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17 minutes ago, Tommy said:


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Well, fuck it. As dumb as the show now might be, I'm rooting for Sansa! She has learned a lot from Littlefinger, and it really shows, IMO.


That was one of the few takeaways imo, other then Varys reappearing after what feels like forever. First thing Sansa does after finding out the secret about Jon is to tell the one person that she must absolutely know wont keep that a secret to and set things in motion. Very Little finger esq, I do likey.  

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2 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

Lol what

The show is into the fan service of delivering beautiful love making. She'll probably hook up with Podrick in the final episode in a scene that comes across as extremely out of place. Or maybe the hound... which they were weirdly hinting at.

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28 minutes ago, 6666 said:


The show is into the fan service of delivering beautiful love making. She'll probably hook up with Podrick in the final episode in a scene that comes across as extremely out of place. Or maybe the hound... which they were weirdly hinting at.

Probably would have featured more Tormund plowing Brianne action if that was the case

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7 hours ago, 6666 said:


The show is into the fan service of delivering beautiful love making. She'll probably hook up with Podrick in the final episode in a scene that comes across as extremely out of place. Or maybe the hound... which they were weirdly hinting at.

Right? Remember all the titties, sex and gore from the first seasons? Where is all that gone? Not that I need that, but it was just part of Game of Thrones. The show has become very un-Game of Trone-ish. 

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11 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

Lol what


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My theory is Dany is going to be revealed to be what Varys, Tyrion, Sansa all fear - a tyrant mad for the Iron Throne who'll do whatever it takes to win the throne. I think the next episode will feature Jon & Dany squaring off, with ultimately Jon prevailing. I don't think there will be a big battle between Cersei's forces and Jon's... I think ultimately to reunite the realm Jon, the rightful king, will end up marrying Cersei. I think there'll be a bunch of shite in between Jon and Cersei marrying that leads us to that destination... but I think ultimately that's what will happen. This ties in with the clues we've been given from the writers before the season started, where they said "the show has a bittersweet ending" and the actors saying "fans will either love the ending, or hate the ending."


I have two theories on how it could end with Dany and jon

1. Jon kills Dany and installs a government rather than continuing monarchies. Maybe Sansa in charge.

2. Jon is on this path and learns Dany is pregnant. Although he felt opposed to marrying his aunt he's even more opposed to making his son a bastard so he marries Dany and takes his kingship.

I personally don't buy Dany becoming aries mk 2. It was inconsistent with her character from season 1 to 6 and only really started with her torching Randall Tarly. It's clearly the path they're on but I don't like the writing. It also would have been avoided if Sansa used her prodigious wisdom to help her cause rather than conflict from day 1 at Winterfell.

Other theories

1. Arya will kill Jamie and execute Cersei wearing his face.

2. The golden company will make a play for the throne. This lacks the right amount of foreshadowing but based on who they are and what they're about in the books is absolutely possible.

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17 hours ago, Eco said:


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So Cerci wins? Or maybe Greyjoys? xD

I will watch, mainly because I have so much time invested. But the scene in which Greyjoys shoots those arrows, shows that they have a massive range, yet in the scene where Dany is at Cerci's gate, it looks like a few hundred feet of separation, which should be plenty of distance, but she doesn't fire on them which would have essentially ended the war? 

And besides, when Dany is flying right at Greyjoy's ships after seeing her second dragon die, how is it that they were so deadly accurate with just a few spears on the first dragon, but when Dany FLIES RIGHT AT THEM, 30+ boats can hit a damn thing? I swear that was storm trooper accuracy right there. 

Again, I'll watch, but for such a great show, these finals episodes better step it up if it wants to be considered one of the greats. 



with the confrontation with Cersei and Dany the angle looked like they were close to the castle but I think that was just to get everyone in shot when in reality they would obviously position themselves to be out of range of those.

Still though it was totally illogical for Cersei to kill missandei but not Tyrion given she's sent Bron to kill him and he's even more important to her. That would have been a true to form GOT moment. Tyrion walks into the lions den like he did in s7 but this time an unexpected response which would have been a true signal of where things are at now.

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Ok now my thoughts on the episode...


Really enjoyed it. Greatly exceeded my expectations where I thought I would struggle to give a shit about the iron throne now the NK is dead. I hooked back in easily.

I really enjoyed the Jamie and Brienne arc including how it ended. Loved that Jon came clean to his family without actually breaking Danys wishes that he wouldn't tell... Bran did. Loved that Sansa put that piece of information in play almost immediately but she did it for the right reasons. I think we're seeing that sansa is maybe the number 1 player right now and she hasn't made a bad move in ages.

I loved the Tyrion and Varys Kingmaking conversations like the times of old and how hollow Tyrions defence of Dany is starting to sound.

Sansas scene with the hound was great and most of the Winterfell scenes were really good.

All the dialogue was on point in this episode. Only the action was a letdown.

I'm still surprised Dany sees Jon as a threat. She loves him. If she married him they'd be King and Queen. Why would she not think the legitimacy of their Empire will be strengthened by a United front of targaryens... ? They could almost win the war without a battle.

I was disappointed that Danys ships were taken unaware by Euron a third time after the Dornish fleet takedown and the burnings of ships at Casterly Rock in season 7. Surely Tyrion would be wise to this. And given they had a giant crossbow when she attacked Jamie last season were they not expecting to find many more of these weapons in service...? Nobody has learned anything. With Cersei bringing in the golden company the show could have easily established her sides advantage prior to this conflict in a more plausible way that doesn't require everyone we know and love being complete fools.

There will be a big battle next week as evidenced with Miguel sapotchnik being the director. I think Jon and Dany will be on the same side for one more episode before they really need to sort out what to do long term.

I also think we should be ready for a bloodbath next week. I think many of those they needed to keep alive in episode 3 will die here and this battle will leave everyone crawling across the finish line. I'd almost bet my house that one of Jon or Arya will die. Cleganebowl could well initiate with Gregor first killing arya.

I think this conflict will be be won by a sneak move or a political move though by Tyrion and Varys rather than on the battlefield. I think they may get the golden company to turn on Cersei, or Euron will turn on her because it twigged with him last episode that there's no possible way Tyrion could know Cersei was pregnant unless the baby predated him.

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Some thoughts..



I have to agree with those who say that this season seems to be rushed. I'm still enjoying it but I think it's more because I (like many) have been emotionally invested in these characters for ages now and seeing it all come to an end brings about emotions in itself.

Some random thoughts, some have already been mentioned:

Episode 3 was very gripping and very well done for the most part but for me, certain key scenes were poor and not done to the level this show has been capable of in the past. I didn't like how the scenes kept cutting from the main characters, where they all had their backs to the wall, personally, I thought that was poorly done and not Game of Thrones like at all. 

Arya coming out of nowhere and killing the Night King was a bit meh as well (the way she did it) not the actual scene. Unless there's more to that scene than we actually know.

Again I'm echoing what others have said but episode 4 seemed a bit rushed as well. It's maybe a show that had at least one more season in it at least, to delve more into the plot lines and character relationships. Game of Thrones has been good at that in the past.

Am I missing something with episode 4 by the way? Couldn't Cersei have just let fire on Tyrion as well there? Or would it have put her at immediate danger with Daenerys and a dragon nearby?

Overall I'm enjoying it but yeah perhaps certain scenes could have been done a lot better. As well as more time being given to the series as a whole.

Edited by carefreeluke
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I have to counter argument the "why didn't she just kill Tyrion" argument. I think the logic is that it's a major taboo in Westeros to kill someone in cold blood during negotiations, which is different than the Bronn murder angle because it's not public and Cersei has plausible deniability if some sellsword assassinates Tyrion halfway across the world from her.

However, if the logic was consistent then I'm pretty sure blowing up the Sept, including the High Septon and the actual Queen, and taking the throne from her dead children when she had literally no claim to do so, would have carried consequences for Cersei.

When Daenerys cancelled the fighting pits in Meereen she faced a huge civil war even though she has dragons and an army of Unsullied. Cersei does something worse (exploding the Sept and half of the city) and doesn't even have dragons to scare people into not starting their own Kings Landing version of Sons of the Harpy. She faced the Sparrows as a backlash against too much war, then faces nothing when she blows them up? If this happened in GRRM's books or in the early seasons, the Sept explosion and Cersei taking the throne would have led to an entire plotline where she faced consequences for her actions and probably gets overthrown before Dany even lands in Westeros.

Now I think about it it is actually crazy how Cersei is just allowed to rule in Kings Landing with no backlash for her ruthless approach, and her killing Tyrion in cold blood would have been in keeping with her recent decisions, and her getting away with it for no reason would have been in keeping with the loss of the 'actions have consequences' theme that made Game of Thrones what it is since they passed the book material.

Dammit HBO.

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7 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

I have to counter argument the "why didn't she just kill Tyrion" argument. I think the logic is that it's a major taboo in Westeros to kill someone in cold blood during negotiations, which is different than the Bronn murder angle because it's not public and Cersei has plausible deniability if some sellsword assassinates Tyrion halfway across the world from her.

However, if the logic was consistent then I'm pretty sure blowing up the Sept, including the High Septon and the actual Queen, and taking the throne from her dead children when she had literally no claim to do so, would have carried consequences for Cersei.

When Daenerys cancelled the fighting pits in Meereen she faced a huge civil war even though she has dragons and an army of Unsullied. Cersei does something worse (exploding the Sept and half of the city) and doesn't even have dragons to scare people into not starting their own Kings Landing version of Sons of the Harpy. She faced the Sparrows as a backlash against too much war, then faces nothing when she blows them up? If this happened in GRRM's books or in the early seasons, the Sept explosion and Cersei taking the throne would have led to an entire plotline where she faced consequences for her actions and probably gets overthrown before Dany even lands in Westeros.

Now I think about it it is actually crazy how Cersei is just allowed to rule in Kings Landing with no backlash for her ruthless approach, and her killing Tyrion in cold blood would have been in keeping with her recent decisions, and her getting away with it for no reason would have been in keeping with the loss of the 'actions have consequences' theme that made Game of Thrones what it is since they passed the book material.

Dammit HBO.


If it was taboo, I don't think you'd've seen the archers prepare to fire without her instructing it.

I just don't think she wants to kill him. This isn't the first opportunity to do so she hasn't taken; either because he's family, or because 'just' killing him wouldn't be enough for her (look at her sadistic revenge on the Dornish). Obviously for this to be true, you have to disregard the Bronn scene. Two possibilities for me: 1) He's lying to try and bargain with them, which has worked like a charm 2) It's shocking writing and they wanted to shoehorn in a scene with Bronn switching sides

And I think the lack of backlash against Cersei makes sense if you rationalise it as they're all scared stiff of her. That's why I think it's a terrible idea for them to blockade the city. Their positive PR of "We're here to save you from your evil overlords" becomes "We're here to stop food and basic supplies getting to you". For reference, see the American blockade of Cuba

Edited by Burning Gold
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Have to agree with the complaints of episode 3: after the dust settled and making a rational review, it was poor. 

Jon got absolutely robbed, of what should have been his moment with the Night King.

And, for that only, fuck you HBO.


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The latest episode is down at 6.9 on IMDB. I thought it wasn't that bad, I think a lot of those poor scores are from people who gave them a bit of a free pass on the poor writing in Episode 3 because of the action and the expectation that more would be explained. Now Episode 4 is getting hammered for double the bad writing because there was no payoff and half of the stuff that happened in Episode 3, as we feared, basically didn't matter.

The lowest score of any episode before is 8.1 for Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken, to put into context what a backlash it is for Game of Thrones to get a 6.9 on IMDB. That was the episode with the god awful Sand Snakes vs Bronn and Jaime fight scene and the controversial Ramsay-Sansa scene on their wedding night.

This isn't just a few butthurt book nerds upset about nit picking. They genuinely might end up having dropped the ball here in the last season which would be a huge shame after the quality of the show for so many years. Next week's probable huge battle will probably save them for that episode but if they fuck up the intricacies of the final few resolutions and it feels as unsatisfying as some of the last couple of episodes worth of stuff, it will be interesting to see the impact on the show's legacy. It's sad to see friends of mine that have been addicted to this show in the past be completely lacking in enthusiasm when you talk about it now and basically starting to feel like they're only carrying on watching because they want to see how it ends.

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42 minutes ago, RandoEFC said:

The latest episode is down at 6.9 on IMDB. I thought it wasn't that bad, I think a lot of those poor scores are from people who gave them a bit of a free pass on the poor writing in Episode 3 because of the action and the expectation that more would be explained. Now Episode 4 is getting hammered for double the bad writing because there was no payoff and half of the stuff that happened in Episode 3, as we feared, basically didn't matter.

The lowest score of any episode before is 8.1 for Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken, to put into context what a backlash it is for Game of Thrones to get a 6.9 on IMDB. That was the episode with the god awful Sand Snakes vs Bronn and Jaime fight scene and the controversial Ramsay-Sansa scene on their wedding night.

This isn't just a few butthurt book nerds upset about nit picking. They genuinely might end up having dropped the ball here in the last season which would be a huge shame after the quality of the show for so many years. Next week's probable huge battle will probably save them for that episode but if they fuck up the intricacies of the final few resolutions and it feels as unsatisfying as some of the last couple of episodes worth of stuff, it will be interesting to see the impact on the show's legacy. It's sad to see friends of mine that have been addicted to this show in the past be completely lacking in enthusiasm when you talk about it now and basically starting to feel like they're only carrying on watching because they want to see how it ends.

I think it was a mistake for HBO to only give it 6 episodes (was that a decision by the GOT production team though, either way... bad decision). The story was so good precisely because of the way it told complex plots in a really gripping way because of how well it was written. Now, unfortunately, after the last two episodes I think things will be a bit rushed. Which is a disappointing way to end it.

I still liked episode 3 & I'm sure I'll like the final conclusion. But I guess I'll always wonder if the show was given the send off it deserves, because I think it deserved more time - rather than less - to properly conclude.

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The more I think about these episodes, the more I dislike this season. They have dropped the ball completely, but they had their hands tied by HBO stupidly ordering a short season. If it was 13 episodes, I think the quality would have been on par with the rest of the show. What a cock up. Next week there will be a big battle, so basically we have one episode to tie up numerous stories. Great. 

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Hahahahaha what a fucking car crash so far. Fuck me. Does anyone watch the post episode walkthroughs? 'Yeah Danarys forgets that she's at war with Cerci and that the Iron fleet exists so that's how they catch her by surprise and kill her dragon'


Fuck me. Episode 3 was utter fucking gash as well from what little we could actually see. 

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8 hours ago, Cicero said:

Didn’t think it was bad at all. Enjoyed the season so far. 

Two things I'm getting from this...

1. The Group think mentality of the internet is powerful

2. How many issues you can find with something when you flip that switch to start looking for things that are wrong.


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10 hours ago, Harry said:

Two things I'm getting from this...

1. The Group think mentality of the internet is powerful

2. How many issues you can find with something when you flip that switch to start looking for things that are wrong.


Or, ORRRRRRR the writing this season has been poor and everything has been rushed to fuck and awkward. 

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