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On 28/06/2020 at 23:43, Stan said:

What are the new rules? 

Sounds shit and I don't envy you at all in this position. They sound like horrible people to be around and live with. 

To be honest I haven’t been told any. My dad is talking to me but my mother is being her usual snappy and condescending self.

On 29/06/2020 at 00:26, nudge said:

Sounds awful, mate... Seriously, just get out of there as soon as you can, for your own sake. Even if it's just a tiny room in a shared flat. It's sad that it has to be like that, but you'll be better off long-term. So sorry that you have to go through this.

I’ve actually sat down and made myself a plan. I reckon, if I make some big sacrifices, I could have a few thousand saved after paying for and completing my Masters. After that I should have something lined up and, instead of getting my first car like all of my mates did, I’ll be moving out. It’s a shame but in that way I’m less fortunate. Meanwhile, my sisters are promised they’ll get a wad of money from the late grandad’s will to ‘spend on whatever they like’. Me? Not even a penny. Story of my life with them.

On 29/06/2020 at 09:25, Bluewolf said:

Strange situation you have here... I never got on well with my Mum and it was always hard going but my Father was always there to keep things on an even keel, my sisters could do no wrong and I always seemed to get the brunt of her anger or frustration and when my parents finally got divorced he took me with him and the girls stayed with my mother... At the time it seemed unreasonable but looking back I am sure my scallywag ways and coming in at all hours probably used to wind her right up so ask yourself if there is anything you might be doing that might be adding to this friction?? Having said that this was when I was 16/17 by the time I was your age I already had a little one and our own flat... 

I appreciate the situation must be getting you down, I don't think I have ever known a time where getting yourself your own space/property has ever been harder for the younger generation than it is now but it can be done if you are prepared to make some sacrifices for comfort in the beginning... Getting some space to yourself will help clear your head and give you time to think because being in a war zone battling all the time will be no good for your mental health in the long run... 

Rent wise I always paid my way but my parents encouraged me to save for a rainy day and were happy with what I gave them rather than demanding a set amount  each week so every time I got a pay rise while living at home I would pay a little more but I could have gone 2 months without paying a penny and they wouldn't have batted an eye about it.. They were good like that and if I was saving up for something they would take less... As @nudge says they should be supporting you not the other way around... 

I am lucky that I earn enough to cover all the bills even if no-one else in the house was earning anything so I don't see that paying rent is the be all and end all but we do make them pay bills/rent simply because life is not a free ride and they need to learn to budget/save and prioritise... We tell them it goes towards the food/council tax/gas & electric etc but in reality it goes back to them when they really need it.. 

Working towards finding your own space seems to be the priority at the moment... Try and keep the peace until then and put all your energy into that

Luckily I’m one of these fierce independent types and always make things work for me and then some. My savings went to them in the form of ‘rent’ - the remainder will pay for my Masters degree. I’ll have finished saving for that tomorrow as one of my best mates owes me that money for a multitude of favours and small lends. I’ve set myself a new savings plan up to start tomorrow, starting with a poxy £5-odd as that’s all I have for now. Keeping track of everything that comes in and goes out, I’ll be monitoring every little fold. By my 22nd birthday next June I should be well on the way to leaving them in the dust. I won’t likely come back unless I have to. At the end of the day I can relocate and do my PhD in History and the world will become my oyster. It should be good. Fingers crossed mate!

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Twitter and even Whatsapp has been such a rough read. These people trying to find racial undertones in everything and Peru going to be the "next Venezuela" apparently, when I've been hearing that since I was born. I apologize if I've been in a bad mood lately but a lot of opinions are really getting on my gears.

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17 minutes ago, Carnivore Chris said:

This one always gets me. The palms of my hands sweat watching that and my toes tingle.



Imagine the photos you could take from up there though... :x

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8 hours ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

After a mate suggested a small tournament, I've been getting back into playing poker a little in the last couple of weeks. 

Any poker players on here (I saw Lucas was one a while back but haven't read many threads in the pub area)? 


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