Tom Hardy from Peaky Blinders.

3. Besides football what other sports do you like?

definitely hockey is my number 2 I still play beer league and go to a couple Canuckss games a year and still follow the NHL. I don't really have time for alot else but I like baseball too, usually watch the playoffs


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How did you get into German football and Bayern?

Favourite fiction and non-fiction book?

Any interest in motorsports? 

What car do you drive?

If you found a time machine where would you go and then?

Best Canadian dish?

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8 hours ago, Harry said:

We're you born in Canada?

yep, born and raised

Have long have you lived in or around Vancouver?

all my life

Is your business affected by Trump's stance on nafta?

we do buy alot from the states as all of the major manufacturers are based from there. I know the prices fluctuate alot based on the USD but nafta specifically I'm not sure how much of an affect there is/was.


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4 hours ago, nudge said:

How did you get into German football and Bayern?

my dad was born in Germany he moved here in his teens. I started watching when he was when I was young, even though he's from Berlin he always liked watching Bayern because of the amount of international players they always had. Funny enough this year he's been in love with the union Berlin story and wanted to buy a kit. But anyways that started my watching and I was hooked on Bayern from there.

Favourite fiction and non-fiction book? Non fiction I really loved the Hobbit. Fiction I don't read or never really did alot of but I did read a football one called "the fix" about match fixing and corruption in the game that I really enjoyed.

Any interest in motorsports? 

sadly not, sorry :D

What car do you drive?

Currently a 2013 Toyota Camry. My baby a 2006 Chrysler 300C died last year, I had it all done out but I got old and got a reliable grandpa sedan this time around

If you found a time machine where would you go and then?

probably Roman times, I loved learning about that part of history. Also the HBO show is great, gladiator is great and one of my other favourite non fiction series was about Rome by David Gemmel.



Best Canadian dish?

Tough call, poutine fucking rocks though.


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How would you rate Pizarro's time at Bayern?

Did you end up going to one of the Canadian territories like you told me?

Alphonso Davies or Jonathan David?

What are your honest opinions on the Peruvian National team?

BC or Ontario and why is BC better?

Worst accent in Canada?

What do you think of the CanPL?

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1) Favourite LFC player - past and present.

2) Favourite Canadian movies

3) Favourite Sci-Fi series(besides Firefly) and movies. 

4) Is there a reason why so many Canadian comedians make it big in Hollywood as actors? 

5) Do you people really say 'Eh' a lot, or is it just lazy stereotyping by American TV and movies?

6) Yours is a beautiful country, so what are some of your favourite holiday spots within Canada? 

7) Have you ever been to a Stanley Cup game?

8) Did you ever have a crush on Elisha Cuthbert, and is she big in Canada? 

9) Canada has a sizeable Sikh population (it's a favourite destination for a lot of Punjabis from here), so have you got into Punjabi music? 

10) I know it gets quite cold there in the winter. What's the coldest temperature you have ever been in?

11) Ever seen the majestic bastards that are moose in person? If yes, did you shit your pants?

12) Kahn in his prime or Neuer, the better keeper.

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21 hours ago, Grizzly21 said:

How would you rate Pizarro's time at Bayern?

club legend

Did you end up going to one of the Canadian territories like you told me?

not yet, still on my list. No extra funds to travel or save until I sell my condo which has proven harder then I thought. Haven't traveled really since almost two years ago

Alphonso Davies or Jonathan David?

I haven't seen David play much just heard so id have to say Davies, it's really cool to have him end up Bayern where I can watch his development.

What are your honest opinions on the Peruvian National team?

Proved alot of doubters including myself wrong last go around. Not only that an exciting team to watch as it turned out.

BC or Ontario and why is BC better?

I haven't been to Ontario as flights are as much as almost Mexico half the time but I hate that its the centre of the sporting universe in Canada. I also can't stand the Leafs. Clearly BC is best, the people, the food, the outdoors and our sports teams..

Worst accent in Canada?

hands down French Canadian

What do you think of the CanPL?

I hope it sticks around, the idea is good. The more canadian pro teams the better for the country and national program, we need to do alot better there.


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Best holiday you've been on?

Most exciting game of football you've watched live?

If you created a football club, what name would you give it and what would the stadium name be?

Would you let Tom Hardy shag your partner?

What's the best birthday present you've ever received?

Have you ever been to the UK?

Snog, Marry & Avoid 3 of the following members - @nudge, @SirBalon and @RandoEFC

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On 01/09/2019 at 13:07, IgnisExcubitor said:

1) Favourite LFC player - past and present.

Past Gerrard, present probably VanDijk although after that article from TAA hes got a new fan here.

2) Favourite Canadian movies

I honestly cant think of any Canadian movies off the top of my head

3) Favourite Sci-Fi series(besides Firefly) and movies. 

Series probably Futurama, Movies The Matrix, Inception and Predestination in no particular order.

4) Is there a reason why so many Canadian comedians make it big in Hollywood as actors? 

Because we are funny as fuck and rather handsome :35_thinking:

5) Do you people really say 'Eh' a lot, or is it just lazy stereotyping by American TV and movies?

Yes and yes, I do find myself using it sometimes just naturally but no we dont use it as much as the movies lol

6) Yours is a beautiful country, so what are some of your favourite holiday spots within Canada? 

Honeslty the interior of BC is absolutely gorgeous. Osoyoos/Oliver area and Kelowna are my favourites. Great weather, whine and beaches.

7) Have you ever been to a Stanley Cup game?

The finals where far too expensive both times The Canucks made it but I have gone to more then one Playoff game, most notably in 2011 the overtime game 7 against Chicago, the same year we went on to lose in 7 to Boston in the finals. But that game was legendary, I actually have a coffee table motif of the winning goal Burrows scored in OT.

8) Did you ever have a crush on Elisha Cuthbert, and is she big in Canada? 

Fuck yes. She started out as an innocent host in a show I watched as a kid and turned into the knockout legend that she still is.

9) Canada has a sizeable Sikh population (it's a favourite destination for a lot of Punjabis from here), so have you got into Punjabi music? 

Cant say that I have but yes big populations in some cities around me.

10) I know it gets quite cold there in the winter. What's the coldest temperature you have ever been in?

Vancouver area doesnt really drop below 0 much, coldest probably around minus 20 celcius for me.

11) Ever seen the majestic bastards that are moose in person? If yes, did you shit your pants?

I have but just driving by, they are fucking massive. Ive also eating moose jerkey....its very tasty.

12) Kahn in his prime or Neuer, the better keeper.

That is a tough call, Id probably have to side with Kahn from personal bias but Neuer added something completely different to the position so I could almost flip a coin.


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9 hours ago, Stan said:

Best holiday you've been on?

About 11 years ago now? I went to Bali, Singapore and Japan for about a month and half ish total. Sort of the trip that first opened my eyes to traveling as well.

Most exciting game of football you've watched live?

Probably Bolivia Argentina in the Confed cup, wasnt a particularly close game but it was awesome to see.

If you created a football club, what name would you give it and what would the stadium name be?

The Anal Avengers. Butthole surfers stadium.

Would you let Tom Hardy shag your partner?

Absolutely but only If I can watch

What's the best birthday present you've ever received?

Probably a skeleton style watch as in its glass on both sides and you cna see all the interior parts that move. Its also automatic. Cool and stylish If i do say so myself.

Have you ever been to the UK?

Its on my list and actually more doable now that youre dollar is much less :D

Snog, Marry & Avoid 3 of the following members - @nudge, @SirBalon and @RandoEFC

Asking the hard ones. Definitely Marry @nudge. I could see myself cuddling up with @RandoEFC and sorry @SirBalon that leaves me avoiding you but only because the mean old stan made me.


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On 02/09/2019 at 08:18, Pyfish said:

If you could broadcast an anonymous message to every mobile phone in the world, what would it say?

Delete social media and start again humanity before its too late.

On 02/09/2019 at 08:34, Grizzly21 said:

@Viva la FCB good answers, but I don't agree that French Canadian accents are worse than Newfoundlands xD

Cheers, I actually love the Newfie accent, there completely unique. I just find french Canadians in general to be snotty and pretentious.

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  • If you didn't support the Canucks who would you support?
  • What's your favorite Winter Olympics game besides Hockey?
  • Do you think Bayern have what it takes to win the Champions League this year?
  • What's the one thing you'd miss about Canada if you had to move somewhere else?
  • Could you help me understand why your Last Man Standing picks always end in mass genocide this season?
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6 hours ago, DeadLinesman said:

Do you think bald men ‘do it better’?

After running my fingers through my full head of hair I forgot what your question was again?


6 hours ago, Bluewolf said:

Am I reading that wrong or do Hobbits actually exist in Canada??? 

I may or may not have mixed those up. But can confirm Ive seen Hobbits here.

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