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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

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On 26/07/2021 at 13:17, internationalsfan said:

Water deaths in this recent heatwave seem incredibly high at 40 deaths in July as of yesterday and more today sadly, an unintended but entirely foreseeable consequence of closing swimming pools during Covid given the younger age of many of these


Or just drunks

I think a weekend or two ago in Scotland we had 6 deaths in a single weekend, which is horrendous.

Partly I think it's young people having a drink in parks, and underestimating the danger of "small" bodies of water - ponds, streams etc. 

But more generally in Scotland you have a lot of people who live in urban areas, who don't swim much and who certainly don't swim much in natural waters. But when the weather is this good, they want to go swimming in the lochs and go climbing around rock pools.

They don't realise how deep the water can get, how much there is under the water to get stuck/caught in, and how much danger cold shock can put you in. 

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37 minutes ago, Inverted said:

I think a weekend or two ago in Scotland we had 6 deaths in a single weekend, which is horrendous.

Partly I think it's young people having a drink in parks, and underestimating the danger of "small" bodies of water - ponds, streams etc. 

But more generally in Scotland you have a lot of people who live in urban areas, who don't swim much and who certainly don't swim much in natural waters. But when the weather is this good, they want to go swimming in the lochs and go climbing around rock pools.

They don't realise how deep the water can get, how much there is under the water to get stuck/caught in, and how much danger cold shock can put you in. 

It's mostly been people jumping into canals which usually have a strong current in the middle where the water looks completely still on the surface.

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Controlling your breathing is so important, obviously this is a lot more controlled but I remember I went swimming in this river in New Zealand. Fed by a glacier, crystal clear, looked beautiful. Was genuinely freezing cold. Barely anyone could stay in it for too long.

Then this woman who I think was a local just casually swam through it to the other side, just seeing how calm she was you picked up on how in control of her breathing she would have been. I spent about a minute just focusing on my breathing, calmly, got in, legs froze, heartbeat tries to raise, carried on breathing slowly and just focusing on my airways and eventually what felt like frostbite turned into a really nice swim.

Cold water swimming is a skill that you need to master, clearly I wasn't swimming I was floating in water that I could stand up in, so wasn't in any sort of trouble and could just get out if I wanted....and clearly at some point if the water is too cold you will just freeze to death regardless of your breathing...but learning how to stay calm in cold water and learning how to swim in waters with a current/riptide is more important than constantly swimming in a pool

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Mask guidance here has recently changed - after a little more than a month of being told "if you're vaccinated you don't need to wear a mask" we're now being told we should be wearing masks when indoors again, vaccinated or not.

Tbf, I think I hadn't seen a mask around anywhere for a month and statistically it's unlikely that everyone I was seeing outside was actually fully vaccinated (and that's a problem with relying on the "honour system" with matters of public health tbh)... but now that the delta seems to be spreading rapidly and vaccinated people are a powerful transmission vehicle (because most vaccinated people either show no symptoms or very mild symptoms).

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Authorities in the Chinese city of Wuhan will begin testing its entire population, after a handful of positive coronavirus cases were detected there.

Wuhan has recorded seven locally transmitted cases - the first local infections in more than a year.

The city of 11 million people shot into the spotlight after the coronavirus was first detected there in 2019.

China is currently seeing one of its biggest outbreaks in months, with 300 cases detected in 10 days.

Some 15 provinces across the country have been affected, which has led to the government rolling out mass testing measures and lockdown restrictions.

Authorities have attributed the spread of the virus to the highly contagious Delta variant and the domestic tourism season.

The announcement in Wuhan came as China reported 90 new virus cases on Tuesday.

The National Health Commission said 61 of these were locally transmitted - compared with 55 local cases a day earlier.




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Just an update and thanks for all the well wishes. I did a lateral flow test when I started not to feel too good over a week ago. When the results turned out to be positive I was told to take a PCR test by the NHS to confirm that I was positive. Indeed after I took the PCR test, I tested positive. I had real difficulty breathing when I moved about too much and I also had a cough. I was told to self-isolate until the 5th of August by the NHS. Luckily I am feeling much better now. I am not getting out of breath anymore when I move about and I am hardly coughing. I guess my immune system has really battled hard over the past week to get me better. It was the unknown that was the most worrying part initially. As I was just told to self isolate, without any other advice as to what I could expect. I'll be getting the vaccine on the 6th of August, as I don't want a recurrence of this. I have to say that I am relieved that I am feeling much better now. 

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5 minutes ago, Michael said:

Just an update and thanks for all the well wishes. I did a lateral flow test when I started not to feel too good over a week ago. When the results turned out to be positive I was told to take a PCR test by the NHS to confirm that I was positive. Indeed after I took the PCR test, I tested positive. I had real difficulty breathing when I moved about too much and I also had a cough. I was told to self-isolate until the 5th of August by the NHS. Luckily I am feeling much better now. I am not getting out of breath anymore when I move about and I am hardly coughing. I guess my immune system has really battled hard over the past week to get me better. It was the unknown that was the most worrying part initially. As I was just told to self isolate, without any other advice as to what I could expect. I'll be getting the vaccine on the 6th of August, as I don't want a recurrence of this. I have to say that I am relieved that I am feeling much better now. 

Relieved as well and glad to hear you're getting better. I'd be careful of the effects of long-COVID though. Especially if you were to undertake any kind of activity.

Have you taken another test to make sure you're not still risking transmission to others?

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16 minutes ago, Stan said:

Relieved as well and glad to hear you're getting better. I'd be careful of the effects of long-COVID though. Especially if you were to undertake any kind of activity.

Have you taken another test to make sure you're not still risking transmission to others?

The test won't show that. 

It's possible to test positive for Covid weeks or even months after recovery. In general, as long as you have no more symptoms, it's safe to be around people 10-14 days after the first onset of symptoms, as you're not likely to be contagious at that point.

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15 hours ago, Michael said:

Just an update and thanks for all the well wishes. I did a lateral flow test when I started not to feel too good over a week ago. When the results turned out to be positive I was told to take a PCR test by the NHS to confirm that I was positive. Indeed after I took the PCR test, I tested positive. I had real difficulty breathing when I moved about too much and I also had a cough. I was told to self-isolate until the 5th of August by the NHS. Luckily I am feeling much better now. I am not getting out of breath anymore when I move about and I am hardly coughing. I guess my immune system has really battled hard over the past week to get me better. It was the unknown that was the most worrying part initially. As I was just told to self isolate, without any other advice as to what I could expect. I'll be getting the vaccine on the 6th of August, as I don't want a recurrence of this. I have to say that I am relieved that I am feeling much better now. 

Glad to hear you feel better mate! :)


Got my 2nd jab yesterday. No side effects so far again. :banana:

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Scotland is ditching close to all restrictions by the end of the month. 

Im still waiting on second dose but I’m not personally very bothered about the health aspect anymore. I’m pretty sure I’ve had mild COVID, and I don’t have any very elderly relatives I’m concerned about passing it to. 

Still, I wear my mask in public out of respect for others and I try to avoid unnecessary close exposure where possible.

My attitude has basically boiled down to “I’ll follow guidance fairly closely, but I no longer care enough to worry about other people breaking it”.

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Ebola and Marburg viruses, while obviously devastating and unfortunate for those affected in local outbreaks, are not really a huge worry for large-scale global outbreaks, simply because they are too deadly to spread effectively, and also require direct contact with bodily fluids of the infected instead of spreading through air.

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Anyone hear about this? https://www.businessinsider.com/9000-people-germany-vaccinations-nurse-swapped-vaccines-for-saline-2021-8?amp&utm_source=reddit.com

German nurse decided to swap out vaccines with saline water - and now shitloads of people need to be revaccinated.

Giving these people a placebo vaccine should be considered criminal and I hope they throw the book at her. All of the affected people are older than 70, so a particularly vulnerable population of people to be denying the vaccine to when they think they're getting vaccinated.

Truly sociopathic behavior, though.

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12 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

Anyone hear about this? https://www.businessinsider.com/9000-people-germany-vaccinations-nurse-swapped-vaccines-for-saline-2021-8?amp&utm_source=reddit.com

German nurse decided to swap out vaccines with saline water - and now shitloads of people need to be revaccinated.

Giving these people a placebo vaccine should be considered criminal and I hope they throw the book at her. All of the affected people are older than 70, so a particularly vulnerable population of people to be denying the vaccine to when they think they're getting vaccinated.

Truly sociopathic behavior, though.

Disgusting. Agree she needs to be punished.

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16 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

Anyone hear about this? https://www.businessinsider.com/9000-people-germany-vaccinations-nurse-swapped-vaccines-for-saline-2021-8?amp&utm_source=reddit.com

German nurse decided to swap out vaccines with saline water - and now shitloads of people need to be revaccinated.

Giving these people a placebo vaccine should be considered criminal and I hope they throw the book at her. All of the affected people are older than 70, so a particularly vulnerable population of people to be denying the vaccine to when they think they're getting vaccinated.

Truly sociopathic behavior, though.

This is the continuation of the story from April (I think), when a nurse admitted to have swapped six jabs with saline water, as she said she accidentally dropped the vaccine vial and didn't want anyone to find out. Now the police are saying that they are not sure if that's the case - it is possible that those 6 cases were the only ones, but they also do not dismiss the possibility of more jabs being manipulated by her, so around 8500 people who received their vaccinations during that period of time have been offered a new jab as a precaution.

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